Chapter TWELVE
Kanghyun began waking up, eyes cracking open only to be met with a small opening.
He was in some cave, and thankfully, he was free from his restraints.
His legs felt weak, but he could stand.
Suddenly, all the memories came flooding back, and he started to get anxious.
He got up and lifted his nose to pick up a scent - wolves. Just wolves. Not hybrids, just normal wolves.
He left the cave cautiously, and his heart rate only sped up. He was in a huge enclosure, and there was people looking in.
He was in a fucking zoo.
The omega whined and whimpered, pacing around the enclosure, terrified.
All he wanted was to go back home, to Yonghoon and the others - wait.
He looked around for him frantically, trying to find his scent. But he couldn't pick it up.
The other wolves in the enclosure turned their attention to him, some even going up to him.
He was noticeably way more bigger than them, it was normal.
The females started to come around to smell him, and he couldn't help but snap at them and growl, them retreating quickly.
"Fuck off" He warned, teeth showing, and it was enough for the wolves to leave him alone.
The omega turned away and went back into his cave, plopping down onto the ground.
"I want to go home.." He whispered to himself, ears only slightly perking up when he heard a door open and then close again.
However, he looked up again when he could pick up a different scent.
Cider, Firewood..
He scrambled up and ran out, following his scent, seeing a door slam again.
A huge black wolf appeared, a muzzle on their snout, limping a little too.
The wolf saw Kanghyun, and limped over to him.
"Kanghyun! Are you okay?" Harin asked hurriedly, checking over him.
"I'm fine, but you?-"
"I'm okay, just this fucking muzzle is getting on my nerves.."
"Here, come. I can take it off, but not here"
He brought him into the cave, where he shifted into his human form and unscrewed the screws on the muzzle, making it fall to the ground.
After that, he shifted back again.
"Thank you.." Harin mumbled, peeking outside, growling in distaste when he saw the wolves.
"Brings back memories"
"You were at the zoo..?"
Harin looked at him.
"Unfortunately. They abused me there, but I got out. We'll get out of here too" He said, seeing how panicked the omega looked.
"Look, it's gonna be okay. I'll get us out, not now. But I'll try tonight, okay?" He said, nudging him gently with his nose.
The omega nodded.
He got up and went outside, the alpha following, more females approaching.
A simple growl sent them running off.
Kanghyun looked up at him, and nuzzled him, preferring to stay close to someone he can actually communicate to.
Harin stopped for a second, but then he nuzzled back.
The omega's tail wagged, obviously comforted.
"So you're saying we might get out today..?"
"We might. But I bet Yonghoon and the others already realised we're gone for a bit too long, they'll get us back if I can't find the exit-"
"Those wolves are so big! Where'd they find em?"
The two perked up, seeing that there were two zookeepers outside the enclosure, looking in.
"They were brought in this morning, found out by the edge of the Giant's forest. Both were pretty aggressive, but they seem like a mating pair" Said one of them in a thick German accent.
"Aren't they both males?"
"I don't know. They claim the black one to be male, but they don't know if the smaller one is a male or female"
Kanghyun was appalled.
"They don't know?!-"
The elder chuckled mentally and sat down.
"Who are you?"
The two snapped up, seeing a grey wolf there, a long scar running down its torso.
"You- You can talk?" Kanghyun asked, uneasy.
"Well no shit! What am I doing now?!" The other snapped.
Harin bit his ear, which made the other whimper and quieten down.
"Calm down. Your name is?"
".. Keonhee.. what about you two..?"
"I'm Harin, and this is Kanghyun. Are you a hybrid too?" He asked.
Keonhee straightened up and nodded.
"Yeah obviously. I've been stuck here for a few months. I'm gonna guess you came here today?" Keonhee said, with distaste in his tone as he looked around.
"Yep. Only today - and. Months? How tight is the security here?"
"Pretty tough. Especially at night. They turn on the electricity in the fence"
He turned, and a large burn was engraved into his thigh - it looked nasty, but old.
"I tried"
Kanghyun winced simply thinking about the pain.
"I see.. is there any other hybrids here?" Harin said.
"Yeah. His name is Leedo, but you probably shouldn't approach him. He was in a fighting ring before coming here, and he's pretty aggressive"
"Where is he?"
Keonhee looked at him.
"Did you not l—"
"Just tell me"
Keonhee glared at him, but lead him to the so-called fighter.
They neared a little hole, where a white wolf lay, asleep.
Scars littered his body, but he looked pretty mean.
Kanghyun sniffed in his direction, cowering back when he realised it was an alpha.
Harin noticed it was an alpha too, eyes narrowing as he sniffed for more of his rank - lower than him.
He shook himself and padded up to him, retreating in shock when there was a flurry of movement and deep snarls.
"Stay the fuck back!" Leedo growled, teeth beared.
"I won't hurt you, man" Harin said calmly.
"And how the hell do I know that?!"
"Because I'm not stupid. But no funny moves. I need to talk with you"
"About what? I have no business talking to you"
"It's about leaving this place"
The white wolf went silent.
He laughed.
"You can't leave"
Harin scoffed.
"Yeah you can. If you made an effort, you would"
"I made an effort. But each time I do. I'm this much closer to being put down by the vets in this place.. I'd rather live, than be injected with some poison to kill me off" Leedo grumbled, settling back down.
"Get up" Harin said, shoving him with his snout.
"Don't touch me"
"I said. Get up"
"No! Fuck off"
Kanghyun got irritated with the alpha, growling quietly under his breath when he saw the stubborn wolf shift to look at him.
"Oh look.. an omega. Annoyed with me, huh?" Leedo snickered, getting up.
Kanghyun's growling ceased but instead he glared at him.
"Yeah. Seriously annoyed. Because an alpha is meant to be smart, not stupid"
"Oh you little shit"
He heard shifting of paws and a heavy weight got up.
"You got him to get up, good job" Keonhee laughed.
Leedo growled lowly, Kanghyun mocking his growling.
He could feel his dominance increasing, making him uneasy. But there was no backing out by this point.
"Leedo.. no"
The white wolf charged at Kanghyun, who quickly slipped under him and snapped at his hind leg, dodging his bite.
He quickly made a run for it and ran behind Harin, who chuckled.
"Amusing. The way you are targeting a lower rank, yet you can't even beat them"
"I.. didn't beat him.."
Keonhee's mental smile faded, and now he seemed more alert.
He started pulling at the omegas ear, motioning for him to come.
"Come.. please. Just come. You're not safe, quick" He whispered, dragging him away from the two alphas.
"What's going on?—" He tried to ask, but Keonhee just shushed him.
Harin tilted his head at the two, before turning back to Leedo, pausing at the sight.
His gray eyes had switched to a red tint and he was trembling.
"I lost.. No.. no I didn't.. YOU lost.. kill..
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