Chapter 39 - Preparations
I placed my arm out successfully clotheslining the stampeding Voytek and saving Arlin from his wrath. I then lied down using Voytek's unconscious body as a pillow while I held onto Alyssa.
Wystan: Master, I'm going to go explore our new home if you don't mind.
I just gave him a nod which made him run away deeper into our home laughing as he ran.
Devan: Anyway, Arlin this is Voytek one of the friends we made.
Arlin: D-Did I do s-something to u-upset him?
Devan: No, I think it's because he really doesn't like humans.
He looked down sad as he rubbed his right arm.
Arlin: O-Oh, I see...
I quickly changed the subject not wanting him to be sad.
Devan: Hey, come over and meet my wife her name is Alyssa. She's also technically the queen of this jungle since she is married to me.
The moment I said she was a queen he quickly got on his knees bowing to us. Alyssa looked at Arlin for a second making him slightly shake before she faced me with confusion swirling around in her light brown eyes.
Alyssa: (Why is he showing us submission? Did he commit an offense he wants to apologize for?)
Devan: (No, I believe it's because I said we were technically royalty since we now rule this jungle.)
She turned back to Arlin before motioning with her hand for him to stand. He shakily did while avoiding any and all eye contact with her.
Arlin: H-Hello your m-majesty.
Alyssa turned to me with a devious smile and eyes gleaming with mischief showing she was planning on messing with Arlin. I looked at her sternly to make sure she took what I said next seriously.
Devan: (Don't even think about doing anything to him.)
She just pouted before laying back down on my chest sighing in content at the softness of my fur.
Devan: So, Arlin what do you wish to do now that you're free from Bellmount's dungeons?
Immediately he answered with so much enthusiasm in his voice and a smile on his face.
Arlin: I-I want to continue o-our adventures t-together!
He then covered his mouth and blushed embarrassed that he yelled.
Arlin: T-That is if you w-want me back in your g-group.
I gently layed Alyssa on Voytek's still unconscious body before moving over to Arlin. I gave him a gentle smile which he returned with a small shy one of his own.
Devan: Wystan and I missed you a lot, Arlin.
I brought him into a comforting hug which made him stiffen up, but he soon relaxed at the familiar softness of my fur.
Devan: Welcome back to the team.
!New troop member!
Arlin Coyle
Arlin isn't the strongest or the bravest but he sure is the smartest. He isn't one for confrontation usually running to safety at the first sign of danger. His stuttering only adds on to his timid and shy personality making allies want to protect him and some enemies second guess attacking him.
Oh cool there's a small description about him.
I pulled away from the hug before patting Arlin's head making sure to hold back my strength. He leaned into the gentle touch of my hand as he had a look of pure bliss on his face.
What should we do today? The only quest I have left is to kill the gods, but I can't do that just yet.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: If I'm not mistaken your troop and kingdom lack apes, correct?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Then your next task should be to go and find some apes to join your family.
Yeah let's do that, but where should I look first?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: You have yet to head north to the mountains or west through the swamplands. Which one would you like to go to first?
The mountains.
!New Quest!
Through The Pass And Into The Cold
The mountain pass separating the north from the south is cold and unforgiving to any life that dares to try to cross it. Take head travelers for the bite of this cold will freeze you in place.
Objective: Go through the mountain pass to enter the north.
Reward: +5 skill points
Will Arlin live long in those conditions if I take him with us?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Unlike the rest of you Arlin is merely a human. Without something to keep him warm he'll be dead in less than an hour. I say his chance of survival will be 10% if he goes unprepared.
What about me and everyone else?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: One moment, allow me to comprise a list for you to view more easily.
In less than a second an entire list appeared before my eyes showing the probability of our survival in the cold.
List of probability to survive the cold
•Devan- With your fur, natural body heat and Elemental resistance skill I doubt you'll feel more than a nice cool breeze.
Survival chance: 100%
•Alyssa- Although not as resistant to the cold as you are she'll be able to last a long time without warmth.
Survival chance: 80%
•Wystan- The cold won't truly affect him although prolonged exposure to the extreme cold may freeze the liquid within him.
Survival chance: 70%-100%
•Voytek- Since his kind usually live in the cold mountains he should able to stay in subzero temperatures without too much trouble.
