Coding is Easy
For the first week, Jenna was pretty sure of the reason why Jared constantly avoided her. She wasn't stupid. She knew that approaching someone out of nowhere with information that was something probably embarrassing was not the greatest way to make friends, so she left him alone. It didn't nearly tug at her, she spent the five school days talking to her other classmates.
But after two week, Jared's insistent avoidance started getting odd. After all, everyone forgot things like that in, what, a week? Jared, at this point, had really no reason to hate her. Jenna hadn't really talked to anyone about the video, so nobody really seemed to remember him. In fact, even Jenna had not seen the video in a while, and the memories were a little fuzzy. Maybe Jared was just really spiteful.
Three weeks in, and Jenna was starting to think he must be extremely spiteful. He couldn't even look at her, much less talk to her.
And Jenna knew about her general reputation. The 'gossip mill', the 'girl who talks', but people who knew her previously would probably say that she was getting better, and wasn't so much for spreading gossip anymore.
Ever since the SQUIP, she was trying to get better. Which really hadn't been working out well, but that's neither here nor there.
Anyway, even as he had come up to Veronica to deliver his... very odd message, he still didn't look at Jenna, or acknowledge her in anyway and at this point, it was more annoying than anything.
So of course she tagged along with Veronica to go see him, she wanted to know what was up with this weird, spiteful guy. Jenna was rather interested.
And worried for her new friend, of course. Jared had come off as a rather sleazy guy.
So, with Jenna in tow, after class, Veronica marched into the library. She had told Jenna what had happened with her phone the night before, and, despite wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt, Jenna still wasn't quite sure it was an accident.
What she got out of Veronica's plight was to never try and hack something without at least a little bit of knowledge of how to hack.
Hopefully Jared knew how to hack.
Speaking of Jared, he was near the back at one of the long tables, in the dark, and was on one of the school computers with his headphones on. He was slouched over, and Jenna wondered if he forgot about his offer.
Nonetheless, Veronica headed straight towards him and tapped him on the shoulder, coughing rather loudly. Jared jumped, and looked around with wide eyes. He calmed down once he recognized Veronica and Jenna. He took off his headphones, and Jenna could hear video game like music slowly pouring out.
"Is that Mario?" Jenna asked, rather politely, she might add.
"No," Jared replied, not bothering to spar her a glance. Jenna huffed. Well, excuse her if she couldn't keep track of thousands of video games.
"So, are we ready?" Jared asked Veronica, suddenly all charisma. He pulled out a chair, which Veronica ignored. She crossed her arms.
"First," she told him firmly. "I want to know what this 'price' is going to be."
Jared smirked. "Well, can't you guess-?"
"I'm not doing anything sexual."
Jared sat up, spluttering out many surprised words. "W-What?" he coughed out when he could perform basic human speech again. "No! I meant money!"
"Oh," Veronica realized, looking a little relieved. Jenna gave Jared a skeptical look.
"It didn't really sound like it..." she told him. Again, she was ignored.
"...How much money?" Veronica asked him. At this point, Jared had calmed down, and looked exactly the part of the overconfident smart guy he usually played.
"Oh, you know," he shrugged. "About twenty grand."
Veronica and Jenna both reeled back.
"Twenty thousand-!" Veronica started loudly.
"Fine, we'll start with twenty bucks," Jared sighed, turning back to his computer. Veronica shook her head, while Jenna rolled her eyes. "You got it."
"Wha- fine, I ask for it tomorrow," Jared sighed, bring up something on the computer. Because it was a cheap school one that could only rival garbage, it didn't take too long. "What are you looking for?"
"Anything suspicious," Veronica answered, sitting in the chair, pulling out a chair for Jenna.
Jared snorted. "Anything more specific?"
"Anything dangerous, maybe?" Jenna suggested, sitting down. Once again, Jared ignored her. Veronica sent her an apologetic look.
Jared hummed, searching through the app... It must be the website version, instagram has one of those!
It's awful, but whatever.
"I'm not seeing anything, shockingly," Jared told them. "Huh, just wait a min- WHAT?!!"
Jared shot back, looking at his screen in confusion. Jenna looked around just in time to see the app crash.
"W-What'd you do?" she asked, frowning slightly.
"Nothing!" Jared cried, standing up. "I pressed the arrow key and it deleted itself!"
"The same thing happened to me!" Veronica gasped.
"...Are you sure you guys didn't accidentally press something?" Jenna asked.
"NO!!" Jared argued. "I know what I'm doing!"
"Then how-?"
"Is everything alright?"
The three looked around to see Ms Wormwood staring at them in concern. "Is everything alright?" she repeated when none of them answered.
"It's nothing, Ms Wormwood," Veronica eventually spoke up. "Just... a game."
Ms Wormwood studied them, then nodded. "Alright. But you shouldn't be playing games on the school computers anyway. If you don't have work to do, I suggest you leave."
Veronica, Jenna and Jared exchanged a quick glance, and agreed. Packing up their things, the three left, more than a little disturbed.
The three had figured they had just dodged a bullet with Ms Wormwood, and they were almost certain they were in the clear. However, Ms Wormwood wasn't stupid, and the next day, when an email concerning the recent damaging activity with the We'll Get Better app, she connected the dots immediately.
So when the three came in the next day, Veronica and Jenna together and Jared after, nearly late, she told them to meet her after class. Jared didn't seem to care, Jenna looked surprised, and Veronica sighed. They all said they would stay after class.
And they stayed true to their word. After the highly interesting class of which the topic was the revolution in France, Veronica, Jared and Jenna gathered around her desk. They were starting to look a little nervous.
Before Ms Wormwood could say anything, Jared started talking.
"My uncles a lawyer," Jared blurted out. Ms Wormwood looked over at him in surprise, and he shrugged. "J-Just so you know."
"...It's alright, Jared, you're not in really bad trouble," Ms Wormwood assured them. "This is just a warning. Please stop trying to fool around with the We'll Get Better app. If you would just give it a chance, I'm sure you would like it. It could help you."
"But I was only trying to look in the source code!" Veronica cut in. "I didn't mean to delete it..."
"But you did it twice..." Ms Wormwood disagreed, confused.
"We didn't mean to!" Jenna told her. "It was an accident."
"It really shouldn't have deleted," Jared added, frowning. "I don't know how it did..."
Ms Wormwood let out a breath of air. "Well, I'm not an expert," she told them. "And neither are any of you. So, please, just use the app as it supposed to be used."
The three hesitated for a minute, and then nodded. That was mostly the best Ms Wormwood could do, so she then sent them on their way. As she watched them go, she found herself wondering if she too should try and investigate this app a little more.
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