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"Hurry your ass up Mikami!" A beauty yelled as she stood on the other side of the street. Her uncommon skin tone and boisterous voice drawing in the usual crowd of attention.
She cared not for any of it as she glared at her brother.
Were they actually related? Not at fucking all. Not even a drop of their dna was similar but the two didn't mind.
The man and woman had grown up together thanks to Mikami's grandfather taking the little girl in years ago. Her parents had died young and her own grandfather was friends with the boys. He too unfortunately passed away from the grief of losing his only child.
"I don't know why you're in such a hurry. It's not like you have any money, I'm the one paying." The tall and average looking man playfully scoffed as he pushed his way through the crowd. He apologized to the people as he adjusted his jacket.
"Bitch— don't play with me Kami, I have money. It's just not on me at the moment." O'Nari scoffed as she scrunched up her nose in annoyance.
And she really did have money from her family inheritance and her own job. It's just when you look this good, all you have to do is bat your lashes and people fall over themselves trying to pay for you.
Why not take advantage of it?
"Whatever you say brokey." The slightly older male chuckled as he rubbed his adoptive sister's head. He was not at all gentle with the fresh braids she just did.
"B-brokey?! Never that, and how you gonna use my lingo against me? Ain't that cultural appropriation?" The brown skin beauty stared at him with the meanest mug she could muster. That was the last time she let him listen to her music.
The older of the two rolled his eyes, already use to her constantly pulling this card. It use to make him sweat nervously and beg forgiveness until he realized she'd say it whenever she didn't get what she wanted.
Fucking brat.
"This is why you don't have a girlfriend with your mean ass." O'Nari scoffed as she walked next to him.
Mikami stiffened at her words. A sore spot of his as he really never had a girlfriend before. Poor man was still a virgin too.
The closest he got was when one of her friends had a crush on him but he was so obvious he made her cry. He definitely got an earful from his baby sister after that.
"You stinky brat!" He growled pulling at her cheeks in anger. O'Nari howled in pain but didn't back down. She gripped his hair in retaliation.
The two grown adults looked fucking ridiculous fighting like elementary schoolers in the middle of the sidewalk. Did I mention it was broad daylight?
"Senpai! O'Nari!" A male voice rung out, catching the two by surprise. They looked around for the source before spotting a cute young man waving his hand vigorously.
"Tamura!" O'Nari squealed as she booked it towards her college desk-mate. Happy to see the male she called her friend.
The two hugged and jumped around like little girls. Spinning in a circle like they didn't just see each other a few days ago.
Mikami walked over to the two with a light smile. He found it amusing how his sister just seemed to get along with everyone. She's had her fights of course but those people would become her loyal servants soon after. It was fair to say she may have been a bit of a school boss back in the day.
Then there was Tamura, a junior at his company. It was extremely difficult to dislike the kind and charismatic young man. Though it seemed his brat of a sister constantly tried to corrupt the man.
"So, why did you invite us out today? You finally realized how much of a loser Onii-Chan here is?" The brown beauty batted her lashes innocently as she looked at her friend that was chuckling awkwardly. She ignored the heated glare from her brother.
He'd get over it......hopefully.
"No actually, I wanted to introduce you two to my finacé. This is Miho Sawatari." Tamura smiled as he stepped aside to show off a very pretty young lady. She smiled nervously at the brother and sister Tamura always spoke so highly of.
The two stared at the girl with a look of bewilderment. They were absolutely speechless at this.
"Your girlfriend was real?" O'Nari blurted out on accident. Her mouth moving faster than her brain although she meant it.
Tamuras face turned red with embarrassment. Mikami smacked the girl in the back of the head making her buck at him.
"What?! He always talked about her but I've never seen her. 'Coincidentally' every photo he tried to show was a bust. How was I supposed to know she was real? No offense Tamura but she's hot, how did you pull her?" The speck of pepper amongst the salt defended herself. Was she wrong to be shocked?
Miho giggled at the girls words. Her personality being as refreshing as her future husband described. She felt like they would be great friends in the future.
Too bad the future would never come..........
"Aaaaaaahhhhhh!" Someone screamed seeing the pools of blood rapidly growing. The surrounding area went into panic almost instantly as several called for help.
"Onii-Chan......" O'Nari breathed out with a strained expression. She stared up at the clear sky with heavy lids.
"Y-yes brat?" Makami weakly turned his head to look at his dear sister. Everything hurt as he had fallen in his stomach trying to push her out the way. Who knew the bullet would till go through him and hit her?
"F-fuck you...this is why you don't have a girlfriend." She chuckled as her lips curled up. The woman had wanted to say something meaningful to her only family one last time but screw him.
