New information
Izuya woke up very sore and her head was hurting her as she slowly moves as her body was sore as well, too making her to notice a couple of extras in the house who were Ochaco, Tenya, Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Mina Ashido, Kirishima, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage and Tsuyu Asui.
Bakugou was in the bed making her to feel the warmth coming from him as she groans making Kirishima to wake up and shout her name as everyone wakes up to her holding her head making Todoroki to hand over some meds after showing Bakugou and a glass of water.
"Drink slowly, sis." Izuya nods and took the meds as they were made by her Quirk when they moved into their home really. Izuya took two weeks off school to recovery, but Recovery Girls wants to the check-up right now making Bakugou to tell her to fuck off.
"Sis can't fucking move cause her head is fucking hurting her and you want to fucking move her!? Fuck no!" He then walks out as he saw she has a pride and he has a clutch making him to wonder how it happened, but he didn't stop it.
Izuya was brought to Recovery Girl for a quick check up once her head had stopped hurting her as Todoroki was welcomed back into the classroom as long as he uses his other side of his Quirk really. Izuya kept those weird glasses on as she needs it and badly, too as this is going to be very dangerous if she fully doesn't have them.
From her life as 【GODDESS OF THE COLD】Kanami (Living Deity / Ice Blood True Vampire Transcendent):
(AN: The top one is the front view and the bottom one is the back view of Kanami as the 【GODDESS OF THE COLD】Kanami really. Sorry if the front view one is small really. It was the thumbprint really for and couldn't get it bigger really)
God of Ice Field's Divine Protection: allows her to use ice magic. She can even apply it to her weapons like her sword or even Failnaught, causing them to freeze whatever they hit.
God of the Underworld's Divine Protection
In a reality where the demi-human '8 Oni Generals' became gods, Kanami influenced the entire world with 【Fascination】. Her transformation into godhood refined her beauty. It was easy for her to retain more creatures as followers. Dealing with those who challenged her or her pets was like taking candy from a baby. Hostile realms face a frigid fate. What will happen when the whole world is chilled and charmed?
Kanami ● Ice Blood True Vampire / Transcendent Variant
After undergoing an existence evolution, Kanami trained diligently. She was strict with herself and aimed to increase her magic powers and gain the companionship of the divine Hyouketsutenrou - the Ice Blood Celestial Wolf. She was surprised when the canine treated her like a normal friend. She in turn grew close to the wolf and they went off to conquer several realms as partners.
Failnaught - an Ancient Class Artifact elven bow that generates magic arrows. It's guaranteed to hit whatever it is aimed at provided the shot is not blocked.
A blue and white dress made with dark magic and bound together with steel like thread
A small pair of glasses that seal her eyes' bewitching ability
An enchanted claymore called the [Drop of Moonlight] - the sword looks like a piece of artwork made with ice crystals.
A bracelet that has the storage ability - the magic bracelet can hold 12 types of items and it is possible to stack 20 of the same type of item.
Water Phantom Sword: Octorp - a weapon with a strong paralyzing ability and whose blade is made of ~10 jellyfish tentacles. The tentacles can regenerate and their movement can be freely controlled by the wielder and can be shaped into various forms such as a sword or a whip. [Note: name also translated as "Vesper's Strange Blade: Octorp"]
Kanami also has two Exoskeletons to use making her to have two fighting forms to use in combat making Izuya to wonder what they look like and somehow he drew what they looked like to go with the file really. Izuya wonders if she'll be normal now really.
(AN: This is Kanami【Pale Shell Exoskeleton】)
(AN: This is Kanami【Scarlet Shell Exoskeleton】)
Ice Blood True Vampire (Superior Species): A race genetically close to the first vampires, they are the quintessence of elegance. With their flawless white skin, cherry lips, soft and well proportioned body and immaculate long hair, they can fascinate onlookers without using bewitching eyes or charm.
Like a fountain of life, it's magical power [Charm], attracts all living beings within range. Their every movement fascinates the eyes, and even while knowing why, it is still impossible to glance away. Anyone, regardless of gender, when they see them will undoubtedly try to attack (and will immediately be sliced).
(AN: Can't fine a description for Kanami's transcendent form. Sorry)
IMPERIAL CROWN OF THE CRESCENT MOON . Phantasmal: A crown that was modeled on a crescent moon. It absorbs the moonlight to amplify her sacred and mystical powers.