Survival chance: 100%
•Ariel- Despite her appearance her fur won't provide as much warmth as the rest of you. But since she was resurrected perhaps the cold may not trouble her.
Survival chance: 50%-100%
Overall probability of all surviving: 40%
So in general I need to prepare us so we can travel through the pass alive.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: It appears that way, but we must first cross through the mountain pass to find apes on the other side.
I heard small snores which ended our conversation. Apparently my hands can also induce sleep since Arlin fell asleep with the only thing keeping him from falling is my hand.
Oh, I should get him to a bed.
I gently picked him up and cradled him to my chest with one arm. He snuggled into my fur making him sleep more comfortably and soundly. I just smiled as I walked over to Alyssa and Voytek who began to slowly open his eyes.
Voytek: Boli mnie głowa.
Devan: Did you learn your lesson on attacking my friend?
Voytek: Apologies małpa, I thought you brought us fresh meat to eat.
He looked at Arlin closely inspecting his body before the hunger for blood in his eyes left.
Voytek: This human is all bone and no meat, I wouldn't even consider it a quick snack.
With that Voytek got up and walked out of the room into a doorway on the left.
Devan: (Hey Alyssa, are there any nests available?)
Alyssa: (No, sorry honey we were busy building our home so I didn't have time to make us any nests.)
Devan: (That's alright I guess I'll just make Arlin a temporary one.)
Alyssa: (Before you do that I still need to groom you.)
I just nodded as I sat down in front of her still holding Arlin. She got up and moved behind me where she began to groom my large amount of fur. I just stared out the opening in the leaves above us watching as a giant cloud covered the sun's rays.
Alyssa: (So how did you meet this human?)
Devan: (In a forest he was about to be sacrificed to a god by some cultists and a golem. But I saved him from that fate.)
Alyssa: (You didn't get hurt did you?)
I could hear the concern in her voice as she fed me one of the bugs from my fur.
Devan: (Don't worry I didn't get injured the humans and the golem on the other were slaughtered. Wystan killed their golem while I cut the humans to pieces. But for their leader I ripped him in half.)
Alyssa: (Wow, you really hold nothing back when you fight.)
Devan: (If anything threatens me or my family I'll hold nothing back.)
She moved from my back to my head beginning to groom the fur there.
Alyssa: (So where are we going to go to find apes to join your kingdom?)
Devan: (It's our kingdom after all you're now the queen, and we are heading north through the mountain pass.)
Alyssa: (Oh, but who's going to stay and watch over our house? And it's not going to be me.)
Devan: (Well then... Maybe I'll leave Ariel in charge.)
A calming silence soon overtook our conversation with the chirping of birds and the leaves rustling above us being the only sounds heard. A gentle breeze then came through pushing the cloud above away allowing the sun to shine down on us.
Who knew sunlight, a gentle breeze and being groomed could be so relaxing.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I sometimes envy you, user.
Why can't you feel?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: No, I was not created with sensory receptors. Although, I am immortal and granted vast knowledge and capable of traveling between worlds, so that makes me less envious and more grateful.
Our conversation ended as I went back to observing our new home. The makeshift walls were made of wood and some thick vines with a few flowers decorating them. There was even some big mushrooms above us that seemed to be producing the light we saw outside. As I was busy admiring Alyssa's handiwork I didn't realize she was done grooming me until she spoke.
Alyssa: (Alright I'm finished grooming your fur. Besides bugs you had a lot of bones, flesh and some organ pieces stuck in there as well.)
!Temporary skill!
Since you were groomed your fur is no longer covered in bugs and other things that were caught in your fur.
Effect:+20 health
Duration: Until fur is dirty again
Alyssa: (I think I can use these things if you don't mind.)
I turned around still sitting allowing me to see Alyssa staring at a stack of bones, bugs and organs.
Devan: (I don't, but what can you use them for?)
Alyssa: (Well for the bones I could make some tools out of them and maybe even armor. The organs can be used for making a meal or adding flavor and as for the bugs their just for snacks.)
She can make a meal out of the organs?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Your digestive system is capable of digesting nearly anything without getting a disease from it. Whether this is safe for human consumption has yet to be seen or tested.
Well I'm alright with trying anything new. Anyway time to make a nest for Arlin.