The older brother on the other hand didn't want to hear it to begin with. He was already feeling seeds of disappointment in himself that he still didn't protect her.
If this was their last breath, he'd want it to be like all the others.
"You guys will be okay! Just hold on a bit longer!" Tamura cried as she tried to stop their bleeding. But it was flowing faster than he could handle. His eyesight blurred with tears as his crying fiancé begged for an ambulance to hurry up.
"Hey Tamura......can you do me a favor?" Makami weakly looked at his friend. The males hands covered in blood as he shakily spoke through his sobs?
"Of course Senpai! Just ask and I'll do it!" The newly engaged male hiccuped as he looked with eggar eyes. A part of him hoping that if he fulfilled this request they'd be okay.
But this wasn't a fantasy world........
"When I die......throw my computer in a bath tub of water." The older male choked out as he gasped for breath. The last thing he had in his mind was getting rid of his nasty browser history.
O'Nari wanted to poke fun at the male that had never been laid. Having to rely on porn to satisfy himself. But she was too tired.
"Before I die, I have two things to say...... Onii-Chan I ate your last ongiri—bitch—TWO, I just want everyone to know......I left my fortune.....in....the..................." She never did finish her sentence before the light in her eyes went out. A content smile on her face knowing she pulled the most iconic last word prank.
If Mikami hadn't died after her first confession, he would've laughed......
'Wake the fuck up!' A distant voice screamed in O'Naris mind. She jolted awake being startled by the noise. Momentarily not noticing how she was several feet off the ground. Her body being suspended in the air before landing back in its spot.
"I'm up!" She yelled at no one in particular.
The woman quickly turned her head side to side to find the source of the voice. But there was no one there from what she saw. Thinking it was just her brother messing with her she frowned. He knew she hated being suddenly woken up.
It's not easy waking up this fine every morning without her beauty sleep. Which may or may not be like 14 hours.......
"Makami, that's not fucking.......funny?" The young adult started to scold with narrowed eyes before she realized she was not in her room. Nowhere close to it unless she took up an extreme hobby in cave diving.
Absolutely fucking not.
O'Nari stared at the vast space before her, trying to process what she was looking at. In front of her was obviously a cave as the ceiling was high up and covered in jagged rocks. They dripped with a clear liquid she wasn't too sure was water.
On the ground was fields of plants and stones she didn't recognize. Even with her degree in agriculture science. A degree she got because she wanted to know the best plants to make her own strand of weed.
We love an educated woman with goals.
Besides the vegetation and minerals, she didn't see a single other soul. Yet weirdly enough she could feel that she wasn't alone in here either. They were just further away.
"Oh hell, did I get drunk again? I gotta stop waking up in random ass fields." O'Nari sighed as she assumed she had partied a little too hard and her unreliable ass friends let her loose into the world. This obviously wasn't her first time waking up somewhere she had no business being.
'Fuck.....they may have given me a stupid host.' That make sounding voice rung again with a heavy tone of disdain. It wondered what it did to be given this type of fate.
"Bitch? Who you calling stupid? I may have a blonde girl mentality but I'm far from stupid." The woman sneered as she glared at the empty air. Not sure who to direct her annoyance to considering she can't see them.
'Girl! Are you just not going to question how you're alive?! Do you not remember you died?!' The voice asked angrily. As if pleading for her to be more aware of her new situation.
O'Nari blinked.......oh yeah.
"Actually, how am I alive and who the hell are you? Also if I'm alive, does that mean my brother is too?" The woman rapid fired all the questions she had on her mind. The voice was silent for a second as it was overloaded with questions. It only had itself to blame.......
'The answer is pretty simple actually but I won't blame you if you freak out. In truth, you've been reincarnated. God has taken pity on you for dying so early in life and granted you a second chance. Same for your brother as neither one of y'all were supposed to die in that accident. As for who I am.... I am Myron! The all knowing guide entrusted to help you navigate your new life. You're welcome.' Myron explained to the girl. He was most liking beaming haughtily at the fact that he got to introduce himself. All he had to do now was wait for her to lavish him in thanks, or even freak out.
"Cool, which way do I go to find my brother?" O'Nari brushed off everything he said and looked around the beautiful cave.
Myron was once again speechless.
'I just told you that you were reincarnated into another world! Are you not the least bit shocked?!' He choked at her lack of enthusiasm. If he had eyes, they'd be bugging out of his head. He was positive otherworlders usually had much bigger reactions to things like this. Finding out that you came back to life was already incredible enough.
