Chapter 37 - Infiltration of Bellmount
After I executed the apex I noticed that all of my abilities had increased tremendously. My strength was now to the point I can crush huge boulders with one finger, while my speed was now even faster than light. Essentially I think I may have turned into a demigod.
Which brings me to right now. Wystan and I were outside the walls of Bellmount hiding behind some trees. There were a lot more guards at the gate with much stronger looking weapons and armor. There were even ballistas lining the wall with several people manning it. They had torches lined all along the wall allowing the guards beneath them to see.
Did I cause all of this to happen?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Yes, following shortly after your grand escape they appear to have increased their security and patrols in fear of another massacre.
Another massacre? What did I do?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: If I remember correctly you mowed down an entire regiment of guards before we left. The city has deemed that a terrorist attack from the beast kingdom.
Oh... but that was in self-defense.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Not in their eyes.
Whatever, I'm not here to justify what I did I'm here to see my best friend.
I took out the skinwalker's hat from my inventory before placing it on my head. Like before my body shrunk down to the size of a naked 7 foot human male.
Right, I forgot I don't have clothes when I transform.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: If you wish to appear somewhat presentable there's a guard over there who's apparel may suit you. Give me a moment to mark him.
A guard on the wall manning one of the ballistas began to glow a bright golden color. He appeared to be larger than the rest of his comrades, so his clothes should fit me or at least cover me up. Problem is there's about twenty to thirty guards between me and him, and I don't want to alert the entire city I'm here.
Devan: Wystan can you cause a distraction to draw the majority of the guards away, please?
Wystan: Of course, but how should I distract the humans?
Devan: Just knock over some of the trees down in the deeper part of the forest and yell. The noise should cause some of them to run over to investigate.
Wystan: Alright, I shall find you inside once my task is complete.
He hopped off my shoulder before quickly running west into the deeper part of the forest.
I hope he'll be okay.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Don't fret, user. These humans are not nearly strong enough to harm something such as Wystan. Not even their siege weapons can mortally wound him.
A few seconds later Wystan's high pitched voice cut through the silence getting all of the guard's attention.
Wystan: Help! Monster!
Then the sound of several trees falling could be heard and seen as the bird's frightened calls soon followed. One of the guards at the gate began to rally his comrades to save the "poor child".
???: On your feet, men! We need to rescue that child!
???: It could be an attack shouldn't we call for reinforcements?!
???: By the time they get here that child would be dead! And I'll be damned if I let a child die by the hands of the beasts! Some of you stay here and guard the gate, but the rest of you we need to hurry!
The majority of the guards scrambled to climb down in order to assist in the search leaving only ten men on the wall. They took most of the torches as well causing the entire area to be shrouded in almost total darkness. Once the light from the guard's torches dissapeared into the forest I silently ran toward the wall.
???: How long do we have to stay posted here? It's freezing and I want to go back home to my bed.
I began to scale the wall using the spaces between the stones to help me.
???: Quiet, we're members of his majesty's great army. It is expected of us to guard his kingdom.
I was now at the top of the wall with the two guards speaking to my left and the highlighted guard to my right alone. I began to sneak over to him while keeping an eye out for any approaching guards.
???: I swear your loyalty to the king makes it seem like he's a god.
I was right behind the gaurd now as he was squinting trying to see into the darkness of the forest.
???: He is almost a god haven't you heard of the equipment he possesses?
???: Of course I have, some of the other guards even said they were blessed by the gods themselves.
The big guard turned around which allowed me to grab his neck and quickly pull him down to the ground. I got on top of him as I began to apply pressure to his neck which caused him to try and hit me off. After a few more seconds he stopped moving so I began to strip him of his clothes and armor and put it on myself. He even had a bottle of strange liquid which I promptly took.
???: Do you think Erik knows more about this? I mean he was transferred here from the capital so he's bound to know something we don't right?
I finished putting on the clothes he had on and the chest plate but that's when I realized even though I took the biggest guard's armor, it was still too small on me. I had to force my feet into the boots which caused the bottoms to fall off exposing my feet to the ground.
???: I guess we can just go over and ask.
???: Let's just hope he's in a good mood to talk about it.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: User, the two guards are approaching your location.
What?! Damn the body is still here. Will he survive the fall if I drop him off this wall?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Possibly--
Good enough for me!
I proceeded to toss his body off the wall into the shadows. I had just finished putting the helmet on my head when the guards approached me.
