Chapter 43 - Gaining Trust
The mothers trumpeted and stomped toward us.
Could really use some advice!
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Firstly, back away from their infants. Nothing makes a mother more nervous than an unknown and untrusted creature near their child.
Heading his advice I backed away from the baby mammoths as the mothers got between us. We were now beside the backpack as I made sure everyone was behind me just incase things turned violent. The mothers let out loud trumpets as they formed a wall between us and the infants. Their actions caused the large mammoth to turn around to see what the commotion was. He looked on waiting to see what will happen next and if he will need to get involved if an altercation occurs.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Now, perhaps an offering of fruits will help you gain these mammoth's trust.
I slowly reached into the backpack making sure my movements didn't startle the already agitated mothers. They watched closely as I pulled out a giant handful of fruit and leaves. Everyone stayed as quiet as they could to give me a chance to calm the giant beasts.
Are you sure this will work?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: ...Yes.
You hesitated.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Did I?
The mammoth directly in front of me gradually relaxed seeing I wasn't doing anything to harm them or their babies. This in turn made the other mothers relax but they still looked at me wearily.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Now, slowly approach with the vegetation extended out in front of you.
I slowly moved forward while holding out the fruit. The mammoth in front of me slowly extended her trunk to my hand, but instead of going for the fruit she brushed her trunk against the bottom of my hand.
What is she doing?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Examining you. Now, please don't move or you may startle her.
She then brushed her trunk against my arm before moving it back to my hand. She finally used her trunk to pick up a large portion of the fruits before bringing them up to her mouth. In only two bites she ate the entire bundle of fruit.
!New Title Gained!
Mammoth tamer
"The mammoths won't soon forget the friendship between you and their kind."
Effect: Mammoths will instantly be befriended and come to your aid when in need.
All of the mothers let out a loud trumpet before dispersing away from us.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Well done you gained the trust of the mammoths. You now have a fluffy ally in the north.
That's good, but we need to keep moving.
I turned around and faced everyone to see if they were alright. Arlin was shaking while holding onto Wystan who was closely watching the mammoths. Alyssa was sitting in the snow seemingly unbothered by the encounter that just occurred. And Naira was having a stare down with a young male mammoth.
Arlin is scared, Wystan is watching them, Alyssa is unbothered, and Naira is a little aggressive. So I say everything is normal.
Devan: Everyone we need to get moving it'll get a lot colder as time passes so we need to hurry--
I cut myself off as System's voice boomed in my head.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Warning! Saber-tooth approaching at high speed from behind!
I swiftly turned around only to be knocked to the ground by the body of the saber-tooth ramming right through me. The moment I hit the ground the entire mammoth herd trumpeted, but the sound of small trumpets quickly caught their attention.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Saber-tooth retreating!
I quickly got up in time to see the saber-tooth running away with two frightened baby mammoths in it's jaws. Three of the mammoths went charging after it as the rest stayed behind to protect the remaining infants. Everyone ran up to me concerned about my well-being.
Wystan: Master! Are you alright?
Devan: Yes, I'm fine.
I looked at the fleeing saber-tooth and the pursuing mammoths, debating if I should give chase as well.
System, how fast is that saber-tooth running?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: 35 mph, but it is steadily increasing.
And the mammoths?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: 15 mph each.
They'll never make it in time before the saber-tooth runs off with their infants. Do I have a chance to catch up with the saber-tooth?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Even if you begin running you won't catch up in time to stop the saber-tooth, from escaping back into the mountains.
As I continued to stare at the fleeing predator and desperate parents, I felt a large bubble of air gather in my chest. I slowly stood up on my legs feeling the bubble get ready to pop.
Devan: Everyone, cover your ears.
Without hesitation everyone did as I said and covered their ears while I felt the bubble in my chest finally erupt. I let out a booming and monstrous roar causing the ground beneath me to vibrate.
Unlike the other times I did this, my voice was louder and echoed further. The deafening boom of my voice caused not the saber-tooth to stop as it was seemingly paralyzed in fear.
!New skill!
Roar of the Silverback
"All will tremble when they hear the roar of the great silverback."
Effect: Creatures below the user's level will be frozen in fear for 10 seconds. The length of time increases by 5 seconds for each level higher the user is.
Devan: Wystan, let's go!
Wystan: Yes, master!
He quickly climbed onto my back as I charged forward, quickly passing the mammoths and kicking up snow as I ran. The effect of my roar greatly helped as I managed to close the distance and slam my body into the saber-tooth.
Due to the impact it dropped the two babies allowing them to run behind me seeking protection. However, the saber-tooth quickly recovered from my attack and ran to attack me, Wystan and the infants. But thanks to my roar the mammoths managed to catch up to us.
They immediately began to attack the saber-tooth as one used it's trunk to smack it away from us. I turned around and checked on the baby mammoths for any injuries. The only injury they suffered was a small wound on their necks where the saber-tooth grabbed them.