Devan: (I'm going to build a nest for Arlin to sleep on. Is there any spare plants from your furnishing of our new home?)
Alyssa: (Yeah there's plenty of plants left over and you can always grab the leaves from above us if you need more. Just head through that doorway there.)
She pointed to a huge doorway decorated with vines and flowers around it's frame. I got up and gave Alyssa a quick kiss on the head before making my way through the doorway. This new room was much larger with a clear view of the entire jungle. There were vines, leaves, plants and flowers all put into neat piles near one of the makeshift walls that separated this room from the next.
They really did a great job.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Indeed, despite the wall's appearance they seem to be stable and durable. The mushrooms giving off light seems to be almost the same as the ones where your family is residing. Only this type prospers in dark areas of the jungle instead of the traditional darkness of the caves.
I walked over to the various piles first taking the vines and laying it down before spreading some leaves on top. After making sure it was soft, by placing my hand on various spots, I gently laid Arlin on the nest before covering him with my bear onesie. He hugged it close to himself as I turned back to gaze at the jungle through the opening of the tree branches.
I'm the king of this jungle since I'm the apex right?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Correct, you're worried that the other creatures won't accept your rule aren't you?
Yeah, I mean will any of them attempt to challenge me for the title of apex?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Right now there are no creatures in this jungle nearly powerful enough to challenge you for the title of apex. The creatures in this jungle can sense your overwhelming strength, so they will be less likely to rebel or even attack you.
That's reassuring. I wonder what awaits us in the mountain pass.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Many aggressive creatures, but you must prepare yourselves for the extreme cold. It's temperatures can go from −57 °C all the way to −89.2 °C and that's only during the warmest time of the year.
Arlin won't last too long in those conditions, but I have high hopes that we won't freeze to death on this journey.
Alyssa: (Do you like the way I designed the room?)
I was so engrossed in my conversation I didn't notice Alyssa entered the room until she was right beside me.
Devan: (Yeah I do, I also like your creativity with the glowing mushrooms.)
She moved to the pile of materials gathering some plants and vines to build a nest as she spoke to me.
Alyssa: (I'm glad I had to do all this by myself since Ariel couldn't really grab anything and Voytek was using too much strength, so they broke a lot of things by mistake.)
She came back to where I stood and began to build a nest for both of us. And in just about a few seconds she finished the nest.
Devan: (Well you did such a good job making this place beautiful that I didn't notice anything wrong.)
She slightly blushed before placing her hand in my much larger one and giving me a smile. I gently squeezed her hand and returned the smile as we sat down on the nest and stared out at the sun setting over the jungle. Alyssa then laid her head on my arm as a look of content spread across her face.
I then remembered the visions I had when I slept in the inn in Bellmount. The second vision was about the previous apex's tree, the third was meeting Caesar, and finally me sitting in front of a sunset on a nest with a silhouette of a female ape.
Three of the four visions came true so far except for the battle between apes and a horde of monsters. When that vision will come true I don't know, but I need to prepare for it.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by Alyssa moving her hand from mine to my cheek as she stood up. She then said something that somehow filled me with joy and happiness.
Alyssa: (I love you.)
She then proceeded to give me a gentle kiss on my lips as I remained still too shocked to respond. Only when she wrapped her arms around my neck did I slowly return the kiss as I gently wrapped my arms around her. And since I never kissed anyone in my past life I didn't know what I was doing at all. This continued for a few minutes until she pulled away. I thought she didn't like the kiss, so I was going to apologize. But what stopped me was the look on her face. Alyssa was panting and blushing madly as she looked up at me with love clear in her eyes.
Did I do alright?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Her heart rate has increased along with the relationship bar between you two.
What relationship bar?
A screen soon appeared showing the progress of all the relationships I have.
This is where you can check the relationships you have with the people you encounter.
Warning: Not all relationships stay the same. They may turn from friend to enemy to lover depending on the choices you make.
