Chapter 30 - The giant trees
We began to travel deeper into the jungle intending to reach the giant trees in the center. Caesar told me of a giant creature that lives at the top as the apex predator. And I'm going to go up there and kill whatever it is and make those trees my home. This is probably a stupid decision since I have a wife now and I don't want her to die. Speaking of which she is currently on my back with tiny Wystan as I walked.
Alyssa: (Where are we going?)
Devan: (To find a home for our troop in the giant trees.)
She looked at me with concern and fear in her eyes.
Alyssa: (What about the creature my father said currently inhabits the trees?)
Devan: (I'll deal with it.)
Alyssa: (How? It is said to be the apex predator of this jungle. My family even said it could possibly be immortal.)
Devan: (No creature is immortal, if it can bleed it can die. I just have to stab it repeatedly or beat it into submission.)
Alyssa: (Alright I'll trust your judgment on this, but please don't die I just got you as a husband.)
I nodded before continuing to walk through the thick jungle as it was already becoming dusk. I wonder what type of creature this apex predator is. I guess we'll see when we get there but for now time to make some nests. I stopped in a nice clear area with some shrubs nearby.
Devan: (Let's sleep here, tomorrow I'll find something for us to eat.)
Alyssa: (Alright love.)
She pulled and gathered some of the plants and shrubs to make a nice comfortable nest. While she gathered the plants on the ground I climbed the trees and pulled some of the huge leaves to frame the nest. And Wystan helped by cheering me on as I pulled the leaves off the trees. Once I gathered a fair amount I jumped down shaking the ground causing Alyssa to lose her balance.
Alyssa: (Honey can you pass me those leaves you have please? Also warn me next time you jump from a tree.)
Devan: (Sure.)
I passed her the leaves as she laid them out horizontally on the ground, she then placed the small shrubs and plants on top before placing the rest of the leaves on top. I was slightly confused on why she did that and she seemed to notice.
Alyssa: (If you place the smaller plants on top of the bigger leaves and a big leaf on top it feels so soft. I learned that trick while out with the hunting group.)
Devan: (Why did you only make one nest?)
Alyssa: (Because I want to snuggle close to my husband. Besides my parents said your fur was so soft and warm that it put my little brother and the other kids to sleep almost instantly. I want to see for myself so hurry up and lay down.)
She nudged me to the nest so I lied down as she layed on my stomach. She closed her eyes and began to softly snore immediately. Wystan, not wanting to sleep alone, got on my head before transforming into his rock form to sleep. I wrapped my left arm around Alyssa to keep her safe and warm while I used my right as a pillow. Hopefully nothing attacks us while we sleep.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
I woke up not to the sun but to the sound of whispering and movement. Whoever they were weren't animals but the noises they made didn't sound human. I then heard a weapon be pulled from it's scabbard. So they aren't friendly and it sounds like there are multiple enemies.
???: Sto es spet?
???: Fal'tah awet but sep meat nef them vie feed lan encam.
The only thing I understood was "meat" "them" and "feed". It sounds like they intend to eat us or at least me. They began to slowly approach but the grass beneath their feet gave away their position to me. They were just out of grabbing distance so I slowly shifted Alyssa and Wystan off me and waited. Apparently they didn't notice me move them as they continued to get closer. They were now at the perfect position so I jumped up and slammed my fist into the nearby creature.
They were goblins and the one I just punched exploded into a puddle of blood on impact with a tree.
Goblin: Kahn! et's awake det et!
One tried to jump on me but I grabbed it and slammed it into the ground before stepping on it's head.
!Enemy executed!
Cause: Head crushed
Skill gained: Goblin tounge
Goblin: Kill the fat one!
That's just rude I don't even think that I'm that fat. One of them had a bow and they began to nock an arrow. I took out my katana just in time to split the arrow before it could reach me. The commotion caused Alyssa and Wystan to wake up as more goblins appeared. Alyssa didn't even seem scared or concerned instead annoyed as she got ready for a fight.
