Warning From the Next Door Witch
Jenna, Martha and Jared had split off, living in different neighborhoods than each other. Unfortunately, Jenna was the farthest away. From Jeremy's house, it took her half an hour to get to her house. So when she finally pulled up to her front door, exhausted and cranky, it was nearly one AM.
All Jenna wanted was to get to bed and look through her social media. She was in no mood to talk to anyone, which was a first. However, her neighbor had other ideas.
"What are you doing out so late?" the next door teenage girl asked, moments before Jenna could get in her house and escape. Jenna sighed, but didn't look over.
"Nothing," Jenna replied. "It's not important."
"Hmm," the girl said. "Suspicious."
Jenna rolled her eyes. Her neighbor, Lydia Deetz, was the same age as Jenna, and did not go to Denaro, despite making rather unethical decisions in the past. It was hard to find information, but words like: 'brainwashing' and 'satanic rituals' didn't put Jenna at ease. In fact, Jenna heard the only reason Lydia didn't go to Denaro was because there were no laws (yet) opposing what she was doing.
"Apparently it's dangerous out right now," Lydia said. She was sipping a cup of something, Jenna saw, and she was in her usual witch-esque clothes. When Jenna first met her, she had thought it was weird, and that Lydia was just trying too hard to be 'special' and 'unique'. However, now that she has met Glinda and Elphaba, Jenna was now starting to suspect that it was an incredibly niche fashion style.
"You didn't see anything though, did you?" Lydia asked, and Jenna frowned. She wasn't quite sure what the context of this question was. She had drifted off in the middle of the conversation, she realized.
"Huh?" Jenna asked.
"You know, with the murders," Lydia reminded her. "You didn't see anything, right?"
"No, why?"
Lydia sighed, shaking her head. "Because it's so obvious," she groaned. "Whatever. Glad you're back safely."
Jenna, at first, didn't think any of this. Lydia was also talking about stuff like this, about stuff people can't see and hidden things and all that. She looked at the world like it was a puzzle with half of the pieces invisible. Jenna didn't really think to ask what the heck so was on about until she was inside and closing the door.
When it finally occurred to her, she poked her head back out suddenly, startling Lydia.
"What's obvious?" Jenna asked, now more awake then she'd been this entire day. "What'd you mean?"
"Uh... I meant the spiritual energy?" Lydia said. Jenna sighed, preparing to go back inside. It was clear that both she and Lydia needed some sleep.
However, before she could, Lydia called out to her. "I can prove it!" she called. "Do you want me to prove it? There is a spirit around, why can't you see it?!"
'Right, and a ghost is taking SQUIPS, aren't they?' Jenna shook her head. 'Yeah, right. This is ridiculous.'
But, once again, a thought occurred to her. She poked her head out again.
'I know this whole 'spirit' thing is crap, but,' Jenna sighed. She didn't enjoy what she was about to suggest to herself. 'She might know something. I've got to find out.'
"How are you going to prove it?" Jenna asked. "With some ghost detector?"
"Don't be weird," Lydia told her, and Jenna nearly got whiplash from the backwardness of that statement. "Of course not. I'll- Are you alright?"
"...What are you talking about?"
"You look like you're going to collapse."
Oh, really. Jenna hadn't noticed. Why would anyone be tired at one AM? Though, of course, Lydia seemed awake as ever. Jenna would never understand the Goths.
"No I don't."
Lydia shook her head, finishing her cup. "We can do this tomorrow night. You better be out here and ready."
"I'll clear my schedule," Jenna said. It sounded sarcastic, but Jenna did literally mean it. It was more than likely that the Detecrive was planning something, so Jenna might have to skip out on that. She'd tell Jared (who she now had a sixty percent chance of having a somewhat decent conversation with. It was getting better) in the morning. Jenna had a lead.
However, there was no way Jenna was telling Lydia all this. Without so much as a goodbye, Jenna shut the door, heading to her room.
But even though she was incredibly tried with sixteen hours of being awake weighing on her, Jenna couldn't go to sleep. Instead, she turned on her computer, typing 'ghosts in New Jersey' into the search bar.
She went to '13 Haunted Places to Visit in New Jersey' then 'Ghosts of Central Jersey' then a million others. None of them mentioned the city they lived in. And when Jenna put that in, nothing that came up was even remotely recent.
Jenna switched off her computer, finally getting ready for bed. Of course, she knew that Google was probably the worst place to look for information about ghosts and the like. It was probably like typing symptoms of a cold into Google instead of going to a doctor, she reasoned. But still, the fact that there was nothing was interesting. There weren't any ghosts, Jenna knew, they weren't real.
Lydia was just being weird for attention, as usual.
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