Chapter 42 - Mammoth herd
(My small brain is running out of ideas.)
Alyssa, Wystan and Arlin got back on the ground doing their own things. I went up to the unconscious leopard and lifted the carcass off her revealing she was alive just unconscious. Blood was seeping from the wounds that littered her body coating the snow and her white fur in crimson red.
She's still wounded and will bleed out if we don't do something. Hey System how long will it be until she wakes up?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Approximately... thirty minutes.
That should be long enough for Arlin to patch her up.
I put the wolf in my inventory before turning around to see Arlin patching up the wounds everyone got during the fight with the wolf pack. Currently he was finishing wrapping up Alyssa's knuckles who must've cut them while beating one of the wolves. Even Wystan had wrapping around his butt making it look like he was wearing a diaper.
Devan: Hey Arlin.
He stopped and turned to me causing a shy smile to spread across his face.
Arlin: Y-Yes?
I gestured over to the unconscious leopard before speaking.
Devan: Can you patch her up please?
He turned to the leopard and instantly froze up as the smile on his face vanished being replaced by an expression that showed immense fear. His breathing even began to increase as his body slightly shook. I gently picked him up and gave him a nice, warm, comforting hug. His breathing slowed and the shaking reduced as he slowly calmed down.
Devan: It's alright I'll be right here. I won't let anything bad happen to you.
He looked up at me with a little bit of courage in his eyes as he shakily nodded his head. I gave him an encouraging smile before I brought him over to the unconscious leopard. I let him go allowing him to crouch down next to her to examine her wounds.
After a few seconds he removed his gloves, causing him to shiver, before taking out the same little box he used to patch my arrow wound. While he was taking out the items he needed he began to whisper some encouragement to himself.
Arlin: O-Ok, calm down A-Arlin you fought the u-undead, you survived encounters with many s-scary monsters, this should be n-nothing.
He's scared of even being near her, huh?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Throughout this entire journey he's been attacked and nearly killed by several creatures. I would genuinely be surprised if he didn't develop some fear for beasts.
But what about me and Alyssa? We're technically considered beasts yet he doesn't get scared around us.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I don't know how he feels about your wife, but I do know he sees you as his protector. You have been there to save his life nearly every time he was attacked. I'm certain he has developed some sort of attachment towards you as a result.
Wind blew in our direction giving me a nice cool breeze.
Oh, well that's something. By the way did it colder?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Indeed it has the battle with the wolves took up a lot of time. In a few minutes more wind will come and when it does it will mark the start of the increaseing cold. I'll update your map in a moment, but for the meantime continue straight ahead.
Alright, I better get everyone moving then.
I looked back down at Arlin to see how long it would be until he was finished. He finished stitching up a large wound on her left shoulder. There are still a few more wounds he needs to clean and stitch, so this might take a few minutes.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I have to say Arlin's medical abilities are quite high.
Really, how high are his medical skills?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Let me show you his stats.
A window appeared in my vision that showed all of Arlin's information, skills and abilities.
Name: Arlin Coyle
Race: Human
Gender: Male
• Medical (Master)
• Healing (Greater)
• Surgery (Adept)
• Medicine (Greater)
• Cooking (Greater)
Combat skills:
• Holy ray (1 mana per sec.): A beam of concentrated light capable of dealing heavy damage to enemies or healing allies. This can target multiple enemies for less damage or fuse into a single powerful ray. Each form deals damage over time and bonus damage to undead foes.
• Righteous sunshine (20 mana): Allows the caster to use sunlight to heal themself and allies while damaging enemies in a 30 foot radius of it's origin.
Strength: 8
Vitality: 10
Intelligence: 70
Endurance: 10
Agility: 22
Arlin isn't physically strong and he can be killed rather quickly by almost anything. But he makes up for this with his intelligence and skills in the medical field. Keep him away from the battle so he may heal you and your allies as you fight. As a child Arlin grew up in the city of Bellmount, a city belonging to the kingdom of Oloikith.
