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With the help of the monsters, the brother and sister duo were able to make impromptu shacks to live in. They weren't the best but they were manageable.
All throughout the night the siblings discussed what they should do next. Coming up with the idea of naming them all more so out of convenience and teaching everyone to work together.
Because although they goblins and direwolves fought, they were now all on the same team.
"Everyone please pair up. One direwolf with one goblin please!" O'Nari stood on a rock by her brother. Once again instructing their newly made group.
They did as told and quickly paired up. Just like the siblings suspected, they were evenly divided for the most part. Only making this much easier for them
"So you all will live in pairs and take care of each other. You will piggyback off each other's strengths and weaknesses. As for the pairs with better combat skills, you will be known as the goblin riders and will periodically do patrol and hunting training." O'Nari explained their reasons for joining forces. Many of them that could fully understand liked this idea. Some of the lonelier ones were just happy to have a companion.
"That being said, we also palm on giving everyone names. We want you to be able to live as your own unique selves." She smiled as the crowd became excited. A monster receiving a name was a big deal so it was only fair that they were bursting with joy.
"Firstly, the goblin leader and his son. I would like to name you Rigurd and Rigur respectively." Rimuru smiled gently at the father son duo.
The two teared up at the name. It was in honor of Rigurds eldest son that died in battle. He was the only goblin in the group that had the fortune to be named.
"T-thank you!" The two stuttered out as they kneeled. Their eyes freely flowing with tears. Words couldn't explain how happy they were to be blessed.
The siblings just silently smiled as they pulled themselves together.
The next few hours were spent finding suitable names for the goblins. They went through every letter of the alphabet naming and remixing names. O'Nari needed some fucking water with how dry her mouth was getting.
"Ok so for the direwolves, we planned on calling y'all Tempest Wolves. As for the ex leaders son who will now be the new pack leader, he is given the name Ranga." Rimuru explained to them. He'd give them nicknames as he currently didn't have the brain power to come up with another batch of names.
He was exhausted.
The wolves didn't seem to mind one bit as a name was a name even if it was a family name. They couldn't be more excited.
O'Nari watched the goblins and wolves interact happily. Their beef with each other was over and replaced with harmony.
"Man, who would've thought we'd be taking care of a horde of monsters on our first day out?" The white bird chuckled while shaking her head. She turned to her brother as she found this to be amusing. Her eyes soon bugged out when seeing her puddled brother.
"RIMURU?!" She yelled in fear of him being dead. Her heart snuck immediately as the worst thoughts available took over her mind.
'Host please calm down, he's not dead. He simply exerted too much mana." Myron softly comforted his host. He explained that the male didn't have the same skill to quickly replenish his mana like she could. He would need to take a rest to build it back up first.
O'Nari let out a breath as she wiped her eyes in relief.
"Fuck that scared me. None of you tell him that I was worried though. That asshat wouldn't let me live it down." She chuckled while playfully glaring at her new friends. They smiled and nodded in agreement. In reality she didn't realize how strong her aura still was so she practically scared them into submission.
Ranga pushed his way forward with awkward steps. He looked at the bird that tilted her head.
"What's up Ranga? If you need to potty, just go deeper into the woods. My nose is too strong to want to smell that." She patted the head of the Tempest Wolf. He whimpered embarrassed but shook his head.
With a low bark, a small fluffy white creature came out from between his legs. Its black eyes looked at the girl curiously. O'Nari gasped in aw at the small animal that looked like a Samoyed puppy. It was honestly as big as her.
'This a Fenrir cub. It is born when the wolf mother is in a life or death situation and wishes for its child to be safe. This pup is about 3 months old.' Myron explained the origins of the Snow White cub. It was sad knowing that its mother died when it was born but gah damn, 3 months old and it was this big?!
The puppy nudged the bird as if warming up to her. It looked at her with an innocently sweet smile. No clue what was happening but just happy to be here.
O'Naris heart warmed at its cuteness.
"You're so fucking cute!" She squealed as she rubbed her face against the animal. Practically melting at how soft and fluffy its fur was. It was like hugging a cloud.
"Considering you just brought her out, I assume you would like me to name her?" She asked Ranga with an amused smirk. He whimpered and bowed his upper body. Practically begging her to take the baby under her wing.
Haha, take her under her wing! Get it? Hahaha........No? okay......
"Well then, I'll call you Sayuki. It means Little Snow."
Sayuki barked excitedly at being granted a name. She jumped on the pretty bird and happily licked her face. O'Nari laughed before lightly pushing her off. The young fenrir obediently laid at her feet.
"Okay, in the meantime we have to lot to figure out until Rimuru wakes up. So let's get to work!"
