Chapter 33 - Bear vs Ape
When our bodies collided it felt like two semi trucks going full speed crashing into each other, but we both still remained standing. I gave him a punch with my stone arm before following it up with a right hook with my real arm. But he only looked disappointed rather than dazed or even remotely injured by my attack. In return he swatted me with his left paw causing several deep long gashes to form across my chest. It also caused me to stumble back just by the sheer power behind his strike.
He took this opportunity to pounce on me in a attempt to drive me down to the ground. But thanks to the battle with Ariel I had prepared a counter for this. As we were falling back I quickly placed my feet on his stomach kicking him over me when my back touched the ground. He rolled once before quickly getting back up with the fury in his eyes burning brighter. I could see Alyssa and Ariel about to jump in but I quickly shouted at them.
Devan: (Don't! He can kill you in one swipe of his paw! Just look after Wystan while I fight this teddy bear!)
They stopped and when I turned back to the bear he swiped his paw across the ground, sending up a wave of dirt into my eyes blinding me. I could feel him run up to me as the ground shook beneath him. I then felt a direct hit to my chest with so much power that it launched me into a clearing within the jungle.
There were swords and armor scattered all over with a few skeletons still inside. Some were even crushed by more huge boulders. The onikuma arrived shortly after my quick observation of the terrain, he shook the ground with each step he took. He looked around the area before a smile made it's way on his face.
Voytek: This is the sight of my battle against an entire army of humans. Isn't it beautiful? The earth is like a canvas while the blood of my enemies is the paint and I am the artist. With my victory here it painted a clear warning and demonstration of my strength. A fitting place for another victory, no?
I got up before wiping away the remaining dirt smeared in my eyes.
Devan: No, it seems a fitting place for your defeat and the start of my legacy.
He began to chuckle before full out laughing. I took this chance to get a more detailed look at my surroundings.
We're surrounded by weapons and as far as I know bears don't have thumbs so I have plenty of weapons at my disposal. Sure I could just use my katana but I want to kill him without it's help.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: User, I have equipped your Bear Slayer title, this should help you.
Devan: It will, thank you.
The onikuma seemed to have finished as his laughter died down into a few chuckles.
Voytek: You really know how to make someone laugh, ape. But I have no doubt in my mind you can and will defeat me. It will just be very difficult, won't it?
I picked up a nearby helmet in my left hand and a broken blade in my right since they were the only objects close by.
Devan: It will be a tough battle but it will just make my victory that much more rewarding.
Voytek: Indeed, so let us begin round two.
He stood on his hind legs and roared as I pounded my chest before I charged at him. This time it was different, not only did he not charge but he also swiped with his right paw early intending for me to run into it. I could see the attack coming this time and using my increased speed I dodged under the swipe before tackling the bear to the ground. With me on top of the bear I began to beat his face with the helmet while stabbing the broken blade into his neck. I thought that would kill him, but he merely swiped his paw across my face cutting it up while sending me to the ground on my back dazed.
He got back up and proceeded to bite deep into my stone arm. Normally I wouldn't feel any pain but he began to pull while pressing down on my body with both paws. I roared in pain as I could feel his jaw pull my skin and muscles along with my stone arm. I grabbed the broken blade and began to stab it repeatedly into his throat causing him to let go. I quickly got up ignoring the searing pain in my left shoulder. The onikuma just nodded to himself before turning back to me with a smile.
Voytek: Well done you managed to hurt me, if only a little. But the damage you did is already gone see.
He craned his neck up revealing his now closed and healed wounds with dried blood still around the area.
Voytek: Impressive isn't it? Maybe one day you'll get to my level of power, to the point any fatal wound is lesser than a small scratch. But by the way you're currently fighting I can tell this will be your final battle.
There has to be a limit to how much he can heal, there always is. All I've got to do is just find that limit or at least a weak point where his healing is weaker.
I threw the broken blade at him which he responded by raising one of his arms to block it. It embedded deep but it began to slowly push out, so I ran up and punched the blade further in slightly cutting my fist but making the bear roar and back up. The blade could now be seen on the other of his arm but his body pushed the blade out before healing.
