As the next morning arrived, even more snow had came down.
It all looked like a winter wonderland now.
Cya and Dongmyeong were both outside, getting rid of the snow, while Kanghyun was sorting through all their herbs and organising them.
Yonghoon had managed to convince Harin to come along with him on his hunt, even though he was pretty grumpy about it at first.
It was very obvious that their bond from before was broken because of yesterday, but Yonghoon really just acted on emotions back there.
He knew it was wrong, and seeing the two new scars running down the elders face, he regretted it.
Oh, he seriously regretted it.
He was thankful that he atleast got him to come back into the house yesterday.
Not only did he not fancy sleeping outside, he didn't want him to freeze out in the cold either.
They entered the forest again, a little more cautiously this time, on the look out for both hunters and prey just incase.
They hunted down a few rabbits and deer, dragging each of them back to the camp before going back to get some more.
"You know what I find annoying as a lone wolf?" Harin said out of the blue, dropping a deer.
"What?" Yonghoon asked, also putting down a few rabbits that he had in his snout.
"The feeling of always being watched"
That line sent shivers down his spine - the way it was uttered and the message it meant was enough to creep him out.
"Always. I've been rouge for a good month now I'd say. And because of my departure from my pack, I've always been spied upon by a lot of wolves from different packs"
"WAIT. You were in a pack?" Questioned the younger, shocked.
"Yeah? Didn't I already tell you that?"
"You might have.. but I don't think I remember"
Harin shook his head in disbelief and motioned for him to come again, heading towards the forest, Yonghoon quickly padding after.
"I didn't come from nowhere, did I? I wasn't a lone always. My old pack were situated in the east and it was practically one of the biggest ones there, considering we had over 20 wolves there"
"20?! Wow.. there's one pack here that has 23 members, they're a little further away from our camp, but there's no doubt that they're pretty strong too" Yonghoon said.
"Did you ever meet them?"
"Yeah, we ran into one of their units before. There was 1 alpha in that unit, the rest were betas"
"Ah, I see. My old pack was mostly made up of deltas and betas. Omegas were a rare sight to see, but we had some. There were 4 alphas, including me"
Yonghoon looked at him.
"Why didn't you attack Kanghyun that one time when.. you know"
Harin shook himself from the snowflakes that fell onto his fur.
"Mainly cause he was an omega and he didn't attack me"
"You attacked Dongmyeong and he was an omega!"
"Yonghoon. If someone attacks, they best know I'm not letting them off. And I couldn't tell his rank straight away because of you assholes jumping me out of nowhere" He hissed the last line, smacking him.
"Ow!- okay okay, chill. Now. Last question I swear"
"Why did you leave your pack?"
Harin fell silent, yellow eyes staring ahead of him as he walked.
"It was .. my dads fault. He wasn't a good leader. Well. He acted like one. My old pack viewed him as the perfect role model. When I was born, he acted like the best father I could ever have. However, once I reached the age of 15, when my rank was announced to be an Alpha. He just.. completely lost his cool"
Yonghoon listened intently, quiet. Knowing this was a serious confession, so he didn't want to ruin anything.
"He started training me. Over working me. Dumping his issues onto me, practically abusing me. He knew I was getting stronger each day, and he couldn't bear to watch me out grow him"
"He challenged me to fights, where I nearly always lost. He told me I would never inherit the pack after his passing if I lost to him each time. My mother.. well, she didn't know what was happening. I never told her. But I should have. Anyway.. like I said, he challenged me every day to fights. I got pretty sick of being bossed around and always beaten, so I started training. Snuck out at night with my friends and trained with them. My mother noticed me bearing random bruises and noticeably getting more muscle, but she never questioned it"
"My father caught onto what I was doing, and just worked me harder. I pretty much just submitted to him, I never took my rank seriously and I was the punching bag of my pack. Called me the runt of the litter - annoying as always. Confidence levels dropped, and my rank was hidden"
"Once I hit 18, my rank started to affect my life. The confidence of an Alpha started appearing, strength, the usual traits a mature alpha would possess. Again, my dad was furious and overworked me again. It wasn't hiding my rank anymore, though. Recently, when I had my birthday and hit 25, my dad challenged me again"
"Happy 25th Birthday, honey"
The soft voice of his mother came, her grey wolf padding up to him and nudging his muzzle gently.
"Thanks, mom" Harin said, tail wagging.
"Wow, your rank is really starting to show. You'll be able to over power your father soon enough!" She laughed, and Harin simply nodded along, mentally frowning.
"Speaking of him, I think he wanted to meet up with you at the battle grounds. I believe it's another training fight again"
His heart sank, looking at the wounds he got from his father just yesterday.
They hadn't healed. They still hurt like hell.
"I'll be in the back, honey. I'll be cheering you on, good luck!" She said happily, nuzzling him quickly and then heading out.
Harin hung his head, closing his eyes for a second and then sitting down, checking to see if his wounds were still aching.
They were pretty painful. But there was no backing out.
He got up and padded out of the cave, getting ready to face his fathers claws again.
Harin went out into the battlegrounds, walking slower and slower when he saw a crowd gathering.
He gulped the anxiety down his throat, uneasy at the amount of wolves watching.
"Ah! There he is! My dear old son.."
Harin was pushed inside the circle, coming face to face with his father's eyes. Those cruel, jade eyes.
