Finale Exam
Izuya was nervous as both her and Bakugou was going up against All Might making her to freak and accidentally kicked Nezu in the face and she had sent him flying through the whole building with her very own telekinesis helping her out before she snaps out of it.
She looks scared and their match will be first to calm her down more which everyone didn't mind as they want to watch it really. Izuya wasn't going to be happy as she doesn't want to go up against All Might really. Bakugou was partnered up with her.
They hide inside some a garbage dumpster making All Might to miss them and Izuya Reality Warp them four blocks away making her to panic as she doesn't like this making her to destroy four hundred buildings in the testing area making All Might to see her panicking.
Everyone never put into account of her past lives really. Even if she write them down making Nezu to wonder before All Might did a stupid think... Attacking Bakugou which made her scream for her onii-chan before her hair covers her face from view.
All Might sweats and he books as Izuya was out for blood and she is using every skill she has and the weapons making him to scream like a girl cause of this. Bakugou was sent ten kms away from Izuya making him hear fully All Might's screams and he saw him.
'Oh shit!' Bakugou thinks as All Might has a lot of wounds and he can see his old wound making him to panic as Izuya needs to get back her senses really making him to hold her to his chest and she fully calms down from his scent as she "Nyaaaa." at him really.
All Might was never ever going to be doing that again as she scares him now more than old man Gran Torino really making him to fully shiver as she glares at him and it has the look of death making him to shake on the spot really and only Bakugou is calming her down really.
"Imoto, that's enough." Bakugou said making her to pout before she fully snaps out of it and shivers as Bakugou keeps her calm before he had a turn fighting All Might now making the Pro-Hero to be more wounded and injured making them to capture him then.
"BAKUGOU KATSUKI AND MIDORIYA IZUYA PASS!" Recovery Girl is going to be having a field day with All Might as both fully apologize to him making him to accept as Recovery Girl is going to be having a field day with him really.
Everyone else passed, but Sato, Denki and Sero making them to be upset until Aizawa had announced that everyone is going, but those who failed will be having extra lessons with him during that time making them to cheer as they went shopping then.
Bakugou and Izuya went only to get some stuff for their home and kept away from Shigaraki who is in the mall and Izuya was still emotionless after fighting All Might really. Bakugou kept her far from him and she peeps up at the new cooking ware.
She wanted to make Taiyaki and now she can really as she plans to make Takoyaki as well, too. Maybe shark fin soup as well making her to laugh as she'll enjoy cooking it really making Shigaraki to stop as he remembers his sister's laughter before he left.
HQ of L.O.V...
"Back so soon?"
"A girl's laughter made me fully remember my older sister's laughter. I don't know why. Damnna it all!" Kurogiri hands him a drink while the new recruits were looking at him weird and strange as this is a new one about their leader now really.
Back at the mall...
Bakugou sighs as Shigaraki left making him to wonder why, but left it as he sees that Izuya went a bit nuts, but it's good to see her out of her funk and back to her normal self really as he hates when she gets like that really.
They got home and Izuya was quick to start supper and she made dessert as well, too as this is going to be awesome really. Izuya got the stuff for Taiyaki as she plans to make them first to give them time to cool off before making supper which is Megalodon fin soup with shark sushi.
Taiyaki Cake Batter
1 cup flour
3 tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
1 large egg (beaten)
1 cup milk
2 tbsp melted butter
1 tbsp neutral-flavored oil (vegetable, canola, etc.)
1) Sift flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt into a large bowl.
2) In a medium bowl, whisk egg, milk, and melted butter.
3) Combine the dry ingredients with wet ingredients and whisk well.
4) Pour the batter into a measuring cup or jug.
5) Heat the Taiyaki pan and grease the pan with vegetable oil using a brush.
6) Fill the Taiyaki pan mold about 60% full over medium-low heat.
7) Put pastry cream in the center of each mold and pour the batter on top to cover pastry cream.
8) Close the lid and immediately turn/flip. Cook for 2–2.5 minutes on each side. Then flip and cook another 2–2.5 minutes. Open and check to see if Taiyaki is a golden color. Let Taiyaki cool on a wire rack.
Pastry Cream Filling
2 cups whole milk
6 egg yolks
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 tbsp unsalted butter
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1) In a medium saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat.
2) In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks and granulated sugar until light and fluffy.
3) Add the cornstarch to the bowl and whisk vigorously until no lumps remain.
4) Whisk in 1/4 cup of the hot milk mixture from the saucepan into the bowl until incorporated.
5) Whisk in the remaining hot milk mixture into the bowl.
6) Using a strainer, pour the mixture from the bowl into the saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat, whisking constantly, until thickened and slowly boiling.
7) Remove from the heat and stir in the butter and vanilla. Let cool slightly.
8) Cover with plastic wrap, lightly pressing the plastic against the surface to prevent a skin from forming.
9) Chill at least 2 hours or until ready to serve. (The custard can be made up to 24 hours in advance. Refrigerate until 1 hour before using.)
Bakugou knows how much Izuya loves to cook really making him to know any boyfriend she has will love it, too. They are and did do a bit of training before Izuya had just stockpiled the meat to have enough for the winter time really. She does that a lot for the past two years.
'Heh. Someone is sooo going to be super lucky with her as their wife really.'
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