Chapter 26 - The city of Bellmount
I dodged its fist causing it to bury into the ground stuck before equipping my katana and cutting off its hand. It was a perfect slice like his hand was a piece of butter.
Tree Gaurdian: You little insignificant cretin! I'll crush your bones for that!
It lifted its leg but before it could squash you Wystan tackled him to the ground, and proceeded to slam his stone fists into his wooden head. The other two didn't sit idly by as one charged at Wystan and pushed him off his comrade, while the other began to form his hands into wooden blades. Wystan got up and morphed one hand into a shield and the other a sword as the Tree Gaurdians morphed theirs into long wooden stakes.
Tree Gaurdian 2: Why are you fighting with us?!
Tree Gaurdian: We are your brothers you fool!
Wystan: Yes we are, but you attempted to hurt my master. And no matter who or what you are if you harm my master I will show you no mercy.
With that he charged forward and shield bashed the two at once sending them tumbling to the ground. Looks like Wystan's got control over his fight which means I should deal with the bladed one in the meantime. I turned back to the other Gaurdian only to narrowly avoid its giant bladed hand from impaling me.
Tree Gaurdian 3: To think you can stand alone against a Gaurdian makes you either incredibly brave or insanely stupid.
Devan: I like to think of myself as somewhere in the middle.
Tree Gaurdian 3: Nevermind you're a fool to make a joke during combat.
He swung his blade hand once more but I used my katana to parry and cut his hand off. He didn't seemed fazed by this as he merely swung his other blade which I went to parry again, but this time while he distracted me with his blade he kicked me with his left foot. Since I was a silverback and 1000lbs+ I didn't get launched far but even with my stronger body that still hurt. The blade hand I cut off before grew back and he charged at me bringing down his blade in a arc. This time I was ready as I jumped over and caught his blade, and in the process avoiding the leg he was about to kick me with.
When his blade was up by his head I jumped off and landed on his back where I then began to stab into him. Since his hands were blades he couldn't grab me so he tried to shake me off, but with my strong grip I was able to hold on while still stabbing back. He began to weaken as his movements slowed down until he fell on one knee. This was my chance to execute him.
I stabbed my katana into his head before jumping off pulling him into the dirt. The stab wounds in his back seemed to have caught up with him as he began to slowly close his eyes. But I wasn't going to let him die without getting a chance to execute him, so I have to hurry. With little time before he dies I took out my katana from his head before raising it above my head and bringing it down like an axe on his neck. The strength of my body and sharpness of my blade allowed me to completely severe its head from its body.
And as all victorious apes do when we win I got up on his corpse and began to pound my chest while roaring. You know I never looted any of the bodies after a fight except for those cultists, so let's see what presents this corpse is so generously giving me. I hovered my hand above its corpse where a window appeared allowing me to see what he had in his inventory.
Tree Gaurdian
•Mystic tree sap
•Living wood(5)
•26 gold coins
Ohhh living wood I have no idea what it is or what it does but I want it. Mystic tree sap sounds expensive so I'm taking that and the 26 gold coins. I did find some gold coins on that dead cultist a while back, I should go see how Wystan's fight is going. When I looted everything from him, his body began to decompose into dirt and be absorbed by the land fixing the holes and upturned trees. Even after death they still look after the surrounding nature. As I made my way over to the sound of fighting I noticed the landscape the Gaurdians magic wasn't able to get to. But I guess that was unavoidable since we did go all over the place and Wystan's battle is probably damaging the forest further.
Still I should try to fix some of the damage. I began to fill the holes we made and place the uprooted trees back in their original positions. I couldn't do anything for the trees ripped in half so I just left them there and continued my way to Wystan's fight. He should be fine right? Wystan knows how to fight other creatures as big as him but two at once might be too much even for him. The sound of wood splitting was telling me Wystan was currently winning, but for how long?
What I saw next surprised me, there Wystan was shield bashing one away while slicing at another with his sword. He didn't seem injured if at all while the other two had cracks going down their entire bodies. One tried to stab him but he blocked it with the shield taking this chance to stab the Gaurdians exposed stomach. The sound of splitting wood tells you he stabbed deep, Wystan pushed him off his blade in time to block a strike from the other Gaurdian.
It seemed like he didn't need my help so I sat next to Arlin who was watching the fight in worry.
Wystan shield bashed the Gaurdians head dazing him, this gave Wystan time to morph his hand into a stone axe. When the Gaurdian was no longer dazed he was met by a stone axe splitting his head open. The Guardians body fell limp as Wystan pulled his axe from its head. Arlin cheered for Wystan while I clapped at his victory. He bowed at us before lifting his face and looking behind us in fear. Confused I turned around to see the Gaurdian Wystan stabbed with its stake hand coming down ready kill me. But before it could I grabbed its stake hand and using my great strength tossed him behind me breaking his hand in the process. I equipped my katana and began to walk up to him.
