Chapter TWO
Eunwoo's statistics weren't wrong, it started pouring when they got into the club.
Myungjun was glad he had an umbrella, otherwise he would have been soaked to the bone and.. many, unnecessary things would be revealed.
The amount of pheromones in this area made him want to throw up. The stench of sex and booze was hanging in the area, police officers already there, investigating the area.
"God, this place stinks. What do we have here, Tae?" Myungjun said, shaking his umbrella out so it didn't drip on the ground. He pushed it into Eunwoo's hand, signaling him to hold it.
"Well, what else? Some dude rented out a woman here, and then all of a sudden. Fucking murder. We don't know much about the assaulters information, the place doesn't have cameras. Imbeciles.." The guy, nicknamed 'Tae' complained.
"Why don't they have cameras?"
" 'Privacy of our clients is most important ' " He quoted, and Eunwoo heard Myungjun curse under his breath.
Tae suddenly noticed Eunwoo, and he nudged Myungjun.
"New partner? Seems a little robotic, don' it?" Smirked the guy, and Myungjun elbowed him.
"No fucking shit."
"Ok, fine. Come on. I'll show you to the room"
Myungjun followed Tae, and Eunwoo took that as his cue to follow on too.
He scanned the place for any evidence, and his eyes caught sight of a small camera like device hidden away in the corner.
He took a picture of it, and stored it back in his memory just in case he might need it.
No cameras for privacy, but there was one single camera right there.
They entered a room with the stench of a corpse rotting already.
She was lying on the ground, blood leaking out of her mouth and bruises all over her body.
"God, poor girl" Myungjun spoke, huffing out and crossing his arms.
"Sick fuck, no wonder" Tae agreed, while Eunwoo scanned the room.
Something was lodged inside the girls mouth.
He gave the umbrella back to Myungjun and kneeled down beside the girl, pulling her lips apart gently.
"Ah- Eunwoo! Get your fucking hands off her! You'll mess with the body!" Myungjun scolded, poking him with the tip of the umbrella.
Eunwoo ignored him and dug in her mouth, before pulling out what seemed like an ice cube.
But.. it wasn't melting. It emitted a cold vibe, making the small area of the air cold.
"She had this in her mouth. It's a synthetic ice cube, usually used for decoration of drinks, such as cocktails and soft drinks" Eunwoo said, straightening up again.
Tae pulled on gloves and took the ice cube, bringing it out of the room and taking it to more of the evidence they found.
"She must have drank a cold drink.. the ice cube contained ethanol, which is alcohol. It also contained Temazepam, which is normally used to treat insomnia" Eunwoo explained.
Myungjun nodded slowly, gesturing with his hand to continue.
"It looks like the dosage of Temazepam went as high as 40mg. The victim was drugged, and then I can only assume, from the analyzed injuries, raped"
Eunwoo turned around and saw a knife with the number 2 beside it.
He went to it and scanned it, finding some fingerprints on it. There was a weird liquid on it, too.
"I think an android may have been involved"
"Yes, sherlock. We know that much. But what? An android raped a human? They're not conscious, they wouldn't stoop that low .. but then again, ah fuck this technology makes my head hurt" He growled, rubbing his temples.
Eunwoo scanned the area again, seeing trickles of blood venturing out of the room - blood that wasn't easily viewed to the naked eye..
"I have a theory" He piped up.
"Go on"
"The girl was drugged with Temazepam, 40mg. It knocked her out, and the man raped her. The girl wasn't injured by the knife. But the android that came in here was"
Myungjun raised an eyebrow.
"I reconstructed a possible path that the murderer could've taken with all these events. The android may have walked in on accident, and the murderer noticed. He stabbed the android, and it ran away. Now, I have no evidence on where the murderer could be right now. But I think I have a lead on where the android could be"
Myungjun hummed, unfolding his arms and glancing Eunwoo up and down.
"Well? Wanna show me?"
"Of course. Follow me."
Eunwoo lead him out of the room and turned his scanner on, before he stopped.
"Also, Captain. Ask the staff here to show the others the camera evidence"
"What? Didn't you hear? They have no cameras here, is your hearing operator broken?"
Eunwoo shook his head.
"My system is stable. As we came in here, my scanner picked up a tiny camera near the entrance" He said, pointing over to where he saw it.
As soon as that was said, he turned his scanner back on and followed the lead of blood.
Myungjun followed him, fiddling with the spray in his pocket. It was a spray on scent he used.
He would need to use it soon, he could sense his scent change slowly.
"Here. The back door, it may still be here"
"Hmph. You better be right, you plastic prick" Myungjun scowled, taking out his gun and going in.
Eunwoo followed on behind him, immediately scanning the area for any threats.
His motion sensors picked up something, and he lifted his nose to smell the air, picking up a faint scent of copper.
Myungjun too, picked up a scent. He started to follow the path it lead to, until they came face to face with a dumpster.
Myungjun attempted to open the little handle, but it seemed to be operated by some system he couldn't open.
"Let me, captain"
Myungjun grumbled under his breath and let the android in front of him.
Eunwoo pressed his hand against the pad, and the dumpster opened.
Before any of them could react, there was a flurry of movement, they were thrown back, and a shot rang out.
Myungjun quickly reacted and grabbed his gun that had fell to the ground, catching glance of Eunwoo, who was clutching at his bleeding shoulder. His light was spinning red, but it flickered back to a pulsing orange as he regained stability.
"Don't move. Don't move, or I'll bust this thing worse than I did to the girl" The man warned, knife under an androids neck.
"Put the knife down!" Myungjun snapped, aiming at the man.
"Put the gun down!" The man yelled.
"Hey, look. I know you're scared-" Eunwoo started, but he was rudely interrupted.
"I'm not fucking scared, you plastic toy!"
"Yes you are. The police are here. They are looking for you. You need to understand, actions have consequences. There is no way out of this. Put the knife and android down, and maybe you won't be kept too long at the interrogation scene"
The man breathed heavily, breaths almost coming in wheezes.
"You're not gonna take me alive. Fuck no"
Eunwoo glanced over at Myungjun, who took it as a hint.
He fired a shot at the man, who fell down into the dumpster, the android crying out in fear and running out, terrified.
Myungjun huffed out in annoyance, reaching for his walkie talkie.
"Hey, Tae. Call an ambulance. We got him, but he got shot in the process"
"On it. You okay?"
He glanced at Eunwoo.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Do you got some sort of engineer there or shit? Thing got shot and it's leaking.. something. Looks like the bullet went through its shoulder"
"I'm sure we'll find something for it. Alright, the ambulance will be here in 5 minutes. Where are you?"
"Back staff room"
He put away the walkie talkie and got up.
"You fine?" Myungjun asked the android that was still on the floor.
"Oh. Yes, I am quite fine. These are minor repairs. I have already started some manual repairs by myself" Eunwoo stated, getting up.
Myungjun raised an eyebrow.
"Does it hurt?" He asked, out of pure curiosity at this point.
"No. But I can mimic pain quite accurately as I have a program installed to do that"
"Fucking... okay, let's get out of here."
They left the room as medics started running in, heading to the man and loading him up onto a stretcher.
"Well. You're not entirely useless" Myungjun mumbled.
"What was that, Captain?"
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