BASIC: Element Fire: +15, Element Water: +15, Element Dark: +15, HP: +225, ATK: +180, DEF: +100, MAG: +100, DEX: +100
ADD: Element Fire: +30, Element Water: +25, Element Dark: +15HP: +225, ATK: +255, DEF: +175, MAG: +175, DEX: +100
[Eyes of Bewitchment]: allow her to take control of those that look in her eyes.
[Bloodsucking Control]: allowed her to dominate her weaker opponents by sucking their blood.
[Intermadiate Summoning: Guardian Beast]
[Intermediate Generation: Undead]: allows her to summon undead. (example: purple ghosts)
[God of the Underworld], this race members gain the ability to summon Ice Blood Familiars (Wolves, Hydras, etc)
Izuya is still trying to get use to the tattoos she got from that past life really as she doesn't know how to handle it really making her to have Bakugou draw them really for her to go with this really. From her life as Arcueid, the White Princess of the True Ancestors, Golden Princess and Moon Princess:
(AN: I choose this one over the other three pictures from the wikia page on her really)
Arcueid was developed with the purpose of becoming the strongest True Ancestor. While there are different levels of power in the True Ancestor hierarchy, Arcueid as a sublimation on the level of the First True Ancestor, Crimson Moon is beyond all of the other True Ancestors. She is much like a God, a spirit in flesh. She is considered as one of the top 3 strongest characters excluding Servants in the Nasuverse.
Arcueid's most potent weapon is her Marble Phantasm, and she is very capable in close combat. She can move at tremendous speeds, and her physical strength is easily able to overwhelm opponents. She can form her hands into claws like other vampires allowing her to easily shred opponents.
Alongside the normal regeneration granted by her race, she has developed a resistance to most Conceptual Weapons and magecraft like Runes and Kabbalah. She states that she will only be vulnerable to those she has yet to experience which she believes to be limited to the ancient Shinto magecraft of Japan and treasures from South America.
She is hard to kill during the day and she is almost invulnerable at night, her power reaching it's peak during the full moon. During the night, she technically "has no death", so all of her lines and points of death disappear.
It is possible to see them if she is weakened and removing her connection with the planet by killing part of the world around her allows for Shiki to view them clearly even at night. She can regenerate most wounds rapidly.
But her time during Tsukihime leaves her unable to do so while trying to hold back her bloodlust. She can normally even regain her form after being cut into pieces, but the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception leave her unable to regenerate.
She can bypass it by creating an entirely new body, but the act costs eighty percent of her available energy and leaves her close to death unless she returns to her castle to rest. She has Mystic Eyes that enable limited control over others such as the ability to plant suggestions.
The color of her eyes changes to gold when they are active, thus revealing her as possessing the Mystic Eyes of Enchantment. Shall We Play Around Some? is Arcueid's Last Arc. For just a second, it is possible to catch a glimpse of the vampire princess Arcueid's true power.
The phantom that appears behind her back is her original form. It's appearance, abilities and very thoughts could be called the Crimson Moon. The inspiration for this technique comes from Kagetsu Tohya and specifically, where Shiki strayed off into Arcueid's dream and received proper retribution for killing her. Because of that, when this technique is used on Shiki, it hits eighteen times.
Marble Phantasm:
With her Marble Phantasm which can literally change reality to create any naturally occurring effect and summon the Millennium Castle Brunestud, the ancestral home of the True Ancestors. The power of Marble Phantasm is such that even in her extreme weakened state, she was able to turn layers of the atmosphere into vacuum, slicing Roa's latest host body until reducing it to just the ankles.
Without her limiter, she can likely materialize something the size of a small village in the mountains. She cannot do so normally in modern towns built up by the work of many people, so she would have to destroy in order to create anything there. It would require more time, so the Church would have enough time to locate her and start a battle with her. It is very hard to directly help humans utilizing the ability, but it is viable with other creatures.
Arcueid receives backup from the planet as part of the Counter Force. She has the ability to increase her fighting power to one level above those she faces while drawing upon it and it is said to be virtually unlimited.
Overall, the strength available to her as of Tsukihime, thirty percent of her strength, is around that of four Servants. She will very likely win when only faced with one Servant-level opponent in this state, but even with her power, she would still potentially be overwhelmed when faced with two opponents of that level.
Due to an absolute order from her backup, the planet itself, her "output changes according to her opponent", so she is only allowed an output slightly stronger than her opponent like how the Counter Force deals with it's problems.
