Chapter FOUR
The birds sang their songs while the crisp cold, morning air filled the camp that the wolves inhabited.
It was beautiful today.
The sun was peeking out from the clouds, casting a light down onto the hard ground.
Yonghoon was the first to wake, eyes cracking open as he was met with the sight of the sleeping omega beside him.
He smiled and pressed a small kiss to his cheek, before gradually getting up and out of bed.
The delta changed into some new clothes, and opened the door, being hit with the morning breeze.
A smile twitched at his lips, entering the lovely outside.
He perked up when he heard another door open and then close, seeing Cya, half asleep but up.
"Hey, Cya hyung! Did you sleep well?" Yonghoon called out.
"Yeah, I did. Dongmyeong is getting up too. Do we have hunting today?"
"Yep! I'll give Kanghyun another few minutes and then we can start to go for our hunt"
Cya put a thumbs up and shook himself to wake up, now alert and aware to everything.
And he was right, a minute later. Dongmyeong came out of the den, dressed and ready to go hunt.
They heard a door open, and then close.
Kanghyun came padding out, too dressed and awake.
"Did you sleep well, Kyunnie?" Dongmyeong asked.
"Uh huh. Are we going to go hunting?" The omega asked, tilting his head and ears flopping to the side as he did so.
They all chatted as they made their way out to the forest, Kanghyun glancing back at the den that Harin inhabited.
There hadn't been a peep from him since yesterday. Maybe he was still resting?
He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts and focused on their task.
The boys shifted into their wolf forms, fur ruffling from the wind that came along with them and travelled in little wisps.
As they went deeper and deeper into the forest, the sun started to disappear behind the thick branches of the oak trees.
The vines became thicker, but their pads on their paws were used to this by now.
When suddenly - they picked up the scent of an alpha. But it wasn't Harin.
It was a lone alpha.
And at that, it was 2 alphas.
One, however. Was weaker than Yonghoon. So that was one advantage to this little adventure.
But the other one was definitely stronger than the wolves venturing out.
Yonghoon rolled his eyes mentally and yapped, signalling for them to go the opposite direction.
They did as told, paws hitting the soft, muddy land beneath them.
The scents didn't go away. Actually, they were nearing.
Cya pushed them all into a Bush and made them take a scent disguising gadget. It worked to up to an hour, so that would be more than enough time for them to stay hidden from the alphas.
"Where the fuck did they go?"
A voice, rough and deep pierced through the silence ringing in their heads.
There was wolves speaking telepathically, and they could hear everything.
"I have no clue. They were here just a second ago. Did you hear about the new alpha roaming in the area?"
A new voice spoke, this time softer and more gentle.
"Yeah. I haven't seen him yet, but from what I've heard he's hella strong. A pack attacked him and they lost-"
The wolves looked at each other, not amused.
The 2 alphas laughed, but then stopped abruptly.
"Can you smell that? I think it's the alpha we're on about! He's coming this way, look!"
OneWe perked up confused, but they stiffened seeing a huge, black wolf making its way over the vines and leaves.
The two alphas hid, wanting to observe the newcomer.
"Hello? Where have they gone to.. "
The wolf was speaking telepathically too, but his voice was as clear as ice.
It was Harin.
"Who's he calling?" Whispered the petite alpha.
"I have no clue"
Harin was well aware that there was two other alphas there, but they weren't a threat to him. Neither were strong enough to even land a bite on him.
Right now, he was more interested in finding the pack he was living with for the while.
He followed their scents, but they cut off at right this area he was in currently. Which, concerned him a little.
Ironic. How he cared about a pack that tried to maul him.
"What do we do? If we come out, the alphas will see us and attack. But if we don't, the alphas will follow Harin hyung. What if they hurt him?" Asked Kanghyun, scared for him.
"They won't. He has more strength, they can't hurt him.. But I think we should come out so he doesn't wander a bit too far" Yonghoon said and they all nodded.
Harin was about to go further into the woods, but OneWe came out of the bushes and he stopped in his tracks.
"Ah.. There you are. Are you all okay?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Yeah..? Why wouldn't we be?" Cya asked, raising an eyebrow.
Harin motioned behind them, and they all jumped from fear.
What they had never noticed, was that.
The two alphas weren't the only wolves there.
A whole pack was there, gazing at them through the bushes.
"What are you doing on our territory?!" Snarled Yonghoon, teeth bearing while his eyes flashed red.
"There is no more prey over there. So we thought.. That maybe you could lend us some?"
The pack consisted of only females.
Their bodies were thin and sleek, as if they had just come out of water.
They were beautiful individuals, their eyes were like jewels. All were a different color.
The green eyed wolves seemed to have this charm that made them look seducing,
"What do you think? Will you lend us some? We'll pay you back in return" One of them purred, coming forwards.
"Ah, Shien. Don't try with that guy.. He's taken"
A feminine voice said, one of the blue eyed wolves.
She came up close to Yonghoon, ignoring his threatening growls.
Harin watched in amusement.
"I see.. Your mate is a little cute omega. How adorable. Do you mind if we played with him once in a while?"
Harin snorted mentally.
Kanghyun backed up in disgust, bumping into Harin accidentally.
"What the hell?! He's my mate, and you want to fuck him?!" Yonghoon shouted in disbelief.
The Wolf named Shien laughed sweetly. She seemed great at manipulation.
"I'm sure he'd have fun. Right, ladies?"
They hooted in laughter, the two male alphas laughing along.
Meanwhile, OneWe were just plain disgusted.
Except for Harin. He was having the time of his life.
Cya was already guarding Dongmyeong, growling at any wolf that would come close.
Shien moved towards Kanghyun, flicking her tail.
Kanghyun moved back, soon enough practically huddled in Harin.
The alpha watched her come forwards, eyes taking in her sleek appearance.
Yonghoon was pissed as hell.
At both the wolf trying to seduce HIS Kanghyun, and at Harin too. Because he wasn't reacting in any way.
The anger vanished when Harin bent his head down, not allowing Shien to come closer to the omega huddled in him.
"Not today, miss. He's taken, and not interested" He said, laughing.
The others sighed in relief.
Yonghoon snapped his head to the alpha.
"What the fucking fuck do you mean by but? There's no buts, we're going home!"
Harin looked at him, smiling evilly.
"Those boys over there could use some stressing out"
Kanghyun's jaw fell open, looking up at the alpha.
"Hyung!" He whispered, but Harin muffled his voice by holding a paw up to his snout.
"Shh. I just want to be entertained. I won't let them get too far, just. Watch"
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