Chapter SIX
"Hold on, hold on. Why is Harin hyung not eating anything? He's gonna be here for 2 days now, but I haven't seen him eat once"
Dongmyeong was the first one to break this issue, and now it all dawned upon them.
It was true.
He hadn't ate. At all.
"We don't know for how long he hadn't ate either before he came to us. I'll get him some deer" Yonghoon said, getting up and grabbing a bucket, throwing in a few pieces of cut up meat inside.
He heaved the meat to the den, but thankfully because of his Delta strength, he was easily able to get it to the den.
He took a deep breath and knocked.
A couple of seconds passed, yet he got no reply.
So he knocked.
"Harin Hyung?" He called, knocking again.
Yonghoon put down the bucket and attempted to open the door, it swinging open.
The horrible stench of coppery blood hung in the air - it was oddly heavy. And fresh.
He could pick up the scent of the alpha, but he couldn't see him anywhere.
"Hyung..?" He said quietly, going in a little deeper into the den.
Yonghoon saw the sheets on his bed were stained with blood and it concerned him a little.
How much blood could Harin have lost?
Checking out the whole area, he couldn't find the alpha in there, so he left.
He left the bucket in the den, closing the door and going back to the main dens.
"He wasn't there, but there was a lot of blood on his bed. I- I don't think he's fine" Yonghoon said, worried.
"Can you pick up his scent by any chance?" Cya asked.
"Ye— nope, it's starting to rain. It's probably lost by this point"
And it wasn't even raining - it was lashing.
"There is going to be floods tonight, I can just feel it" Dongmyeong mumbled.
30 minutes passed and Harin was nowhere to be seen, so Cya decided it was best to find him.
So, Yonghoon decided to go off look for him.
He shifted into his form and raced out into the woods, grumbling under his breath when the cold raindrops pounded against his caramel fur.
It was very, very muddy in the oak filled forest.
Puddles upon puddles lay in the ground, waiting to dry up.
Yonghoon had stepped into some on his way and, truth be told, he had to be careful. He could slip, and if Dongmyeong was right about the floods, the river in the center of the forest will have flooded too.
And it was deep enough without more water added to it.
He went over the many rocks that lay scattered on the leaf coated ground, his paw slipping a few times - but suddenly, there was a trail of blood, and he started following it.
Yonghoon neared the river and - a pool of blood. Was right there.
He stopped, sniffing the pool of blood.
But then, there was a crackle of thunder and he yelled from the sudden scare.
The delta's paw slipped and he fell right into the river, falling under water.
The current was strong and he was beginning to be swept away.
The male came up for air, gasping as he tried to attach himself to the roots of the trees.
He howled, but the small wave that came knocked him down again, water entering his lungs.
He started writhing around, feeling weak.
Was he about to die?
He's slowly drowning.
It was surely going to happen now.
Kanghyun.. Cya.. Dongmyeong.. and Harin..
He's never gonna see them again
It was all over—
Yonghoon was out of nowhere pulled out, sharp teeth pulling at his collar and hoisting him out of the water.
He gasped for air, curling up into a ball and coughing up water, trembling violently.
From the shock, he shifted back into his human form, eyesight a little blurry as his hand searched around for a tree.
"What the hell brought you out here?! You could have died! Didn't you remember about the flooding?!"
The fucker was scolding him, when he was the one that came out and left the den?!
Yonghoon blinked away the blurriness, sitting up angrily.
"Excuse you! You were—"
He stopped when he saw him.
Harin was in his human form, wet hair plastered back against his head and a slightly annoyed look on his face.
To say, the least, he did look quite attractive.
The delta caught himself quickly and shook his head, blushing a little.
Bad, bad delta.. you have a mate, you can't be doing this!
"What are you— okay, I'm being inconsiderate. Are you alright?" Harin asked, noticing how red he went.
He pressed his palm to his forehead, checking to see if he had a fever or whatever. But because he didn't feel anything odd, he took it away.
"I mean, you did nearly drown.."
Yonghoon inhaled a little when he was touched by him, but didn't say much on it.