So it's not how deep the wound is, but maybe it's how fast the wounds are afflicted.
I activated Primate strength slightly healing my wounds as the adrenaline dulled the pain. The onikuma charged at me successfully tackling and pinning me to the ground under it's heavy weight. He began to apply immense pressure to my ribcage and I could feel my ribs begin to slightly crack. I grabbed his paws as I began to push him off me. Even with Primate strength it was difficult to lift up his heavy paws, but I began to slowly push him off releasing the pressure from my chest.
I thought I had him until he dug his claws into my stone arm and yanking me up as he stood.
Voytek: That is the strength I sensed but there's still more inside you. I guess I have to beat you more so you'll release more of your strength.
He then began to slam my body repeatedly into the ground with surprising ease. I felt like Loki when Hulk slammed him into the ground. As he was tossing me around he began to speak.
Voytek: You know I had high hopes for you, ape. I thought your strength would rival if not exceed mine.
He then dropped me on the ground before he began to maul my stone arm off. I tried to punch him but he pinned down my other arm as he began to pull my arm causing some blood to shoot out. I began to have vivid flashbacks from when the first bear I killed mauled my arm off. I couldn't do anything except scream as it tore off my stone arm causing blood to spray everywhere. He licked his lips tasting the blood that sprayed on his mouth.
I began to breath heavily as rage began to ensnare my mind.
Voytek: You fought bears in the past haven't you? There's a scent to you that stinks of my brother's blood. Have you fought him? He was nearing adulthood and we were going to reunite when he grew up. But I guess he's dead, isn't he?
He then got back on his hind legs before walking over to a nearby boulder. I felt more rage build up as I remembered the bear ripping me apart and tossing around poor Wystan. More and more anger began to rise as I kept hearing him speak.
Voytek: I would say it was a nice battle but I'm no liar. You were by far the most disappointing opponent I've ever had the displeasure of crushing.
He then lifted up the boulder as the rage inside me spread across my entire body. But what he said next caused me to explode in pure determination to rip him apart.
Voytek: Maybe the monkey and cat can put up a better fight or at least last longer.
He then launched the boulder in the air at an angle so it would crush me when it landed. The rage finally exploded as a notification appeared in my now red vision.
Skill enhanced: Rage of the Gorillas V
With both Primate strength and my now enhanced skill Rage of the Gorillas V active, just like before all my wounds closed. But this time instead of stone replacing my arm it was obsidian. The boulder was now hurdling towards me at high speeds so I quickly got up and punched the boulder breaking it. But it didn't just break, when my fist made contact it exploded into bright red flames. The onikuma was shocked as my fur turned into fire, then a wide smile appeared on his face as he roared. I stood up as well now 12 feet tall I pounded my chest while roaring.
The sound was now louder and echoed further causing the earth to shake at the sound of my battle cry.
Voytek: There's the strength I sensed! Come on, Devan! Fight me at your full strength, so we may determine which of our species is the strongest once and for all!
Him just speaking fueled the raging inferno inside my soul increasing the fire on my fur. I ran at him using my full speed before punching him directly on the snout, making him fly back with an explosion while laughing. This time he got up and ran at me with his full speed before swiping me across the face. His claws couldn't penetrate to far through my now thick skin so all I had was equivalent to paper cuts. But his paw was now singed due to my ignited fur. Regardless the wounds healed instantly before we locked our hands/paws together testing each other's strength. He then bit hard into my shoulder ignoring the fire and breaking the bone beneath my thick muscle.
In retaliation I bit hard into his right arm crushing the bone into dust beneath my intense bite. He began to try and pull the muscle from my shoulder with difficulty. I released from our hold and proceeded to pry his jaw off my shoulder as he tried to push my arms off. I kicked his knee in causing am explosion of fire to engulf his leg. Hearing a satisfying crack and a roar of pain from the onikuma I knew I broke his knee. He was now on the ground just laughing to himself before he looked up at me.
Voytek: Yes, yes! Now this is a battle! Let's keep going!