"Ugghhh, what happened?" Rimuru stirred awake as he held his head. The last thing he remembered was naming their group members before everything went black.
A beautiful girl with green skin and a body for the gods was in his face. She smiled sweetly as she looked back at him. A little giggle slipped out her lips at his gobsmacked expression.
"Stop gawking at her you pervert. Have you never seen a woman before?" O'Nari scoffed as she entered the room with Sayuki on her trial. The cub curiously looking at the slime on the small bed. It looked like a ball and she really wanted to play with it.
She laid down but her mind wandered on the possibility of her new mom letting her play with the round thing. Heh, if Rimuru makes her made enough probably so.
"I'm not a pervert!" Rimuru yelled defensively but the bird just looked at him lazily. Not at all believing what he said.
"I've seen your search history. You do know they have incognito mode for a reason, yeah? Plus, you shouldn't make your password so predictable." The girl scoffed as she perched herself on the bed. A look of disgust in her eyes as she brought up his embarrassing secret.
Rimuru wanted to die.....again.
"Lord Rimuru, you're awake!" A tall and built man with green skin and short gray hair happily walked in. He was an intimidating male whose head damn near touched the ceiling.
"Who is this?!" The slime yelled with his eyes popping out his head. He didn't know any creature that was this jacked!
"That's Old Man Rigurd. Thanks to us naming him, he and the others evolved into hobgoblins." O'Nari explained to the male what Myron told her. Hours into her working they all suddenly became consumed by golden light and had a major change. A delayed reaction from the naming effect because there were so many.
Monsters are able to evolve within their classes after meeting certain requirements. Most of the times it's if they have an enough magicules stored in their body. Other times it's being named by a much stronger being. Evolution makes them much stronger and typically changes their appearance.
The same cannot be said for Rimuru and O'Nari unfortunately.
The slime looked back to the girl that was carefully tending to him. An image of her little goblin self appeared next to her new form. The difference was mind boggling.
"Lord Rimuru!" An all too excited voice rung out. In the corner where a shadow was, Ranga magically appeared. He pounced on the creature he happily followed.
He was much bigger than his previous appearance. There was now a fluffy white mane around his neck and bit on his tail. Two horns grew on his head, one in front of the other.
"And if you can't tell, that's Ranga. And trust me, I've worked pretty hard to get them to stop calling us master so take it or leave it." She chuckled as the Tempest Wolf licked the slime happily. It was honestly kind of cute.
Sayuki whimpered as she watched her big brother play with the blue ball. She wanted a chance too!
"I feel like I missed so much. How long was I out?" Rimuru sighed, feeling bad for just leaving them hanging.
"About a week." Ranga said excitedly making him want to pass out again. He's never even missed more than two hours of work! So finding out he was out for a week almost sent him into a spiral.
"Bro chill, you know I was student body president. I handled everything." O'Nari said smugly as she smiled. Proud of herself for taking charge, when she usually pushed it off to others.
The blue ball of goo looked at her with his face scrunched up.
"Girl, that was in kindergarten. And it was ONLY because it was your week." He rolled his eyes and scoffed. The only thing she was in charge of was passing out milk and juice at lunch. Sometimes the teachers would even have them run little meaningless errands.
"And I was damn good at it too! But Intywayz, we need to replan what we're going to do. With everyone tripling in size, we don't have enough resources to keep up. I've already assigned hunter and gathers for food but it's not a long term solution." The bird explained what was going on at the moment. The homes they threw together out of left over materials weren't big enough. They didn't have proper clothes and they didn't have good equipment for anything.
Rimuru listened to the problems going on and thought.
"Is there anywhere we can go to sell, purchase and barter?" He merely asked aloud. He and O'Nari saved a bunch of precious looking materials from the cave that they could possibly sell if not trade for what they need.
"The closet place would be Dwargon. It's home to dwarves but elves and humans live there too." Rigurd explained to the two of the neighboring kingdom. They would be the easier and more friendly of the nations for monsters to enter.
"Then it's settled. We'll take a group of goblin riders and head to Dwargon." Rimuru said firmly but in the inside he was grinning like a pervert. The thought of seeing real life elven women was every man's dream.
The room became cold as a chill ran through the slimes body. He and everyone else slowly turned to see O'Nari smiling with her eyes closed. Sayuki curiously tilting her head as she watched on.
"Big brother? You're not thinking about anything weird right? We are aware we're going there for business yeah?" She asked sweetly, her eyes slightly opening with a deadly glint.
"Of course not! This is strictly for the good of our home." He reassured the girl with a frightened voice. Rimuru had no clue how she saw through his thoughts.
His search history probably.
"Great. I'll round up the people we need." She nodded before leaving with her pup. Allowing everyone take a breath.
