Chapter NINE
Thankfully, the next few days went without a trouble and Harin presented no symptoms of the virus.
The wolves have grown significantly closer, and rarely did any fights break out.
Harin's hand had finally healed, and his wounds did too. The scars would stay, but the pain was gone.
However, Kanghyun was determined on finding a cure for the virus.
The body of the omega was found again, and Kanghyun sanitised pretty much everything, gloves and mask on.
He was in his little laboratory that the others had set up for him, rooting through the stinking, rotten flesh of the wolf, pushing away some bones if any did appear.
Digging in deeper, he suddenly saw something slimy, yellow and wriggly lodged between the wolves heart, small hisses coming from it.
Kanghyun raised an eyebrow, picking it out and taping it down on the microscope table, the hisses more aggressive now.
He guided the microscope towards the creature and looked in through it.
There was thousands upon thousands of bacteria, moving around, joining up sometimes to make a bigger one.
He pulled back and untaped the parasite, putting it into a jar and screwing it shut.
"Who would've thought something small like you could kill something so big.. hmph. And Cya hyung says I'm of no use" He said, sanitising once more before taking off his mask and gloves, heading out of the laboratory and locking it behind him, padding up the stairs and out into the cold, wet air.
It had been raining all morning, so naturally there was a ton of puddles.
The omega went to the main den, stopping when he realised there was no one there.
He even sniffed the air - but their scents lead outside.
He spotted a note on the table, going over to it and grabbing it, holding it up to read it.
Hey Hyunnie!
We didn't wanna disturb you while you were at your lab, so we went out and are probably hunting down something for the evening meal.
Don't be scared if the thunderstorms start up, and anyway. Harin hyung didn't come with us, he's at his den. So if you feel unsafe just go to him. I'm sure he won't grumble.
We should be back in a good hour or so. Keep watch as much as you can, and make sure you have your lab locked away so no strays can get in and mess up the liquids.
Love, Yonghoon
Kanghyun sighed, putting the note back and going onto the couch, fetching a book from the book shelf and opening it on a random page.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the first lightning strike - falling off the couch.
His ears were plastered against his head, trying to block out the loud thunder.
Thunderstorms weren't one of his strong points - they were terrifying to him.
He made sure all the doors and windows were locked securely in case the wind got too strong, hiding under a blanket on the couch.
He was very wrong when he thought no more trouble could come.
There was an enormously loud and heavy thud, as if something collapsed outside.
He stuck his head out cautiously, peeking out the window and eyes widening.
Harin's den had collapsed.
Kanghyun scrambled out of the couch, pulling on a rain coat and some shoes, unlocking the door and running out to help.
Harin had managed to climb out of the rubble without a scratch, looking both shocked and annoyed.
"Are you okay?" The omega asked once he arrived, looking the alpha over quickly.
"I'm okay. But the den isn't.. the wind was too strong today" Harin said, a hint of worry in his tone.
"I knew the wood wouldn't be enough to hold this up.. here. There's no point in staying out here, the wood was rotting away anyway. But.. where will you sleep..?" He mumbled the last line to himself.
"I'm honestly healed up now, I think I could continue on with my journey- you helped me a lot, and I owe you" Harin said, turning to him.
"Wait! No, don't leave! Unless.. unless it's important? But please stay.. it's nice to have you around!" The younger whined, looking up at him.
Harin blinked, and sighed a little, ruffling his hair.
"It's not important, I don't think so. I'd love to stay a little longer, but what will the others say?"
"Trust me, once I decide something, they will all obey me"
The alpha laughed.
"You know your ways, huh?"
"Of course I do. Okay! Since we're getting soaked, I'll bring you into our main den for now, alright?"
"Sounds fine to me"
Kanghyun brought him to the main den, closing the door behind him when both were in.
"This is where the meetings are held?"
"Yeah- they're not really meetings though. Our pack is too small to even be categorised as an actual pack, but we earned our reputation defeating the leader of the Lynx gang a few years ago" Kanghyun huffed, "Cats"
"Lynx gang aren't a thing now, right?" Harin asked.
"No, their leader didn't have any kids he could pass the leadership onto, so the whole pack kind of scattered. But a new one was formed. The coyotes- they're a horrible but strong gang. We've been jumped by them a few times, now, those little skeletal rats" He snarled to himself.
Harin chuckled at the name, shaking his head a little.
"They can't be THAT bad. Can they?"
"They're terrible ankle nippers. Their teeth hurt" He began,
"Okay but to business. So, if Yonghoon hyung agrees, you could maybe sleep on the couch here? We don't have any spare bedrooms, but I bet the couch is better than that rock bed you slept on in that cave, right?"
"I guess so," The alpha hummed, looking at the patched couch.
Well, it was better than nothing.
He had strolled over to it and took a seat.
There was yet another loud strike of lightning, and Kanghyun flinched, small whimper leaving his mouth as he went to hang up his coat.
Harin tilted his head at him, ears flopping to the side.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah.. I'm fine.."
"You don't sound okay"
He patted the spot next to him.
Kanghyun looked at him, and then back at the spot, before hesitating a little and then going to him.
Another strike, and the boy flinched again, trembling now.
Harin suddenly had an idea.
He pulled the younger wolf closer to him and embraced him.
Kanghyun stiffened, but only for a second, leaning against him. A bit more relaxed now.
He would tense up everytime thunder came, sitting a little closer to the elder each time, before finally the storm calmed a little.
Harin noticed how the other looked sleepy already - maybe the physical contact did so? So he didn't move, soon hearing him snore away quietly.
He gently placed him down on the couch and pulled the blanket over him, shifting into his form and taking his place at the end of the couch, settling down and glancing up at the omegas sleeping form once more.
He yawned, putting his neck down and just lying there - he wasn't going to sleep, he didn't feel safe leaving the omega just sleep there while the storm was raging outside.
Harin looked at him one more time, before sighing mentally in frustration.
You can't make any moves, you idiot. He's taken.
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