Chapter 14 - Gorillas of the past
I began to reach my hand out to the futuristic painting, but I then also reached my hand out to the samurai as well. When I touched the paintings the chanting stopped immediately. I was then blinded by a bright light and my body felt lighter. A few moments later I didn't feel the stone floor of the temple, but instead the softness of a nest.
???: (Greetings young one.)
I looked up to the sound of the voice and I saw two albino silverbacks. But I then quickly avoided eye contact.
???: (What's the matter? Don't know how to greet your elders? You may look us in the eyes.)
I looked back up before responding.
Devan: (I'm sorry I was just a little surprised.)
???: (I see you haven't gotten your mark yet.)
Devan: (My mark?)
???: (Your silver mark. The mark that shows you've matured.)
Devan: (Who are you?)
Ajamu: (Me? I'm Emperor Ajamu. And my brother here is King Alger.)
Alger: (Hello champion.)
I immediately bowed bowed not only because they're silverbacks, but also because they're monarchs. They began to slightly laugh before telling me to rise.
Ajamu: (Rise young one we're no longer kings. We've been dead for thousands of years.)
I slowly raised my head and sat down in the nest across from them. I then remembered Alger called me champion.
Devan: (Why did you call me champion?)
Alger: (Because we called to you and you answered. We just didn't expect for you to answer us both at once.)
Ajamu: (Indeed, but we're not complaining. In fact this might actually be better.)
Devan: (But why were you calling me?)
The albino silverbacks expressions turned grim. Alger got up and walked away while Ajamu rised and extended his hand out to me. When I touched his hand we were suddenly transported outside of a jungle. There seemed to a temple of some sort in the center. This place didn't seem like from the world I'm currently in.
S.Y.S.T.E.M: This is an entirely different world user, that temple belonged to a old race long gone.
Ajamu: (When I was leading my troop we were few we didn't want to fight. But the gods didn't favor us as they kept delivering us to our enemies. We were weak in strength and dying slowly.)
Suddenly a troop of one silverback, two females, one infant, and two blackbacks came running by. They were being chased by a pack of giant hyenas, they were much bigger than the silverback. Suddenly the biggest hyena leapt forward and brought down one of the blackbacks. The blackback was screaming and tried to fight back. But the hyenas proceeded to eat the blackback alive, all the while you could hear him screaming and the hyenas laughing.
The silverback looked back and had a guilty expression before continuing to lead the troop to safety. They went deeper in the jungle and we couldn't see them no more. Ajamu then placed his hand on my shoulder and we were outside the temple. The troop came running in through the thick trees of the jungle. As they were regaining their bearings they noticed the temple. They stared in awe before remembering the hyenas close by. The silverback lead everyone into the temple before finding the entrance door and closing it shut.
Ajamu: (I didn't know what to do my family would die if I didn't figure something out. So I searched the temple for anything useful to fight off the hyenas. But all I found was a strange box with words and symbols all over it.)
Ajamu: (I didn't know what it was at the time but I later learned that it is a console. I reached out to inspect it while my family watched on. When my finger touched the screen my brain was overwhelmed with knowledge.)
I looked back at the silverback and I saw he was holding his head in pain. He was thrashing around and roaring while his eyes glowed blue. But he suddenly stopped no screaming no thrashing just peace. He proceeded to go back to the computer and operate it quickly.
Ajamu: (You see instead of brute strength I used my mind to defeat my enemies. Once I learned all there was in the terminal I went to the door and knocked ten times. This was how you activate the defenses of the entrance to the temple. I then opened the door and....I'll just let you see it yourself.)
I looked back and saw the silverback open the door and began to beat his chest and roar. The family tried to tell him to stop but he just kept waiting. A few seconds later figures began to appear out of the jungle. It was the hyenas and they had blood dripping down their mouths. The biggest moved forward and dropped something on the ground. It was the severed head of the blackback, the troop stepped back slightly in fear. The hyenas began to laugh at their fear.
But the silverback continued to look at them with emotionless eyes. The hyenas seeing his fearlessness stopped laughing and began to growl. They began to charge at the silverback while laughing hysterically. The silverback still had no fear but only a small smirk. Suddenly a giant chain gun came out of the temples sides and began to rev up. The sudden appearance of the giant object caused them to stop and watch.
A laser then appeared on one of the hyenas head. The gun then began to fire shredding through them like paper. The sound of the gun shooting echoed for miles. The hyenas were all reduced to a red paste of bone and flesh.
