An Unspoken Quarrel
If there was one thing Jenna really wasn't good at, it was reading the room and respecting people's privacy. Now, it's not as if she was completely clueless about this, and, really, she was genuinely trying to get better. But after years of both subconsciously and consciously working to get everyone's opinions on everything and all their secrets, it was kind of difficult to suppress.
If there was something Jenna absolutely LIVED for, it was learning and then spreading information. Also probably Riverdale. Jenna loved Riverdale.
Anyway, when Jenna offered the police talking about new developments on her way to the bus stop, she tried to tell everyone on her bus what had transpired. But, for some weird reason, no one seemed inclined to listen to her dramatic tale.
Well, that would do, Jenna just NEEDED to tell someone.
Even if that someone was kind of a jerk who hadn't really been nice to her, even going so far as to ignore her.
Jared jumped, looking around wildly. Once he realized what he was doing, he cursed. Way to go Jared, looking like a panicked rabbit at the slightest hint of danger? Stupid.
Stepping away from his jeep, Jared slammed the door shut, looking around. When he realized it was Jenna who called out to him, he immediately turned away. He wanted nothing to do with whatever she was doing or what she wanted to say.
Jared turned away from her, but, much like a boiling pot, Jenna was right on the edge of overflowing. So, instead of leaving the jerk be, she pursued him, falling into step behind him, despite his less than enthusiastic reaction.
"Jared, you'll never guess what I just heard," Jenna started, her eyes glinting mischievously.
"You'll never guess what I just heard."
Those words sent a sinking stone into Jared's stomach. He couldn't help but wonder if that's how Jenna started all her gossipy conversations, including the ones where she discussed Jared's rather embarrassing video.
Of course, there was nothing in those words that had a tie to that particular worry, but Jared couldn't help but think about it whenever Jenna was around.
"You'll have to tell someone else," Jared told her, in the most casual way he possibly could. "I've got stuff to do."
Jared's words were the exact definition of a dismissal, but Jenna insistently ignored them completely.
"Oh, you'll want to hear this," she assured him. "So, my walk home goes right by the police station, and there were two police... (I don't know, people? Is that what they're called?) outside, and they were-."
"Oh, look, is that Evan?!" Jared loudly interrupted.
Jared didn't enjoy Evan's company much more than Jenna's (because he's kind of petty like that, it's a flaw), but, especially at this moment, the tree boy certainly scored a peg over her.
"Wow, I think it is!" Jared all but sarcastically gasped. "Well, me and Acorn got some stuff to talk over, so if you could just-."
"I'm sure EVAN would like to hear, too!" Jenna interrupted loudly. Good! Give him a taste of his own medicine!
Alright, this may seem a little mean, but Jared had practically challenged her to a battle, and she was going to win!
"Right, Evan?" Jenna asked, looking over at the poor boy who looked nearly scared out of his wits.
"I-I don't know," Evan stutter, probably wondering what in the world was going on. He probably was about to continue and say something even more detrimental to Jared's excuse, but Jared slung a forceful arm over his shoulder instead.
"Nay, we're busy," he told Jenna for Evan. "Right, Acorn?"
"It'll only take a moment," Jenna told them, and then, realizing that Jared was going to continue fighting her on this, just blurted out loudly what she heard. "The police say that there's been another murder and they think it's connected to the first one!"
Now THAT had the intended effect. Both Jared's and Evan's jaws fell open in shock. It gave Jenna a pretty satisfied feeling.
"W-Wait, really?" Evan finally stuttered out.
ANOTHER murder?! That didn't really should like the best topic for gossip, but Jared didn't really care at the moment, he wanted to know more.
"Who was it?" Jared asked insistently. "Did they catch the murderer?"
Jenna had to think for a minute. She hadn't really catch that much conversation because the police had been going inside the station and moving away from her.
"I heard that they're right on the murders tail," she replied. Okay, she didn't actually hear that part, but they probably were. "They think that the murderer goes to this school."
That was a bit of a stretch but the police probably DID think that was a possibility.
Jared's face grew anxious, but he was quick to wipe that look off. After all, he wasn't even remotely a suspect. The only reason they questioned him was for 'suspicious activity' with the We'll Get Better app.
"Did-Did they say who they suspected?" Evan asked. "I'm not worried or anything, though, I just... curious..."
"That doesn't sound suspicious at all..." Jared muttered. Evan sent him a look.
"Yeah, they did," Jenna blatantly lied. "But I didn't hear who."
Evan looked nervous. "Oh..."
Jenna thought for a minute. "Besides, even if I did hear something, I probably wouldn't be allowed to say
Jared snorted.
That was a little hypocritical of Jenna, wasn't it?
"Has that ever stopped you before?" he asked. Jenna looked offended.
"Is this about how I know about that video?" she finally asked. Jared flinched. "Well, news flash, everybody knows about that video and it's not because of me! It's because it's a popular video! And guess what? Nobody cares anymore! I having been talking about it and nobody else has either. So let. It. Go."
Jared blinked after Jenna finished her amazing speech. Then, as he began to realize what she said, he flushed red in both embarrassment and anger.
"You really don't know what it's like, huh?" he asked. "Having everything know about the most embarrassing thing in your life, when they can drag you about it whenever they what?"
Jenna had the audacity to roll her eyes at him.
"It was a meme, Jared," Jenna told him. "And just like every meme, people only cared for a short time. Nobody even remembers it anymore!"
"You do!!"
"Not really," Jenna replied. "And the more important thing is that I don't care."
Jared didn't know what to say.
"Bu-But you'll just use it against me," he spluttered. "I know you will!"
"When have I ever done that?!"
And once again, Jared was speechless. Jenna was acting like he was just being ridiculous. But he just knew that something was going to happen; he just knew it.
Without bothering to speak, he stopped off.
Jenna watched as Jared just angrily left. She didn't know what to make of his anger. She and Evan exchanged a look.
"Should we... go after him?" Evan asked slowly. Jenna shrugged. She didn't know.
"I guess."
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