Start of Class/ Drama
There are five more people in Matilda Wormwood's class than there was last year. Of course, the number of students increased every year, but never this much. Ms Wormwood wondered what happened to increase the number of students this much.
Ms Wormwood loved teaching. The students in her classes never really liked learning, but she usually changed that by the end of the year. Ms. Wormwood had a reputation for being a very kind and understanding teacher. It makes sense, as she had a kind and understanding teacher growing up to look up to.
Even as she walked into the classroom, Ms Wormwood was still convinced she could turn these kids around for the better. When she started working as a teacher here, the teenagers daunted her, and they got 'worse' every year. But, over time, Ms Wormwood found ways to connect to her students, and with every new student, she saw a teenager in need rather than a challenge.
Most kids who came here did not come here because they were bad people, rather people in a difficult situation. She always made sure to give them as many opportunities as she could, and important time one on one.
With nineteen students this year, the one on one time, might be cramped, but Ms Wormwood was determined that she could do it.
The start of the year proceeded as usual. Ms Wormwood started roll call, already knowing every student, and the class started the usual start of year explanation.
"You all came from different years of high school," Ms Wormwood explained. "But you'll all be learning the same history, science, maths (or math, I suppose) and so forth. However, this isn't taught in the regular high school curriculum, because this year you are not going to focus on your studies, but rather your peers and yourselves."
Ms Wormwood paused, and looked out at all the faces before her. The class was mostly split between uncaring and anxious. She felt a little bad for the nervous ones.
"You shouldn't be ashamed of being here," she told them. "This is a place where you can figure out how to be a little better than before. I think that all kids should have a year of self reflection, but I suppose they're busy. Anyway, you don't have to be angry about staying here, just be glad it exists. It'll help you, I promise."
Ms Wormwood took a breath after her little speech, and smiled softly at her students. "Now, are there any questions."
Alana's hand immediately went up, to no one's surprise. Anyone who spent more than five seconds with her knew that she was akin to Hermione Granger, from the Harry Potter series.
Ms Wormwood nodded to her.
"If we are not focusing on our studies, what will we be learning?" Alana asked.
"Good question, Alana," Ms Wormwood told her, and Alana looked proud. "And to be honest, we'll be learning about what you would like to learn about."
Alana blinked, a little confused. Christine immediately threw her hand up.
"Does that mean we can learn about the Newsies strike and the French Revolution and the miners' strike in Britain?" Christine asked quickly. "And HAMILTON?!"
"If you would like to," Ms Wormwood chuckled. "We'll try to fit it in."
"Can we learn about trees?" Jared called out.
"Please put your hand up, Jared," Ms Wormwood reminded him. "And yes, again, if you want to."
Jared gasped. "Evan, it's your favourite!"
Mark looked embarrassed. "Jared."
Suddenly, Christine put her hand up again. "Can we learn about theater here?"
Ms Wormwood nodded. "Of course."
This went on for a while, with the students suggesting topics to study, and never really seeming to grasp that Ms Wormwood was willing to teach them about anything.
Eventually, Ms Wormwood realized they wouldn't grasp that, and ended the suggestions.
"Alright," Ms Wormwood told them, she picked up a colourful suggestion box. The memory of the students that gifted it to her brought back warm feelings. She put it on her desk. "Class is almost over, but before you leave, you can put your suggestions in here. Feel free to put in as many as you would like."
The bell rang, right on time, and the day was over. The suggestion box was quickly getting heavier. As usual, when the students were finished, the box wasn't even half filled. Most students, especially at the start of the year, were not interested in the class. They usually turned around by the end.
The classroom emptied quickly, as it usually does. Out of curiosity, Ms Wormwood started looking through them.
Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mark approach her. He looked very nervous, and was gripping his left arm tightly. He was also sweating. Profoundly.
Ms Wormwood looked at him curiously. "Do you need something, Mark?"
