Act Two
Christine and Evan were back after the five minute break (it was supposed to be ten minutes, but well... she could talk to the tech crew later) and they were sitting on their chair props. Evan looked just like he did in the last act, he didn't have any costume changes, but now Christine was sporting this gas mask, a prop she had borrowed from her old drama teacher, Mr Reyes as a favour. Christine had thought it was absolutely hysterical when she wrote it, and she still thinks it's absolutely hilarious. But she stifled her giggles. She needed to focus. Chandler and Duke might need her help.
Heather Chandler was situated on the left side of the stage, on one of the classroom tables. It was a bit taller than Christine thought they needed, but it'd work. She just hoped it wasn't too tall for the people in front.
Heather Duke was in the center, yelling up at Heather Chandler over treaties or something. Christine made the debate so that it could be confusing to guess who they were ruling over, these Evil Leaders, but there was one thing she made sure to make clear. A war between these Evil Leaders could destroy the world.
At least that's how Christine wanted it. Yet it seemed that Duke and Chandler were unable to not bring their personal drama into it. An angry debate or argument between two leaders turned into a screaming match between two teenage girls. Ninety percent of the time, Christine wasn't even sure what they were arguing about.
All Christine could hope for today, however, was that the inclusion of a live audience could help jog their memory when they forgot got they were acting.
"I'll kill you!" Chandler screamed, and then added "And this entire planet!" as an afterthought.
Well, that wasn't what Christine had written, but she could work with that.
"I'll kill you first!" Duke promised. "Just you wait!"
Yes! Duke remembered the reference!
Then Chandler said something very that she probably shouldn't have said, something that Christine definitely didn't write.
She definitely wouldn't have done this at any other time but since she had the gas mask, Christine allowed herself the barest sigh of complete disappointment.
Well, that scene was over. And thankfully Chandler and Duke had the barest self awareness to step down and walk off the stage.
Evan and Christine glanced at each other.
"This... I don't think this is good..." Evan stuttered. Christine nodded. She didn't have any lines in this act, they wouldn't carry through the gas mask.
It was time for the next scene. Christine was slightly worried about this scene, after all, this was the scene with pointy objects being pointed at people. Christine knew she could trust Glinda, Alana, Elphaba and maybe Jeremy, but she was a little bit worried about Jenna and Jared.
Maybe they should have worn padding.
It was far too late now, Elphaba, Jenna and Jared were marching in, pulling out swords (FAKE SWORDS) and pulling along a tower, with a flag at the top that read "FOR THE PEOPLE!" on top of the French flag.
Yeah. That was a reference as well.
Then Glinda, Alana and Jeremy marched on, with Chandler right behind them, crawling back onto the desk. Chandler had a monologue here, but Christine doubted she would-
"My reign is strong, but people like this still refuse to except my might and my kindness," Chandler recited, sounding exactly like a robot would. "And that's awful! These people are nothing but bullies and I hate them! Stop them!"
Well. That wasn't even half of what Christine had wrote, but it was still more than Christine had expected. She was almost impressed.
But not nearly impressed enough to forget that Evan had a line here. Christine nudged him.
"Oh! U-Uh, oh no!" Evan looked for Chandler to Christine. "This is scary!"
He forgot his line.
Christine waved for the others to get on with it. Better to move past it.
The two opposing sides leapt to attention, holding up the six light sabers ducted tape with silver tape. There was a faint "Let the force move through you!". Christine was certain nobody heard it. Probably.
Then there was the fight scene. It was the thing that they had worked the most on, with all three pairs doing the exact same choreography of 'hit sword, hit sword, spin, hit sword'. Christine had stole it from a play she'd been in years ago. It was from a dance routine.
And then there ending line. Christine turned to Evan, and then waited for Evan to turn to her, and then waited for Evan to remember his line.
"W-what an awful...year?" Evan said. "But, uh-perhaps next year will be better?"
And then they waited for the curtain to drop as the fighting people did their choreography around them and Chandler tried her best to get down from the table without following.
The play finally ended after three weeks of hard work. It was five minutes too early.
Sothey COULD'VE had that full ten minute break-!
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