Against a Servant, the level of output would be approximately that of two Servants. Her ability to deal with single opponents, "single entity ability", is roughly on the same level as Servants, so she has bad compatibility against those like Gilgamesh.
Servants utilize Noble Phantasms while she utilizes her backup, leading to differences depending on affinity. She can be called a "simple-is-best" fighter and an all rounder with high chances in most fights, but doesn't go well with those of high versatility.
Gilgamesh has the "firepower" of over five Servants, but Arcueid is only able to draw strength based on "single entity ability." He has roughly the same statistics as her, but a large amount of weaponry to utilize against her making her have horrible compatibility in such a fight.
It is possible to cut her off from this power by killing the land around her or sealing her off from the world through a powerful Bounded Field that rewrites the world by switching the terrain effect with a different terrain effect or a Reality Marble that overwrites the current world.
While her connection to nature can be interrupted by any such barrier, the ability to actually cut her off from the supply depends on what is being used as energy to hold up the barrier because the overwritten world generally has an even more colossal world seeping up from underneath it to return it to normal.
She complains about White Len cutting off her backup with her dream barrier, but Arcueid could easily get serious, request backup from the planet and blow away White Len along with the entire barrier if she so wished. Some form of alien deploying a Reality Marble may be able to cut her off from her energy source fully completely.
She is the only True Ancestor able to suppress her Vampiric Impulses with pure willpower. As she drank Roa's blood in the past, Ciel states that, no longer how long she holds out, it is inevitable that she will drink it again.
Before Shiki killed her, she was using 70% of her power to suppress her vampiric impulses at the beginning of Tsukihime when she still had a portion of her power stolen by Roa who stored it inside his soul and he always used this portion in order to be reincarnated in other bodies.
But even then, she was more than strong enough to destroy almost any Dead Apostle that got in her way. After Shiki Tohno killed Roa and its 'existence' at the end of Tsukihime, that portion of power stolen by Roa returned to Arcueid's soul and she used it to be able to revive herself.
Believes that she is now using far less of it's powers to suppress her vampiric impulses now as demonstrated in Kagetsu Tohya and Melty Blood Series, more or less about 50% of all her power is used for it now.
Unlike Arcueid, Archetype: Earth has full access to Arcueid's full power and more authority over the planet than she normally possesses. She is called an Ultimate One in this state, taking on her original appearance before losing her hair to her "sister", Altrouge Brunestud and the part of her in control is the subconscious Crimson Moon side of her.
Normally limited to the Millennium Castle in their "dreams", this form is her awakening to experience the human world for the first time in Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code. Ciel believes that Arcueid managed to awaken her Origin, but Archetype denies this, fully declaring that they're intrinsically a single being.
She simply has a very long waking period as the basis of life for her is far too vast compared to the living organisms that live on the surface. Shiki Ryougi recognizes an overwhelming aura flowing from her during their conversation, stating that she cannot see her death, going as far to say that she does not have a death and that she is a monster. She is able to directly affect the entire planet. Ciel mentions the possibility of her melting the ice of the North and South poles or even disrupting the axis of the earth.
Crimson Moon:
Arcueid is one of two possible successors to the original Crimson Moon. The other is her "sister" Altrouge Brunestud, but she is generally considered too "unstable". Arcueid didn't cut her hair on her own, but it was taken away during a battle against Altrouge and until she recovers it, it won't grow back.
At her full power, her form, power and even thinking can be said to be that of Crimson Moon. Her Last Arc in Melty Blood involves the ability used on Shiki in Kagetsu Touya where she gives him payback for killing Arcueid when he stumbles into her dream. It is sure to hit eighteen times when used against Shiki to one up cutting her into seventeen pieces. From her life as Yuki Kuran:
Yuki is a petite and slender girl with shoulder-length chestnut brown hair that has a red/dark brown hue color and big brown eyes that is fringed with red. She wears the trademark black uniform of the Day Class with a white armband carrying the mark of a red rose, signifying her position as a member of the Disciplinary Committee.
Additionally under her skirt, attached to her left thigh, Yuki carries an anti-vampire weapon: the Artemis Rod. She wears different boots: ankle brown boots and dark leather brown boots. Upon her awakening as a Pureblood Princess, it is instantly noticeable that her appearance is strikingly beautiful like her mother and Yuki has also been praised to have the same "kind and tender eyes/gaze" as her father.
Compared to her hairstyle and appearance as a human, Yuki's hair grows to be much longer, which reaches down to the back of her waist as a vampire. Her character development as a vampire is portrayed to be more feminine and more toned down compared to her human side. Yuki's eyes glow red and less brown.
