Chapter 2 - Learning
I was stirred from my peaceful slumber by my mother's movements. She was holding me close to her chest as she stretched out her limbs. The other apes seemed to already be awake and are currently gathering near the base of the trees. My mother brought me away from her chest as she held me in front of her.
Brianna: (There's my big handsome boy. Did you sleep well, sweety?)
I could only respond with a coo, but that seemed to be enough for my mother as she placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before hugging me close to her once more. She wrapped one of her arms securely around me as she began to climb down the tree.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Good morning, User.
Morning to you too, System. I forgot to ask last time but is the gorillas' behavior in this world the same as from my old one.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: To an extent, yes, it's currently six in the morning, so the apes will begin to prepare to forage for food.
My mother finished getting us to the base of the tree we slept in. She got down on all fours before placing me on her back. I instinctively grasped on tightly to her fur as she walked over to the gathered troop. Once the silverback saw us, he let out a short grunt before walking away. Everyone quickly got into what seemed to be a traveling formation. The silverback was in the front, the females, infants, and adolescents in the center, and the blackbacks took up the rear.
The silverback began leading the troop through the thick jungle vegetation, all the while keeping vigilant. He kept turning his head, scanning the area around us while occasionally sniffing the air. Some of the apes were also sniffing the air, more than likely trying to smell the area with the most amount of food.
System how strong are these gorillas' sense of smell?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: They can smell fragrances most other creatures can't and from a greater distance. But they are also able to smell faint odors certain plants produce to see if it's safe for consumption. As your body grows, your sense of smell will also improve.
So once I mature and I increase my skills, I could be as strong as the silverback one day. But that is if I even live long enough to see adulthood. There's no doubt plenty of dangers in this world I don't know about. Are there any creatures in this jungle that can kill my troop?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Many. There are threats below and above ground, in the water, even in the air. Your father may be able to fight off a single powerful predator, but even someone as strong as him can be overwhelmed by the beasts that inhabit this jungle. However, I'm certain that if your troop were to be attacked, the silverback would fight with everything he has. After all, that's the duty of a father.
The silverback grunted loudly, ending our conversation. His eyes carefully scanned the area we arrived in as they darted over to the slightest hints of movement among the vegetation. I tore my eyes away from my father as I looked around as well.
There was a medium, sized lake with murky green water surrounded by vegetation. The silverback got back down on his knuckles before cautiously approaching the lake. Everyone watched on in silence as the silverback sniffed the water before quickly recoiling his head.
Brutus: (Everyone, do not consume the water. It reeks of death.)
The silverback walked over to a nearby tree and slowly stood on his hind legs showing off just how big he truly was. He easily towered over us, standing at what seemed to be three meters tall with arms as thick as the trees around us. His large hands easily snapped off a bundle of the tree's large branches. He carried the branches over to a small clearing before beginning to create a large nest. When he finished, he sat down in the freshly made nest, causing the area to shake from his weight.
Brutus: (Go, gather the plants of this area. I shall watch the younglings.)
He then turned to the two blackbacks standing close by.
Brutus: (Watch over them, you two. If there is an incident, yell out for me.)
Everyone let out a quick grunt before my mother walked toward the silverback along with two other females and a small group of adolescents. The other females also had some infants clinging onto their backs. The females placed us down on the nest while the adolescents sat around us. My mother gave me a gentle kiss on my head.
Brianna: (I'll be back soon, sweety.)
Once the females and blackbacks left, the adolescents began to roughhouse. One of them got close to accidentally hitting me, causing the silverback to intervene.
Brutus: (If you're going to play rough, do so elsewhere! I don't need you hurting your younger siblings.)
To make sure I wasn't harmed by the others, the silverback lifted me into his arms. I half expected to be crushed to death, but it seems even the apes in this world are gentle giants. While the adolescents were running around, the other two infants were climbing over each other laughing in glee.
How long will it take for me to be able to do anything?
S.Y.S.T.E.M: The growth rate of the apes in this world seems to have tripled. You should be able to move around by tomorrow, and eat solid food in three days.
The infants stopped playing and instead sat down across from each other.
???: (Do you think we'll be attacked out here?)
???: (No way! Can't you see how big dad is? Nothing will mess with him, let alone his family.)
He seems to have a lot of confidence in the silverback.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: A child always views their parents in high regard.
The silverback chuckled gaining the two infants' attention. He lightly poked them both in the stomach, causing them to giggle.
Brutus: (I'm glad you two think of me so highly.)
One of the infants playfully beat his chest at the silverback. The silverback chuckled and gently laid me on the nest before he beat his chest too, which was significantly louder. The both of them stared in awe of their father's show of strength. The silverback chuckled at their star-struck faces before he picked all of us up into his arms. He laid us on his chest, and I was suddenly struck with a strong urge to fall asleep.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: Hm, it seems the fur of an ape's chest has a sleep-inducing property to it. Have a pleasant nap, User.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
I was awoken by my mother; as she was eating some fruit with the other females. When my mother noticed I was awake she rubbed my head before beginning to breastfeed me. The silverback wasn't with us anymore, having left to go eat.
???: (Do you believe Brutus will allow us to set a permanent home.)
???: (Maybe, we have been traveling for many moons.)
Brianna: (That would be nice, then we would have a safe area to raise our children.)
???: (Our troop was so much bigger back then; maybe a permanent home will be able to grant us protection.)
Brianna: (It's alright, Lin. That fate won't befall us again.)
They all gave each other a reassuring hug making sure not to squish us.
What happened before that caused the troop to shrink?
Lin: (I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up such terrible memories. Mary, how are the twins doing?)
Mary: (*Sigh* They're still getting into trouble, but that's just part of their charm, I suppose.)
Then a loud grunt came from the silverback, signaling all to sleep. They all got up and started to walk to their nests, but Lin quickly spoke with my mother.
Lin: (Should we speak with Brutus about possibly setting down?)
Brianna: (We'll worry about that tomorrow but for now, try to get some rest.)
Lin: (Very well, good night.)
Brianna: (Good night.)
They then parted ways to their respective nests. We've been asleep for the majority of the day as the sun was already setting. My mother laid on her side, making sure I was comfortable before kissing my head and falling asleep.
If they did settle a permanent home that would be interesting to see the outcome. We'll see what the silverback says in the morning.
Word count: 1463
Uploaded: September 5, 2020
Edited: September 2, 2021
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