Party Party Party
Christine didn't really enjoy the fact that their post performance party was better than their performance was. Then Ms Wormwood brought in the pizza and Christine didn't really care anymore. You couldn't be angry when you had pizza. Even the more pessimistic of the class were perking up a little.
And, shockingly, that happened to include Javert.
Though he didn't look all 'sunshine and rainbows' suddenly. Christine figured that may have something to do with Elphaba, who was right next to and glaring at him. Christine sighed. Perhaps she should deal with that later.
"H-Hey... Christine?"
Christine looked around, and was surprised to find Evan standing behind her, looking over to her hopefully.
"Oh, hey, Evan," Christine greeted cheerfully. "Do, uh... do you need something?"
"Huh?" Evan said, looking surprised. "Oh, no, I just, uh... wanted to tell you something."
Christine was getting a little worried, but she made sure to keep it off her face. "Yeah? What is it?"
'Please don't ask me out, please don't ask me out, please don't ask me out-.'
"Uh... I kind of..." Evan cringed. "I kind of lied to you. During the rehearsal circle thing."
Christine frowned. "The wha- OH! That! Wait, lied? What'd you lie about?"
"Uh..." Evan rubbed his neck, awkwardly. "Remember that app thing, that you saw? That you thought was a writing app?"
Christine's eyes widened. "Oh, yeah, that."
"Well, it wasn't," Evan admitted. "It wasn't a writing app. It uh... it was We'llGetBetter. That app."
Christine hummed, but as she opened her mouth to say something, Evan barreled on. "I know, I know! It's stupid, and it could cause trouble again, but it really helped, you know? It was the best one of those things I'd seen in a long, time, and, well... I couldn't let it go, even if it apparently turned out to be evil."
Evan laughed nervously. "S-So, uh, sorry about that."
"Oh," Christine said. "Don't worry about it. It's all alright."
Evan blinked up at her. "You're... not angry?"
"Nope," Christine told him. "I kind of knew from the beginning. And, well, I was going to wait for you to come forward about it yourself, but then I just kind of forgot."
Evan didn't seem to know what to say. "Oh... well, I guess that's good." He sighed, looking down at his phone.
"I totally get what you mean, though," Christine continued. "I mean, the app was helpful. Before, you know, it tried to have us all arrested so they wouldn't be accused of technically making a murder pill."
"Right," Evan agreed, then he frowned. "I should probably delete this."
"Good idea," Christine nodded. "I mean, they are always going to choose their profit over your needs."
Evan sighed, and nodded. Christine watched as he deleted the app.
"Maybe there's a better one," she offered as consultation. Evan only shrugged, excusing himself to get some more pizza. Christine watched him go, and hoped he'd be alright.
However, she didn't have too much time to wonder, as she was already being approached by another surprising friend she had made.
"Oh, Heather!" Christine cried, trying very hard to seem like she hadn't jumped six feet into the air. "Hi! Is the pizza good? I haven't had the chance to get any yet..."
Chandler sneered, and held out her uneaten piece. "It's the cheap kind," she explained. "It's disgusting."
"Oh... nice," Christine said, and awkwardly accepted Chandler's offering. "Well, thanks."
It probably was a bad idea, but Christine ate the pizza. After all, who just doesn't eat pizza when it's offered?
Chandler didn't say anything, and as she stood there, glaring into the party, Christine was starting to get more and more unsettled.
"So... why are you here?" Christine eventually had to ask, but then she immediately regretted it. "Not that I don't want you here! I do! Want you here! Just... I assume you won't approach me for no reason."
Chandler tensed, but before she could say anything, Glinda hurried towards them, looking worried. It didn't last long though, because when she stopped in front of them, there was a smile on her face.
"Hello, Christine!" she greeted cheerfully. "Hello, Heather!"
"Hey!" Christine replied. "What's up?"
"I'm just looking for Ms Wormwood..." As if to prove her point, Glinda took a look around the room. "Have you seen her?"
"Hm..." Christine looked around, too. "Actually, now that you mention it.... Where is she?"
Both Christine and Glinda were surprised when Chandler gave out an aggravated huff. "She's in the classroom, you idiots. And she's asleep."
Christine and Glinda exchanged a surprised look.
"Really?" Glinda asked. "I see... she probably wouldn't be very happy if I woke her up, would she?"
"I'd assume not," Christine agreed. "She's been working really hard. We should leave her alone."
"Probably," Glinda agreed, and then waved as she left, probably to talk to Elphaba. Christine turned back to Chandler, smiling apologetically.
"Sorry, you got interrupted," Christine said. "So, what were you going to say again?"
Chandler snorted. "Why are you so sure I was going to say something? I don't answer to you."
Oh. Christine supposed that was true. "Oh, right," she said. "Sorry! Hey, you don't mind if I get more pizza, right? I mean, you didn't like (for some reason) but I did, and I'm hungry, so-."
"I don't hate you."
Christine froze, unable to comprehend the statement. Chandler what?
"Uh... sorry?" Christine asked. "I don't think I heard right..."
Chandler sneered. "You heard fine. I don't hate you."
"...Oh," Christine frowned. "Look, if you are trying to confess your love to me in some weird way, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline, I'm not really interested in relationships-."
"Oh my god, no!" Chandler suddenly explained. It was such a jarring change of pace that Christine nearly laughed. Chandler glared at her before continuing. "I don't hate you, or ANY of you. Not anymore."
Christine didn't know how to respond to that.
"That doesn't mean I like you," Chandler made sure to make clear. "Because I don't. I just don't hate you."
