Saving Eri
Izuya was surprised that Monoma wanted to help her with the meat making her to glare at Bakugou who bolts making her to have a Clone to chase him who doesn't have a big belly really. Kirishima and Mina were both laughing at their boyfriend really.
Monoma chuckles as Izuya is still figuring out that Quirk and All Might wasn't going to be helping him out of this as Nezu let's the clone chase him at Gym Zeta fully making Bakugou to freak as it had fun with him making Izuya to gain the memories after it fused back to her really.
She took a nap to sort out the new memories making her to chuckle as everyone else has a video of it making them to laugh as that was soo funny making him to groan about the mean sister and the two mean lovers making them to lose it even more really.
Monoma just chuckles as Bakugou got pranked it sounds like making him to glare at him for that very sentment making him to shrug his shoulders really. Aizawa was fully doing better, but he can't go even near Izuya still making Monoma to think a TA for him.
Izuya noticed after some research that Feline pregnancies is about fifty-eight to sixty-seven days or sometime seventy-two days. She ain't going for the egg check unless she is going to be stuck in bird form really. Monoma agrees as he trains to turn his arms into wings.
He can even turn his feet into bird ones making him to be surprised his colors is black with some white tips and there is purple as well making him to be surprised as he also saw blond one inch specks all over his feathers. Izuya's is fully golden colors really.
She was seven weeks long and that means she is fully forty-eight days long making her to look like she is either six or seven months pregnant really making her to hate it as she is fully wearing a new dress making Monoma to blush as he looks like a tomato really.
Izuya blushes since Momo made it for her making him to nod as Tooru had made the flower crown for her while Mina did her hair making her to look like a Flower Goddess which made her look beautiful making poor Izuya to blush and hides behind All Might with Monoma.
"Let's leave them alone now! Class is in session and Class 1-B is fully joining today!" It has been two weeks since Bakugou has been chased by her clone making him to groan as Izuya would have to have Bakugou see his new home once her babies are born.
She already has Monoma seeing her own making him to be fully impress with it really and the agency that he can use while she goes underground really. Izuya agrees with it really as both didn't notice All Might has them as partners for today.
After that, it was time for the Work Internships as a third year and two second years known as The Big 3 were going to be fully answering their questions making All Might to introduce them to both classes really cause of Izuya being marked 'Feline Phoenix Princess' of Class 1-A.
Monoma was marked as 'Phantom Prince' cause of this and no one was going to stop it really making Nezu to agree as this is amazing as he was happy both classes are getting along and Aizawa has the assistant to help him out more really.
"Alright, classes! We have Togata Mirio, third year and interning with Sir Nighteye! We have Hado Nejire, second year and interning with Ryukyu! And finally! We've our very own Amajiki Tamaki, second year and interning with Fat Gum!" All Might said as the three bows.
Izuya was confused to the third one as if he was scared or have low self-esteem making her to have a book on meditation for him making him to see the book and accept it as it might help him out really. Bakugou, Kirishima and Mina were going with All Might.
Them being pregnant is a major risk and All Might will make sure it's bandits and low thugs to get use to public really. All three had accepted and Nezu would watch the security cameras to see how their doing which no one will know really.
Both Izuya and Monoma will fully be together to calm Monoma's instincts towards his mate down really. All Might asked Mirio to introduce them to Sir Nighteye for him really. Todoroki is with art teacher Midnight who helps him know the ropes properly really.
Momo went with him as Midnight might help get her self-esteem more up really which she agrees to really while Mirio agrees to fully introduce the two to Sir Nighteye. Izuya shivers when she saw Sir tormenting a sick-kick with a large tickle machine.
Monoma got in front as that's not going to happen to Izuya really as Sir Nighteye saw the new faces... Well... The new face cause Izuya has her hood up really making him to walk towards them and Monoma went hybrid fast on Sir Nighteye shocking him.
"Hmmm. Not bad of a trick. Hawks can't do that with his own wings really. Your's must be much more stronger than his own really. Hm? A Cat Quirk? I can see her of use to get information for me. You a bird eye view of sorting areas really from the sky.
Add a mask, hat plus a cane and it'll work while with your costume you have." Monoma nods as Sir was serious about it and Izuya didn't let him see her belly as it would be bad if he knew really, but he did see it and saw the way the boy is to her really.
'I see. At least he gave a ring of promise for the future and is fully taking responsibility for his own actions.' He doesn't know the full picture, but no one was going to tell him really. Both passed as it was to either make him laugh or fight him.
"Sir?" Mirio was confused.
"The actions of the boy is want made me pass them both cause they work as a team really more so. I can use that for our case really." Sir explains and they don't mind helping if they can join the fight as well, too which Sir agrees to.