During the time that she had spent living in the Kuran mansion with both Kaname Kuran and Hanabusa Aido, Yuki is seen from time to time to be wearing pajamas or long sleeved dresses that reach above her knees. She was also drawn to wearing high heeled shoes or sometimes barefooted.
Yuki adorns pretty head pieces and accessories such as headbands, berets, pearl necklaces and gloves with ribbons. During important Vampire or Hunter functions, she is dressed in long elegant ballgowns. However, whenever Yuki leaves the Kuran mansion to go to town in secret, she dresses more casually, but is still very neatly and fully dressed.
Yuki continues to use Artemis as her main weapon after it transforms into a scythe. However, Yuki uses Artemis to cut off her long hair, reverting to her old hairstyle to show Kaname that she is upset with his unknown plans and disappointed by his sudden change in character. A thousand years have passed since Kaname threw his heart into the furnace and it was shown that Yuki has grown out her hair again. As a child, Yuki's hair was long, reaching the middle of her back.
Like all Pureblood vampires, Yuki has immortality and the ability to heal from anything excluding anti-vampire weapon wounds to the heart or head. Yuki has demonstrated the following abilities, though most of her abilities are instinctual and uncontrolled:
Telekinesis, breaking windows on the few occasions when she experiences strong emotions.
Ability to fly using a pair of wings on her back made of blood that resemble butterfly wings. This also, as Kaname puts it, the embodiment of her power; it's just like Yuki to have her embodiment take the form of something that craves the sunlight.
Ability to separate and disperse into a swarm of butterflies.
Ability to interfere with memory blocking through physical contact. This includes breaking memory spells on herself.
Ability to wield anti-vampire weapons both as a human and as a vampire and transform the Artemis rod into its scythe form, like her mother did.
Ability to cure hallucinations in other vampires using her blood.
Yuki is capable of telekinesis and wielding the Artemis Rod despite it being an anti-vampire weapon, as demonstrated during the Battle of Cross Academy when she used it to help Zero Kiryu control his power by cutting him in the shoulder, a wound he received when Ichiru Kiryu shot him with the Bloody Rose and severely wounding her uncle, Rido Kuran to the point of collapse.
Yuki's weapon is Artemis throughout the series. Artemis is an anti-vampire weapon given to her by Kaien Cross after she assumes her role as the school's guardian. During her lifetime, Juri Kuran was also able to wield the Artemis just like her daughter.
Artemis' appearance looks like a harmless plain metal rod that can extend longer when force is applied. However, it can hurt any vampire just by a touch. Yuki has used Artemis to pierce Rido Kuran in battle. Other than that, she has never used Artemis to kill or harm other vampires. She has also offered the service to remaining Purebloods to take their life if they no longer wish to live.
Awakened Artemis:
It is seen that Artemis transformed, just like it's wielder. After Yuki was reawakened as a Pureblood vampire, the appearance of Artemis completely changed. Artemis had features of a vampire and looks very much like a vampire itself.
A blade resembling those of a vampire's fang, tearing flesh on the fang (showing it's blood lust), a rod made out of bones and additional touch of bat wing designs on the back. All these features makes Artemis look like the most intimidating weapon out of all the other anti-vampire weapons. Even though Yuki is now a vampire herself, Artemis retains it's ability just like before making it her ultimate weapon against vampires.
History of Artemis:
Artemis was born from a Pureblood, The Hooded Woman, who sacrificed her heart to the furnace to give life to anti-vampire weapons for humanity to fend themselves off from vampires with bad intentions 10,000 years ago.
Artemis and Bloody Rose were originally Kaname Kuran's personal weapons before he gave them to Kaien Cross to be in charge of. They were later passed on to Yuki and Zero respectively when they became the school guardians. Her life as Rias Gremory:
Rias is a beautiful young woman with white skin, blue-green eyes inherited from her father: Zeoticus and a buxom figure. Her body measurements are [B99-W58-H90 cm] [B39-W23-H35 in]. Her body weight is [58 kg] [128 lbs].
Her most distinctive feature is her long, beautiful crimson hair which she also inherited from her father that reaches down to her thighs with a single hair strand (known in Japan as ahoge) sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face.
Rias' height is 172 cm (5 feet 8 inches) making her one of the tallest female characters of the series. Although Rias has worn various types of clothing throughout the series, her most commonly worn outfit is the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform.