"Uh..." Where was this coming from?! Christine hadn't known Chandler for long, but this was ridiculous! Where was the character development? Had Christine really been entertaining enough for Chandler to start liking her (or just not hating her. Whatever that meant)? "Thanks... I guess...So you're my friend now?"
Chandler scoffed. "Of course not. Don't be stupid."
Christine stared at her. "Riiight... acquaintances then?"
Chandler sniffled. "God no, I want nothing to do with you. I just don't hate you. That's it."
"...Oh," Christine said. "Well, that's nice."
Chandler huffed, and, apparently thinking her job was done, walked off. Christine watched her go, wondering what that was all about.
Well, it probably didn't matter. Especially when the pizza was pretty quickly disappearing. Christine hurried towards it, but just before she could grab a slice, Glinda hurried up to her, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Christine jumped.
"Oh, Glinda!" Christine said. "Uh... hi. Again."
Glinda gave her a tight lipped smile. "Yes, hello, Christine. Have you seen Javert?"
Christine blinked. "Javert? I don't think he came in today... I guess he just couldn't face the people he was wrong about, right?"
Christine laughed at her own joke. "Why do you need him?"
There was that nervous smile again. "Don't worry about it. See you later, Christine."
"Huh?" Christine asked, but Glinda had already melted away, back into the crowd. "Well, uh, bye then."
Christine quickly grabbed a slice of pizza. Finally.
Taking a bite of her pizza, Christine looked around. To her surprise, she was beside Connor, who was hanging out with Duke and Chloe (Brooke was there too, but probably only because of Chloe). It was the strangest trio Christine had even seen.
"Hey!" Christine called out cheerfully. "Are you all friends now?"
The three looked at each other awkwardly.
"Uh, no," Chloe scoffed. "And before you ask, I'm not friends with those nerds either. We only talked out of necessity."
Christine had no clue what she was talking about. "Okay."
"We're not really friends," Connor told her. "We just kind of started talking, and we found something in common."
"Huh," Christine replied. "So, acquaintances?"
Connor gave her a strange look. "Er... sure."
"Great!" Christine smiled at them. "So... how's the conversation? What's it about?"
"Just some... thing," Connor glanced from Christine and Chloe and back. "It's not that important."
"That's a good point," Christine agreed. "I'll see you all later!"
Christine waved as she left; it was clear that they wanted to be left alone. Christine would just have to find another person to make conversation with. Perhaps Jared? Christine knew that Jared had been itching to tell of his 'very real' ghost exploits.
Even if he wasn't being truthful, it might be entertaining to see what he could come up with.
Actually, speaking of Jared, where was he? He was usually doing something very idiotic with his new friend Rich, so he should be easy to spot... but he was nowhere to be found.
Christine shrugged. Might as well keep an eye out for someone else. And get more pizza. By this time, Chloe, Connor and Brooke had moved away.
"Hey, Jake!" Christine called, waving.
Jake jumped, startled. "Oh, Christine," Jake waved, somewhat awkwardly. "What's up?!"
"Nothing much," Christine shrugged. "That performance was kind of a mess, wasn't it?"
Jake laughed. "Yeah... somehow it was even worse than our last performance."
Christine giggled. "I don't know how this keeps happening."
"I guess you just have bad luck," Jake teased. Christine fake gasped.
"I knew I shouldn't have said that 'M' word," Christine said, and just like that, they were out of Jake's limited knowledge of theatre. To his credit, though, he did try to laugh.
"Uh... right," Jake said. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, you were the best actor."
Christine smiled. "Heh, that doesn't really mean much," she said. "Considering... well, you know."
"Yeah, yeah," Jake replied. "So. You did know it was doomed at the start?"
"Huh-wha-oh, come on," Christine shook her head playfully. "Give my generous nature a little credit. It was at least five minutes before I accepted my fate."
Jake snorted. "HA! Fair enough, fair enough."
Christine grinned, but suddenly, Jake's playful demeanour fell. "Hey... is it really ok that this all sucked so bad? I mean, I know you love it a lot, and people slacked off just to spite you. For no reason!"
Christine frowned at her friend, not exactly sure what to say about that. "Well, they seemed to buck up at the end, right?" Christine asked cheerfully. "Don't doubt the power of theatre, Jake-."
Christine winced. "You're talking about Heather and JD, aren't you?"
Jake looked at her like 'obviously', and Christine sighed.
"Well, I don't really know about JD, but he did throw himself into the performance at the end right?" Christine told him. "Well, in his own weird way. And Heather..."
Christine surveyed the party until she found Chandler, sitting at the edge of the party and glaring out of the party goers in disdain. Christine grinned to herself.
"I think we'll be alright," Christine said. Jake stared at her, and then shrugged.
"Well, if you say so," Jake said. "I trust you."
Christine beamed. "Thanks, man. Hey, you read the script, right? Wasn't it funny?! What'd you-?!"
Christine jumped, turning around to find Glinda hurrying towards her. Glinda looked tired.
"Hey, Glinda!" Christine called. "Again. What's up?"
"Look, Christine, I'm really sorry, but I've tried to find as many people in authority as I could, but there are NONE," Christine explained quickly. "So now I need you! We need to hurry! Jared and Rich have flooded the gym! I don't know how or why but the flood isn't stopping! HURRY!!"
It took a couple seconds for Christine to absorb the information. But when she did, she nearly dropped her pizza.
"I-I'm sorry," Christine gulped. "But WHAT?!"
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