Death + Life
Jenna immediately whipped around like there was a bear behind her, which actually might have been more preferable. But no. Lydia hadn't been lying. Standing a couple feet away from them, partially covered in shadows was a girl, probably around Jenna's age.
Jenna scooted backwards quickly as the hairs on the back of her neck prickled. Jenna shivered, despite her jacket. She didn't know what it was about the girl, but Jenna immediately knew there was something off about her. But it wasn't the blood covering her face or her off-putting pale skin. It wasn't the white dress that seemed to cling to the girl's body like it was the only thing weighing her down, nor was it the crown that seemed to be the most corporal thing about that picture.
Maybe it was her eyes. Whenever Jenna looked into them, a sliver of terror went up her spine. They were open wide, seemingly wider than they could be, stretched to their limit. Her pupils were small, yet Jenna was still able to see a glint of something in them. It seemed as if they were piercing through everything Jenna was, and slowly cutting her open for everyone to see.
The expression on her face was one of anger, shock and horror. It was like the girl had just walked in on Jenna and Lydia doing something unforgivable. Even though Jenna hadn't done anything to level that level of horror and anger, she still felt like the lady was personally condemning her for her sins.
Jenna couldn't move. It wasn't that she wanted to stay there, but somehow, the thought of running away never quite entered her head. She could still move her fingers; she could even stand up, if she wanted to. But, for some reason, she never considered just leaving.
A slight shuffle told her that Lydia was still there. It startled Jenna, she had completely forgotten Lydia was even here. In fact, Jenna had forgotten everything except the girl right in front of her. She shook herself out of whatever stupor she had been in.
"Lydia," she whispered out of the edge of her mouth. Her voice sounded small, and hoarse. It hurt to use, and Jenna realized that she felt like she wanted to throw up. She nervously swallowed back the bile. "Lydia!"
"What?!" Lydia snapped quietly. Jenna wondered if she had been in the same trance Jenna had been in. She sounded nervous. "What is it?!"
"What do you think it is?!" Jenna hissed. Neither of them looked to each other as they spoke. They were both keeping their eyes on whatever was in front of them. Neither of them dared to look at each other. "Who is that?"
Lydia shook her head. Jenna saw it out of the corner of her eye. "I don't know," she said. "I didn't think that this'd actually work!"
Jenna bit back her witch comment. "Then why the heck did we come out here?!" Jenna shivered. Was it just her, or was it starting to get colder? Cold enough to feel something ghost along her arms...
"I don't know!" Lydia cried. "I just... I thought I'd been crazy before, when I started feeling that stuff, with the... whatever! With the whatever! I'd never been able to do that before Beetlejuice!"
Jenna stared at Lydia, even though she had to turn away from the girl to do it. What was Lydia on about? "What-?!"
"I don't even know why I told you!" Lydia continued. She wasn't stopping now, even though she wasn't looking at the girl either. "It was an accident! So, I thought, just because I was an idiot, that I'd try and scare you! Just so I didn't look stupid!"
Jenna didn't understand a word of that. "What... What in the world are you on about?!"
"You think I'm crazy," Lydia said, and Jenna nodded. "Well, for a while, I did, too. But I kept worry and about that feeling, and it kept coming back, so I just... I just told you! And don't worry, I immediately regretted it. So I thought I'd scare you with some stupid ghost story or-OH!"
Jenna frowned. It was a little late to be realizing how much of a bad idea that was. "You're just realizing how stupid that was NOW-?!"
"That's not what I realized!" Lydia snapped. She had gone back to staring at the woman. When Jenna looked over as well, she realized that the girl hadn't moved any closer. She was still standing there, just outside the trees.
"I just realized who that is," Lydia said, quietly. If it was even possible, Jenna could have sworn even more fear crept into her voice. That did not make Jenna very happy.
"Who?!" Jenna demanded. "Who is it?!"
Lydia swallowed nervously. "Carrie White."
If this name was supposed to have some effect on Jenna, it didn't. "Carrie White?" Jenna repeated. "Who's that?"
A strange look passed over Lydia's face. "You haven't heard?" she asked, genuine disbelief dripping from her questions. "She was this girl who was bullied a lot in high school."