???: Hey, Erik. We need to ask you something.
I quickly got up as I stood still in front of them not knowing what to say.
???: Do you know anything about the king? Any rumors or tales, you know since you used to be stationed in the capital.
A million thoughts were running through my head on what I should do until I picked a random option.
???: Are you--
I swiftly grabbed their heads and slammed them together causing a loud clang to ring out. Their bodies dropped to the floor as blood began to slowly seep out of their heads.
Are they dead?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Yes, but I am curious why you decided on turning their brains into mush.
I panicked and when I panic I just do the first thing that comes to mind.
???: Hey, what was that noise, is everything alright over there?!
I swiftly took off my glove and threw it at whoever spoke. Turns out it was a crossbowmen who was standing close to the edge of the wall. The strength I used caused him to be launched off and land about 30 feet away in the forest.
Is he dead?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: The amount of strength you used made that steel glove the equivalent of a bullet. He was more than likely killed from the impact than the landing.
I should leave before I kill anybody else by mistake.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: That would be wise.
I grabbed the two guards I killed and threw them with the other one I hid. But what I didn't know was that the guard was still alive and woke up.
???: What--
He was cut off by two heavy bodies crushing him after being thrown off a 12 meter wall.
Damn, I'm just killing everybody aren't I?
I jumped off the wall landing safely in the city as I began to make my way to the noble district. Compared to last time I was here the streets were now barren except for the presence of guards clad in heavy armor and carrying halberds.
They merely glanced at me as we passed by each other. There was still more patrols everywhere but just like before they glanced at me before moving on. I made a few more turns before finally coming across the area that transitions into the noble district. Up ahead were two guards one held a torch while the other was holding a book. They were both standing in front of a closed gate blocking the way into the noble district.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Careful, user. There appears to be a checkpoint up ahead.
Oh, well I'm disguised as a guard so I shouldn't have any problem cr--
???: Stop!
I stopped in front of the two guards as the one with the torch stepped forward and raised it up to my face.
???: Remove your helmet, soldier. So we may have a clear view of your face.
Not wanting them to be suspicious I removed the helmet, but I left the skinwalker's hat on. This didn't go unnoticed by either of them.
???: What is that on your head?
Devan: It's cold out, and I didn't want cold steel on my head.
???: That doesn't matter. You wear the designated apparel all soldiers wear. Take off that ridiculous hat this instant before we report you to the commander.
If I take this off then they'll see I'm actually a giant silverback. I'm pretty sure they won't forget this encounter so...
Devan: I'm sorry, but not really, for what I'm about to do.
???: The hell are you--
I swiftly grabbed his head with both my hands and crushed it. His helmet was now flattened perfectly making me guess his head was also the same shape.
???: Mur--
Before he could yell a stone spike shot through his helmet and out the other side. His entire brain was skewered at the end of the spike as the body fell limp still hanging onto the spike. Small fast footsteps came from the shadows as the torch shined bright enough to reveal Wystan.
Wystan: You need to be more careful, master. That human almost alerted the rest of them.
Devan: Thank you, Wystan. Let's go we're close to Arlin's home.
I placed the helmet back on my head as Wystan excitedly climbed onto my right shoulder. I stepped forward and grabbed the bottom of the gate with one hand. With minimal effort I lifted the gate high enough for me to walk in before gently placing it back down. I began to walk in the direction of Arlin's parents shop. But I noticed there was nobody around not even patrols, so I took this quiet time to speak with Wystan.
Devan: So, how did you escape that group of twenty guards?
Wystan: It was easy I waited until they were grouped together before I made a giant hole beneath their feet. They should be stuck in there for a while.
I rubbed his small head with my finger as he closed his eyes enjoying the praise I was giving him.
Devan: Well done I'll find some emeralds for you once we finish seeing how Arlin is doing.
Wystan: I miss him. I really enjoyed our talks of various plants and discussions on songs.
I made a right still keeping an eye out for anyone.
Devan: Oh, really? What song did you share with him?
Wystan: I tried to teach him the song I learned, but he didn't understand the words so I had to teach him the language first. But now I have a new song to teach him.
We were getting close now as I made a left heading towards the bridge that led into the noble district.
Devan: Can you sing me the new song you learned? I may not understand the words but I'll still enjoy it.
This seemed to make him happy as he began to bounce up and down slightly. He soon stopped before clearing his throat as he began to sing.