He tried to get up but Wystan kicked his head making him fall on his stomach. He tried to stand again but this time I used the flat side of my katana to break his ankles preventing him from getting up. He was now on his hands and knees as Wystan made his axe bigger like that of an executioners. The Gaurdian looked up at Wystan and down at me with fear.
Devan: Any last words?
Tree Gaurdian: W-what the hell are you?
I smiled at him and activated my Intimidation.
Devan: My kind have two names Apes and Gorillas. But that won't matter to you in a moment.
He seemed to regain his courage a little too late because just as he was about to say something, Wystan brought down his axe severing the Gaurdians head.
!Level up!
Wystan: That was a glorious battle, master! We were too mighty for them!
Devan: Congratulations on your victory too, Wystan. You managed to take two of them on at the same time.
Wystan: Well I was made by the strongest elemental user I know!
I slightly chuckled at his excitement before going over to loot the dead Gaurdians corpses. First I went to the Gaurdian Wystan just executed.
Tree Gaurdian
•Living wood(3)
•10 gold coins
•5 copper coins
Yay money, who doesn't love money? I then made my way over to the Gaurdian who's head was split open.
Tree Gaurdian
•Living wood(6)
•3 silver
An emerald, it's pretty big and has a nice shine to it, Wystan will love this. When I exited their inventory they too like the last one turned into dirt and fixed the surrounding area of any damage. So far I say this was a very profitable battle we got money, living wood, some mystic tree sap, and an emerald for Wystan. I made my way over to Wystan and Arlin who were having a conversation about plants.
Arlin: And that's why the use of dragons tounge was banned from markets.
Wystan: But what of the man that used it?
Devan: I'm sorry to interrupt but Wystan I found an emerald for you.
I tossed it to Wystan who swiftly caught it and ate it granting him a new ability.
Wystan: Thank you, master. But what shall we do now?
Devan: We might as well enter the city. Oh I also found this in the tree before we were attacked, but I dont understand what it says.
Arlin: I might be able to read it.
Devan: You can?
Arlin: Y-yeah the scriptures in my temple were written in different languages.
Devan: Alright here.
I handed him the cloth for him to try to translate it. After only a few seconds he translated it for me and Wystan.
Arlin: You see this word 'ᛒᛂᛚᛚᛘᚮᛳᛀᛐ' it means Bellmount and this word 'ᚮᛚᚮᛁᛱᛁᚦ' means Oloikith. So this is the city of Bellmount in the kingdom of Oloikith. Also this cloth is from the commander's of the kings armies, how did it even get here?
He then handed it back to me.
Wystan: Brilliant work Arlin!
Devan: Yes thank you Arlin.
It seems he never received compliments or thanks before as he got flustered.
Arlin: O-oh t-thank y-you.
Wystan: Well let's head inside the city now.
As Wystan was walking Arlin snapped out of his flustered state and ran in front of Wystan.
Arlin: No, no, stop!
Wystan: What why what's wrong?
Arlin: T-the kingdom of Oloikith h-hates anyone that isn't human!
Wystan: I...dont...see the problem?
Arlin: Y-your both not humans!
Devan: What do they do to non humans.
Arlins mood changed from one of panicked to sad.
Arlin: T-they once flayed an entire family of demi-humans alive. An orc traveler was i-impaled. A-and that's only from when I was alive they did these t-things since the start of their kingdom.
So they're entire kingdom is discriminate on anyone that isn't human. I'm not sure how they're still here if they declared all other races their mortal enemies. Their military must be powerful, have a lot of money, or they're the biggest kingdom which is unlikely.
Devan: Will they kill me and Wystan on sight?
Arlin: N-no first they'll accuse you of a crime you didn't do and then they'll tell the people how evil the other races are, and use you as an e-example. T-this will further the peoples hatred of others and have their full support when they go to w-war, and plenty of people will join the army to attack the other races.
So that's how their kingdom hasn't fallen.
Devan: If I were to wear armor will they know I'm not human?
He took a long look at my face and then my body.
Arlin: I-if you only show your face they might not suspect a thing. B-but your height might attract some a-attention.
Good enough for me. I then activated my skill Gorilla armor hoping it will work. But this time no error appeared I felt my mana drain as I felt something form on my body.
!You now don the great silverback armor!
I opened my eyes and saw the armor I had on was big but it didn't feel heavy on my body. My katana was also replaced by a minigun made to look like wood.
I felt unstoppable, but who wouldn't if they had giant armor and a minigun. But a minigun would attract attention so I attached it to my back making it look like part of my armor.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Congratulations user, your body is able to handle the power of the legendary silverbacks armor and weapons.
Devan: Will this do?
My voice in this armor increased in sounding intimidating. This was evident by Wystan and Arlin flinching at the sound of my voice.
Arlin: Y-yeah that should work b-but what about you Wystan?
Wystan: Dont worry since my master gave me that emerald I have a new ability! Observe my power!
