Chapter 17 - Learning the Blade
Devan: (I choose Alger.)
Alger: (A wise decision.)
New quest:
Train with Alger
Reward: New weapon skill
Ajamu: (Fine I'll let you two be.)
Ajamu then transported himself back into the blade causing it to glow red for a moment. Alger moved off to the side before lifting his hand. This caused something to rise out of the ground.
It was a sentient training dummy who waved enthusiastically before returning to position.
Alger: (This is a training dummy my troop learned to make with living wood. They don't feel pain but they know when their damaged. They will also evade your attacks, and attack back if you wish for them to.)
The dummy demonstrated this as the dirt under it moved slightly up before moving quickly left and right. It then morphed its arms into long sharp stakes.
Alger: (Ok, now that you're acquainted with the dummy we will begin. First, position your hands at the top and bottom of the handle. Hold the katana in front of you so it's perpendicular to the ground. Keep your right hand 1 inch from the top of the handle, and wrap your fingers and thumb so they're on opposite sides of the handle. Place your left hand at the bottom of the handle before wrapping your fingers and thumb around it. Make sure the backs of your hands face out away from the sword on their respective sides. Keep a grip that's firm enough so the katana doesn't slip, but loose enough so you can easily maneuver around.)
I began to position my hands on the katana as he instructed. As I was doing this may hands touched for a moment.
Alger: (Don't touch your hands together or else you'll cut with a hacking motion and you won't be as accurate. And avoid keeping your thumbs on top of the handle since you won't get a proper grip on the sword.)
I nodded before making sure my hand placement was alright.
Alger: (Stand in front of your target so you can reach it with the end of your blade. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and pointed toward the target. Fully extend your arm with the katana and take a few steps so the blade extends 4-5 inches past the front of the target.)
I moved forward slightly with my katana pointed at the dummy. The dummy morphed it's right arm into a thumbs up before morphing back.
Alger: (Hold the blade above your head so it's near parallel to the ground. Keep your elbows slightly bent as you raise the blade over your head. Leave your feet firmly planted on the ground and your body pointing toward the target. When you have the blade near horizontal, stop your backswing and hold it in place.)
I moved the katana as if it was a fishing rod
Alger: (Push the top of the handle forward to help the blade arc. Don't start your swing until you're ready to go through the full swing in a single fluid motion. Straighten your right arm and wrist so the blade starts swinging in a forward motion. As you fully extend your arm, the katana blade will start to move forward and gain speed so it's more likely to cut through your target.)
Alger: (Step forward as you bring the blade down toward the target. Once you bring your hands in front of your head, take a step with your right leg to get more power. Try to step forward by 3-4 inches so it extends the reach of your blade as well. As you step, continue the forward motion of the blade so you don't hesitate during your strike.)
Alger: (Slice into the target at a 45-degree angle. Slightly turn your hands to readjust the angle of the blade as you're about to make contact with your target. Keep swinging through the full motion to cut through your target as cleanly as possible. Try to keep the cut at a 45-degree angle so it makes an angled cut and makes the best contact with the blade. Stop the blade so it's at least 2 feet off of the ground and doesn't get damaged.)
I listened to his instructions as I was doing the movements. Once I felt i was ready I faced the dummy ready to strike it.
Alger: (When you strike dont hesitate. And add some strength into your swing, our strength is what strikes fear in our enemies....STRIKE!)
When he said strike I brought down the katana onto the dummy, adding some brute strength as well. This allowed me to split the dummy in two, I slightly fumbled at the end allowing my blade to touch the dirt. I heard clapping to my left and clapping from the dummy's severed body.
Alger: (Well done champion. You only need to work on stopping the blade.)
The dummy's upper half began to reattach to its severed body. Once it was back together it began to congratulate him.
Devan: (Is that all to know?)
Alger: (No, if you want to be able to fight effectively you'll need to learn more attacks. You must also learn to block attacks, but we'll finish the attacks first.)
He told us to get back in position. So I went back in front of the dummy, but Alger didn't go back to the sideline instead he moved to my side.
Alger: (Swing the blade horizontally from your side for a mid-level attack. Maintain your grip on the handle so your right hand is on top and your left hand is at the end. Hold the katana on the side of your body that you want to strike from so the blade points up at a 45-degree angle. When you want to strike, straighten your right arm so the blade swings out in front of you at chest level. Try to keep the blade parallel to the ground and end your swing when the blade is in front of your opposite shoulder.)
I positioned my blade to my right intending to cut the dummy in half. I looked at the dummy and I saw it had morphed some armor on its chest.
Alger: (Normally katanas cant cut armor but your katana isn't ordinary.)
With that in mind I sliced at the dummy, and surprisingly I managed to cut it in half. When the blade did make contact I only felt a slight resistance.
Alger: (Well done but there's still one more attack. Tilt the blade upside-down to strike from below. Position the katana so it's at a 45-degree angle pointing toward the ground behind you and the cutting edge faces forward. Keep your right hand near the guard on the handle and your left at the end of the handle. When you're ready to strike, fully extend your right arm and swing it forward. End your strike at chest level so the cutting edge of the blade faces up.)
I nodded and this time I positioned it on my left. The dummy already put itself back together, and this time it was more armored. I swiftly swung the blade forward cutting off the dummy once more. Alger clapped for my success and helped the dummy up.
Alger: (That was an excellent strike but now you will learn to defend yourself. You will now practice with me, dummy return home once more.)
The dummy saluted him before it began to burn in green flames. It was reduced to green ashes as the wind blew the ash deeper into the jungle. Alger then moved across from me unsheathing his katana.