Both let out a small trumpet before rubbing their heads against my legs. A small smile spread across my face before I turned back to the fight between the saber-tooth and mammoths.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: User, it seems you need to assist the mammoths in driving off this predator.
What do you mean? The fight seems to be the mammoth's favor.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Even though the saber-tooth is outnumbered it's still capable of fending off several fully grown mammoths.
Just as he finished saying that a loud deep trumpet rang out and I looked up in time to see a mammoth topple over.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I am detecting no life signs from the mammoth, it is dead.
It seemed the saber-tooth managed to not only kill a mammoth, but also injure the remaining two.
Wystan: Giant fluffy friend down!
The saber-tooth roared causing the injured mammoths to let out loud trumpets as they simultaneously charged the saber-tooth. However the saber-tooth leaped onto one of the mammoth's back successfully dodging the charge. It began to tear into the poor mammoth's flesh as it desperately tried to get it off.
Devan: Wystan, protect the infants while I deal saber-tooth!
I didn't wait for his response as I quickly climbed onto the panicking mammoth's back to get the predator off. Once on it's back the saber-tooth immediately switched attention to me as it swiped at me with it's powerful claws.
But even with it's quick attack I managed to deliver a left hook, that connected with it's side, knocking the saber-tooth off the mammoth and back to the ground. I jumped off intending to crush the giant cat under my body, but it rolled out the way making me break the ground instead.
With the saber-tooth's attention on me the injured mammoths and infants went back to the safety of the herd, who were coming over to us. It roared and quickly leaped on me pushing me to the ground. It went to bite my neck, but I used my obsidian arm to shield me from it's attack.
While it was mauling on my obsidian arm the ground beneath us began to shake and soon a loud trumpet rang out. The saber-tooth looked to the right only to be met with a giant tusk to it's side. One of the mother mammoths came to my aid and skewered the saber-tooth on her giant tusk.
She reared her head back before slamming the predator against the ground dislodging it off her tusk. I quickly got up just as the rest of the mammoth herd arrived. They formed a wall between me and the saber-tooth like they did with their infants before trumpeting loudly in unison.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: It seems you earned the trust and loyalty of the mammoths by running to save their infants.
I guess I have.
The saber-tooth backed up before retreating to the mountains.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: You managed to drive it off for now, but I wouldn't be surprised if it came back for revenge.
Well if it comes back I won't let it escape a second time.
I turned around only to be met with a group hug by Alyssa, Wystan, and Arlin. As for Naira, she was standing off to the side not knowing what to do.
Arlin: W-Why did you run off?
Alyssa: (Yeah, we were worried when you just ran away.)
Devan: That saber-tooth was going to run off with two baby mammoths. So I decided to help our new friends by saving their infants.
As soon as I said that all five baby mammoths gathered at my feet, causing everyone to let go of me to watch the infants play. I looked at the mammoths who were currently burying their dead herd member. The two wounded mammoths seemed unbothered by their injuries as they helped with the burial.
How did the saber-tooth even manage to kill that mammoth when there was three attacking it simultaneously.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: It let the mammoths use up their energy trying to hit it, before it attacked once they were exhausted.
Naira: Can we go now? It's going to get colder and not even I can stay too long out in the open.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: She's right, user. You'll need to find a cave to take shelter in for the night.
Alright, I'm sure we can find something.
Devan: Alright, we'll get going as soon as I get my backpack.
I turned to the river only to see my backpack not there.
Where did it--
Heavy footsteps caught my attention, so I turned back around as a mammoth carrying my backpack approached us. It let out a low rumble before it used it's trunk to hand me my backpack. I gently took it from it's trunk before putting it on, making the mammoth let out one last rumble, before it walked back to the herd.
Hopefully that saber-tooth will leave them alone.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I'm sure it would rather go for you than the mammoths.
Alyssa, Wystan and Arlin climbed onto my back while Naira opted to walk right beside me. As I began to lead us north the entire mammoth herd let out loud trumpets seeing us off. From above large dark clouds began to form as snowflakes began to gently fall.
But we knew this small snow fall would turn into a snow storm, and we were going to get caught in it if we don't manage to find shelter. All the while I failed to notice several pairs of blue eyes watching us.
Sorry for the low quality of this chapter, I have trimester exams coming up in a few weeks, and if I fail those you won't here from this penguin for a month.
On to more important news! Thanks to my lawyer, Lawrence el pingüino, I've finally come up with an update schedule! Each story will get one chapter each on a separate week.
Week 1 (1st-5th): Reincarnated as a Gorilla
Week 2 (8th-12th): The Xeno-Hero
Week 3 (15th-19th): The Deadliest Droid
Week 4 (22nd-26th): Your choice or I roll a dice
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