Wystan: 100% (Best friend)
• You created him +100
• Treated well +10
• Kind +10
Arlin: 100% (Best friend)
• Saved life(x2) +50
• Protected(x10) +40
• Kind +10
Alyssa: 67% (Wife)
• Ape +20
• Silverback +10
• Witnessed being caring(x2) +12
• Ally to Caesar's Tribe +20
• First kiss +5
Ariel: 90% (friend)
• Killed by you -10
• Resurrected by you +100
Voytek: 95% (friend)
• Defeated by you -1
• Killed by you -4
• Defeated in combat by you +100
Caesar: 100% (Ally)
• Ape +20
• Silverback +30
• Ally to tribe +20
• Saved his troop members +20
• Married to daughter +10
A flower then slowly fell between us, it was a light purple flower with a fruity scent and a hint of vanilla. I picked it up and gently placed it in Alyssa's hair causing her smile to widen.
Devan: (I love you too.)
She leaned on my chest as I laid us both down on the nest making sure she was comfortable. Not long after she went to sleep as I turned my head to watch the sunset while I slowly fell into a blissful slumber.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
The sun wasn't the one who woke me up this time, instead it was Alyssa playing with the fur on my head that awoke me. When she saw I was awake she poked my nose with a small smile.
Alyssa: (Morning honey.)
I sat up holding her with one arm as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes with the other.
Devan: (Morning, how was your sleep?)
Alyssa: (It was great your fur is more comfortable than any nest I slept on.)
I looked to my left and saw Arlin was still asleep with my bear onesie still held tight in his grasp. And in front of me the sun was just peaking over the jungle.
Alyssa: (I'm going to go make us something out of the organs and some fruit.)
I just nodded as I let go of her allowing her to walk out the room to make us some breakfast. I slowly got up making loud pops as I stretched out my limbs.
I need to prepare some things for Arlin to be able to travel through the cold.
I went back over to the piles of various plants and materials picking up some of the vines before placing that in my inventory. I then walked over to the area we watched the sunset looking out over the entire jungle.
All I need now is wood and a few warm pelts.
I made sure my katana was secured on my waist before jumping through the opening down into the jungle.
My landing sounded like a strike of thunder followed by an earthquake that no doubt woke up a lot of creatures. I began to walk into the jungle in search of any creatures that had the warmest pelt.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Before you kill any creatures for their pelts, user. The fur of beavers are one of the warmest.
Beaver, huh? Alright, now where do I find them?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: One moment...
Just like the time in Bellmount a path made of golden particles lead me to my objective. I began to follow it pushing aside trees and any foliage blocking my way.
I think I need to kill a fair amount of beavers to make some nice warm clothes for Arlin.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I believe one should suffice.
Only one pelt?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: You'll see why in a moment.
Confused I continued to follow the trail as all of the creatures I passed along the way avoided me. Although a few brave small creatures decided to follow me.
They looked at me in curiosity as I just glanced at them before moving on. However, they began to follow me closely in a line even somehow climbing up my legs to my back. A few of them also went underneath me, so I had to be careful to not squish them. While following the trail I spotted a fairly thick tree who's wood would make for good use in what I'm doing. But I continued to follow the trail instead while making a mental note of where that tree is.
I'll come back for that once I get the beaver pelt. Also why are these creatures following me so closely? I thought all creatures would've avoided me at first sight since I'm the apex predator.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: The predators would avoid you. The prey on the other hand seem to adore you enough to allow you to touch them.
I stopped walking and decided to test that by placing my hand down in front of a small group of them. They hesitantly sniffed my hand before slowly climbing into my open palm. I brought them up to my face inspecting them as I slowly sat down making sure not to crush the creatures beneath me.
Their fur feels soft and they look adorable, what are they?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: They appear to be a cross between a wolf and a mouse.
How is that possible?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Almost everything is possible in this world, user. I thought you would've known this by now.
While I was busy talking to System the tiny creatures in my palm began to lick my face with their tiny tounges.
!New skill!
Ally of Prey
Creatures that are considered prey adore you and will look to you for protection if danger is near. Upgrade this skill enough and more effects will be unlocked.
Effect: When meeting a creature that is considered prey they'll trust you more easily.
To upgrade: Bond with any prey
I slightly chuckled at the feeling of their small tounges on my face which seemed to make them happy as their tails began to wag. I placed the ones in my palm onto my back before slowly getting up. Once again they began to follow while the ones on my back curled up and went to sleep in my fur. After a few minutes I could hear the sound of rushing water, so I began to push aside some vegetation to make room for me to move through. I was able to make it through the heavy collection of plants and when I looked forward I saw this:
The small creatures however closely huddled around me at the sight of it. I was confused on why they were scared, but I kept walking as the creatures now followed me hesitantly. We soon made it to the river and the golden particles lead down it so we started following the river. There were no trees near the river just stumps, branches and pieces of broken wood.
