After a couple hours of rest and some meals to fill his stomach, Harin felt his wolf form regain strength.
And before he knew it, he was out of the small den and getting ready with that one patrol unit.
He was most disappointed to see that whole Yunho guy was in said unit, but it wouldn't be long until he was getting the hell out of here.
"Aren't you gonna switch to your wolf form? Or are you too tired to shift?" Yunho snickered.
"Yunho, tone it down. You're talking to a higher rank" One of the white wolves growled.
"Leave him. What can you do with a child" Harin said, loading his gun.
His smirk was wiped off of his face, only to be replaced with a scowl.
Once they were half way into the forest, Yunho began to sneak up on Harin, who immediately whirled around and decked him in the face with the muzzle of the shotgun, making the silver wolf recoil and whimper in pain.
"You fucking listen here, okay? Your little cockiness is starting to get on my nerves. So stay in the back, yeah the very back! And don't touch me. You don't want to end up like some of those deer, do you? Hung up on the wall and stuffed in their heads" The alpha growled and Yunho retreated.
The rest of the journey was silent, until another presence was sensed.
Actually- several other presences.
"Shit, it's them" A creamy coloured wolf whispered, and suddenly, there was snarls and growls.
Harin was slammed down to the ground, the wind knocked out of his lungs as he quickly looked up.
It was a mess, blood and fur was everywhere.
Rogue wolves were attacking the Metal House pack, and it disturbed him - the sight before him.
He shook away his dizziness and grabbed the shotgun just in time as a wolf came lunging at him.
He aimed and pulled the trigger, the wolf falling dead beside him.
A few wolves cornered him, and they all jumped at him.
Without thinking twice, he shifted into his wolf form -
Ah. It was good to feel powerful again.
The wolves were thrown off from the impact of the transformation, and he straightened up, towering over them.
Even the Metal House pack members were shocked at how tall he stood to be.
Howling deeply, he snarled and ran after them, hearing whines and loud yelps.
He swooped down and snapped his jaws over one of the rogue wolves, throwing it down the hill that lead into a river of dump.
The others snapped out of their state of shock and started attacking the other wolves, them all starting to disappear.
"And don't come back!" Harin barked in anger, watching as the wolves scattered.
And then - a stag.
Much bigger than any of the normal wolves, its antlers were the width of a tree bark and it in general looked powerful.
"Alright, come on you all. Just this thing and you can go home" The Alpha said, walking to the side and the wolves attacking.
It didn't seem they need help as they took it down pretty quick, which was one of the good things about this.
"There, see. All done. Good, good" Harin praised, humming as they snooped around for any other stuff.
But something was wrong. Seriously wrong.
A black wolf raised its nose into the air, taking a few sniffs.
"I can smell smoke... and fire"
"Maybe it's from the village nearby?"
"No..- fuck! It's coming from the direction of our camp!"
The wolves stopped what they were doing and they all sniffed, before breaking into desperate howls.
Harin himself sniffed the air, and they weren't wrong.
"Well? Come on! Hurry!"
They all raced back quickly, and the wolves nearly cried at the sight.
Their camp was on fire and there was several, big - no. Big would be an understatement. Massive wolves around the camp.
Harin was on edge, his claws digging into the ground from the stress.
"Wait, guys where the hell- hey! No! Stay!" He started yelling when they raced in, him going right after.
Coughs racked his whole body as the smoke entered his lungs, but he was determined on helping the survivors.
He saw Hongjoong, trying to claw himself up onto a platform, but he seemed to be having a hard time with his height.
He rushed over and hoisted him up by the collar.
"Thanks- let's go before this whole place is swallowed by the flames" The other alpha said, coughing.
Harin nodded and started climbing back up the platforms, turning around when he heard a few crashes.
The platform beneath Hongjoong was shaking dangerously, tethering on the edge of fire.
"Come on! I'll pull you up!" Harin shouted, rushing over to help.
Hongjoong was going to reach up, but the platform simply shook more.
The smaller wolf beneath him shook his head.
"Go! Just go! It's not going to hold, the place is gonna burn. Go past the river in the forest and turn left, there should be a path leading up the mountain! Go, save yourself before you die too!"
The platform slid off and collapsed, the distant yelps of a wolf being heard and the loud shout of "No!"
"Why the fuck is everyone dying on me!?" He snapped, turning around and jumping out of the fire ridden place.
The flames only grew taller and he knew he had to get out of there before something worse happened.
Gulping down the lump in his throat, he started running in the direction Hongjoong told him to go, arriving at a river.
He nuzzled around in his bag to see if his stuff was in there, cursing at the fact that he forgot his shotgun back at the spot with the wolf attack.
He wasn't going back there, there wasn't any time.
He had to get back up the mountain as quickly as possible. The fire was spreading and he was almost sure the wolves surrounding the camp were his ex packs members.
Was his father sending wolves to spy on him? It was only reasonable.. after the stunt he pulled.
But he was concerned. Concerned about the safety of OneWe. There was no way his father wouldn't target them.
There was far too many alphas in that pack for them to not get killed.. least he could do was protect them.
He followed the stream downwards, until it broke off and he saw a path in the distance.
It was a dirt path that went all the way up the mountain. It looked steep, but it would get him up there anyway.
There was no time to lose.
"I'm coming, you all. Hang on there" He whispered, before racing towards the path that would lead him up.
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