"And then she took her own life?" Jenna guessed. "Or something like that?"
"No," Lydia replied grimly. "Some guys dumped animal blood on her at her prom and then she was stabbed by her mother."
Jenna stared, wide eyed at the girl hidden in the trees. When she looked closely, it did look like the blood had been dumped on her. And when she looked ever closer, she saw a dark patch near the girls abdomen. "What the hell."
"I think she had some sort of power, too," Lydia continued. "At least in some of the versions, she did."
"Where the hell did you hear about all of this?" Jenna huffed. "I haven't heard about this ever!"
"We lead very different lives," Lydia said. "And I didn't think it was true."
"I thought you believed in all of this!" Jenna accused. She could practically hear Lydia scowling behind her.
"I don't believe everything I hear," she said. "Unlike you."
Jenna rolled her eyes, gritting her teeth in frustration. "That insult doesn't quite work. She said. "Considering the thing you didn't believe was real is right here."
"Shut up," Lydia growled. "Why isn't she moving?"
"Maybe she just doesn't like you."
"This isn't the time for that," Lydia snapped. There was a beat of silence where they both stared at the girl in front of them. She was still utterly terrifying, but the initial shock had worn off. Jenna didn't even know if she was going to move, and at this point, she was only waiting for the stupid ghost to do something.
"Maybe she can't," Lydia guessed. Jenna shrugged.
"Why wouldn't she be able to?" Jenna asked back. She didn't know practically anything about ghosts, real or fake, but still, she'd never heard of a stalking ghost. Apparently, neither had Lydia.
"I don't know!" Lydia sounded frustrated, and Jenna saw she was glaring at the ghost. "Why can't you move?"
Jenna bristled, but even though she was directly addressed, the ghost still didn't move. For a moment, Jenna remembered a scene in a movie where some characters tricked another into believing ghosts were real by setting up projects, but just as soon as she thought of it, she shoved it away. One, why would someone do that, there was really no reason to, and two... somehow, Jenna could feel the ghost near, like the ghost was another person, but not quite. It was probably a more noticeable feeling than it would be if she hadn't been dead.
"Maybe she is trying to tell us something?" Lydia continued. She sounded more confused now.
"She's doing a great job," Jenna said.
"Maybe I should try asking her."
Jenna frowned. "Didn't you already do that?"
"I'll do it again," Lydia said, and Jenna didn't bother arguing, despite somehow knowing it was a very bad idea. She didn't know how she would argue anyway.
Lydia didn't speak at first, and Jenna wondered if perhaps she was nervous. But before she could say something about it, Lydia finally opened her mouth.
"Uh... why are you here?" Lydia called. Still nothing. "Do you need to tell us something?"
The ghost still didn't respond. Jenna shook her head, but Lydia wasn't done.
"We know who you are!" she called. "We know your name! Carrie White, right-OH!"
Lydia's words finally got a reaction out of the thing, and that was not a good thing. Jenna let a shout out as the ghost moved, stepping towards them and passing through the trees like there weren't even there. The pig blood on her seemed to shine on the phone light as she came forward... straight towards Jenna.
Jenna cried out, throwing up her arms. It was an instinctually thing, she had seen the ghost pass through those trees. But somehow she fully expected icy cold claws to wrap around her arms and tear her to shreds.
But it never came. All Jenna felt as a sudden chill that swept through her body, so quick she didn't even notice at first. It was only once it had that she realized that the ghost was after her.
It was after Lydia.
Jenna lowered her arms, turning around as quick as she could.
"Lydia!" she shouted. "Lydia, it's-!"
But the ghost had disappeared. Jenna looked around the clearing in a panic, but there was no mistake.
The ghost had completely disappeared. So quickly and suddenly, that Jenna was certain that it hadn't even been there in the first place.
Slowly, Jenna's heart rate slowed down, and she turned to Lydia.
"Oh my god," Jenna sighed, chuckling nervously. "Please tell me you saw tha-."
Jenna's blood ran cold as she looked into the eyes of her companion, because they weren't the usual human eyes Jenna was used to. Jenna backed away quickly. Jenna had the eyes of the ghost.
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