Wystan: Ochrzczeni w ogniu
Twardzi jak stal!
I was right I don't understand the language, but I feel like I heard this song before.
Wystan: W tej ciszy niosącej śmierć
Czekają na znak
Wybrańcy co dziś pójdą w bój
Gotowi przelać swą krew
Gdy rozkaz wydano im
"Walczymy, już czas"
We wrześniu zobaczył nasz świat
Wojny zakrwawioną twarz
We were now at the bridge and I could see several guards lining the bridge with spears and shields. They didn't look like the regular guards here since their armor and weapons seemed to be made of a yellow material. I placed my finger over Wystan's mouth before I moved behind the cover of a house. Wystan gently pushed my finger so he could speak.
Wystan: What's the matter, master?
Devan: More guards but they don't seem to be like the others.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Those soldiers aren't associated with Bellmount or the kingdom. Not even I know who holds their loyalty.
An unknown enemy. They could be hired mercenaries or more elite units.
Not wanting to deal with them I activated Invisibility before I climbed to the roof of the house I was hiding behind. Wystan hid himself under my hat as I pulled myself onto the roof. Those soldiers still remained motionless not even blinking or shivering in the cold. But I don't have time to investigate this, the night will soon end.
I began to silently jump from roof to roof not wanting to engage those strange soldiers in battle. In a few seconds I was past the guards and now in front of Arlin's home.
Devan: Ready to see finally see, Arlin?
Wystan: Of course!
I slightly chuckled before dropping down in front of the store. I readjusted my clothes and armor before I gently pushed the door open and walked in. It was dark and had no sign of anyone within.
Devan: Search down here, I'm going to look upstairs.
Wystan saluted me before he dropped down as he began to search the first floor. I made my way up the stairs leading to the second floor careful to not step on any loose floorboards. My map didn't show any signs of any living creature in the house which made me slightly worry. I first opened his parent's bedroom door but after not seeing anyone I entered.
Since no one is here I'm sure his parents wouldn't mind me borrowing some things.
I removed the tight armor and clothes before I started going through their clothes. I found Everything I found was too small for me so I had to improvise. I took their bear rug and ripped open it's stomach with ease. I began to search through their various things until I found a length of rope.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: What are you doing, user?
Making my own clothes.
I placed my feet into the empty spaces of the bear's paws before pulling it over me. To hold it together I made holes near the area I ripped it open with my finger, and pushed the rope through each hole before I tied it. I say I did a good job since it felt like a soft and warm bear onesie.
Bear onesie made
Quality: Good
Effects: +10 warmth, padded feet
Engineering Level 2
Sweet I leveled up a skill and I have some nice fitting and soft clothes.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I'm honestly surprised you managed to create something.
Thank you? I don't know if that was a hidden insult but I'll take it regardless. What was I doing? Oh yeah finding Arlin.
I swiftly exited the room closing the door behind me. The paws on the bear skin significantly quieted my footsteps so I began to walk around normally. I was now standing outside the door to Arlin's bedroom but before I could open it Wystan came up the stairs.
Wystan: Master, I couldn't find anything of use downstairs-- Wow, you look great in that bear skin did you make that yourself?
Devan: Thanks I did and I worked hard on it.
I picked him up and placed him inside my makeshift bear onesie with his head poking out so he can see. Making sure he was comfy I opened the door to Arlin's room.
Devan/Wystan: Arlin--
We cut ourselves off seeing as he wasn't here and the state his room was in. Everything was destroyed and thrown everywhere, even his bed was cut open and laying on the floor with some stains of blood on it. After getting to this world seeing blood doesn't scare me, but seeing as how the blood was in Arlin's room I was a little worried.
Wystan climbed out of my onesie and began to look around for anything to tell us what had happened here as I did the same. But we couldn't find anything useful until Wystan fell through a loose floorboard.
Devan: Wystan are you alright?
Wystan: Yes I even found something!
Curious I reached my hand into the hole he fell in as I grabbed onto him and whatever he found. When I pulled my hand it out it revealed to be Wystan holding a piece of paper. Wystan held it out to me which I took and unrolled it which revealed one word written in what I think to be blood.
Dungeon ~A
This city has a dungeon, where?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Head outside I made a trail leading to the prison. And hurry the cover of the night will not remain for long.
Thank you.
I swiftly picked up Wystan and ran downstairs not willing to waste any time. I broke through the door as I saw the sun was slowly peaking over the buildings. There was a trail of golden dust heading deeper into the noble district which I quickly followed.