"I'm- yeah, I'm fine.. thanks for asking. But why did you leave? Are you okay? There was a lot of blood on your sheets" The delta said, looking at him.
"You were in the den I sleep in?"
"Before you say something, no. I wasn't spying. I was gonna give you food but you weren't responding so I wanted to see if you were okay and went in" He said innocently, shrugging a little.
"Oh, hm. Alright. Seems logical. Sorry for leaving I just.. you know what, it doesn't matter anymore. Let's just go back, the river is about to flood"
Yonghoon raised an eyebrow at how he brushed the situation off.
"Tell me, I wanna know"
"No, it's fine. Come on"
"Oh don't be so secretive, you can spill your secrets to us" Yonghoon laughed.
"To the wolves that nearly murdered me? No. No thank you" snickered the other, and Yonghoon rolled his eyes.
"I said I'm sorry! I thought you would have forgiven us" He sighed.
Harin laughed, shaking his head.
"Alright, come on. Let's just go back"
Yonghoon got up, noticing blood dripping off of Harin's hand.
"Hyung.. your hand.."
The alpha glanced at his hand.
"It's fine"
"It's not! Let me-"
"Don't touch it"
The delta flinched a little at his snap, but recovered quickly.
So, he was gonna be Stubborn?
Nope. Not with him.
"No! Stop- Yonghoon!"
The alpha was tackled to the ground by the delta, low growl rolling off of his tongue.
Again, he found himself feeling quite attracted to him - but it was wrong. Really, really wrong.
It annoyed him that the alpha had shown up out of nowhere.
But, at the same time. All the dynamics with the newcomer were.. fun.
No, that's enough Yonghoon.
Think of Kanghyun.
"Can you get off me?" Snapped the elder.
"No! You're hurt.. let me help"
"Get the fuck off me before I do something I'll regret!"
That line sent shivers down his spine, but he shook his head and brought the others hand close to him.
He grabbed bandages from the bag he had brought along just incase.
He could hear the growling coming from the alpha and he knew he'd probably be bitten by him soon.
But that was the least of his concerns at the moment.
The delta took off the old bandages, the other trying to take away it constantly, but he managed to put on the new ones.
"There. It wasn't that bad, was it?" Yonghoon said.
"No, but get off me!" He said, annoyed.
"Ah shit yeah I should- your disgusting scent is probably on me"
"What did you just say?" The alpha said.
Yonghoon got off of him, amused by his reaction.
And he wasn't wrong. Harin's scent was all over him, the firewood and cider scent enveloping his frame.
He didn't really mean what he said about his scent - if anything, it was quite comforting.
He'd never.. interacted with an alpha, well except for his father. But as in another alpha up close, never.
It was different and it seemed nice. He didn't feel as if all of the protecting fell upon him, same with the dominance.
Yonghoon snapped himself out of his trance, getting up properly now.
"Okay, let's go before the river floods, like you said" He hummed, so the alpha nodded.
They shifted into their forms and started heading back, the other wolves waiting for them.
"Where were you?! It's been an hour!" Cya scolded, but once he saw Harin padding up behind Yonghoon, he immediately went more soft.
It was obvious the dominance that Harin held was enough to block out the pretty dominant Cya's lecture.
"We found the missing person" Yonghoon said as he shifted back, same with the alpha.
Kanghyun could smell Harin's scent all over Yonghoon, a little unsure of what had happened. But he didn't say anything.
The delta caught onto his behaviour, and excused himself, taking Kanghyun into the other room.
"Hyunnie? What's the matter?" He asked gently, tilting his head at him.
Kanghyun shook his head, ears drooping.
"No.. it's nothing, really" The omega shrugged, about to move away when Yonghoon pulled him in.
"Come on.. tell me, is it because I have Harin hyungs scent on me?"
Kanghyun fell silent.
"You know I would never do that, please. I promise. If you need an explanation.. while I was looking for him, I slipped and fell right into the river. I actually would've drowned if he didn't pull me out, so I think that's where the scent came from"
The omega was silent, before he finally spoke.
"I promise"
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