The school uniform consists of a white long-sleeved, button-down shirt (short sleeves for spring/summer) with a black ribbon on her shirt collar worn under a black shoulder cape and a matching button-down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents and brown dress shoes over white crew-length socks.
Rias also tends to wear seductive lingerie and thongs, especially when she has a desire to sleep with Hyoudou Issei. On some rare occasions, Rias wears glasses when she's deep in thought as she feels they make her mind work better despite having perfect eyesight.
Demonic Power: Rias has exceptional demonic power even for a High-Class Devil. Azazel has noted that even without training, she has the potential to become a Devil of the highest class relying solely on natural talent alone.
Upon utilizing her demonic power of destruction, the surroundings will gradually shake to where her abilities are comparable to an Ultimate-Class Devil. Rias completely overwhelmed an ultimate-class Devil who was wounded by Crom Cruach's initial attack.
When combined with her Forbidden Invade Balor Princess form, Rias is able to keep up with Fenrir in eighty percent of his original form. She can use her demonic power to change the color of her hair from crimson to blonde.
Power of Destruction: A unique form of demonic power that allows her to release energies that can disintegrate matter, both living and inanimate with relative ease. She is further able to control the shape and power of the technique such as creating multiple softball-sized bullets to lessen the destructive force yet increase the range of her attack. Rias control further improves by compression of her power of destruction into countless number bullets in mid-air. It's stated those without enough power would vanish from just one bullet.
Extinguished Star: Also known as Demonic Star of Extinction. Rias' ultimate one-hit kill technique made due to the change in her demonic power due to the influence of Issei's power. She manipulates her Power of Destruction into a compression of an unimaginable amount of demonic power; takes on the form of an enormous sphere with a mixture of crimson and black aura radiating from it that move toward her enemies at slow speeds. The Extinguished Star has a strong magnetic force which pulls enemies towards it and is disintegrated similar to a black hole. It's destructive power has been stated to surpass the speed of the retiring system in the Rating Game.
Castling: Due to being the King of her own peerage, Rias has the ability to use Castling which allows her to swap locations with one of her Rooks. She first used it during Nilrem's attack on Kuoh Academy, swapping places with one of her unused Rook pieces.
Expert Magician: Rias is also shown to be proficient in using magic such as the ritual to drain the dragon aura from Issei's left hand to let it appear human again, teleportation magic, healing spells, defensive magic to protect herself and her servants from powerful attacks and create several layers of defensive barriers to protect from the explosive aftershock of Katerea self-destruct spell. Rias can also use magic communication circles.
Healing: Rias is capable of healing others using her magic aura, this usually requires her embracing the injured person and both parties to be completely nude in skin to skin contact for better effectiveness. She has shown to be able to heal fatal wounds such as when Issei was struck by a Light Weapon.
Summoning Magic: Through a contract pact, Rias is capable of summoning her bat-like familiar.
Memory Alteration: Rias has shown that she has skill in memory alteration using it on Issei's parents.
Enhanced Durability: Rias has shown great tolerance to damage and pain, she was going continuing to fight Regulus and remain in the Rating Game despite the intense blood loss.
Oppai Beam: Rias has gained the ability to project a red light from her breasts which recharges Issei's energy. Each use of this power causes her breasts to temporarily shrink in size which makes Issei cry even though it's sometimes necessary. Her breast size will restore itself after a few days of rest.
Expert Tactician: Though outsmarted several times throughout the series, Rias has proven herself to be an excellent tactician and has saved her team along with others many times due to her profound intellect and her ability to handle unexpected difficulties calmly.
Stealth Expert: Rias has learned how to mask her presence to allow to remain undetected, as a way to sneak behind and surprise Issei without being noticed.
Flight: Being a Devil, Rias can fly using her wings.
Izuya remembers that Rias was an Heiress, Ultimate-Class Devil and a King within this Ranking Game. She never felt like she'll be like that as she has far soo much power, strength, speed, endurance and stamina that she can handle any opponent now really.
She touched her throat gently and she had saw a form cup with a plastic lid and straw. She takes it and takes a slip making her to realize what it was and that Bakugou still sees her as his sister, 'treasure' and friend making her to have tears as she leans into him and drinks the blood.
"I blame that portal woman. Her Quirk's powers was severely drained and I believe you can use some of it now since you did drank some of her blood. Just give the school a warning when you are about to bring something through, alright?" Izuya agrees and that night, write everything down for Recovery Girl.
'They need to know anyway about all of this information actually really.'
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