Chapter 41 - New friend?
Is this the sidequest, System?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I believe so, but you won't know for sure until you engage them.
Alright, I just hope I'm not putting everyone in danger for nothing.
I shrugged off the backpack making it fall into the snow before placing Arlin, Wystan and Alyssa on top of it. They all looked up at me with confused expressions.
Wystan: Master, what are you going to do?
Devan: (Something that may or may not be very stupid.)
Alyssa: (That doesn't answer our question, honey.)
Arlin: Y-Yeah, what're you doing?
I looked back to the battle to see a wolf pounce on the injured leopard knocking her into the snow. She was holding it off, but it looked like she was tiring quickly.
Devan: Wystan, protect them while I deal with the wolves alone.
He was shocked and seemed to have wanted to help, but stopped himself.
Wystan: Yes, master!
Stepping towards the creatures and away from everyone else I stood up and pounded my chest. The beats of my chest were loud and thundering quickly gaining the wolves' attention. The wolf that was on top of the leopard got off her revealing her unmoving body.
Is she still alive?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Yes, although she has a few bite marks on her it seems she's only highly fatigued.
The wolves gathered together and snarled at me with no hint of fear in their eyes, but rather great hunger. A few of them even seemed to be sizing me up.
Aren't they supposed to be running away scared? What's keeping them from escaping?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Hunger, user. You are much bigger than the leopard, so they are currently assessing the probability of taking you down. But also to see if it's even worth the effort and energy to kill you when they already have wounded prey.
The biggest of the wolves stepped forward as the others cleared a path for him. It locked eyes with me for a few seconds before growling and charging towards me. The others quickly followed him without hesitation.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: They seemed to have made their decision good luck, user.
I ran towards them as well intending to keep the fight away from everyone else. However before I could come close to them they split off and flanked my sides successfully surrounding me. I stood up once more to at least try to appear intimidating, but they didn't seem to care as they began to circle me.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Enemy combatants consist of 15 ice wolves all level 20 and one alpha which is level 32. Be on guard they'll attempt to whittle down your energy and strength.
Thanks for the info.
One wolf ran out of the circle straight at me, so I sent a punch right at it. But before it could connect the wolf dodged to the side making me hit the snow. It retreated back to the circle as a cold sting shot through my body from my right leg. It turned out one of the wolves used the other as a distraction to bite deep into my ankle. The strange thing was that the wound began to be coated in a thin layer of ice.
!Debuff gained!
Frost bite
Reduces target's movement speed while draining energy over time. Stacks up to five.
So that's why the leopard is knocked out.
I kicked it off sending it tumbling into another wolf and out the circle of hungry predators. While I was busy dealing with that wolf another jumped onto my back and bit into my neck. Two more quickly ran up and began to maul both my ankles. The thin layer of ice began to slowly turn thicker and spread across my limbs making me slightly lose feeling in them as they grew numb.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Avoid anymore bites from these wolves, user. Even your stamina will drain quickly from these wolves' attacks.
I used my right hand to reach behind my back and grab the wolf biting my neck before slamming it into the ground with tremendous force.
Even though it's fall was cushioned by the large amount of snow a small crater was formed beneath it as a loud crack resonated. Since it stopped moving I turned my attention to the two biting my ankles. I used my hand to grab the one biting my right ankle digging my fingers into it drawing blood and causing it to let go. It was yelping loudly while trying to bite my hand. Before I could do the same thing to the other one it ran back to the safety of the circling pack. Without them biting me I could feel my limbs gain back some feeling as the ice began to break off.
!Debuff(s) removed!
Elemental resistance increased
S.Y.S.T.E.M: On your right.
A wolf leaped towards me in an attempt to save it's injured comrade, but I turned in time to smash it into the ground along with the wolf that was still in my hand. Blood instantly coated the snow beneath them and when I removed my hand it revealed their squashed bodies. All of their bones and organs seemed to have been crushed beneath my hand which was covered in blood.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Three wolves killed and two knocked unconscious while sustaining minuscule damage. Well done only twelve wolves remain.
