Push of a Button
Veronica has watched The Princess Bride so often that by now she was certain she could quote it word for word and also act every single character, including the background ones. To put it into perspective, she and Martha Dunstock have been watching almost every day since the middle of middle school.
Of course, Veronica never really watched the films anymore. Martha didn't really watch them, either, and they basically just talked. Sometimes about their respective schools and jobs (Martha was taking a year off before collage), and sometimes about... other things.
"Do you think unicorns would trample people to death with their hooves or gouge people with their horn?" Veronica asked. Martha frowned.
"Neither!" she replied. "Why would they do that?!"
"Because they're horses. Duh."
Martha sighed. "Unicorns wouldn't kill people," she pouted. "And horses wouldn't either."
"...Are you sure-?"
"Oh, look!" Martha suddenly cried, gesturing toward the screen. "It's almost at the end!"
Veronica finished her (highly amusing) conversation about death unicorns and turned toward the screen. Martha was... slightly wrong. There were still forty minutes left in the movie. But, Martha didn't seem to like that conversation too much, so Veronica changed the subject.
"How's working at Clair's?" she asked. "Any friend discounts you'd like to share?"
Martha seemed to decide it was safe to rejoin the conversation again. "It's alright," she said. "And, no, no discounts. Not even for me... I wish there was, though! They just got the cutest rainbow doughnut earrings..."
Veronica hummed, thinking. "Well..." she said, in a very suspicious tone of voice. "How about we go in together, and then you look the other way while I... grab you those earrings."
Martha chuckled, trying to hide her amused smile. "Veronica, no!"
Veronica shrugged, grinning. "It'd work!"
Martha shook her head. "I think your school is a bad influence."
Veronica laughed. "I guess. It's not like I got into that school for, y'know, nearly blowing up a school."
Martha winced, and Veronica knew she had once again strayed into dangerous territory. Once again, she decided to change the subject.
"Hey, have you heard of We'll Get Better?" she asked. Martha shook her head, and she elaborated. "It's this app Ms Wormwood gave me today. It's supposed to help 'troubled teens'."
"Oh," Martha nodded. "That's good."
"I don't know," Veronica sighed. "How do I know it'll actually help? Half of those apps are trash."
"...Well, you can always look around in the reviews," Martha suggested. "And the background of the app, too."
"Like the code?"
Martha shrugged. "Maybe. Just don't wreck the entire thing."
Veronica frowned. "Hey!"
"Sorry, sorry," Martha chuckled. She smiled at Veronica. "I know you wouldn't do that."
Veronica raised an eyebrow, and Martha sighed.
"Alright, alright," Martha continued. "I don't think it's possible for you to do that."
"There we go," Veronica nodded. She looked at the movie again. "Hey, look, it's actually the ending."
Martha turned around, squealing. "Oh, oh, don't talk!" she ordered. "I want to see this."
Veronica rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah," she muttered, settling in to watch the film as well.
Veronica took Martha's advice, in which she searched up the reviews for the app. It was the usual unhelpful type of reviews, e.g 'I give this app a one out of five even though I liked it because the pen pal it gave me was British', so she decided to check the internet for information.
She searched up the name, and, low and behold, it was useless. She found the official website (flow of glowing reviews and ads!) and some songs and memes (unrelated).
The internet was another dead-end, as the app didn't seem too popular. But it was new, so maybe people don't know about it.
There was one last thing Martha told Veronica to do. Check the code.
How do you do that?
Veronica had never worked with coding before, what was she supposed to do?
She clicked into the app, and was taken into a nice orange setting with a helpful (annoying) tutorial. It showed where you can contact therapists; look up what to do in a panic attack, anxiety attack, etc. It also had an assortment of other websites and also places where you can find people with the same interests as you.
Veronica messed around with it about, checking out all the parts of the app, and trying desperately to find the source code. She didn't.
Veronica glared at her phone in frustration; this had always seemed so easy in movies. With a sigh, Veronica tossed her phone to her bed and started to type up 'how to hack an app' into Google.
Suddenly she paused. A thought had just occurred to her. She quickly deleted her 'how to ha-' and brought up incognito. It would probably be best if this was not traced back to her.
Reassured, she looked through the results.
Despite not understanding most of it, she managed to eventually get into the We'll Get Better's source code. She didn't understand any of it, but was very proud of herself nonetheless. At least until she accidentally pressed a button.
The entire app crashed, and Veronica stared in horror as her background blinked up. Usually she was fine with seeing her and Martha's faces pop onto the screen, but now it filled her with dread.
"Oh no, oh no, OH NO!" she muttered, desperately clicking on the app again. The app opened, and Veronica was filled with a sense of relief until an error message appeared.
I'm sorry, but we're having difficulties right now.
Please check back later!
-We'll Get Better Staff
The message was probably supposed to comfort Veronica.
It didn't.
But, really, what harm could she have really done? She only pressed a button. She wasn't sure what button, but how bad could it be.
Reassured by those thoughts, Veronica started her homework, yes, she had homework, yes, it sucked.
All seemed alright, and what's the worst that could happen?
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