Alyssa: (Honey, do you need help?)
Devan: (No, but if you want you can kill some of them.)
She got a small grin on her face before she cracked her knuckles and charged at a nearby goblin. While I was distracted one tried to stab me, but I grabbed its arm and proceeded to rip it off. As it was on the ground in pain I raised my katana and stabbed it in it's head. Several of the goblins were now shaking in fear as they began to attack more hesitantly. I turned to see how Alyssa was doing only to see her beating two to death with her fists. However one tried to slash at her back but before it could she rolled out the way. I guess seeing her being attacked made my protective instincts kick in as I ran over and grabbed the goblin by it's head. It looked at me in fear as I proceeded to tear it's head, arms, and legs off.
!Enemy executed!
Cause: Decapitation
Skill enhanced: You can now fluently speak and write the goblins language.
I dropped the torso of the goblin before pounding my chest and roaring. This seemed to be the breaking point of their assault as they began to run.
Goblin: Retreat! The creature is too strong!
They began to run or limp away south as Alyssa and Wystan stood next to me.
Alyssa: (Should we let them go or kill the rest?)
Devan: (Might as well finish them off. They were the ones that attacked us in our sleep and the one that yelled called me fat.)
Alyssa: (How dare that idiot call you fat! I think you're mostly made of nice, soft, but firm muscle.)
S.Y.S.T.E.M: She is right, user. Your body composition is uniquely made up of only 10% fat while the rest is pure muscle. If I'm not mistaken I believe you have more muscle than your father. Besides why do you care about a comment that came from an insignificant creature like that?
Devan: I don't it just made me self-conscious for a second. Until I remembered I'm a giant gorilla who can possibly crush boulders with one hand.
(Thank you now let's go finish them off, Alyssa.)
She nodded and got on my back as Wystan held onto my leg. I holstered my katana as I charged down the way the goblins retreated in. It didn't take long to catch up, and just like how my father did I crushed them all under my weight. Their remains were just a puddle of crushed bones, and meat, mixed with blood. Alyssa got off my back and began to inspect the crushed goblins as I looted their corpses.
Alyssa: (They deserve this for insulting you and interrupting my snuggle time.)
• Steel dagger
• 1 gold coin
• Rusty dagger
• Makeshift spear(2)
• Goblin Bow
• 5 arrows
They had nothing but all this stuff is probably worth something to someone. Alyssa got back on my back as Wystan climbed up to sit on my head. I began to walk in the direction of the giant trees keeping an eye out for any fruit. Alyssa sniffed the air before pointing above us where a cluster of fruits are attached to the branches of some tall trees.
Devan: (You want to eat that?)
Alyssa: (Yeah, unless you want to find something else?)
Devan: (No it's fine, do you want me to climb up and get some or you?)
She examined her legs which seemed to be healing nicely from the bear attack.
Alyssa: (I don't want to be lazy so I got this just be ready to catch me if I fall.)
I nodded as she swiftly climbed the tree quickly getting to the fruits. She grabbed a few clusters before dropping them down to me. A few seconds later we had several clusters of fruit but I heard a bird call. It seems Alyssa heard it too as she dropped down into my arms, just in time as something huge came and scratched the area she was just at. But I couldn't get a good look at what it was because of it's speed. The bark and part of that tree were now gone.
Alyssa: (That was close, anyway I got breakfast!)
She hopped out my arms and picked up one of the fruits before eating. I grabbed one cluster and ate it all in one bite. Wystan sat next to me as he played with his feet.
Wystan: I'm very small yet I can still crush enemies like ants.
Alyssa: (How long will it take to get to the giant trees?)
I grabbed another cluster before I answered her question.
Devan: (If nothing interrupts us, I say an hour at most.)
She nodded before eating another piece of fruit. Not long after we finished the food and continued our journey to the giant trees. Nothing was currently happening so I took this chance to think about that quick creature. It was fast, had claws, and did a bird call before it attacked. Probably a hawk or an eagle, but the size of the area it attacked was huge. I was pulled from my thoughts by Alyssa pointing something out.