He bit my leg and pulled causing me to fall on my back as he got on top of me. He then tried to bite my neck but I grabbed his jaw and began to push him back until he began to add more weight. Instead of pushing him back I started to pull his jaw in two different sides hearing small pops and cracks. He tried to get away from me by standing up but all he did was give me the chance to get on his back. Once I secured myself on his back I began to smash my fists against his skull dazing and burning him each time I landed a solid hit.
In an effort to get me off he dropped onto his back crushing me under his weight. But instead of letting go I wrapped my arms around his neck as I began to try and choke him. He started to thrash around clawing at my arms before getting up and dropping on his back again. He kept repeating this until my grip loosened enough for him to grab and throw me off his back. I rolled before stopping as I got up panting while he caught his breath. He was exhausted but so was I as my fire engulfed fur began to die down.
Voytek: Alright, this went on long enough. So let's finish this and send one of our souls to the underworld.
I gained enough control of my anger to speak to him.
Devan: Agreed.
We gathered up the remaining of our strength before slowly closing the distance between us. Once we were face to face he raised his right paw and slashed me with all his might. A huge chunk of my skin was now gone from my chest as blood began to pour out. The pain I felt from my injury I used to fuel my final punch which will decide the victor of this battle of strength.
I raised my left fist and focused my remaining burning rage into my punch. I hit him in the chest causing a huge explosion of fire that lit up the sky. The fire engulfed his entire body as I pulled my fist back waiting for him to strike, but all that happened was that he fell on his stomach panting.
Voytek: You... win... Devan. Now send my soul off to... the underworld.
I nodded before placing my hands on both sides of his head with my thumbs over his eyes.
Devan: That was a great battle, friend.
Voytek: Yes... it... was...
I took a deep breath in before sticking my thumbs into his eyes. He began to roar in pain but tried to remain still. Once I had a firm hold I began to pull his head apart while he kept roaring. You could hear his skull crack and pop as I kept pulling until a loud crack was heard and his body went limp. I looked down only to see his brain hanging out of what used to be his skull. I layed his body down before removing my thumbs from his eye sockets. I placed one foot on his carcass before pounding my chest and roaring. My victorious roar would echo throughout the entire jungle for all to hear.
When I removed my foot two new notifications appeared as I wiped the blood off my hands with nearby leaves. But before I could read them a searing pain spread across my entire body as I felt my muscles forcefully grow. I fell on my knees as the pain finally dissipated from my body. I looked up at the notifications and I was surprised.
!Level up!
!Legendary enemy executed!
Cause: Skull pulled apart
Skill: Unrelenting Strength, this skill multiplies the users current strength by 10. You now have enough power to break trees like sticks and turn boulders into pebbles.
Not only did I level up to 20 but my current strength has been multiplied by 10. So that means I can lift...
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Do you need some assistance to calculate your strength, user?
Devan: Yes please and thank you.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: You are now able to easily lift and break any objects that are about 100,000lbs in weight.
Devan: Really?! Are you kidding me?!
S.Y.S.T.E.M: I have never once said a joke in my entire nine million years of existing. Why would I say one now?
I quickly got up and went over to a tree to test my new strength. I slightly pushed it with my finger and it broke immediately toppling over. Excited I went over to another tree, but this time I punched it and several trees uprooted and launched along with it. Finished being excited of my new strength I ran back over to where everyone else is still waiting.
Hopefully Wystan is conscious and feeling alright after being fingled like a rag doll.
I made it back and Wystan was looking at his arms as they began to slowly regenerate back. However Alyssa looked depressed while Ariel stared down at the ground with a dead look.
Devan: (Did someone die?)
The sound of my voice made them all immediately look in my direction. Alyssa ran over and jumped into my arms as Ariel wrapped around us like a snake. Wystan not wanting to be left out hugged us all together at once. I then felt something wet on my chest which turned out to be Alyssa's tears.
Alyssa: (W-We thought you died!)
I pulled away from the hug to wipe away her tears before hugging her again.
Devan: (Didn't you hear my victorious roar? It should have echoed throughout the entire jungle.)
This time Ariel spoke while Alyssa buried her face into my fur for comfort.
Ariel: We heard your screams of pain and several explosions go off. We feared that roar was from the demon signaling his triumph over you. I had to hold back Alyssa and Wystan from running in there to avenge you. I even had to convince myself you were alright.