"You've turned 25 today.. Hmm, I remember when you turned 15 and were revealed as an Alpha. I feel so old too now" He laughed,
"Well, anyway. I hope you don't mind that I gathered a crowd today. It's just for audience.. you need to learn how it is to feel publicly ashamed if you ever lost a fight"
Harin felt the anger bubbling in his stomach, but he kept quiet.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you!"
Harin lifted his gaze and looked at him, annoyed.
"Look at you. Getting so heated over me simply talking"
A heavy pressure landed on him and he was slammed to the ground, whimpering at the pain going through his body.
"I'm going to humiliate you so bad today, you'll wish you were never born" His father whispered into his ear, making him whine and try to get out of his grip.
He heard laughter from the crowd, and if he was in his human form, he would have turned the deepest shade of red ever.
"Look, an alpha whining! What a puny creature! Get up, now. Now, Harin. Get your weak ass up and face me"
Harin struggled in his grip, claws scraping the ground.
"Exactly. You can't. Too weak, huh? You're not making this fun"
Sharp teeth bit into his neck, cutting off his oxygen supply.
Harin's eyes shone gold, a new sort of strength pulsing through his veins.
A new .. Anger.
His throat let out the lowest growl, and his jaws snapped over his father's neck, him slipping out from underneath him.
He heard shocked reactions from the crowd, but he didn't react to it.
His focus was on his father.
He heaved him up, and readjusted his grip to be even more tighter.
Gathering his strength, he twisted his neck and sent him flying into a rock, hearing a loud thump come.
Blood dripped from his jaw, teeth beared as he growled.
"Y-You.. you fucking a-asshole.."
His father mumbled, struggling to get up.
"Fuck off. You're the only asshole here"
His mother ran out to him, looking enraged.
"What do you think you're doing speaking to him like that?!"
He turned his gaze to her, and almost felt bad when she cowered back.
"You have no clue what he did to me. Mom. He abuses me behind your back. Physically and verbally. He tells me I'm worth nothing. He's fucking jealous that I'm growing stronger than him. He told me not to fight back in any fight. Mom. HE NEARLY KILLED ME TODAY. AND YOU'RE GOING TO DEFEND HIM?"
She cowered back even more when he raised his voice.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! He says I'll never inherit the pack after his passing. And honestly"
He reached down to his thigh where the small packs symbol was engraved, and slashed his claws, blood splattering as the symbol was ruined.
"I don't want it. And I never will want it. This pack brings me NOTHING but misery. I'm done with this bullshit, once and for all. I'd rather LIVE AS A ROUGE THAN LEAD THIS PACK!"
He heard growls of disapproval, saying 'The disrespect..' or 'Who does he think he is?'
"You ungrateful bastard.. I give you the opportunity of a pack, and this is how you repay me" His father snarled, going to him.
Harin slammed him back down, hearing whines.
"Oh. Look. Is that an alpha whining? Puny creature" He mocked, claws lashing out at him.
"I don't want your pack. I don't want it. I'll rot in the woods, I'll drown in a lake full of piranhas. FUCK, I'll join another pack. I DON'T CARE. I DON'T WANT IT"
He shoved him.
"I'm leaving the pack"
Outbursts of angry voices came, Harin turning away and limping off, pushing aggressively through the crowd, snapping at any of them that tried to stop him.
"Harin honey, no! Come back!" His mother called out, desperately, rushing after him.
Harin stormed out of the camp, his mother catching up to him.
"Mom no"
"Harin please! This is all a big misunderstanding, I'm sure your dad didn't-"
"Mom he abused me! I'm sick and tired of him!" He said, turning to look at her.
"Don't defend him.. you see what he's been doing to me. Mom, I love you. But I'm leaving. I want to be a rouge wolf. I'll find a way to live. I'll survive. I don't need a pack to live"
She looked at him with pity in her eyes.
"I'm leaving. I'm sorry"
He lashed out at her, her falling back and onto the ground, wincing in pain.
"Don't follow me.."
He turned away and left, disappearing into the deep forest, his mother watching in sorrow as he left.
"And that's how you ended up with us?"
"Pretty much, yeah. I lived in some random caves I found. That time we met, I was heading south to the coast, since there was a pack there. I was hoping they could spare some water, since all of the puddles I had were contaminated"
Yonghoon nodded slowly.
"I'm sorry"
"For everything you went through. It sounds horrible.."
"Oh well, it's over now"
Yonghoon frowned.
"But anyway-"
"No, no anyways. You have so much pent up trauma. Why didn't you ever tell us??"
"Maybe cause you're the pack that mauled me-"
Harin laughed.
"So stubborn"
"Hm, yeah? And what about it?"
Yonghoon nearly tripped when he heard his voice go dangerously low, shocked.
And he did trip.
His paw got stuck in a log and he fell over, hearing Harin's laugh.
"Did I shock you?"
You fucking asshole, don't do that to me!
He played it off and started acting annoyed.
"You scared me, bitch"
"Did I actually scare you?"
Yonghoon looked at him.
"What do you mean..?"
"Were you shocked by my voice or did it attract you that much?"
If he could, he'd go a deep scarlet.
Harin snickered.
"You know you can't be saying this stuff!" Yonghoon snapped.
"I've seen how you look at me. Even Kanghyun gets flustered around me. Not blaming you two. I'm just hot"
Yonghoon scoffed.
"Shut up"
Harin went up to him and tapped his snout with his paw.
"Come on, let's go find some more prey, puppy"
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