Ajamu: (You see this was the first step to our survival and our empire.)
He then snapped his fingers and time seemed to speed up. After ten seconds he snapped his fingers again and time resumed normally. A lot changed there was a giant wall that has small glowing runes all over. There were also gorillas with futuristic battle armor and spears.
Ajamu: (Ten years later another troop wanted to join my troop increasing our numbers. I have built a indestructible wall, and armed some silverbacks with powerful weapons and armor.)
He snapped his fingers again and this time he waited twenty seconds before slowing time. Even more changed they cleared the majority of the jungle and made huge defense systems. There were even more gorillas and they were bigger than normal apes. At a table was the silverback but his fur turned white and across from him was a lot of different bipedal species.
Ajamu: (Twenty years later we were prospering, I made great defenses from materials beneath the temple. The materials were impenetrable and the console told how to extract and morph it. The humans and other kingdoms found us and wanted our materials. They wanted to trade but they tried to trick us thinking we're idiotic creatures. They attempted to change the deal right under my nose, so I refused the deal and they were enraged.)
He snapped his fingers again but the wait was only a second. There was the biggest army I have ever seen there were a lot of humans riding what seemed to be war elephants. Elves were behind the elephants with magical bows. Orcs and ogres were at the rear with a chained up dragon inside a battering ram.
Ajamu: (Within a year they amassed a small army of three hundred thousand strong. They didn't expect us to put up that much of a fight so they underestimated us. That would be their undoing. But while they were gathering their army we've been preparing for their arrival before we even met them.)
The army began to charge at the walls, but suddenly the ground exploded killing the entire frontline infantry. Limbs and other body parts littered the front of the gate. There were landmines buried in the ground with ten times the power of regular ones. Since they couldn't advance they used catapults and trebuchet to assault the walls.
When they fired the siege engines a giant laser system targeted the projectiles. A moment later several missiles launched and exploded the projectiles. The army decides to sneak elves through the jungle. But when all of them entered all you could hear were their screams. Apparently they predicted the elves sneaking through the forest, as there were camouflaged gorillas waiting for them. As a final attempt to penetrate the wall they released the dragon from the ram.
The dragon roared and flew straight toward the wall. When it touched the wall it began to be electrocuted, not enough to kill it but enough to knock it out. The orcs and ogres being the only ones left began to retreat. But before they could leave several gorilla warriors surrounded them. All armed with impenetrable armor and powerful firearms, they quickly killed the remaining army even the ones who surrendered.
Ajamu: (We proved our strength to them, but their rulers wouldn't declare defeat to a bunch of animals. So we took the fight to them, by this time we built a powerful bomb capable of destroying entire countries.)
He placed his hand on my shoulder again and we were outside a giant kingdom. There were silverbacks pushing a platform on wheels with a terminal on it to a clearing. One of the apes began to use the terminal. The platform opened revealing a giant missile.
Ajamu: (We made what the terminal called a nuke, and enhanced it tremendously with this worlds magic.)
The missile was launched and when it made contact with the kingdom, the entire kingdom was wiped out.
Ajamu: (I ordered the launching of several nukes all over the kingdoms that declared war on us. No one was left to attack us, no other intelligent creatures left. I made sure of it, I caused a genocide of all intelligent creatures. That lasted for two years before I was satisfied.)
Devan: (But how did your empire fall? You had the weapons and no one was left to fight you.)
Ajamu: (Indeed we wiped out all our competition. So we were all that was left on the earth. But the gods didn't like that I annihilated all other races so they interfered themselves. They corrupted the minds of several powerful apes making us go into a civil war. Our entire empire was destroyed from the inside and as punishment they banished my soul to another world.)
Devan: (There are actual gods out there?)
Ajamu: (Yes there are also some in this world to. The gods in this world are more unforgiving, as they made creatures to kill each other for their amusement. Before they banished me they enslaved my entire empire to a fate I don't know. I desire revenge on the gods, but I don't want the same fate of my family to befall yours.I choose you to be my champion and carry my empire's emblem. But be warned the gods remember my emblem and our technology. So they will make your life miserable but I'll be by your side to fight them.)
Before I could respond Alger appeared before us.
Alger: (Your time is up brother, it's my turn to speak with the young one.)
Ajamu made a noise of disapproval before he reluctantly left. Alger turned to me and held out his hand.
Alger: (Come, it's time for me to show you my story.)
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