Alger: (Alright let's begin, also when I strike I put a lot of force behind it. Use the side or back of the blade to block incoming hits. If you try to use the cutting edge to deflect incoming blows, you may damage or chip the katana. Try to block the strike near the center of the katana so it lands along the sides or back of the blade where there's thicker metal. Avoid blocking the strike with the last 1 foot of the blade's pointed end since you may lose your balance or grip easier.)
When he finished speaking he immediately did a diagonal strike at me. I blocked the blow but the amount of force behind it, brought me to my knees. He kept applying pressure bringing his blade closer to my face. I then used my skill Primate strength to begin pushing his blade back. He seemed to slightly smile before jumping back causing the test of strength to stop.
Alger: (You were able to match the strength of a silverback well done. But now keep the blade at a 45-degree angle in front of you to block overhead strikes. When you expect an attack from overhead or at an angle, hold your katana so your hands are about 1 foot above your head. Point the tip of the blade at a 45-degree angle to the ground in front of you so the strike slides off the katana more easily. Make sure the cutting edge faces down so you don't damage the sword.)
He again immediately attacked with an overhead but this time I was ready. When we made contact I tilted my blade causing his to slide off. But he wasn't finished because as his blade was pushed down he rose it up to strike from below. Guess we're sparing now. I sidestepped out of the way and tried to bring my blade down on his exposed back. But he rolled out of the way and stood in front of me a few meters away.
Alger: (Well done you almost got me. But now let's see what you've learned.)
With that he charged at me doing a overhead strike. I went to block but at the last minute he transitioned it into a sidestep, slashing my side. It was painful but when I looked at my side there was no wound.
Alger: (Keep your eyes on your opponent champion!)
I looked up just in time to dodge a strike aimed at my stomach. He didn't stop his assault as he grabbed my hand stopping me from moving my sword. This allowed him to stab his sword deep into my stomach. Still there wasn't any wound, he then jumped back as I fell to my knees.
Alger: (Is this all the fight you have champion? I thought you had potential but your not impressing me. I've already killed you twice. If you cant defeat me what hope do you have of fighting a god. You're a ape but your just showing submission, apes never bow. Dont make us regret our choice of choosing you. Get up and fight!)
He quickly grabbed something from his back and threw it at me. As I focused on the object it turned out to be a shuriken aimed at my head. The more I focused on it time seemed to slow slightly. It was like my body knew how to react, as I lifted up my katana splitting it in half. The pieces split in two different directions missing me. Alger was surprised as he just stood there as I slowly rised katana in hand.
I felt rage build up in me until it exploded into a roar of fury. I charged at him katana in hand flaming red. He seemed to snap out of it as he charged as well with his own roar. Our blades clashed in the middle causing huge sparks to fly everywhere. I would've had to use Primate strength just to push him back, but now rage fueled my body.
Who was he to say I wasn't strong. I killed a bear, a animal no ape has a chance to win against. The only thing he will regret is saying I was weak. With one hand I held my katana and the other I used to sock him in the face. This stunned him causing him to loosen his grip on his katana. I took this chance to disarm him launching his katana far behind us. However it seemed he wasn't one to quit as he raised his fists. I sheathed my katana and tossed it aside, also raising my fists.
He launched the first punch aimed at my head. I let the punch land, I didn't even feel the pain only more anger. He said he was strong but I'll show him strength. I grabbed his shoulder and reared back my fist launching it into his face. But I didn't stop at one, I kept hitting him while holding him in place. Some ghostly blood began to leak out his nose, and he began to slowly close his eyes.
I immediately stopped not wanting him to pass out just yet. He was now slightly shaking just like when I saw him fight the trolls. I quickly backed up and picked up my katana readying myself. He raised his hand out and his katana was called back to him. He lifted it high in the air, closed his eyes and waited. If I let my gaurd down I won't be able to see the strike coming.
From the corner of my eye I saw a leaf floating down to the ground. When it was about to touch the ground I focused back on my opponent. The second I did the leaf fell and he opened his now red eyes. I saw Alger move so quick I almost didn't block his lightning quick slash. It was powerful, I felt my arms almost snap just blocking it. He also wasn't expecting me to actually block it, so this allowed me to quickly punch his head again stunning him. I was going to quickly finish him while he was dazed but I thought of something.
If he can do that I could as well. I closed my eyes and raised my blade high, focusing on my strength and speed to do his move. After a moment I felt lighter and at ease, my blade also felt lighter than air. I felt strong and as invincible as a god. When I opened my eyes my vision was blacked out except the outline of a golden figure.
!New Weapon Skill!
Heavenly strikes
I focused on the golden figure and my body quickly moved towards it. I brought down my katana as fast as light but I kept slashing.
100 strikes in 1 second as fast as light. I blinked and my eyesight went back to normal and I was in front of Alger. He was on his knees, panting, his armor and sword were broken.
Alger: (Well done champion. Once you have your own troop, you'll become unstoppable. You certainly taught this old ape a lesson in underestimating your opponent. You've learned my heavenly strike and made it better. Ajamu was right you will become a great silverback soon.)
Devan: (I'm sorry, I went too far.)
Alger: (No you treated it as a real fight that's good. I'll go rest now, you should continue your journey champion.)
He returned to my sword making it glow red for a moment. I did it I beat a silverback and blocked his quick strike. Something began push through the thick trees. I readyed my katana prepared to cut down the approaching creature. But it was just Wystan with food in his hands. He looked around at the destruction of the land caused by my training.
Wystan: What did I miss?
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