Mountain New Break in the Case
"I'm cold," Jared complained.
"I'm bored," Michael yawned.
"I'm worried," Martha said.
Veronica tried not to show her irritation on her face. So far, the magic of friendship wasn't really doing wonders for her.
At least Jenna was mostly on her side.
"You all didn't have to come," she said, absentmindedly. She was holding up her phone and filming everything.
Jared snorted. "Well, yeah, but I did," he told her. "Sorry, but me and my complaining are a package deal."
"Oh?" Veronica asked, holding up a roll of tape she had brought along solely for this reason. "Is that right?"
Jared stared at the roll, opening his mouth to argue before closing it. Michael and Martha followed suit.
"That's better," Veronica sighed. "And I know it's dangerous, but it's something I have to do. You all don't have to come if you don't want to. I won't get mad at you for turning back."
Veronica waited, but, to her surprise, no one moved. She grimaced.
"Well, if everyone's on board..." she muttered. She opened her WGB app. "I think I'm ready for my walk."
The app took her down a very odd path, not that Veronica was surprised. She had been expecting something like this. The app led her and her friends down alleyways, through parks, once through someone's garage (though Veronica had been reading the route wrong, so that wasn't really WGB's fault).
The five completely disregarded the fact that it was supposed to be a walk, running through the route as fast as they could. Veronica knew they needed to get to wherever they were going as fast as possible if they wanted any chance of catching whoever was doing this. They didn't stop for anything, not other people, not crossroads, not for cars, and certainly not for their own lost breath.
The only thing that gave them somewhat of a pause was when they were finally led to the crime.
Veronica felt sick as her glaze slid across the bloody bodies. There were only two of them, but they had been mutilated horribly.
Veronica couldn't even stand looking at them for more than a couple seconds before turning away.
"Jesus," Jared muttered. Veronica gulped.
"There's nothing we can do," she said.
"But-," Martha started, but Veronica turned away.
"Come on," she said. "It still looks fresh, if we hurry we might be able to catch whoever's doing this-."
"Veronica, we can't just leave them like this!" Martha cried. Veronica gave her a confused look. "We have to call someone!"
"Martha, we could end up in jail for that," Veronica argued calmly. "Come on, we have to hurry-."
"Veronica, we have to," Martha insisted. "Look at them, it'd be just... awful to just leave them here."
"But-," Veronica paused, her eyes catching sight of the corpses once again. She didn't know if it was guilt or morality, but something was telling her that Martha was right. She really couldn't just leave these people on the street. "...Fine."
Martha's eyes widened. "Really-?"
"Yes, but," Veronica sighed, realizing the extent of what she'd have to do. She tossed her phone to Michael, who caught it with surprise. She was pretty sure he hadn't been paying attention. "Here, take this. Jenna, hand me your phone. While I call the police, you guys go find whoever's doing this."
Martha frowned. "Veronica-."
"Hurry!" Veronica cried. "The murderer is getting away, you have to go quickly."
The rest of the group flinched, and with Veronica waving them away insistently. "Hurry, go!"
"Can't you just call them and then come with us?" Jared asked, his eyes wide. Veronica shook her head.
"That'd just cause more problems," she pointed out. "Now hurry."
Rather reluctantly, Jenna passed Veronica her phone, and Jared got the WGB app back up on Veronica's phone. With scarcely a nod goodbye, the group split up, and Veronica was left alone in front of the crime.
She shuddered. Without everyone else, this place seemed rather cold and dark now. With a trembling hand, Veronica raised the phone.
Martha stared at the flashing lights going by with wide eyes. She knew exactly where they were headed, and what they were going to do. Her gut twisted with quilt. She just had to open her mouth, didn't she?
Martha wanted to stop, and to go back and help Veronica. She wanted to stick by her friend's side, just in case, but she knew that wasn't what Veronica wanted. Veronica wouldn't want her to help her, she'd want Martha to continue what Veronica had started.
So, with a dry mouth and damp eyes, Martha turned away from the scene, running even faster. The faster they found the real culprit, the faster Veronica was free.
But there was absolutely no one in sight, much less someone who could be a murderer. The only people that the four had seen was the police cars.
Martha was wondering if the murderer had even came this way, when something suddenly stood out.
There was a flash of red, and at first it didn't even register in Martha's brain. It was only after a couple turns that she finally realized that it was something.
"Wait!" she cried. The four slid to a stop, looking back at her with harsh breaths and wide eyes.
"What?" Jenna asked. She looked like she was trying to hold back annoyance. "What is it?"
"I thought I saw something back there," Martha panted. "Something red."
"Blood?!" Jared gasped. Martha blinked, and then shook her head quickly.
"No, it was far too bright for that," she said.
"Then why is it important?" Michael asked, knitting his eyebrows together.
"I don't know," Martha replied before she could stop herself. Yeah, that's going to convince them. "I just... maybe it's important. Look, it something. We should probably check it out."
Michael opened his mouth to argue, and then shrugged. "I guess," he said. He didn't look convinced though. But he didn't raise any complaints as Martha led them to what she saw.
Martha was disappointed when she picked it up. It was only a bright red sweater, like Michael's, though it was quite a bit smaller. It didn't look like anything important.
Martha sighed, dropping the sweater.
The four froze. They had just been about to turn around when an odd sound came from the sweater.
The four exchanged a look before Martha knelt down again, picking up the sweater. The fabric was soft in her fingers, so Martha could tell it hadn't been here long. It had a cute face on it, a bunny face.
Martha shook her head. She knew she was stalling. With a shaking hand, she reached into the pocket of the sweater, and brought out-
Martha ripped her hand away from the sweater as fast as she could, the frantic movement making something clatter to the ground. Martha backed away quickly, away from the bloody knife.
Something wet coated Martha's fingers, and for a minute she thought it was her blood. But she was mistaken, it was someone else's.
She didn't know what as worse.
"Oh my god," Jenna whispered. Martha looked over at her, and saw Jenna reaching into her pocket. "Oh my god..."
"It's the knife that was used..." Jared's statement started off strong, but at the end, it trailed off. He couldn't seem to finish it. "It's the knife."
"There's something else in the other pocket," Michael whispered. Martha gulped, she didn't want to exactly reach her hand back into that.
Luckily, instead, Michael reached forward. Martha held her breath, and watched Michael bring out...
"Mountain dew?" Jenna asked, her eyes widening. Martha's stomach dropped.
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