"Eh, I always knew I had main character energy. My story can't end that quickly." She shrugged mentally. Her words sounded narcissistic but she didn't care.
In truth she was freaking the fuck out in the back of her mind. But Myron seemed to be distracted with her current reaction to even notice.
O'Nari was obsessed with reincarnation mangas back in her old world. Not that she wanted to die but she always dreamed of being reincarnated. She'd kick her feet giggling about what she would do in every situation. It always ended up with her being some type of vigilante. Wanting to carve her own path. Who knew it would actually happen?!
She was also just thankful it wasn't Truck-sama that got the kill.
"Anyways, my brother's location....." She interrupted the male voice that was ranting about how she was too quick to accept this situation. She should've been asking so many other questions.
'I— I can take you there considering you have the family bond skill. BUT you should really explore more. It may just surprise you with what can happen.' Myron sighed as he figured he would not get anywhere with her. He'd work on it on their journey.
"Family bond skill? What's that?" She asked puzzled. Context clues probably could explain it but she wanted to make sure.
'It's a skill only given to family members. It allows you to instantly know where they are and know when they're in danger. There are certain situations where your mana will increase when together.' Myron explained to the girl patiently like a wise teacher. The girl listened carefully at his explanation.
"Okay, so how do I actually activate it?" She asked puzzled. Did she need to recite a spell or draw a magic circle?
'Well........' He dragged out, his voice sounding further away like it was an awkward question.
O'Nari narrowed her eyes in suspicion.
'At the moment you don't have any mana to activate it or do anything for that matter. You're so weak that a breeze might kill you........ahaha.' He awkwardly laughed although she did not laugh with him. Instead she just let out a long sigh.
"That checks out. I did just come back to life. What should I do then?" She looked around the area she was in. Wondering if anything would be useful.
Myron perked up at the question. Happy she was finally asking for his all knowing guidance. Because honestly, what would she do without him?
'First off you need to close your eyes. Steadying your breathing and opening your mind will allow you to open your third eye. Feel the surroundings and how it moves around you. You should start to feel different levels of density. The more you in-tune yourself with your surroundings the more you can start to see the magicules floating in the air. When you can start seeing the particles, imagine it all flowing towards you. It will enter your body as easily as taking in air.'
O'Nari followed his instructions.
She slowed her breathing and focused on feeling her surroundings. Trying to feel the peculiarities in the air. She wasn't sure how much time had passed but little by little it started to form. Like glitter blowing in the breeze the mixed color of magicules made themselves known.
It felt so surreal seeing the essence of magic for the first time. When it circulated around her she felt like she was wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket. The ticklish feeling was welcoming as she imagined that warmth seeping into her body.
The more she concentrated, the easier it became. The magicules flowed into her being like water into a lake. She wasn't sure when she was supposed to stop because she didn't necessarily feel like there was anything filling up.
In her mangas, you typically had to fill up an inner jar or pool with the bases for magic power. But it didn't seem like that was the case here. Maybe you just needed to be able to absorb it and circulate it through the body.
'Congratulations, you've unlocked Endless Mana Absorption. User is able to absorb magicules automatically without the need to meditate.' Myron's voice sounded automated but excited.
O'Nari opened her eyes in surprise. Finding the new ability to be kinda goated. If she knew anything about magic based worlds, the ability to recharge your magic power at a neck breaking pace is amazing. It was ideal for any battles.
"Oh purr, don't tell me I'm OP." She laughed softly at the thought of her being some powerful being. The likely hood of it was low.
But never zero........
'Anyways, you should be able to use your skill now. It will automatically generate a map to him.' Myron spoke with a tone as if he was rolling his eyes. Inwardly he was sweating because he had yet to tell her of a couple of things.
O'Nari nodded at that.
Activating her skill, she immediately saw a blue line appear before her. It stretched far unto the distance. She looked at it with surprise.
"Well, here goes nothing." She smiled with excitement. She would never admit it out loud but she was worried about her brother. Knowing that he probably felt guilty that she died when he tried to protect her. She could only imagine how he'd feel knowing he reincarnated and she might not have.
With that she took her first step forward.........
Yet something was off when she fell off the small ledge. With her height, it should've been like stepping off a stool. But it was more like plummeting to her death.
Her reflexes immediately kicked in along with the desire to not hurt herself.
There was a soft beating in the air, like wings fluttering. O'Nari hovered in the air as she flapped her wings. A chilling realization sinking in.
"Myron..........you have five seconds to explain." She spoke with gritted teeth. Looking to space she became more in-tuned with the physical structure of her body.
'Well you see, the thing is........ you weren't necessarily reborn human......ahahah?'
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