Chapter 6 - New home and training
When we entered the cave the first thing we noticed was a very sweet smell coming from within. The water inside the cave looked crystal clear and sparkling, and even some fish inside. There were some strange mushrooms that were giving off light the closer we got to them.
They seemed to be leading further into the cave. The Gaurdian did say to follow them to get to our new home. As we began to follow them I couldn't help but wonder about the training I will receive from the Gaurdians. How did they even know I had a connection to the earth? And why are these mushrooms humungous?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: If I may user, the reason they found your ability is because something looked into your soul.
Devan: But how?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Did you make eye contact with them or any other creature?
I then remembered that bird that was watching us intently. It was different it was bigger than the rest, and watching us while the others continued to eat or look away.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Hmm.., it seems that bird relayed its information to a nearby Gaurdian who then told the one who spoke with the silverback. And to answer your question about the mushrooms, it appears the Father Tree gives off some nutrients to the plants in the surrounding area. If you were to go closer to the tree the plants will be bigger, the fruit sweeter and plentiful.
Devan: I would like to see that.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I advise against it. You're still in your infancy stage, but perhaps in a week you may grow strong enough.
Devan: Alright, thanks.
When we finished our conversation we were about to enter another part of the cave. But somehow there were trees growing in the cave. As I looked up I saw the top of the cave covered in glowing mushrooms, and a waterfall emptying out into the lake nearby.
Brutus: (Alright everyone this seems to be our new home find somewhere close by to make nests.)
Everyone nodded and proceeded to find somewhere close to the silverback's nest to build. As my mother was finishing our nest we heard something behind us.
They were small mushroom creatures and seemed to be parents. One of the creatures came up to us and gestured with its head and mushrooms to follow it. My mother reluctantly began to follow the creature with the rest of them behind us. They began to lead us outside the cave, as we were walking I felt like I was being watched. As I looked behind me I saw the smaller mushrooms staring at me, but when they realized I saw them they quickly hid behind the bigger mushroom.
I saw we were about to exit the cave so I waved at the mushrooms behind me. They looked at each other before also waving back with their mushrooms. When they left I faced forward again, the remaining mushroom pointed to the biggest tree before heading back in the cave.
As we made our way towards the tree I couldn't help but notice there were less Gaurdians then last time.
Land Gaurdian: (Hello again, I hope the cave was suitable enough to be your new home.)
Brianna: (It is thankyou, but what is it you need?)
Land Gaurdian: (I was tasked by my siblings to train your son to harness the earth.)
Brianna: (Will this be dangerous for him?)
Land Gaurdian: (No, all I will do is show and teach him to manipulate the earth to his will. I ask you return to the rest of your troop, I wish to teach your son alone.)
My mother thought about it for a moment before placing me in front of the tree. She kissed my head before reluctantly going back in the cave.
Land Gaurdian: (Hello young one, I will instruct you to be able to control the earth. If you have any questions do not be afraid to ask at any time.)
Devan: (Why're there less Gaurdians then before?)
Land Guardian: (You're a observant one that's good. Some of my siblings went to investigate the lost connection of our brothers, in the Translucent Everglade.)
Devan: (But how did they move if you're trees?)
Land Guardian: (We just use the illusion of appearing as trees to camouflage. We're able to manipulate any part of our bodies like so.)
It then proceeded to morph its scythes into two giant arms, and lift itself out of the ground revealing its legs. Once out of the ground it waved its hand over the hole it made, the ground began to shift and the hole was filled.
Land Guardian: (You to will be able to this and much more as you grow. But for now let's start simple, follow me.)
He began to lead me to the river, as I looked at my map it revealed a cave not to far from here. Once he stopped he reared back his fist and punched a hole into the dirt.
Land Guardian: (I don't know how strong your affinity to the earth is, so we'll do something basic. When you wish for the earth to move, you must feel yourself pushing or pulling it to your will. Fill this hole I made and once you do we will continue.)
Okay let's see if I can do this. I closed my eyes and extended my hand out, as I began to imagine the earth following the movement of my hand. I then felt a small shift at my feet and when I opened my eyes the hole was filled.
Land Guardian: (Well done, you will now move the earth and solidify it to form a wall.)
He then proceeded to lift his hand moving the dirt up before closing his hand and the dirt began to compact. The wall was smooth with no cracks and five feet tall and three feet thick. He then threw a rock at the wall, but the wall was only scratched however the rock bounced off with cracks in it. He then gestured for me to try.
I lifted my hand and the dirt rose up I began to concentrate on the strength of the wall. I began to think of the strongest material I know which is nuclear pasta. I then closed my hand solidifying the dirt. As I examined it the wall was twenty feet tall and 10 feet thick.
Land Guardian: (Very impressive young one. Now stand back and let us test its strength.)
He then grabbed another rock and launched it at the wall. But the moment the rock made contact with the wall, it shattered however the wall remained standing perfectly intact. The Gaurdian was shocked but quickly composed himself.
Land Gaurdian: (It seems your affinity is stronger than I anticipated. We will now move on to something more advanced.)
He walked over to the river who's water was raging and very deep.
Land Gaurdian: (I will now show you to have the land assist you in reaching areas you have difficulty accessing.)
He planted his feet on the ground and placed one hand below him while lifting his other hand. The land he was on began to rise, he then pushed his hand forward causing the floating land to fly forward. Once he was on the other side he pushed his hand down, causing the land to sink back into the dirt.
Land Gaurdian: (Now you try, but don't fear if you fall into the river I will quickly save you.)
I copied the stance he did and placed my hand beneath me while raising my other. The land under me began to shift and rumble until it rose. I moved my hand forward causing the land to move over the river. Once on the other side I lowered my hand sinking the land back into the dirt.
Land Guardian: (Good but now we will move on to combat. If you're being overwhelmed by any attacker, or you just want a friend you may summon a golem. You may choose what materials it is created out of, and if you bond with it enough it will remember you when its summoned again.
He then lifted both his hands up causing the dirt to rise and mould into something giant. Once the movement stopped he pushed his hands to his sides causing the dirt to fall and reveal:
It was slightly taller than the Gaurdian. It looked at me with confusion before turning away.
Land Gaurdian: (This is Eben I summoned him hundreds of years ago. Now you try, but I must warn you your emotions will influence your golem so be calm.)
I raised my arms up lifting the dirt which began to mold something huge. The Guardian and even Eben backed up slightly, once the movement ceased I moved my hands to my sides causing the dirt to fall. I began to cough slightly because of the dirt flying everywhere, once the dirt cleared it revealed my golem.
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