Messy Game of Cops and Robbers
Before Jenna could answer, the officer snorted.
"I don't know what kind of game you're playing, kid, but jokes like this are not tolerated here," the cop stepped forward threateningly, and Jenna took a step back fearfully. "What's the meaning of this?!"
"I-It's not a joke!" Jenna insisted. "Carrie White's the murderer!"
The cap let out a laugh that sounded more frightening than a laugh really should. Jenna took another step back.
"Carrie White's been dead since 1988," the cop said, and Jenna cringed. This was what she'd been afraid of. "So what you're saying is that Carrie White came back from the dead and started murdering people?"
"Yes!" Jenna nodded, as if that would somehow help her case. "She- look, I got a picture..."
Jenna fumbled around in her pocket, but her hands were so shaking she couldn't get a proper grip on her phone, and it dropped to the floor. Jenna quickly picked it up; she could practically see the cop's waning patience.
As fast as she could, Jenna brought out a picture of Lydia. It was shaky and incredibly blurry, so much so that it was a one in a million guess for who the person in it was. But, hey, cut Jenna some slack, she'd taken it while she was running for her life.
Jenna held the phone up for the cop, who, to her credit, studied it closely. But the expression on her face when she pulled back was one of pure disgust.
"I don't know who that is," she said. "But it sure isn't Carrie White."
"I-I know!" Jenna cursed her current scatterbrain. "She's POSSESSED by Carrie White!"
The cop let out another bark of laughter, this time in disbelief. "Oh, come on," she said. "You can't seriously expect me to believe that."
"But it's true," Jenna insisted. "I swear! I swear it-!"
Shirley (that was the cops name, Jenna guessed) paused. But she didn't turn around right away.
"I'm busy!" she shouted back, before focusing on Jenna again. But she didn't get to speak again before the voice was yelling again, much more insistently.
Finally, thankfully, Shirley turned all the way around. "WHAT?!" she snapped. "Can't you see I've got a problem here?!"
"I assure you, whatever problem you have can wait," the voice said, more at a normal volume now. Jenna peeked behind Shirley and was saw a middle aged man. He looked worried. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was worried about. "We need you out there."
"People are dying left and right from being stabbed," the cop said, almost too bluntly. Jenna winced. She hadn't realized they were being stabbed.
"What?" Shirley frowned. She seemed to have completely forgotten about Jenna at this point, completely focusing on her coworker. "How?"
The man shrugged. "Don't know," he replied. "But we need as many people out there as possible. Come on."
Shirley scowled. "Fine," she snapped. "Give me a minute."
"We don't have-."
"A minute, Jonathan."
Jonathan put his hands up in surrender, and walked away. Shirley turned back to Jenna, and Jenna winced. She looked incredibly pissed. Jenna didn't want to mess with her like that.
"You," Shirley hissed. "Are staying here."
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