Mirio went with them both before Izuya bumps into a child making her to use her tail to catch the child fast. The tail went behind the head, loops, goes behind the upper back, loops, goes behind the lower back, loops and goes beneath the bum, loops and then behind the upper part of the legs.
"Are you alright, little one? You're not injured, are you?" Izuya asked as she lifts her up making her to shake her head as a man shows up making the child to shiver even more making Izuya to blame her new maternal instincts towards children really.
"Sir, who are you?" Mirio was shocked that Izuya is pregnant and he noticed the man saw as well, too as he answers her really.
"My name is Chisaki Kai." Mirio managed to keep him from getting any intel as the child is now close to Izuya's chest to calm down as Izuya gently rubs her head which was making her to calm down a bit really.
"Sir, your daughter is shaking and seems to be scared of something." Izuya said as she needs to know if he did it or not.
"Ah, I just scold her really." He felt the glare and shivers himself.
"No scolding would cause this amount of shaking. You're lying. With you being a criminal, I'm thinking your a pedophilia fully chasing after a female child to do adult stuff with them, sir." Chisaki went wide eyed in disbelief as he thinks mentally.
'She's not fully wrong really there actually. Damnna it all!' Chisaki managed to make it look like he's her fostered father since her own grandfather is in a coma really, but she didn't believe it at all even if it was true, he wouldn't cause this amount of fear in just a small simple child really.
"Even if that's true, sir... The very amount of fear towards you just from a simple scolding shouldn't be possible at all. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take the little one from you and have you be placed under audition before you get her back." He can't attack cause of her being pregnant.
Izuya walks away with the child and when he went for a secret attack, the blond brat stops it and he COPIED it making him to not noticed the second blond making him to glare as he had went full PHOENIX onto him.
"Big mistake." Mirio said before he went to them and then he lost it making him to get the child away and left making Izuya to swear up a storm
"I know better than to ask, but what happened?"
"A asshole named CHISAKI KAI was CHASING a female CHILD and she was SCARED of him really! He even ATTACKED to get her FROM ME! He even did it AGAIN and he took off WITH HER! If I fucking find him, I don't fucking CARE if I lose my Hero licenses, he's fucking died!"
"Bubble Girl, please lead her to THAT room to work her anger out in a healthy way, please. You two are coming to my office to explain properly what had happened." They nodded and Izuya was out cold after that really making Sir to wonder why she was acting like that in the first place.
Mirio didn't come clean cause of Monoma who explained what Sir would have done to the children if he knew about them cause of her age only making him then to fully understand why, not to mention the Zulu Clan with her as Heiress.
Mirio can agree with that cause heiress or not, Sir would claim her unfit as a mother at her age really. All Might agreed with Monoma's decision to Sir knowing about the babies as Recovery Girl did a long ultrasound and x-rays to just make sure of things really.
Izuya is pregnant with a liter of about sixteen kittens making her to think Aizawa did it twice every night during her heat which fully actually lasted a week and five days max as her true natural heat cycle once every four months max really.
Monoma can handle it since she is having kittens might mellow her out until they are older like three or four max which is true for her really. Bakugou, Kirishima and Mina are fully married and have the same last names as Bakugou with their own still.
Izuya figures they didn't want them to be bastards making it to be fair and logical really. Once she found out that Zelretch is the name of that trolling fang-face from Fate/Stay Night and other shows within the timeline, she legitimately punched him in the face... Very harshly.
"Ouch!" She letchered him good and hard making him to shiver as he didn't know she was Arcueid Brunestud reincarnated with three other lives making him to shiver as she managed to get the name for that one and make it a Noble Clan like the Zulu Clan is.
She even added him to it as her grandpa since she never seen her's from either side in this timeline and think died. End of discussion. He didn't argue as he likes this place, but prefers home really making him to make a portal to allow him to travel better really.
He even agreed to help save the child that Chisaki kidnapped as she's related to Caster when Rin Tohsaka summoned an older version of Shiro Emiya with white hair, brown skin and was an adult making Izuya to make sure to save her really.
Sir called a meeting and when Sir explains about the kidnapping and the fact Izuya had almost got her away was met with outrage noises making her to fold her cat ears in making Monoma to glare and shot fire balls at them making them all to duck as he looks pissed.
"Right... Don't piss off the kid who can throw THOSE around really!" Fatgum said as he knows Phantom Phoenix Quirk allows the user to throw fire balls made from black fire with purple centers really with the outline of the fire being white really.
Sir told the plan and Monoma was spying by air and he was in small form making him to check the household and managed to get more samples of those bullets with the address as the house was empty meaning underground really and below the very house.
Izuya was pleased she can fight now as she gave birth thirty days later with a week to rest from it all as Monoma was there and noticed some have Aizawa's looks, but he doesn't care as he'll be a good role model for them really as Izuya can handle this really.