Even though he grew up in Bellmount it seems he didn't inherit any of the beliefs the kingdom spoon-feeds it's citizens. His family members are successful merchants having sold their wares all throughout Oloikith.
[As you learn about your followers more will be added to their descriptions.]
Did you make that description?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Yes, unfortunately this is all I could gather from what I saw and the conversations you heard.
That's awesome and really well done.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Thank you, user. You are the 1 millionth soul to be kind to me.
1 millionth?! How many souls did you become the system of?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: From my archives about 10 billion souls. But I can tell you more at a different time.
Hm, why?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: We have little time to waste before the temperature drops.
Oh, right we've got to start walking!
Ending my conversation with System I looked back down at Arlin seeing him finished patching up the leopard. He put away his items and stood up brushing away the snow on his legs.
Arlin: I'm f-finished.
While he placed his gloves back on I carefully picked up the leopard trying not to hurt her.
Devan: Well done Arlin you did an amazing job.
He stopped and looked down at the snow as his cheeks turned red and a smile formed on his face.
Arlin: T-Thanks.
I gave him a small smile as I moved the leopard so she was now lying against my left arm before I picked up Arlin. I looked around for Wystan and Alyssa since we were about to start walking. Turns out they were collecting all the wolf carcasses, but what surprised me was Alyssa carrying all 14 of them with ease.
Devan: (Alyssa, Wystan c'mon we're leaving.)
Alyssa: (Coming!)
Wystan: Wait for me!
Wystan quickly held on to Alyssa's ankle as she ran toward us with the wolf carcasses on her shoulders. Arlin looked on in awe seeing as how she's small yet able to lift so many heavy wolves with ease.
Arlin: W-wow, she's really s-strong.
Devan: Yep, I wonder just how strong she really is.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Would you like me to show you her stats?
Maybe later when we have time to relax.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Very well. By the way I've finished updating your map.
!Map updated!
Cool, thanks again.
Alyssa and Wystan made it to us looking excited as they slightly jumped in place.
Alyssa: (These are all the carcasses we could find. We're going to be able to have a feast with these!)
Devan: (*chuckle* Well done you two.)
Wystan: Thank you, master! But I don't think they'll fit in the backpack, so where do we put them?
Devan: Don't worry I got 'em.
I touched the carcasses with my forearm allowing me to place them in my inventory. Alyssa's eyes widened as she looked up at me with stars in her eyes.
Alyssa: (Woah, you can do magic?!)
Due to her excitement she began to jump up and down.
Wystan: From what I can remember master is also able to move mother earth.
This just increased her excitement to the point she was falling deeper and deeper into the snow due to all her jumping. Arlin placed his hand under his chin and appeared to be in deep thought as he muttered to himself.
Arlin: Only beings with magic infused in their souls are capable of doing anything related to magic. And from what he could do he must have a lot of magic, right?
He surprisingly didn't stutter when he spoke which means he must have some confidence hidden inside.
Devan: (Climb on you two we need to get moving.)
Wystan: Yes, master! Adventure awaits us!
Alyssa: (Right!)
Wystan climbed up to my head while Alyssa sat on my shoulders and since my arms were full I had to stand. As I began walking the wind picked up blowing a little more violently.
So how far do we need to travel north?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: About 3,000 kilometers just to exit the mountainous region, but there may be some delays due to the terrain and wildlife.
...Oh... This is going to be a looong walk.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Perhaps learning about your companions will pass the time.
Yeah good idea System.
Devan: So does anyone want to tell the group about themself?
Immediately Wystan jumped up frantically waving his small hand in the air.
Wystan: Oh, oh, pick me master! I wish to share some things about me!
Devan: Alright, Wystan you're first.
Everyone was silent and looked up at Wystan as he began to speak.
Wystan: My name is Wystan, I'm a month old, I was created by my master when he was just an adorable baby. And I used to always carry master on my back as we traveled during that time.
He stopped talking and seemed to be in deep thought seemingly have run out of things to tell us.