So what are these beavers like?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Highly territorial and very unwelcoming to predator and prey alike.
What do they do to trespassers?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Bite, scratch, crush, anything to either drive them away or kill them.
The ground began to shake as the small creatures huddled closer to me shaking. The golden particles moved in the direction the noise was coming from which confused me. A few trees in the distance could be seen falling as they began to get closer to our position. The creatures on my back got off and hid behind my legs as I stood up prepared to deal with whatever is charging at us.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Yes user, crush.
The mysterious creature came out of the trees revealing a massive beaver. It was slightly smaller than me with blood coming from it's mouth. The glowing particles disappeared showing I've reached my destination, but I was still in disbelief of what that thing is.
What the hell is that?!
S.Y.S.T.E.M: A beaver.
No, no, no, no, beavers are small and adorable. That is just gigantic and horrifying.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: It's a dire beaver, user.
It stared at us moving its eye's between all of us seemingly trying to decide who to attack first.
A dire beaver?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: You know what a dire beaver is, right? It's like a beaver, but it's dire.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: ...
The beaver finally made up it's mind and decided to attack me by opening it's mouth, revealing it's surprisingly sharp looking teeth, and charging at us. I placed my hands on the beaver's jaws holding it back, which didn't take too much strength to do. It began to slap the ground with it's tail I believe to try to unbalance me. But I remained standing firm while the small creatures were being bounced around by the shaking caused by it's tail.
How long will the meat from this thing last us?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: At least a day's worth of food. Expiration wise without anything to preserve it give or take 24 hours.
Alright then, thank you.
I proceeded to slam the beaver's head on the ground stopping it's tail slapping and dazing it. I then pinned it's head in place with one hand as I raised my right fist before bringing it down on his head.
I caved in it's skull and more than likely crushing the brain killing it instantly. I hoisted it over my right shoulder before walking in the direction I saw that tree. The small creatures followed a little bit more behind not wanting to be near the carcass of the beaver.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: User, would you like me to place the beaver in your inventory?
Isn't this thing to big to fit in my inventory?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Your inventory space is determined by your total strength. Essentially you have nearly limitless space.
Oh, neat. Could you place this in my inventory, please?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Of course.
The carcass dissolved into particles before it disappeared out of sight. This confused the small creatures greatly as they began to look around searching for where the carcass went. I just chuckled at their confused looks before continuing to walk to the tree I saw earlier.
How long will the journey through the pass take?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: A week at most. But don't worry with the preparations your making I have no doubt you'll overcome the cold and beasts.
I finally made it back to the tree with the small creatures not too far behind me. They stood back and watched on as I pulled the tree out of the ground before System placed it in my inventory. Once again they looked around confused before giving up on searching for it. With everything I needed I began to walk back home.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We were now at the base of the giant tree we live in and as I began to climb the it the small creatures tried and failed to follow me. I just gave them a small wave goodbye before continuing to climb back up the tree.
I'm going to miss those guys, whatever they were.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: We may see them again some day.
I finally made it to the top in about a minute or so. And when I entered the house I saw everyone was gathered together sitting with a pile of food in front of them and a much larger pile next to Alyssa.
Devan: (I'm back.)
Immediately everyone perked up at the sound of my voice with Alyssa, Wystan and Arlin running up and hugging me. I also noticed Arlin was wearing my bear onesie, which was way too big for him, over the clothes he already had on.
Voytek: The małpa is back!
Ariel: Welcome home, Devan.
Wystan: Master, you're back!
Alyssa: (We were waiting for you! I set your food next to mine if your hungry.)
Arlin: I-I hope you don't mind I'm wearing this it-it's just really w-warm and c-comfy.
Devan: I don't mind I'm actually glad you like my craftsmanship.
Arlin: O-Oh, then you did an a-amazing job on it. By the way, w-where did y-you go?
Everyone quieted down when Arlin said that also curious to know where I went.
Devan: (I just went out to hunt in preparation for the next part of our journey.)
Arlin was confused at first since I spoke in ape, but Wystan soon translated for him so I didn't have to speak twice.