The child she can also be raise as she has Kota's full-custody since Mandalay is in medical comatose until she is fully recovered from an villain attack making Kota to cling onto her really which she has no real problem with it really though did put down some stuff.
If she's eighteen and she doesn't wake up by then, she's going to be fully adopting and not just doing the whole foster-caring thing with Kota really. They agreed as Kota looks much more happy with her really while Monoma keeps coping and teaching him how to use it better.
The patterned was boy, girl, boy, girl really for Izuya while Mina was having a boy from Kirishima and a girl from Bakugou while Kirishima was having triplets from Mina and quards from Bakugou who was having two sets of triplets from both Kirishima and Mina.
Izuya saw the female child as her own fast making Sir to allow her to do the retrieval of the child which Monoma will be with her to help out. Both sneaked in and they waited as Monoma found a secret path into the place making them to use it and they saw the child.
"Shh, we're here to get you out." Izuya removed the nine wires and replaced the bandages before fully looking around for enemies, but the child ran fully into Izuya's own arms who was quick to go down to the ground to catch her fast really.
Monoma noticed the toys still in boxes really making him to take them as well since Izuya can hold onto them really. They got out and they saw Chisaki making Izuya to have the child on her back fast with a piece of cloth to keep her there also, too really.
"Not pregnant anymore meaning you gave birth. Congratulations." Chisaki sounded serious meaning he was waiting for her to fully just give birth to fight her really.
"Why wait to fight me?"
"You interest me. Leave it at that really." Monoma had realized something.
"You made that path for us and then showed up here to face my girl. Why?"
"Like I said. She interested me." Chisaki was getting ready to attack when Sir showed up and punched him in the face.
"Language!" Izuya shouts making Sir to blush as he sees the child.
"Apologizes, but he is a bastard."
"How do we even know that his mother had him out of wedlock? Or are you going for the swear word version?" Izuya said making all three to look at her and then each other.
"She has a point."
"I mean the swear word version."
"Mom and dad were married before they died and I was taken in by the old man who's in a comatose coma really. The child is his grand-daughter." Izuya sighs as she can't take this anymore.
"Right. Phantom Thief, stay out of the fight. Sir, don't interfere with the fight. Chisaki, let's have that fight you wanted." Monoma gulps as she did explain about the Quirk that All Might gave her and he can tell this fights is more involving the child really.
'I'm not going to be hating this at all fully really ever cause Izuya's quirk when it involves a child: ONE FOR ALL: FULL COWL 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000%!' Monoma tackles Sir and he got them out of there as Eri's own Quirk actives somehow and Izuya sent a punch to Chisaki's chin very harshly really.
It's making him to be sent flying into the sky making one of his man to jump up to catch him, but Chisaki fused them together fast making Izuya to feel the damage reversing thanks to the child's Quirk making her to gently rub her head and smiles at her.
"No one is going to hurt you anymore once this man is in jail, little one."
"Eri... My name... It's Eri." Izuya smiles more as Eri is going to be alright as she focuses on Chisaki. She went to punch him, but in the distance behind her, lots of fists showed up and they all just fully slammed into the giant red body making Chisaki to look up and he saw Izuya was there.
He can see a pair of glowing eyes looking down at him with a lot of green lightning behind her as she punches him in the face making the lightning to destroy the red body fully after the many green lightning covered it and Chisaki was knocked out.
"Eri, close your eyes and imagine a light bulb. That light bulb is fully glowing. That's your Quirk fully activated. There's a switch. It's flipped up. Flip it down to turn your Quirk off. Breath and then open your eyes." Izuya said to Eri who did as she was told.
"It doesn't hurt anymore." Eri said while yawning making Izuya to chuckle.
"Don't worry. No one is ever going to hurt you ever again, my little one." Eri smiles and she snuggles closer to Izuya's back as she went to sleep dreaming of a open field and she's playing with lots of children with two adults there and a boy the same age as her.
Izuya has figured the dream and she didn't mind as she turns to Sir who was shaking as he never seen anything like it and was scared of her now. Monoma wasn't and he walks up to her before stealing a kiss on the lips making her to hide her red face in his chest.
"Heh heh. Let's go home." Izuya was still blushing as she knows what he means as Bakugou, Mina and Kirishima saw her gift for Bakugou making him to be very shocked and his new home really making him to wonder how she had even managed to keep it a secret for so long really.
Monoma doesn't mind the small place as the Wednesdays and the weekends is a good day to live there really. All Might was pleased as Izuya has Eri in her full-custody really making Eri to have a good life now as Sir explains the fight between both Izuya and Chisaki shocking him greatly.
'Where the heck did the green lightning come from then?!'
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