Alyssa: (Honey, what is that?)
I looked to where she pointed and I saw several carcasses of unknown animals. The bones were stripped clean of any meat that not even blood remained. There were also cracks along the bottom of the bones even some shattered completely. Whatever these creatures were they were dropped from a great height.
Devan: (Let's keep moving, whatever did this could still be nearby.)
Alyssa: (Agreed.)
As we kept walking I couldn't help but think those carcasses are somehow connected to the creature that made those claw marks. We haven't even encountered another predator yet, except those goblins earlier. Why were there even goblins in the jungle?
Devan: (Hey Alyssa, are goblins usually in the jungle?)
She put a thinking face on until she answered.
Alyssa: (Not really, my family encountered them only once.)
Devan: (How did the encounter end?)
Alyssa: (The first time they went onto our territory so we tried to get them to leave. But they brandished their weapons at us so we killed them. A few days later we found them running from something while frantically looking at the sky.)
Devan: (What were they running from?)
Alyssa: (We don't know, all we saw was them running for their lives. The strange thing was all animals ignored them and ran as well. Even the giant predators ignored them to run instead.)
I nodded and continued to look ahead. So whatever they were running from was powerful enough to scare everything from predators to prey. This is possibly the apex predator's territory since there are no animals here. Regardless we're getting close to the giant trees. It's 12 o'clock now so I still have plenty of time to get there and possibly start climbing to the top. But the apex predator isn't the only predator I have to worry about. There are other creatures that live in this jungle that would want to challenge the apex predator.
Devan: (Hey Alyssa are there any creatures that want to challenge the current apex predator.)
Alyssa: (Yeah every creature wants to be the king of this jungle, there are even some really powerful creatures in certain sections of this jungle. Why do you ask?)
Devan: (I was hoping to ally with them to take on the apex predator.)
Alyssa: (That's not a good idea.)
Devan: (Why not?)
Alyssa: (If you do ally together and win, who will become the new king? They'll turn on each other to fill that role. Besides they're too prideful and stubborn to ask or give help.)
There goes that idea, guess I have to fight it myself.
Alyssa: (I still don't understand why you have to fight the apex predator just to settle our family a home.)
Devan: (I made a powerful enemy before I met your family. They declared war on me so I have to gather an army to protect our home. But to gather an army I need to be a ruler, and to be a ruler I need a kingdom. And what better kingdom than the entire great jungle of the east.)
She slightly chuckled
Alyssa: (You sure are ambitious. Well if you do get a kingdom you'll be the first ape to do so.)
Devan: (Wait no ape has made a kingdom yet?)
Alyssa: (Nope not even my father has the power to do that. If you do get a kingdom you'll be the first King of the Apes.)
King of the Apes huh? That would be a great title to have but I have a long way to go to become king. First things first I have to become the apex predator of this jungle. This will be the hardest fight I'll have since that bear attack. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice we were at the base of the giant trees.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: User, I advise against going into this fight at least not yet.
Devan: Why not?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: You may be a silverback but this opponent will be stronger than you. Your wife said there are several powerful creatures in sections of this jungle.
Devan: Yes why does that matter?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: With your title Executioner you can kill these creatures and gain their abilities to fight the apex predator. There are three creatures all together one in the West, East, and North sections of this jungle.
Devan: So I kill them to help me kill the apex predator. How strong are they compared to me?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: One is on par, slightly below, and slightly above. The weakest is to the west so I suggest starting there.
!New Quest!
To kill a king
Kill the three powerful creatures of the jungle to confront the king.
Reward: +3 skills, Recognition
Devan: (Honey change of plans I'm going to kill the other challengers first.)
Alyssa: (Whatever you choose I'll help in any way I can.)
Wystan: (Me too!)
Devan: (Great now let's go and battle the creature in the west first.)
I began to run west ready to fight whatever creature rules there. What creature will I be fighting anyway?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: A zouwu.
(Would you like to kill this creature or beat it into submission?)
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