It was two minutes of walking in the forest before words were spoken.
"I'm not angry, but I will be if I don't get an explanation," Lord Black said making the two children behind him flinch a little.
"I was only following him," Draco said pointing at Harry, "How was I suppose to know they were hiding a dragon?!? I only did what was right and told a teacher."
"That's not true," Harry retorted back, "You knew we had a dragon weeks ago, we were finally sending it away when you decided to tell!"
"Well I wouldn't have to tell if you told a teacher in the first place! Did you really think that old halfbreed hadn't brought dangerous creature before?!?" Draco shouted back.
Harry was going to shout back, but stopped when he didn't recognize a word that was said, "What's a halfbreed?"
"It's a rude term for people with a non human parent, it's one of the 34 words you should refrain from saying in public or general. One would not hear it in civilized conversation." Regulus explained before Draco could.
"I thought there were 14?" Draco questioned which gave Regulus some concerns.
"Oh there is, but you've never met my mother."
"Is she that crazy lady who was always angry?"
"So you have met her."
Harry couldn't imagine just what they were talking about and just past it on as a Slytherin thing. He couldn't imagine a crazy mother who was always angry. Aunt Petunia would alway shower love on to his cousin Dudley, even when he didn't deserve it. But Professor Black's mother couldn't be that bad if he turned out the man he is now right?
They continued on walking.
Harry supposed the forest wasn't so bad, the trees were taller then most building and had branches that looked like balls of string, occasionally a deer or two passes by the trees, even some foxes, a spider crawling around on a tree, a dead unicorn with a dark figure above it- WAIT.
The dark figure took notice of are prevented as it got up, it's face starring at Harry who's scar began to seize with pain as Regulus got out his wand in a quick movement.
It took two second for Draco to scream at the sight and run away before he could be stopped.
"Reasonable reaction at a terribly unreasonable time. Harry stay behind me," Professor Black said as he took out his wand with his right hand while Harry saw his professors left hand fist up to stop it from shaking.
It was a scary figure that moved like a shadowy snake as it still dripped of unicorn blood from its mouth. Harry started contemplating running to if he didn't hear the heavy foot stomps of hoofs coming his direction.
Jumping from the bushes came a centaur, a half man, half horse creature with a bow and arrow in hand, ready to shoot in need, scarring off the scary figure. Luck was not in Harry's side if the day wasn't obvious; although he could guess he was a bit lucky, the scary figure that had killed the unicorn left. Harry fell over in shock, much to his embarrassment, and left a sting in his ankle.
"Are you alright young Hero?" The Centaur said.
"Yes, I suppose, what was that thing?" Harry ask looking to the forest of where the figure left.
"I'm afraid that was your past, coming to you in the worst version of its self. My apologies for not arriving sooner."
"Mr. Firenze, doing good I hope, you should be seen around us, you know well that my kind are not liked by yours," Lord Black warn Firenze in concern.
"What I do is not of concern to my herd but if you say then so be it. Mars is looking quite bright tonight, I would take caution from now on," the centaur, Firenze said as he gave a small nod to Harry before leaving.
"Can you move?" Regulus said as he got down to take a closer look at the swelling.
"A little." Harry said as he moved it with a wince.
"It just sprained. It will be fine by tomorrow."
"Can't you just use a potion to make it better?" Harry asked the potions master. He was sure there were potions that were able to even regrow bone if he remembered the past lecture on body and muscle potions right.
"If I used a potion for everything that happens my way, then I'll be powerless with out them. Better to not use any for such a small injury. Your body could end up weakening in muscle and body if only ever given supplements. Besides you are technically being punished for rule breaking right now," Professor Black said truthfully, although it did go unnoticed by Harry that Professor Black was not carrying any potions with him and probably would have given Harry a potion if he had any.
"That makes sense I think?," Harry got up from the ground and much to his disappointment fell back once more in pain, "I don't think I can walk."
"Then there is no helping it," Regulus said as he got down and Harry found himself on the back of his teacher.
"What's wrong?" Regulus asked as Harry was struggling to stay on; not sure of what to do.
"I- I've never gotten a piggy back ride before." Harry said not sure what to do.
"Well that's a shame, when I was a child, my brother use to give me piggy back rides all the time, my mother never let us have pets, not even a dog. We were always together back then. But then we grew up and things changed."
"That sounds terrible."
"It was, but it was bound to happen, people change, we changed, growing up does that to people."
Harry guessed that was true, if he was a child, he would have done a lot of childish things with out a care. Of course he was still a child, but he can't do childish things anymore. The Dursley's made sure to put a stop at it.
Before Harry knew it, he somehow ended up falling asleep, and was in for a surprise when he woke up the next morning with mild confusment when seeing that he was in the infirmary.
"Oh Harry your awake! I was so worried," Harry saw a blurry Hermione say as he put on his glasses.
"Worried? About what?" Harry asked, not sure by the sudden attention.
"You know, about fighting the thing that's killing the unicorns, Professor Black said this might happen." Ron said which did not help with the confusion.
"Don't worry Harry, your memory is a bit off right now, it's because you hit your head pretty hard. Professor Black did some advanced spells on your body to fix your injures; although you did pass out from exhaustion and why he had to carry you. He told us of how you fought the creature and he awarded a hundred point to Gryffindor for you bravery," Hermione said overjoyed at the revelation.
Harry was sure that no matter how hard he hit his head, he would have remembered that. So why would Professor Black lie about something like that? It that became notice that there was something for him on the bedside table.
A small wooden box with a red bow and with a get well card.
"It was there before we arrived," Hermione said as she noticed Harry looking at the box.
Harry grabbed the get well card, looking at what was written.
To Mr. Potter,
Use it when you need to feel lucky; a drop will be enough.
Professor Black
"It's from Professor Black," Harry stated to his friends as he got the box and opened to reveal a thick bottle of clear liquid, "It's a potion."
"Well that's pretty obvious, it look like nothing we've done before. What do you think it does," Ron question as he picked up the bottle noticing a strange bird carved into the glass.
"Put it down Ronald, we don't know what it does," Hermione warned as she got out her heavily note covered potions book as she flipped pages.
Harry grasped the bottle which fix into his hand, barely touching his finger tips and took notice of the pretty bird etched in. It looked like a majestic chicken.
But what does that mean?
•Regulus is like "Draco is going to do something stupid and Harry is going to be caught in something stupid. Let me go make sure they safe."
•Ya Boi Regulus tried to befriended centaurs once. He got pretty close for a pureblood Slytherin as he could get which isn't much but it's the thought that counts.
• When I was writing about the Piggy back ride scene, I was crying in sadness and squealing in happiness.
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