I pounded my chest once more in hope of scaring them off and hopefully seeing their dead comrades would cause them to retreat. It seemed to have work as they slowly backed up, but stopped as the biggest wolf stepped forward. It's eyes held intense hatred as the ice on it's back began glowing bright. It released a loud howl which made the rest of the wolves' eyes glow red as multiple wolves began to frantically attack and bark at me while the big wolf slowly advanced. I swung my arm at an arc hitting only two wolves as the rest dodged before continuing their attack.
What's happened to them? Their attacks are a lot more aggressive and their reflexes are quick.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Warning high levels of energy is being gathered within the crystals on it's back. The rest of the wolves are buffed from the howl of their alpha increasing their attacks and abilities for a short amount of time. The wolves are preventing you from moving, so the alpha's attack will land. I suggest blocking to reduce the damage.
As System suggested I raised my arms to cover my face ignoring the bites being inflicted all over my body. A loud howl from the giant wolf stopped the attack as the wolves surrounding me quickly retreated to the sides of their alpha. I peeked through the gap between my arms only to cover my face fully again as the gaint wolf opened it's mouth and shot out a bright blue beam at me.
When the beam made contact with my forearms ice begin to form and encase them. The beam kept hitting me making the ice spread quickly across my body pinning my feet to the ground. Even with my fur and Elemental resistance I could feel the extreme cold from the attack. The beam soon stopped and some of the wolves immediately went back on the offensive biting at my exposed back and neck. The rest of them gathered around the giant wolf who was panting and lying in the snow.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: The attack has left 70% of your body covered in ice crystals and has dealt 200 points of damage. You can break out of this with some strength, but I suggest hurrying as you may catch a cold.
I flexed my muscles while using a moderate amount of my strength successfully breaking the ice. This also caused some ice shards to launch and skewer a few of the wolves.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Two more dead wolves and six mortally wounded. Only four remain capable of combat.
Four? But there's only the alpha and one remaining wolf left.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: You rendered two unconscious--
S.Y.S.T.E.M: --and they seemed to have woken up now.
I turned in the direction the sound came from only to see the two wolves fully awake and currently snarling at tiny Wystan. Arlin was hiding behind Alyssa shaking while she glared at the wolves with her fists raised no sign of fear in her brown eyes. As for Wystan he was keeping the wolves at bay by brandishing his tiny, but extremely sharp spike hand at them.
Wystan: Back, back you!
One of the wolves went in to bite him, but Wystan poked it's snout causing the wolf to back up yelping as some blood came out. They were now more hesitant to attack as they growled at Wystan. The scene made me chuckle seeing as how the two wolves were much bigger than Wystan yet they seem to be scared of him. My amusement didn't last long however as the giant wolf jumped onto my back where it proceeded to bite deep into my neck. It's bite was more painful than that of the others and it's Frost bite seemed to be more effective, as a thin layer of ice began to rapidly cover my neck.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Incoming wolf on your left.
I looked to my left seeing the wolf that was with the alpha running towards us. I reeled my right fist back intending to punch it directly, but instead of continuing to run it leaped up toward my neck with it's jaws open. Instead of a punch like I intended I delivered a powerful uppercut to it's stomach. A loud crack resonated followed by the wolf's body being launched high into the sky at high speed.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: The impact seemed to have completely shattered that ice wolf's skeleton.
How long is it's body going to be up there?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: By my estimate 5 minutes. Also the wolves that were skewered by the ice shards have now bled out leaving just the alpha and the other two.
Oh yeah I have to take care of those other two, but first the alpha.
I reached my hand behind me and grabbed the giant wolf by it's neck burying my fingers into it's skin. But unlike the other wolf that attempted this it didn't let go instead it bit harder and clung onto my back more. The once thin layer of ice began to grow thicker as it slowly spread across the back of my neck.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: A stubborn wolf isn't it? One moment user I shall get it off your back.
A few seconds later a blast of golden lightning shot out my back causing the wolf to yelp and fall off unmoving.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: It's paralyzed for now, but it's senses will return to it shortly. And it seems Wystan requires some assistance once you finish off the alpha.
He does?