Wystan: The most dangerous creatures I fought were my fellow brothers, but since they attacked my master I don't regret killing them. And... that's about it, any questions?
Alyssa: (What was Devan like as an infant?)
Wystan: Oh, he was--
As Wystan was tell Alyssa about me an alarm sounded in my head.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Warning powerful predator nearby!
Not wanting to worry anybody I slowed down my pace as I began to calmly search the area for any sign of the predator. In a few seconds I saw an outline of a creature perched on top of a far away ledge to our right looking down at us. As I looked closer I could make out it's terrifying features.
It was a monstrous saber-toothed tiger with a huge amount of blood coating it's mouth, claws, and fur.
Is that the powerful predator?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Indeed, it might've have been attracted by all the blood spilled from the wolves. I recommend not engaging this creature in a battle, at least not yet.
Is it going to get closer?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: It seems your presence is enough to discourage it from attacking, but it seems to be focusing it's attention on the wounded leopard.
Alright, but warn me if it gets closer.
I tuned back into the conversation just as Wystan finished speaking.
Wystan: And that's why you never trust a tree, anyway who wants to go next?.
Alyssa: (Can I go next?)
Devan: (Sure.)
Wystan dropped down from my head onto Arlin's making himself cozy in his hair.
Wystan: Don't worry Arlin I'll translate for you.
Arlin: T-Thanks.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Saber-tooth within 100 meters to the southwest of your location.
I slightly turned my head to the right allowing me to see the saber-tooth was indeed much closer than before.
Thanks, can you highlight it on my map so I can see where it is at all times?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Of course, this will only take a second.
A bright red dot appeared on my map exactly where that saber-tooth is watching us from.
Hopefully it keeps it's distance from us.
I faced forward once more going just a little bit faster.
Alyssa: (My name is Alyssa, I'm 16, I'm the daughter of Caesar and wife to this giant of a silverback.)
She wrapped her arms around my head before planting a small quick kiss on my forehead.
Alyssa: (Hmm, the most dangerous creatures I fought were some rivaling apes.)
That caught my attention seeing as how Caesar's Tribe is the only group of apes in that entire jungle.
Devan: (Hey, Alyssa.)
Alyssa: (Yeah?)
Devan: (What do you mean "rivaling apes"? From what I know your father's tribe is the only group of apes in the jungle.)
Alyssa: (Well about a year before you arrived there was another group of apes we shared the forest with. They were extremely aggressive killing anything and anyone that entered their territory. But regardless we lived together in relative peace, up until our hunting parties encountered each other.)
Devan: (What happened when they met?)
Alyssa: (They attacked and killed our hunting party and it wasn't a swift death either, they were literally torn apart. This led to my father declaring war on them and in the end we won and drove them out of the jungle.)
Devan: (Where are these apes now?)
She looked up towards the sky seemingly in deep concentration before eventually looking back down at me.
Alyssa: (I think they went somewhere deep in the north. You'll have to ask my father about them if you want more details.)
So there's a group of extremely aggressive apes somewhere in the north. A part of me wants to meet them, but from what Alyssa just told me I don't think I want too.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: This may be worth investigating, after you've finished securing members for your troop of course.
Alyssa: (Anyway, Arlin I guess you're next.)
Once Wystan translated what she said to him he grew slightly nervous before shakily responding.
Arlin: O-Oh, a-alright then. Well, my name is Arlin Coyle, I'm 18, I--
He was cut off by an unfamiliar voice.
???: Ugh, not again...
The leopard rose her head up and slowly looked around confused on our surroundings.
It seems she's finally awake and she's not aggresive so that's good.
She eventually looked up only to see me, Alyssa, Wystan and Arlin staring at her. For a few seconds no one said anything as we all stared at each other in silence. Until Wystan waved at and greeted her.
Wystan: Good morning, did you enjoy your nap?
This snapped us out of our staring contest as she immediately clawed at my arm causing a small trickle of blood to come out.
???: Let me go you damn ape!
