Naloxone: This drug blocks or reverses the effects of opioid medication, including extreme drowsiness, slowed breathing, or loss of consciousness. An opioid is sometimes called a narcotic.
Taehyung POV
I took in a deep breath, squeezing my eyes to keep the horrors I'm about to spew out of my mouth from entering my mind.
"The overdose that sent me into rehab was on purpose," I said out loud, watching as three pairs of eyebrows raised higher in surprise.
Jimin was the one to speak. "What do you mean?"
I sighed. "My younger sister, Jisoo, was kidnapped. The police were able to track her to a local drug dealer, the top one in Daegu. She was being used as the sex slave for the entire group of dealers. The police knew she was there. They just took forever to figure out how they would get her out, and I grew impatient."
I stopped talking when I felt Jungkook give my hand a light squeeze. The three males continued to listen intently.
"I went to their hideout. My sister, my God, I can't get her expression out of my mind. She was dead inside, no emotions left. They had too many men and too many weapons. I wasn't a fighter. I knew I needed to bargain with them."
"What happened, Tae?" Yoongi asked in a quiet voice.
"They were all talking about how both Jisoo and I were attractive and had great bodies. My sister was only fifteen. I was nineteen. So, I did the only thing I could think of."
I shut my eyes to avoid seeing their facial expressions. "I told them if they let my sister go, they could have me instead."
The room was dead silent. Instead of giving them time to react and start to speak, I spoke up again.
"They agreed. Only, they didn't set my sister free. They made me watch as they shot her between the eyes, her body crumbling up like a rag doll on the ground as blood pooled around her. I still can't get her out of my head."
"Oh, Tae," Jimin gasped out while his hand covered his mouth. My eyes refused to meet his.
"I was their sex slave for three years. They would beat me if I didn't obey. They shot me up with drugs to make sure I was compliant. They were the ones that got me hooked. Three years and the police never came. I was forced to have sex at least twice a day, all with different members of the group. The drug leader was the worst. He was the most violent, and the least caring. It got to the point where he would abuse me six or seven times in a day, to where I couldn't even move. I would wake up when the drugs wore off to some random dude fucking me. I felt disgusting.
"So, after three years, I knew something had to be done. They were killing me, literally. So, one night when the drug leader left a significant portion of his drug stash in his nightstand, I forced myself to smoke that meth and snort some cocaine until I started having a seizure. The plan was for me to kill myself from an overdose. Days later, I woke up in a hospital in Daegu, surrounded by nurses. They recommended coming to Seoul for treatment. That's how I met you all."
I exhaled a breath I had held in while talking, letting them know I was finished. The shock on their faces was too much. It made me feel like I told them I killed someone.
Jungkook swallowed, speaking up first. "That was an incredible thing you did for your sister, Tae."
A tear slipped down my cheek as I nodded, squeezing his hand with all of my strength. "I'm often glad I went to that place. Of course, I hated that they killed her, but dealing with the pain and the torment... her being dead is a better outcome."
Yoongi finally spoke, having appeared to be analyzing everything I had said. "How do you feel after telling us?"
"Exhausted," I said honestly. My eyes were ready to close, and sleep was waiting to overcome me.
Jungkook put his hand gently on my cheek. "Then sleep, darling. We'll wait for you for when you wake up."
I nodded, scooting down so I was back under the covers, my head resting on the pillow. I could hear them shuffling to move out of the room.
Jimin was the last one to leave, glancing back at me. "Do you want me here to cuddle you?"
I sighed. "Would you see if Jungkook could come instead? I know you get hot when you cuddle."
Jimin chuckled slightly and nodded. "I'll get him."
A moment later, Jungkook walked in the room, shutting the door behind him. He slipped off his shoes and jacket before crawling next to me on the bed. His fingers met my hair, pressing my head against his broad chest. The feeling of his gentle heartbeat provided a lovely metronome for sleep.
The last thing I remember before drifting asleep was Jungkook's lips against my temple.
Y'all this chapter is so dark and sad but I love it so much.
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