I turned back to where everyone else was at only to see one of the wolves knock Wystan off the backpack and into the deep snow. He was then quickly mauled on by both wolves as if he was a chew toy, but since he was made of stone he didn't seem to be in pain.
Wystan: Master, Mistress, Arlin I require some assistance!
Alyssa: (Hang on Wystan!)
She wasted no time in tackling one of the wolves while Arlin took out a dagger which he threw at the other wolf. His dagger embedded itself into the wolf's side which caused it to let Wystan go, but it was now focused on him. Alyssa was busy slamming her fists into a wolf's head to help and Wystan was recovering from being violently shaken around. The wolf growled and tacked Arlin to the ground causing him to use his arms to keep the wolf's mouth away from him.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Since Arlin is not physically strong he will only be able to hold that wolf off for about 10 seconds.
I better hurry then.
I charged toward the wolf and it seemed to have noticed my rapid approach as it got off Arlin and attempted to flee. But before it could escape I grabbed it's tail and lifted it up to my face. It turned and bit into my wrist to try and get me to let go, but I just took this opportunity to bite into it's exposed neck.
I could feel the bones in it's neck crack and break under the pressure of my jaws killing it. When I dropped it's lifeless body two notifications appeared in front of me.
Enemy executed
Cause: Neck crushed
Skill: Frost bite
!Level up!
S.Y.S.T.E.M: You're progressing nicely, user.
Halfway to level 100!
Closing the notifications I turned to deal with the remaining wolf, but it seemed Alyssa had it under control. She was on it's back holding on tightly as she continued to slam her fists on it's head. The wolf fell into the snow dazed by the surprisingly strong punches dished out by Alyssa. She finished it off by moving it's head to the side giving her room to bite deep into it's neck. After a few seconds she stopped and got off the wolf waiting for it to get up, but when it remained still she turned to us with a very bloody smile.
Alyssa: (I won!)
She beat her chest in victory which enticed me to do the same followed by a loud roar from the both of us. I walked up to her and gently wiped some of the blood off her mouth.
Devan: (You have blood all over your mouth.)
She jumped up and wiped some blood off my mouth and showed me her hand which was covered in blood.
Alyssa: (You do too.)
I just chuckled using my arm to wipe the rest of the blood off my mouth before moving to check on Arlin. He was brushing snow off his coat with Wystan helping.
Devan: Are you alright?
Arlin: Y-Yes it didn't bite me and the snow softened my fall when it t-tackled me. I'm just a l-little cold because of the s-snow.
I gently rubbed his head before picking up the giant backpack and putting it on once more. As I finished securing the backpack a snarl got everyone's attention. The alpha stood before us growling with a raging fire of anger burning in it's eyes. Alyssa got back on my shoulders as I picked up both Arlin and Wystan before standing to my full height. It gazed at the dead bodies of it's fallen pack with sadness before it's head and tail gradually lowered. It took one last glance at us before limping away. Wystan moved to the top of my head looking at the retreating wolf.
Wystan: Should we go after it?
Devan: No, it's not a threat to any of us anymore.
Wystan: So we won?
Devan: Yep.
He proceeded to jump up and down while waving his tiny arms yelling out "Zwycięstwo!"
???: Ugh... damn it.
The small celebration was cut short when an unfamiliar voice spoke. We all turned in the direction of the voice to see it came from the injured snow leopard. She shakily stood up not have spotted us yet until Wystan waved to her.
Wystan: Hello!
The snow leopard quickly turned to us and immediately went into a fighting position with her claws out.
Devan: We don't want to fight you leopard, so put away your claws.
Instead of standing down she ran at us with surprisingly high speed considering she's injured. I got back down on my knuckles shielding Arlin with my arm as I prepared myself to catch whatever attack she was going to hit me with. But as she was about to attack the wolf's body from earlier came crashing down on top of her. We all just stood there for a while not knowing what to do or say.
...Is she dead?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: No, miraculously it only knocked her out.
Wystan: I think one of the wolves ate a piece of my butt.
(I'm thinking of making another story. Also I was on break, so that's why I haven't updated in about a month. As an apology for this being short and late take a penguin.)
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