Tangled and Misleading String of Murders
"Oh, so you got arrested, too, I see."
Veronica's nose wrinkled in disgust, both at the accusation and at the vile person who decided to voice it.
"I wasn't arrested, Heather," Veronica sighed. Chandler sneered.
"Oh, so you got off scot-free?" she asked. "Again?"
Veronica rolled her eyes. "I didn't get off scot-free," she huffed. "I got the same punishment as you did."
"Somehow, I think that attempted murder is far worse than anything I've ever done."
"Like trying to get people to commit suicide?" Veronica asked, raising her eyebrow. Suddenly, she shook her head. This was getting her nowhere, she needed to focus. "Look, why are you still in here, anyway?"
At this point in time, Chandler had been in this holding cell for a little over a day. Veronica had been sure, when she heard of her former friend's arrest, that Chandler's overprotective parents and her wealth might give her leeway.
"Why do you care?" Chandler huffed. Veronica rolled her eyes.
"Because if you cooperate, then I promise I'll get you bail," Veronica told her. Chandler's eyebrows lifted.
"Oh?" she asked. "Well, that still doesn't answer my question. Why do you care?"
Veronica sighed. Chandler was right, wasn't she? "Well..." Veronica fumbled on her words, wondering how, exactly, to say this.
"I hope you know that I'm not your friend," Chandler told her. "Even if you help me."
An annoying smile appeared on Chandler's face. "Just so you know."
"I don't care," Veronica told her. "I have better friends now ."
She mimicked the face Chandler made, just over exaggerated it. "Just so you know."
Chandler's smile returned to a sneer, and Veronica counted that as a victory.
"Well," Chandler said, pulling away from the bars she had been leaning on earlier. "Then. Why. Are. You. Here?"
"Because as terrible as you are, I know you didn't murder anyone, or even did anything wrong," Veronica explained. "But I think I know who did, and I think I know who did, and who's trying to frame you."
Chandler was definitely listening now. "Who?"
Veronica looked around nervously. "...I can't say right here-."
"What, you think you're important?" Chandler interrupted.
"You think you are?" Veronica shot back. "No. The reason they're targeting us is because we're unimportant. I think."
Chandler frowned. "What are you-?"
"Look, just tell what happened, and I get you out on bail," Veronica promised, almost pleading now. It had been difficult enough to get five minutes with Chandler, and the police outright refused to let her see either Jake or Rich. "I swear it, alright?"
Chandler seemed to think for a minute, and then looked down, sighing. "You can't bail me out," she said.
"Heather, this is not the time for your ego-."
"I'm here for questioning," Chandler finished bitterly. "You can't blame me out."
Veronica's stomach dropped. "O-Oh," she said. "Oh..."
Of course Chandler had to be a dead end, why did Veronica ever think-
"I had gone for a walk," Chandler began, suddenly. "And then I found a family that had been murdered. I called it in, they told me to stay there, and then I got arrested. Happy?"
Veronica blinked, looking back at her. "Oh," she said, yet again. "Why were you on a walk so late."
Chandler shrugged. "I was stressed," she sighed. "And it's what the We'll Get Better app suggested. That stupid app..."
Veronica's eyes widened. "The We'll Get Better-
A shouted sounded from down the hall, and Veronica knew her time was up.
"Go," Chandler warned her.
Veronica looked back at her, confused. "But-."
"Just go already!" Chandler said, waving her arm. "These are not the people you want to piss off."
Veronica looked away for a second, then nodded. "I promise everything will be alright," she said, backing away. "I'll help you out of here."
Veronica turned away before she could see Chandler's reaction, but she sure heard it.
"Sure it will."
Everything was not alright. Since the arrests, or perhaps because of them, security had increased tenfold. Police patrolled the streets, almost like the hunger games. There was a strict curfew.
And because most of the suspects were from one place, Denaro High School was packed with more police officers than students. The school had already been pretty small, but now it was twenty times smaller with the all the extra personnel. Most of the police were friendly enough, sticking to themselves, not bothering the students, but some people took their power and abused it. And the students couldn't do anything back.
But the worst part is that the problem was still happening. More murders. More arrests. Yet again from the Denaro student body.
There had been two in the last two days. One was JD. And the other was Elphaba.
The mood is the classroom was tense as they studied the Alice by Heart story. The students weren't completely sure why Ms Wormwood was trying to teach them this, what with the empty chairs as a constant reminders of the empty chairs.
Maybe Ms Wormwood realized this, because as the clock ticked down to the end of class, she got the classes attention.
"Class is almost out," Ms Wormwood announced, making the students look up. "There's only fifteen minutes left, but I think that we need another lesson. A different one. Especially now."
For a minute, the class was worried that Ms Wormwood would make the class go overtime. It was silly, because she wasn't allowed to do that. That was what the police said, at least.
"I won't pretend that everything is alright right now," Ms Wormwood continued. "In fact, for all of you, it's awful. Your classmates are getting arrested unfairly, and it's a dangerous time."
The class stiffened, and Alana quickly got up and closed the slightly open door. Ms Wormwood either didn't notice, or she just didn't say anything.
"You all might be arrested," Ms Wormwood told them. "There is a certain bias towards all of you, an unfair one. In order to combat this, you all need to understand what's going on. Completely understand."
Ms Wormwood's eyes swept over the classroom. "We'll begin with your rights. No matter what you all did, you still have your rights. And if you don't know those rights... well, that will be used against you."
There was another pause. All eyes were on the teacher. Even the ones that usually didn't care about anything, least of all what Ms Wormwood said. Even the ones that thought they were above this. Even the ones that figured they knew all of this already. Even the ones that just didn't care.
"So," Ms Wormwood said. "Can anyone tell me what our mobility rights are?"
Needless to say, it was the class with the most participation that any of them had ever seen.
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