Wystan: Master, where are we heading to!
I then climbed to the rooftops to follow the trail easier.
Devan: Their prison, they may have imprisoned Arlin there.
But why would they imprison him? I'm pretty sure he's done nothing wrong.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Remember user this city and it's kingdom is your enemy. They have imprisoned all those seen with you deeming them traitors. Many have seen Arlin with you when you arrived thus marking him a traitor in their eyes.
I really messed up his life didn't I?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Only his life in this city.
The trail led into a building the map said was the guards barracks. But since the majority of them are still guarding or stuck in the hole Wystan made I shouldn't have a problem getting inside.
I slowly opened the door and peeked my head in and scanned the inside. No one was there so I opened the door fully allowing me inside before closing it behind me. The trail went through a nearby steel door so I quickly went over and tried to open the door. However it seemed to be locked so I used a little more force until it came off it's hinges. It revealed to be hiding a staircase descending into the darkness. But thanks to my Eagle eyes night vision mode I didn't have a problem seeing in the dark. My night vision also revealed a hallway going left and right at the bottom of the stairs.
Devan: Let's go Arlin is probably down there.
Wystan: Allow me to check for any guards.
He hopped down the stairs until he reached the bottom where he then looked both ways of the hallway. Seeing nobody he turned to me before beginning to jump up and down while waving his arms. I began to silently descend the steps listening and watching for anything.
Once I was at the bottom I picked Wystan up before looking down the hallway. I looked down the hallway and to the right was a storage room, and to the left was filled with cells and more stairs leading deeper into the dungeon.
I went left peering into the cells I passed for Arlin. The first cell had a person with a wolf like appearance laying on the floor asleep. He was wearing rags which revealed cuts and bruises littering his entire body. The second cell was empty but it had blood staining the floor with what appeared to be a severed tail and two ears. The third cell was the worst one as it had someone chained to the wall with shackles. But all of their skin was removed and it was left on a bloody table in the cell.
These people are barbaric but where's Arlin?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: He's deeper within the dungeon.
I began to walk to the stairs while patting Wystan's back, as he began to vomit pebbles due to seeing the state the prisoners were in. The stairs led deeper underground making it colder with the only source of light being the torches on the walls. As I was halfway down I heard voices and a scream of pain.
???: Now, now, it's only a little needle.
???: Please stop...
By the sound of the voice it wasn't Arlin but regardless I quickened my steps in hope of saving whoever it is from more pain. I was now at the bottom of the stairs and what I saw next shocked me and Wystan.
It was a torture room and a big one at that. And in the room was several larger cells with guards watching the prisoners within.
???: Almost done then we can move on to my favorite part, the skinning!
???: Just kill me...
I could now clearly see who the screams came from. It was a fairly small demihuman with cat ears and a tail. And the one who caused their pain was a large muscular human with an apron stained in blood. I looked into the cells and I saw Arlin sitting down while hugging his legs close to his chest. He had bruises all over him and a cut on his left cheek.
He moved his head up resulting in him seeing me. He let out a small noise which caught the attention of the guards and torturer.
???: What's the matter don't worry your turn will be up next.
That sentence made me finally reveal myself as I began to slowly take off my bear onesie.
Devan: You like skinning things huh?
Everyone's attention was now on me as the torturer and the guards raised their weapons at me.
???: Another animal to make fresh meat out of? You're fairly large and I'm sure your skin will make for a nice rug.
My bear skin fell to the ground leaving me naked all except my hat which I began to take off as I talked.
Devan: Let's just see you try to skin me, human.
My body morphed back into a giant silverback as I placed the hat and bear onesie into my inventory.
???: The hell is that thing?!
Arlin: Devan?!
Wystan: And Wystan! I'm here too!
Arlin: Wystan!
The low ceiling made it a tight squeeze but I was still able to freely move my arms which I used to grab the torturer and slam him into a wall. The ceiling began to shake as I roared at the guards making my raor echo louder than normal. I grabbed all of them except one who dived out the way before closing my fist crushing all of them at once. The guard who dodged drew his sword and cut a nearby rope before several spikes skewered him. I wiped my hand from blood before taking out the hat and my bear onesie.
A loud boom was heard from above followed by several people yelling.
That was an alarm wasn't it?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Yes and you have about 5 minutes before the entire Bellmount guard appears here and slaughter all prisoners.
I only need one.
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