Mark shuddered, and nodded. "Uh, could you, uh, please call me by my middle name?" Mark, or Evan, she supposed. "Sorry to bother..."
"Oh, it's no problem, Evan," Ms Wormwood assured him. "Thank you for telling me."
Evan nodded, and then left. Ms Wormwood continued looking through the suggestions. She was curious as well also a little excited for this year.
Jenna's classmates were like a treasure trove and a minefield. Jenna was always interested in the students of Denaro High, and often used their stories as gossip. However, she never thought she'd actually be here, and in such odd circumstances.
But with all this, maybe she might actually get people to care about her. She found so much interesting things about her classmates; maybe someone would care to stay.
Of course, she knew about the SQUIP deal. After all, she was part of it.
Apparently, Rich got a SQUIP first. However, unlike Jeremy's, Rich's SQUIP didn't act up for the two years he had it. It only started 'taking over the world' when Jeremy's SQUIP showed up. It made Jenna wonder if Jeremy's SQUIP was defective.
Anyway, soon Jeremy got a SQUIP, and it made him popular for a short time, blah, blah, blah. Jenna actually thought he cared about her for a minute the night of the play (A Mid Summers Night Dream (With Zombies) It's not important), but apparently that was all a ploy to SQUIP the school. It hurt, but Jenna was over it.
After they managed to defeat the SQUIP with the power of Mountain Dew (but red) the school immediately shut down. It would be hard to imagine them not shutting down the school, as in the middle of the play, all the actors suddenly started screaming, and then they collapsed. And Michael didn't do a very good job of explaining things, not that he could've.
So, now everyone thinks the entire cast did drugs. To be fair, only Jeremy, Rich and Jenna purposefully took the SQUIP, everyone else was just dragged in (Except for Michael, who was off actually doing drugs).
And after that, most of the 'SQUIP squad' has not actually faced each other; they were mostly avoiding each other. Understandably.
They're probably the oddest group of students, but the others have insane stories as well.
First off, there's that Mark (or Evan, as he's always called) kid, and Alana and Jared. Apparently, Connor Murphy stole Evan's letter, which he was writing to himself for therapy, and overdoses on drugs. At first, everyone believed he was dead, and Evan was believed to be his 'best friend'. Instead of immediately coming clean, Evan keeps up the lie, making a website and even a fundraiser 'for Connor', with Alana and Jared's help.
However, Connor wasn't dead; he was just in a coma. When he awoke from his coma, the lie unraveled, and Evan, Alana and Jared got in big trouble. They never finished the fundraiser. Alana and Jared are still trying to convince everyone they had no idea, but Jenna finds that hard to believe.
Jenna always wondered why Evan just didn't just confess earlier. Was it the attention? Was Evan just lonely?
A train of thought like that made Jenna wonder if she would do the same thing.
Anyway, next there was Elphaba and Glinda. From what Jenna heard, they went to the same boarding school, and despised each other. And then there was a deal with a very respected man trying to enslave animals (this part was rather vague) and Elphaba called him out, but she got in trouble? And Glinda did as well?
There wasn't a lot of information on this, but that never really stopped Jenna.
There was also the fact that Elphaba was green, which Jenna has heard was from an affair, 'magic' and chemicals. She intended to ask Elphaba about it one of these days.
And lastly, Jason (or J.D, apparently), Heather C., Heather D., Heather M. and Veronica.
Jenna had heard that the three Heathers were bullies called 'The Heathers' and they got Veronica in their posy. Then Veronica got a boyfriend, J.D, and they tried to kill Heather C., but Heather just had to go to the hospital while everyone thought she was dead, and then they also tried, and succeeded killing these two rapists, Kurt and Ram. They made it look like a double suicide, with the boys pretending to be gay for each other, and then J.D tried to blow up their school. Veronica tried to stop him (at least that's what she says) and they both got caught by a teacher.
This was going to be an interesting year.
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