Chapter 3
Eleanor POV
He's changed, anyone would say it was for the better, that I wasn't hurting anymore because of him, but they're wrong. He's ignoring me I'd say even avoiding me, but he wasn't the only one that had changed. They all had and it was all thanks to her, thanks to Yui, even Subaru seemed to have opened up to her her and I don't like it. I make my way to my room for the first time ever, for years I've slept next to Reiji even if he didn't want to.
The room seemed empty but then again why wouldn't it be? I've never once slept here. I make my way to the bed and lay on it facing up at the ceiling, maybe I should leave, maybe I should go and visit my parents for once. Take some time to myself and maybe just ignore Reiji back, no matter what Subaru or Shu said I knew deep down Reiji at least liked me and because of that I allowed him to use me, to channel his anger on me and maybe then he'd love me the way I love him.. but I can see that now that she's in the picture that's not going to happen.
I just lay in bed thinking of what I should do for I don't even know how long when a smell hits me.. it seems the awakening has begun. There's no way I'm going down there. They can handle it. I closed my eyes and felt myself choke a bit when I hear Cordelia's voice speaking with Reiji and I felt my heart sink at a certain part.
"I think I know how to silence that mouth of yours." I knew what she did, I knew she kissed him and I felt my stomach drop of the thought and even more when I hear her giggle.
"Do not toy with me Cordelia." His voice says making my eyes well up with tears.
"But I can't help myself. I find myself interested in you as a man." I open my eyes and hug a pillow to my chest.
"What about my uncle how would he feel about this?" Reiji asked as a small sob left my lips.
"Oh don't worry about Richter, he won't mind no matter what I choose to do. So let's pick up where we left off. We have all the time in the world, now, I'm waiting." I place the pillow to my lips to keep the whimper to myself when I hear him chuckle.
"I think I'll have to pass, corrupt woman with lose morals do nothing for me, I'm not the least bit attracted to you. Besides you do remember I'm engaged don't you?" I blinked looking at the bed.
"I'm not like you that would be satisfied with just anyone, far less with someone like you." I hear a slap.. did she just.. slap him? I open the door to my room and slowly make my way down the hall and towards the voices until I smelled blood.. Yui's blood in particular as I make it I see Ayato holding Yui who had Subaru's knife stuck to her chest.. did he give that knife to her?
"The awakening will start soon so you best lay her down." I say causing all of them to look at me.. where's Reiji?
"Right." Ayato says carrying her in his arms and leading us to a room where he lays her down.
"Is there anyway we can save the girl?" Ayato asked after some time of them talking.
"Yes there is, but it's incomplete." My eyes move to look at him as his eyes met mine.
"Reiji, what is that you've got in your hand?" Ayato asked causing me to break our eye contact and looked at the bottle in his hand.
"A costume made remedy that will kill that woman once and for all." Reiji answers as I look down, so that's where he was. Of course he would immediately spring to action to save Yui.
"This isn't usual, it's not like you to come forward with an unfinished product." Ayato said.
"Why is it incomplete? What's missing?" Shu asked.
"I believe that all I need is a piece of Cordelia." Reiji answers.
"That's impossible we've disposed of every trade of that woman." Subaru said.
"Actually, I have something." Kanato says as I look at him confused and blinked when he ripped Teddy's head off pulling a vase from inside him handing it to Reiji.
"Maybe you can use this, I don't need it anymore." Kanato says making me frown a bit and walk to a drawer pulling a thread and needle.
"Is this what I think it is?" Reiji mumbles as I walk back taking Teddy away from Kanato.
"You shouldn't just break something precious to you for her Kanato." I mumble taking a seat with Teddy in my hands fixing him in seconds before handing it to him and he kisses my cheek hugging Teddy close.
"Thank you Eleanor." He says as I give him a little smile petting his hair. Ayato drank the potion Reiji made before connecting his lips to Yui's making her drink it. When she woke up Reiji took hold of my hand.
"Come." He says dragging me with him and I just let him looking down at the floor. He opens a door and shoves me in after him pinning me to the door.
"What was that?" His voice was harsh as his fingers took hold of my chin making our eyes meet.
"What was what?" My voice was dull making his growl.
"You've been acting up lately haven't you? First drinking from Yui and now being all cozy with Kanato." My eyes widen did I hear that right?
"At least I didn't kiss him." I scoff glaring at him and he chuckles one of those chuckles that tell me I'm amusing him yet angering him.
"You better not have." He says causing me to huff and try and push him away.
"It's not funny Reiji." I say but suddenly my arms are pinned by my sides with his hands and our noses were almost touching.
"Who said it was funny?" He said just before crushing his lips to mine.
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