Chapter 8 - Final trial and First quest
I was awakened by someone slowly shaking me awake, when I opened my eyes it turned out to be my mother.
Brianna: (Awaken my son, the Gaurdian said you have one final task to complete.)
As I was getting up I noticed everyone was still asleep and my mother seemed tired. She then lifted me up and placed me on her back. What time is it?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: If you had a clock it would read 5:24.
Devan: Thanks System, but why is the trial this early I still have 36 minutes to sleep, what have you been doing so far?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I have been monitoring your progression the past few days, and I must say you're doing extraordinary. Your stats have been maximized, so you must gain another level to increase them. I have figured out a way for your golem to speak with you, your new skill Creature speech allows you to communicate with any creature. I do believe the golem is considered a creature but you may have to test it.
Devan: Thanks, could you pull up my stats?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Of course.
Species:Lowland Gorilla
•Ape speech(Unique)
•Cold resistance(Adept)
•Disease resistance(Lesser)
•Heat resistance(Adept)
•Creature speech(Lesser)
•Animal tamer(Lesser)
Devan: How do I increase creature speech, animal tamer, and disease resistance?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: For creature speech you must communicate with different creatures, this will allow you to learn the language of different animals. For animal tamer attempt to convince a creature to follow your orders. But may I suggest taming weaker creatures, if you attempt to tame something stronger than you they may attack you. And finally for disease resistance you must contract some disease and fight it off. However I recommend you don't get a disease on purpose, the pathogens in this world are more...fatal.
Devan: Really? What are some of the diseases?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: One disease forces blood out of every opening of your body. Another one makes your limbs rot off slowly. Some of the pathogens from your old world were enhanced in this one. For example Ophiocordyceps unilateralis has been enhanced to jump from insects to other creatures. There are thousands of more deadly pathogens, but I will make sure you won't perish in this world.
Devan: Thanks.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: You're welcome.
When we finished our conversation I noticed we were at the entrance of the cave. My mother placed me on the ground and placed a kiss on my head before heading back inside to sleep. I then heard some dumping behind me, when I looked behind me I saw Wystan running up to me.
Wystan: Master, you've awakened! Did you sleep well any nightmares? Do you need a sleeping buddy?
New skill gained: Golem speech
I was surprised he was able to speak without a mouth and I was able to understand him. I know he was able to understand me when I spoke to him with Ape speech, but I wonder if he can understand other creatures languages.
Devan: (Can you understand me Wystan?)
Wystan: Yes I can master.
Devan: (Can you understand other languages?)
Wystan: I don't think so but I will be able to sense if a creature's intentions are good or not.
Devan: (How can you do that?)
Wystan: Only creatures with a affinity to the light or darkness can do so easily, but I think you may be able to learn. All you must do is look into the creatures soul through its eyes. If you focus on its eyes you will see a color either red or green. But for spirits and golems we will see its aura.
Devan: (Well maybe I can try it later, but for now why are you awake?)
Wystan: Oh, I almost forgot the Gaurdian wanted me to bring you to the edge of the forest.
He then picked me up and placed me on his back. I held onto the moss on his back to not fall, he began to run surprisingly quick for something made of stone. After a few seconds we made it to the river when he then jumped across it. The Gaurdian was waiting by the entrance of a huge forest, it was so huge the map couldn't map out the entire forest. There seemed to be a lot of creatures in there, some were giant and a few of the smaller diamonds disappeared.
Land Gaurdian: (Goodmorning young one, this shall be a test of your capabilities of surviving and learning of the land.)
Devan: (What are we going to do?)
Land Gaurdian: (I placed five golden fruit in certain areas of this forest, here is what they look like.)
He then placed his hand over his other hand and muttering a few words before moving his hand revealing:
Land Guardian: (This is what some of the fruit look like. But I must warn you there are dangerous creatures in this forest, not only the animals but the plants to. Take care and use every strength you have be vigilant and don't be afraid to defend yourself. I warn you this task may take a few days so you won't see your family for a while. Don't worry I will tell them of your task, I will also come for you if your not back in a week.)
!New Quest!
Find all golden fruit
Reward:+5 new levels, +2 skill points
Failure: Death
Yes No
The whole death part seems excessive but the reward seems worth it. Let's hope I make it out of this alive.
!New Quest!
Find all golden fruit
Reward:+5 new levels, +2 skill points
Failure: Death
[Yes] No
Land Guardian: (Once you're ready enter the forest and begin your trial.)
Wystan: Don't worry master I will protect you from anything that will dare harm you.
Devan: (Thanks Wystan you're a real nice friend.)
Wystan: Of course master, you gave me life I would gladly give mine to protect yours.
Devan: (Wow your very loyal, but hopefully that would never need to happen.)
Well I guess we better get in there, maybe I'll find a new companion.
Wystan: Come master, adventure, glory, and riches awaits you!
With that we entered the forest, beginning our final task and first quest.
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