Alyssa, Wystan and Arlin saw the blood running down my arm causing them to get slightly aggressive. Wystan morphed his right arm into a serrated needle while Alyssa cracked her knuckles, ready to beat the leopard to death. Arlin looked scared but he pulled out a dagger and clutched onto the fur of my arm.
That insult almost hurts as much as the paper cut scratches she's leaving on my forearm.
Alyssa: (Relax cat before I make you take another nap.)
???: Oh, choke on a banana monkey!
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Perhaps a calm approach will settle the leopard's aggression.
I had to move my head back slightly as she began to swipe at my face.
Devan: Calm down you're still wounded and my friend just finished patching you up. We're just trying to help you.
???: Well I didn't need your help then and I sure as hell don't need it now!
That didn't work.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: It appears that way... perhaps a more aggressive approach is needed.
Alright, but how do I that?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Fear usually makes creatures more likely to cooperate. I'm sure you can use the presence of that saber-toothed tiger to your advantage.
I looked behind us and sure enough the saber-tooth was still there stalking us. I turned back to the leopard as she was now attempting to wiggle out of my hold.
Devan: So you don't want our help and come with us?
???: No!
Devan: And you have enough strength to defend yourself from other creatures?
???: Yes!
Devan: Alright.
I let go causing her to fall face first into the snow as I continued to walk at a leisurely pace. She shakily got up brushing the snow off her face and in the corner of my eye I could see the saber-tooth stare at the injured leopard. I stopped walking and turned around to face the leopard.
Devan: You might want to start running, leopard.
She looked up at me with a glare.
???: And why would I do that, ape?
I pointed over to the saber-tooth that was currently crouched down low in the snow making the blood on it's body stand out. It's a lot closer than before seeing as the leopard is separated from me now.
Devan: Because, that tiger over there seems hungry and seeing as how you're wounded that makes you a perfect target to kill.
Everyone turned in the direction I pointed in allowing them to see the giant saber-tooth staring at us. Alyssa, Wystan and Arlin clung onto me a little tighter scared of the tiger while I just stared it in the eyes calmly. The leopard backed up scooting closer to my side as the tiger followed her movements.
Devan: Anyway, good luck.
I began to walk away making the saber-tooth slowly stalk closer the further I went. The leopard quickly ran to my side causing the saber-tooth to stop for a moment letting me walk away a little before following. As we were walking I noticed she was limping so I held out my hand as an offer to carry her, but she smacked my hand away.
???: Once I'm well I'm leaving got it, ape?
I lowered my hand before knuckle-walking since my left arm was now free.
Devan: Alright, but before I allow you to officially join us I need two things from you.
???: What?
Devan: First apologize to my wife for insulting her.
She growled before sighing and crossing her arms as she looked Alyssa in the eyes.
???: I'm sorry for insulting you.
Alyssa: (You're forgiven.)
Devan: Good, now the final thing I need from you is your name.
She didn't answer as the wind increased being quickly followed by some snowflakes. I thought she was refusing to speak with me until I heard her mutter her name.
Naira: Naira.
Devan: What?
Naira: My name is Naira.
I slightly smiled before telling her my own name.
Devan: I'm Devan, welcome to my troop, Naira.
We continued to walk as the wind began to gradually pick up in speed. The saber-tooth kept it's distance but I kept an eye out in preparation for anything it might do.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
The wind was howling now and since we were currently traveling through a flat area there was no protection from it. And due to the wind snow was blown everywhere successfully reducing my vision to about 10 feet in front of me. I was still holding onto Arlin, so the large amount of fur on my arm and chest are protecting him from the elements.
Alyssa was clinging onto my stomach like an infant to keep warm while Wystan hid in the backpack, afraid of being blown away by the wind. As for Naira, she still refused my help so she was walking right beside me.
The snow went up to my ankles but I didn't have any trouble moving through it. Not even the wind bothered me that much, at most it felt like a nice cool breeze.
How long have we been walking?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Two hours.