Voytek: What is the next part, małpa?
Devan: (Some of us are going through the mountain pass to cross into the other side in search of apes to join us.)
Ariel: What do you mean by some?
Devan: (While I'm gone I need to leave someone to guard our home and kingdom from any unwanted guests.)
Voytek: Then it should be me. No creature will dare to even gaze at your home with me as it's guard.
Ariel: You'll just destroy Devan's home if he left you here in charge. Please allow me to keep things in order while you search for more apes.
Voytek: As if I'd dare destroy the małpa's home, cat. Besides your heart will just cloud your judgment allowing the enemy within his home.
Voytek and Ariel both began to argue with each other as everyone else watched on not wanting to get between two creatures that could kill them in seconds.
Who should I leave? Voytek is powerful, but he isn't the most kind so he may end up killing every single creature that passes by. Ariel's personality is the exact opposite she seems way too kind probably allowing potential threats to walk on in and out.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Leave them both. With both their personalities they may balance each other out.
Alright then.
I got up and made my way to the two still bickering creatures. Once I was close enough I picked each of them up by their heads making sure not to apply too much pressure on their skulls.
Devan: Listen here you two I'm putting both of you in charge, so stop arguing.
They both gave a slight nod, so I released my grip dropping them on their butts.
Devan: (Anyway, I killed a dire beaver so today we can feast on meat with the food Alyssa has prepared for us.)
Voytek immediately perked up at the mention of meat causing him to roar in the anticipation of being able to feast on meat. But Ariel just made a face of disgust when I said that.
Devan: You don't have to eat it if you don't want to.
She gave me a nod and a grateful smile before Voytek laughed at her.
Voytek: What's the matter cat? Can't stomach meat?
She just glared at him before turning and smacking him with her tail as she went to go eat the meal Alyssa made for her. I took the carcass out of my inventory, but it wasn't in the same state as before. Instead it was perfectly cut into pieces with the tail and fur gone. Everyone took pieces of the cut up meat and began to eat while Alyssa went to cook some of it on the fireplace for Arlin.
What happened to the carcass?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I thought you would appreciated this. I also skinned the dire beaver, so it's pelt and tail are in your inventory now.
Oh, well thank you.
I took a good chunk of the meat and ate it before moving to a more quieter area of the house to work on Arlin's winter clothes. As I was about to get the pelt, vines and wood from my inventory System stopped me.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: User, please allow me to create the items necessary for your journey.
Why can't I do it?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: With your skill in crafting the maximum quality you'll be able to do is good. However if you allow me to create them the quality will be legendary.
If it makes it better than sure go for it.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: This will only take a moment.
In only a few seconds a huge backpack made of wood appeared in front of me along with fur boots, fur gloves, and a fur coat.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Items made.
How did you make all of that in the span of a few seconds.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: If I were to tell you user, your brain will physically explode.
...Oh...Nevermind then.
I just picked up Arlin's new winter clothes and went out to look for him. I didn't have to search too long as he was sitting by Wystan eating a piece of the meat with some fruit.
Devan: Arlin, could you follow me for a moment, please?
Arlin: Oh, s-sure.
He placed his food down on a leaf that was acting as a plate before getting up and following me to a more secluded area of the house. Once we made it to a room no one will bother us in I turned to him as he looked up at me.
Arlin: W-What is it, D-Devan?
Devan: I just wanted you to try this on since we will be heading somewhere extremely cold tomorrow.
I handed him the new clothes before walking out the room to give him some privacy. A few minutes later he called me back into the room. He looked happy in it as he smiled up at me.
Devan: How does it feel?
Arlin: It's r-really comfortable a-and warm. W-What is it made o-of?
Devan: A dire beaver pelt, so it's pretty warm.
Arlin: W-Well thank you.
Devan: You're welcome, but make sure to prepare yourself for tomorrow. Because we will be entering the cold for at most a week.
Arlin: T-Thanks for t-telling me in a-advance. Also I'm g-glad to be back w-with you guys.
He ended that with a close eyed smile which made me give him a small one in return.
Devan: And we're glad to have you back.
With that I exited the room in order to prepare some supplies for our journey.
(We will be meeting the a potential love interest in the next chapter. You may choose whether you want them in the harem or not.)
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