Wystans body froze and began to crack until a green light could be seen in the holes made. The stone plates began to shake until they exploded covering the area in dust and falling pebbles. I covered Arlin with my now armored body to protect him from the falling debris until it stopped.
We looked up as the dust cleared only to reveal Wystan no longer the intimidating giant mountain we knew. Now he was the size of a small adorable rock with a happy expression on.
Wystan: You see I'm now able to change my size at will!
Me and Arlin couldn't help to laugh at his now high pitched voice as he danced around happily.
Arlin: *giggle* Not that your form right now isn't cute but how does this help you get inside?
Wystan: It help greatly watch.
Wystan then began to climb up my left leg making his way up to a space in my helmet allowing him to hide.
Wystan: You see no one can see me up here as my master is big and very tall.
Arlin: Y-yeah that could work alright let's give this a try.
We began to follow the road leading up to the gates of the city. Arlin placed his hood on his head and I began to rise on my legs so they dont question why I'm walking on my knuckles. As we got closer I could see crossbowmen and archer's lining the walls with four guards at the gate.
Worst case scenario they'll know I'm not human and kill me, best case we get in alive, probably. As we approached the crossbowmen aimed at us and the guards pointed their spears at us while the archers nocked some arrows.
Guardsmen: Halt travelers, that's close enough!
We immediately stopped not wanting to be shot full of arrows and bolts. Although they probably wouldn't be able to penetrate my armor, but I'm not willing to test that now especially if they shoot Arlin too.
Guardsmen: You with the hood remove it, show us your face!
Arlin slowly pulled his hood back showing the guards his face.
Guardsmen: You may approach the gate to be checked, but you in the strange armor show us your face!
Arlin went up to them to be checked while giving me a concerned look. I slowly removed my helmet just enough for them to barely see my face. They squinted and whispered to each other before they seemed to agree on something.
Guardsmen: Approach the gate!
I began to walk up to them and they backed up slightly since I dwarfed all of them, my arm alone was much bigger than them.
Guardsmen: Are you human traveler?
Devan: I am.
They once again slightly backed up and held a tighter grip on their weapons before trying to relax.
Guardsmen: S-show us your face.
I once again only lifted it enough for them to barely see my face.
They gasped and pointed their weapons at me while backing up slightly.
Guardsmen: Y-your not human!
This...isn't good. Quick quick come up with a lie! C'mon c'mon... oh I got it!
Devan: What just because my beard is bigger than yours your going to kill me?
Guardsmen: T-thats your beard?
Devan: Yeah, look just because my beard is somehow bigger than yours doesnt mean you can just say I'm not human. Your lucky if I dont have you executed for interrupting my entry home.
Guardian: What?! What authority could you possibly have?!
They seemed to be enraged by my threat. But I still had that cloth Arlin said belonged to the commander's of the kings armies.
Devan: Why enough authority for me to command one of the kings armies.
I showed them the cloth and the color immediately drained from his face. He got on his knees dropping his weapons as did everyone else.
Guardsmen: A-apologies s-sir t-this won't happen again.
Devan: Your right it won't because a soon to be corpse can't make a mistake.
He flinched and dropped further on the ground now on his hands and knees.
Guardsmen: P-please sir m-mercy.
Devan: I'll forget this happened if you hand over all the money you have on you.
Guardsmen: Yes sir!
Intimidation increased
Bartering increased
He took a medium sized pouch out before presenting it to me. I grabbed it and continued to walk into the city but not before getting Arlin. That was awesome I think I almost made him pee his pants too.
!Quest complete!
Get to the unknown city
Reward: Human relationship +5
Arlin: W-what happened back there the gaurd was on the ground terrified?
Devan: Oh I impersonated a commander and scared him into giving me all his money so I didn't have him executed.
Arlin: W-wow you know your incredibly persuasive.
Indeed I am but for now let's see what this city has to offer in terms of information. It looks like Arlin doesn't know where to go either so time to ask around. I stopped a random person to ask for directions.
Devan: Pardon me sir but where is your library?
When I finished my sentence Arlin, the random guy, and Wystan gave me weird looks. Did I say or do something wrong?
Random guy: Library? Pardon me sir I'm only a farmer I dont know what a library is.
Oh right old times, I got to rephrase it.
Devan: My apologies sir but where can I get a book.
Random guy: Oh books they're far too expensive to be down here. You've got to go up there where the nobles live.
He pointed over to an much better looking area with sophisticated looking people.
Random guy: Have a nice day now I have to go work on my farm.
Arlin: T-thank you, bye.
Maybe I'll find a book on the creatures and lands of this world up there.
Arlin: H-hey Devan I know we're like a team now but I want to go find my parents. C-could you come with me? I know you have your own reason to be here but if you could come with me I'll really appreciate it.
(Do you want to go with Arlin to find his parents or go to the noble district by yourself?)
(Hows the length of the story now? Do you want the minigun? Do you like the armor?)
(Prologue of a new story I'm getting help with should be out shortly after this.)
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