Meeting All Might
The girl was walking home from school when she got attacked by a someone and meows very loudly which has made her childhood friend/playmate to show up very fast and he just blasted the idiot in the face hard making him to scream and then chase the two making him to carry her on his back to the main street.
Everyone saw this and the Heroes couldn't stop it cause of the fire that is happening around the street really making them to see the boy's fully trying to protect his 'sister' which he had every right to do so really since the person is trying to kill her really. She looks scared really of that man.
"FEAR NOT FOR I AM HERE!" All Might showed up and he had defeated the man and changed the weather at the same time making the girl to hug him tightly and thanked him for saving them and she doesn't know how to thank him for it making him to laugh and he gently pat her head.
"NOW THEN! I MUST GET GOING TO BRING THIS VILLAIN FULLY TO TARTARUS TO BE LOCKED UP!" He did take the time to give them both his autographs before he left. They were still very shocked they got a recommendation from their shared idol really.
They went home after the other Heroes also gave their autographs and had fully apologized for not being able to save them both really from the villain. The girl let's lose her ears and tail out with the illusion on her gone making the boy to hate the fact she's still hurt really since he had recused her.
He fully hates it as the damnna it school is not helping really thanks to him fully recording everything and he will post it up not only on the internet, but send it to a Hero. He can't stand how the school is hurting her after what her mother did to her years ago and he also can't stand how the students are also bullying her really.
The girl is somewhat short for her age, her round face framed by a lower back length mess of fluffy dark-green hair which sticks up at odd angles around her head all while casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself with peach colored skin. She has claws for her nails with sharp teeth to eat raw fish with really.
Her eyes are large and somewhat circular, their irises the same green color as her hair which at times are very watery and are usually stretched quite wide fully with cat slits in her eyes giving her an innocent kitten appearance. She has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek.
But despite these prominent traits, she's often described by others as being plain-looking and she had multiplying nasty scars all over her body really which the boy hates really. He gently treats them and wraps them up as it was that time to change them again really. He hates seeing her like this really.
The boy is a young man of average height with a slim, muscular build and a fair skin tone. He has short, spiky, ash-blond hair with choppy bangs that hang over his eyebrows really. His eyes are sharp and are bright red in color. He also has dragon slits in his eyes with talons for nails really.
The boy has a Dual-Quirk while the girl has a Quad-Quirk and they trained until they have them all mastered up. The boy has a very large 'treasure/territory' mindset going on and that's the girl, their 'home', the plot and future agency once Pro-Hero and had four years as side-kicks really.
The girl has traits of cats, can see in the dark and likes to lick fish oil lamps really. She plans to be an Underground Heroine to help the boy out without anyone knowing it really. She even had brought the plot for his agency and she has it under an illusion to keep it fully safe until they graduated from U.A Academy really.
She wants to surprise him really making it to be hard, but she has managed it. The plot is two city size plot with the building looking like a mountain to fill about half of the circle with a very long and large serpent snake-like dragon without any legs and ten pairs of wings as the very elevator to get to the floors they need to get to.
The wings help shade the floors they cover to make it easier to keep the place nice and cool while also blocking out the harsh sun if it gets too bright out really. She wanted to get the place looking good for him as the Elevator opens from the cover of the floor with fifteen windows gone really.
She set it like that to allow lots of people to leave the elevator before sliding up to the next floors. Each floor has an elevator for it making many side-kicks to have a lot of offices to be in and the dragon's head is the boy's office giving him view of the city really with a lot of security cameras to the building.
It's to see what they are doing and to stop fights from fully happening making it easier to control his side kicks really. The dragon's head is on top of the mountain with the eyes both fully looking at the city below with a system to check the place by houses to the building with another building for the families of the side-kicks to live in.
Plus it's huge to the right of the building making it easier to get to home from work without getting hurt really. It's fully four hundred and fifty rooms on one floor with the insides being like a two floor mansion. The girl wanted to have the side kicks to have a safe place for their families really.
It's making the place to be critical really and they are safe there more than the normal houses are. The rent is only four hundred ¥ and she had added double the floors with them going higher from one hundred and two floors to two hundred and two floors. Now more members could live in the building.
It is making there to be one thousand, three hundred and fifty rooms for one floor. There was even a park added for the children with security camera in the front and back to protect residents from any idiots who think they can try and break in or kidnap the many children with high metal fences around the park to the building really.
She even has another one under her name for Pro-Heroes to live in and she knows for a fact that both Eraserhead and Present Mic are living on the sixty-eighth floor, room seven hundred and fifty. They keep paying eight hundred ¥. She had to sent a letter to both of them explaining the rent and how they have been over paying the rent unless they are trying to split it, then two hundred ¥ from both of them each only.
It's making them to be shocked by that really as that's not fully right really, but the boy figured out her building and he was impressive with her really trying to help them out making her to purr as she fully loves it really. She was glad he so didn't see his two buildings plus city really.
The top floor of the very second building is his whole home really like the top one is for her in her own building fully really. She prays that he doesn't figure it out really as she wants to surprise him with it really, but something is telling her to do so during first year of U.A Academy.
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