"She's scary." Ranga whimpered lowly, afraid she'd hear him. The blue slime looked at him then the door she left out of.
"That wasn't even the surface of it......."
A small group consisting of the siblings, Ranga, Rigur and a couple of goblin riders approached the gates of Drawgon. Sayuki was made to stay behind with Rigurd. The pup wasn't happy but was obedient.
It took a few days worth of travel but they made it. Having packed a good amount provisions for their companions as the siblings didn't have a need to eat everyday.
The kingdom was surrounded by high, beige stone walls. Their flag waving proudly every few miles at the top. There were guards patrolling the top as look outs.
Outside of the gate was a long line of people waiting to enter. Whether on foot or carriages, the line went on for miles. It was relayed that they all had to go through a search with the guards to make sure no one was smuggling anything dangerous or illegal.
"Remember everyone, do not attack anyone, especially humans, unprovoked." Rimuru instructed the goblin riders he was going to leave outside the city as they didn't need all of them to come in. This should only take them a couple of hours.
"But on the off chance you have to fight someone, remember what I thought you. We aim to cripple or kill." O'Nari smiled with a sadistic glint in her eye. Her brother looked at her in horror before looking at the group that obediently nodded.
"No! Absolutely no killing is allowed." The slime snapped as he looked back and forth. The last thing they needed was for humans to hold a grudge against them and want to hunt them down.
"You're no fun." The white bird scoffed, rolling her eyes. A smaller version of herself was perched on Rigurs shoulders. She fluttered up and grew to regular size on the ground so she could walk away with attitude.
"Let's go." He grumbled in annoyance gesturing for the goblin holding him to move forward. The little goblin holding him was named Gobta. Unlike the others who had a major glow up, he literally just grew a few inches.
Rimuru followed his sister with Gobta to get in line as the others stayed. Ranga whimpered as his master left him making poor Rigur have to hold him back.
Having spotted a few other inhuman creatures, they felt more comfortable about the whole ordeal. They happily chatted with each other as they waited. The siblings asking Gobta many questions about this world and things of the sort.
"I was wondering why I was smelling a circus. Someone let some filthy monsters out and now they think they go wherever they want." A grainy and rough male voice quipped. The trio looked to see a few men in front of them looking at them with disdainful gazes.
"Excuse me? Who you calling filthy, smelling like a can of bounce that ass sitting out in the hot sun for a month? I've smelled corpses that smelled and looked better than you. Wanna talk shit but can't even wipe the bullshit off your face. Oh wait, that's just the face your poor mother had to push out." O'Nari sneered at the leader of the little group of men. Nobody gets to pick on her brother but her.
A few of the nearby people laughed at the pretty birds words. The snickering too close to even try to cover up. It had only increased when the man had subconsciously wiped his face.
The man turned red with anger as he glared at the creature he's never seen before. An evil expression twisted on his face when he realized just how exotic she looked.
"You think some weak ass monster like you is big shit? Let's see who's laughing when I sell you to the highest bidder and you end up on someone's dinner table!" He looked at her viscously while slowly unsheathing his sword. He'd butcher her himself and feed her to wild dogs.
O'Nari scoffed as a grin spread on her beak.
"Oh you think you bad? Let's go then? I want everyone here to witness, I was provoked first!" She pretended to snatch her earrings out of her ear, obviously not taking him serious. Hopping on her feet she moved her wings in front of her like she was getting ready to fight.
"That's enough!" Rimuru barked as he turned into the former Wolf Pack leader. He used an intimidation skill to force the adventurers to their knees. Unknowingly unlocking a little bit of his own aura.
It scared the piss out of them.......literally.
"Look, they peed themselves!" Gobta couldn't help but laugh. O'Nari leaned on him as she practically hollered. The adventures turned red in embarrassment but were too scared to say anything.
They instead scrambled to their feet and ran off. Only making the two laugh even harder.
"O'Nari, I told you no fighting humans." Rimuru shifted back into his original form and hopped back over. He glared at the bird that was wiping her tears.
"You said unprovoked. They clearly came at us first." She scoffed, mean mugging him back. What she was going to do was in the name of self defense.
"You can ask any.......one. Where did everyone go?" She turned to see the line empty. Nothing but a dust cloud rolled by making her blink in surprise.
"I think Lord Rimuru scared them all away." Gobta awkwardly scratched his head. Being named by the two, he was immune to their aura. He figured it just intimidated everyone so badly they scattered.
"Damn, can't take you no where." O'Nari shook her head in disappointment making the slime stare at her in disbelief. She was the one.....okay.
"Nobody move, you three are under arrest for disturbing the peace." A guard marched up to them. He was followed by a few others. They were all ready to fight in case the three resisted.
The siblings glared at each other.
"This is your fault!"
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