I just watched the death cure and I had to force myself to write this chapter. It was so heart shattering and I weeped (people in the cinema gave me weird looks)
Anyway, here's the chapter x
"The ice. It's melting already." I say
We all stand looking at the not so frozen river wondering how we could get across safely.
Suddenly a loud rumble fills our ears
"We need to cross. Now!" Peter yells
"Don't beavers build dams?" Lucy asks
"I'm not that fast dear." Beaver exclaims
"C'mon!" I yell
"Wait! Will you just think about this for a minute?" Susan yells at us
"We don't have a minute!" I yell back
"I was just trying to be realistic."
"No. You're trying to be smart. As usual." We all turn around and continue walking towards the river
Howls fill the air and I look up to see wolves on top of the frozen cliff
We edge across the steep hill trying to escape the pack. When we get down to the edge of the river the ice is breaking and floating away mercilessly.
Peter puts a foot on the ice but quickly withdraws it when the ice groans under the weight.
"Wait. Maybe I should go first." Beaver says.
"Maybe you should." Peter agrees
Beaver slowly walks onto the ice, patting it with his tail as he does so.
The ice creaks but doesn't give in under his weight.
"You've been sneaking second helpings!" Mrs beaver scolds "haven't you?"
"Well you never know what meals gonna be your last! Especially with your cooking." He retorts
We follow him onto the ice with caution.
"Careful." I warn
We take a few more steps and when we are sure it's not going to collapse then we begin to walk at a quicker pace.
"If mum knew what we were doing-" Susan begins
"Mums Not here." Peter interrupts
"Oh no!" Lucy points to the wolves who are running on the cliff trying to cut us off
"Run!" Peter yells
We run as fast as we can across the slippery surface.
As we near the end of the river the pack of wolves cut us off. We turn around to run back but 2 other wolves stand in our way.
A wolf pounces on beaver.
"No!" Mrs beaver cries.
I hastily unsheathe my sword and hold it out in front of me "put him down"
"Put that down little girl." The wolf steps towards us "someone could get hurt."
"Don't worry about me!" Beaver yells "run him through!"
"Leave now while you can. And your brother leaves with you." He looks at peter
"Stop, Victoria! Maybe we should listen to him!" Susan screams
"Hmm. Smart girl." The wolf patronises
"Don't listen to him, your majesty! Kill him!" Beaver yells
"This isn't your war." He says to the pevensie's "all my queen wants is you to take your family and go!"
"She's not your queen, I am." I spit
"Look! Just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero!" Susan tries to reason with peter who also has his sword out "just drop it!"
"No, peter! Narnia needs you!" Beaver calls
"What's it gonna be, son of Adam? I won't wait forever." The wolf looks over at the river "and neither will the river."
I look between the river and the wolves "hold onto me!" I plunge my sword into the ice just as the ice wall cracks and the water comes spitting out.
The water hits me like a slap. A coldness fills me like never before and it turns my fingers numb. But still I hold onto the weapon in a hope that we will survive. I try to inhale but all I get is a lungful of water. My eyes snap open and all I see is dark. I can see the figures of people beside me but nothing else. All of a sudden the ice berg propels from the water giving us air.
I cough up the water and take a deep breath of fresh air. I crawl onto the bank, spluttering.
"Where's Lucy?" I hear Susan ask
"Lucy?" Peter yells "Lucy?"
I sit upright and look around. The young girl was not there. "Lucy!"
I stand up quickly and sprint to the waters edge and pick up her coat.
"What have you done?" Susan looks at me horrified "Lucy! Lucy!"
"Has anyone seen my coat?" A small voice says from behind us
I turn around and see the youngest sibling staring at us. I let out a sigh of relief and embrace the young girl.
"Don't worry, dear, your brothers got you well looked after." Beaver says
"And I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore!" Mrs beaver exclaims
I look around and see the cherry blossom trees blooming and the grass that's showing from below the melted snow.
We take off the soaked coats and hang them on a tree. We wander into the forest looking at the colourful trees as we walk.
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