The assembly trudged as fast as they could through the thick snow, occasionally tripping or falling.
"There!" I yell and point at the silhouette walking through the ice castle doors
"Edmund!" Lucy screamed which earned a harsh shhing from beaver
Peter ran foreword to try and stop his brother.
"Peter!" I shriek "no!"
"Get off me, Victoria!" He pulls away
"Your playing into her hands!" Beaver yells
"We can't just let him go!" Susan argues "he's our brother!"
"He's the bait! The witch wants all four of ya!"
"Why?" Peter cries
"She wants to stop the prophecies from coming true." I step forward. "To kill us!"
"This is all your fault!" Susan spits at peter
"My fault?!"
"None of this would've happened if you just listened to me in the first place!"
"Oh, so you knew this would happen?"
"I didn't know what would happen," Susan lowers her voice " which is why we should have left in the first place!"
"Stop! Stop it both of you, this isn't going to help Edmund!" Lucy yells
"She's right. Only Aslan can save your brother now." I sigh
"Then Take us to him." Peter commands
Back at the dam we were all hustling about grabbing everything we would need, we had heard the howls and realised the witch had caught on to us.
"Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan yelled over the noises of us panicking
"only if the witch serves toast!" Peter replied
The dam shook and we heard the loud barks of the wolves.
"Hurry!" Beaver shoves us Down a tunnel. "This is the fastest exit. Comes right down to badgers house."
"You told me it lead to your mums!" Mrs Beaver scolds
We sprint through the candlelit tunnel as fast as we could. The tunnel was filled with the echoing barks of the police.
"They're in the tube.." Lucy whispers
"C'mon!" Susan pulls Lucy along
I trip over the hem of my dress and hit the dusty floor with an oomph.
Peter turns around and helps me up "You ok?"
"Yeah.." I say breathlessly "thanks!"
We continue to run until we reach a dead end
"You should've brought a map!" Mrs beaver yells
"There wasn't room next to the chips!"
Beaver and his wife dig a small tunnel above for us to climb out "hurry!"
Peter and I help Lucy, Susan and the beavers out before peter helps me up and we all yank him up.
I brush the dirt off my dress before looking up to see beaver staring solemnly at a stone statue of a badger "He was my best mate...."
"Oh my goodness... beaver, I'm so sorry." I gasp and lay a hand on his coarse fur
"What happened?" Peter asks
"This is what becomes of whoever crosses the witch." A voice says
"Take one more step, traitor and I'll chew you to splinters!" Beaver threatens
"Relaaax, I'm one of the good guys." He says shaking his scarlet tail
"Yeah? Well you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones!"
"Unfortunate family resemblance. But we'll argue breeding later, but right now we've gotta move!" He runs ahead
We all follow, eager to get as far away from the wolves as possible.
"What did you have in mind?" Peter asks
I make sure to tuck my feet in so that the wolves won't spot us up the barely leaved tree.
The fox sits below us staring at the queens guards "greetings, gents. Lost something?"
"Don't patronise me!" The lead wolf snarls "I know where your allegiance lies. We're looking for some humans."
"Humans? In Narnia? That's valuable information, no?"
The wolf pounces and tackles fox to the floor. A loud yelp comes out of the foxes mouth
"Your reward is your life. Where are they?"
"...." the fox sighed.
I grasped peters hand in fear. Would he confess? Would he betray us?
Peter gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
"North....they headed North."
The wolf threw the fox down. "Smell them out!" He ran ahead of his pack
Once the wolves were gone we dropped out of the tree and into the freezing wet snow.
I ran forward to help the fox. "Oh my gosh, are you ok? Thank you."
"It's no problem." He said
We lit a fire and gathered around it trying to warm our hands and feet.
"They were helping Tumnus. Then the witch got to them before I did...OW!" The fox winced
"Are you Alright?" Lucy asked
"Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite." He let out another yelp
"Stop squirming! You're worse than beaver on bath day!" Mrs beaver groaned
"Worst day of the year..." beaver muttered
"Thank you for your kindness," the fox stood up "but I'm afraid that's all the curing I've got time for."
"You're leaving?" Lucy questioned
"It has been a pleasure, my queen and an honour," he bowed. "But time is short, and Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops."
The beavers gasped "you've seen Aslan? What's he like?"
"Like everything we've ever heard. You'll be glad to have him by your side in the battle against the witch."
"But we're not planning on battling," Susan pointed out
I turned my gaze to her "Narnia needs you. If you don't help then the witch will take reign and winter will be forever in Narnia."
"Narnia isn't really our problem, Victoria." Susan spits "you're the queen, not us,"
"Narnia....Narnia is a place where everyone deserves to live a happy life and a full one. Nobody can have that unless you stop the witch! So yes, Susan. Narnia is your problem!"
"King peter...the prophecy?"
"We can't go to war without you." Beaver said
"W-we just want our brother back." He sighed
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