Devan: (Well I'm alright now. I even gained it's overwhelming strength and added it to my own.)
Wystan's hands must've finished regenerating, as he plucked me out of the group hug to embrace me in a hug that would kill a lesser creature.
Wystan: Master, how could you do this to me, to us?! We were terrified of the outcome of your battle! If you would have died what would've happened to us?!
I got out of his mountain breaking embrace to climb on his back and hug his giant head.
Devan: (Don't worry, Wystan. I only just started my conquest of this jungle, so why would I allow myself to die so early?)
Wystan: At least allow us to assist you in the next battle, especially when you're going to challenge the apex predator of this jungle.
I just chuckled before jumping down to the ground shaking the earth in the process.
Devan: (We still have one more creature to find and kill, then we move on to the apex. And maybe after this we should travel to the mountains of the north or maybe the swamps of the e-)
I was cut off by Alyssa jumping onto my back as she wrapped her arms around my neck before poking my cheek.
Alyssa: (Dont get too ahead of yourself, we still need to find a proper location to settle our small family.)
I reached a hand behind me and brought Alyssa to my front so I could embrace her. She immediately accepted the hug as she buried her face into the fur on my neck.
Devan: (How could I ever forget my precious family consisting of two apes, a golem, and a fierce feline.)
I could hear and feel the ground shake as something came out from the trees.
Voytek: Don't forget me!
Immediately Wystan got in front of us, Ariel growled at him, as Alyssa clung to my fur tighter while glaring at him. Voytek merely raised his paws up and grinned at us.
Voytek: Now, now, we all know you can't take me on. Besides I'm not here to fight I'm here to pledge allegiance to the upcoming apex.
I moved in front of Wystan and Ariel staring down the bear as Alyssa kept glaring at him. Her glaring seemed to have amused him as he slightly laughed.
Devan: How and why are you here?
Voytek: Your female has a fighting spirit, ape. A rare thing, nice pick.
I held Alyssa closer before activating Intimidation.
Devan: Answer the question!
My voice boomed across the entire area making Voytek fall to his knees.
Voytek: I cheated death that is why I'm alive. As for why I'm here...
He closed his eyes and layed down in front of me before speaking.
Voytek: I wish to join you on your journey, I wish to assist in making your empire, I wish to serve you.
Devan: Why? You're a powerful creature yet you wish to serve me?
Voytek: I respect strength and you have plenty of it. The apex however, doesn't possess the strength you do and you bested me in combat. That is why I wish to serve you, małpa.
So he's only loyal because I beat him? Well I need more friends than enemies considering I'm already at war with an entire kingdom. Besides he can help protect my small weird troop.
Devan: Alright then rise, Voytek. We have one more creature to kill and our battle took up a lot of time as it's already dusk. We'll travel for a while until the sun goes down, so let's go.
Before we could move smoke enveloped Voytek's body covering him from our sight. Everyone immediately got on the defensive waiting for him to attack. Something came out of the smoke and it shocked us all.
Wow it almost makes you forget how he tore Wystan apart and mauled me. He looks to be half the size of Wystan in his tiny form.
Voytek: I thought this humiliating form will quell your fears of me.
It seemed to have worked as everyone immediately calmed down. He moved closer to me and was about to climb onto my back until Alyssa yelled at him.
Alyssa: (That's my spot! Find somewhere else to cling onto!)
She climbed on my back and stuck her tounge out at Voytek who scowled at her. Not wanting him sad I put out my hand for him to climb into. He poked out his small bear tounge at Alyssa before climbing onto my open palm. I closed my hand but kept a space between two of my fingers so he can see.
Devan: (Everyone ready?)
Wystan/Ariel/Alyssa/Voytek: Always!/Of course!/(Let's go!)/Tak!
With their confirmation along with Voytek's high pitched voice I ran east to the final creature I have to kill.
I might even be able to kill it in one punch but we'll see when we get there.
Even while we were running at high speed I could still hear Voytek mutter something to himself.
Voytek: Jesteś najsilniejszym stworzeniem, jakie kiedykolwiek spotkałem.
(Are you guys alright with me making the character bi?)
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