And how much distance did we manage to cover?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: 12 kilometers so only 2,980 more kilometers to go.
This is going to take us a few days.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Up ahead is a frozen river that you must cross but you may stop for a drink if you wish.
Water would help, thanks for telling me.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: The wind should let up about now.
And just like System said the wind became gradually calmer letting the snow fall back to the ground gently allowing me to see normally again.
Soon I could see a frozen river separating the ground I'm standing on from the other side. The wind must've blown the snow off it and piled it on the other side.
Once Wystan couldn't hear the wind anymore he peeked his head out to confirm it's over before climbing out.
Wystan: Victory goes to us!
He quickly settled himself on my head as he gazed at the scenery.
The ice won't break if I go on it, right?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: At most it will crack, but I'm certain it can support your weight.
I let out a grunt immediately getting Alyssa's attention while everyone else looked at me confused. But who can blame them, only other apes know the meaning of the noises silverbacks make.
Devan: Does anyone want to drink from the river?
Alyssa: (I do!)
Naira: Sure.
Arlin: I-I'd like some water as well.
With their confirmation I approached the bank of the frozen river before putting down Arlin and Alyssa.
Devan: Stand back.
They all did as I said backing up a bit allowing me to slam my fists onto the river successfully breaking the ice. All of them gathered around the large hole I made and drank from the river.
Alyssa: (Oh, it's surprisingly refreshing.)
I opened the backpack and took out two pieces of meat and a small handful of plants and berries before sitting down. While I was eating my berries and leaves everyone finished drinking from the river and moved over to the backpack to get some food.
All except Naira, who just sat in the snow a little bit away from us wrapping her arms around herself. Not wanting her to starve I handed her my two pieces of meat. She just stared at them before reluctantly taking them whispering a soft 'Thank you' to me.
Hey System what'll happen when I finally get my kingdom off the ground?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: A lot of things, user. You'll need to secure your territory, form alliances, raise an army, fight against and with a few kingdoms.
That just sounds like responsibility.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: It is, but don't fret I'll deal with all the planning so your brain won't melt.
Thank you.
As I just sat there relaxing I could feel the ground beneath me start to shake. It seems everyone else felt it too as they stopped eating and began to look around for the cause of the shaking. I looked on my map allowing me to see about 12 large dots heading our way from the west.
And it seems the saber-tooth is keeping it's distance from the dots. Regardless I stood up and got in between everyone and the direction the dots are coming from.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: 12 mammoths approaching.
Wait mammoths?!
Sure enough a herd of mammoths came into view and the one leading them was large and didn't seem too friendly.
Will they attack?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Not unless they have some infants to protect.
From the center of the herd came a small trumpet and out appeared several baby mammoths.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Hmm, this complicates things prepare for a small confrontation.
A small confrontation?! Those things are bigger than me!
The mammoth leading them slowly approached me staring me right in the eyes. It was 15 feet tall making me seem smaller compared to him and his tusks were long, sharp and as thick as tree trunks. I just stayed still not wanting to do anything that might seem like a threat to the mammoths.
Everyone was hiding behind me away from the sight of the mammoth. It eventually let out a low rumble before turning away from me toward the frozen river. The mammoth slammed it's trunk on the frozen river easily breaking a large area of ice. The rest of the mammoths approached and began to drink from the river.
We just dodged a gaint fuzzy bullet--
*Small trumpet*
I looked down to see five baby mammoths looking up at me.
Wait, if the babies are near... than that means the mother is close behind!
As I suspected several loud trumpets made our ears ring. These trumpets belonged to the now extremely aggressive and protective mothers of the baby mammoths.
System how do you calm an angry mammoth mother?!
S.Y.S.T.E.M: ...Play dead?
...You know sometimes I really hate you.
(Warning lengthy A/N)
•Firstly, hey how you doing?
•Secondly, prologue of my third book is out.
•Thirdly, I'm very sorry.
Finally a message that you will more than likely not care about:
..-. . -... .-. ..- .- .-. -.-- / ..--- ...--
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