Chapter TEN
"We must pump Eunwoo with pheromones. The Alpha would be unable to control him as his pheromones are synthetic, but he must possess a lot of these pheromones for this encounter. We do not know how this wolf will react and we want him pumped with as much pheromones as possible to intimidate it."
Myungjun looked at Eunwoo, whose light was flashing orange as he took in the information.
"Take a seat, Eunwoo."
Eunwoo went over to the chair, and sat down on it, feeling something whirring against his back.
"This may cause some displeasure, Captain. If you wish to turn away, you may do so." The woman warned, and Myungjun nodded, though he was curious to see what would happen.
"Eunwoo, your software will corrupt, and you will feel extreme discomfort. You need to endure it, okay?"
"Yes, Miss."
She seemed to chain his hands down to the armrests, and then directed a large machine into motion.
Myungjun physically flinched when she plunged the machines tip into the androids back, making him jerk and eyes turning glazed, light spinning rapidly from white to red, flashing brightly.
She pressed a button, and Myungjun could sense the increased pheromone scent in the air.
Eunwoo's hands twitched, ears pressed flat against his head, glitchy whines leaving his mouth.
"Is- is he in pain?" Myungjun stammered, glancing at the Woman.
"His system is being.. overloaded, is the most I can say. This is very heavy on his files, and he may start overheating soon. I cannot guarantee that he will make it out of this a bit dazed."
Myungjun winced when he heard another glitchy whine, seeing vapour steam out of the androids mouth.
"One more minute.."
Meanwhile, Eunwoo was having the worst time of his life.
His files were corrupting, his vision was glitching, his body was shuddering and he was trying to cool his software.
His internal body was reaching as high as 100°c, and he was now exhaling hot, damp puffs of hot air.
His instructions were glitched, and he could hear an odd ticking somewhere in his head.
He searched for the cause, and suddenly found a timer, counting 1 minute. Cause - overheating. He would shut down for 20 minutes if he didn't alert them.
He attempted to move his arm, but an error came up on his screen, 'Mobility restricted'.
He exhaled another puff of air, trying to find the woman- or any sort of figure that resembled a human.
Myungjun noticed the robotic movement of the android, which was very off about him, as he moved with a smoothness of a human.
"Is he okay..?"
The woman turned to Eunwoo, putting on these weird gloves and grabbing a tool to look into his eyes.
"He's overloading. Probably some files being deleted.. he'll be okay, we're finished very soon."
Another 30 seconds passed, and the woman pulled the machine out of his back, unchaining him.
Eunwoo twitched, exhaling harshly, vision still as corrupted as before.
It didn't seem that the panting looked like it was just for aesthetic and cosmetic purposes anymore, but he was seriously attempting to cool his systems.
His timer finished, and he shuddered violently, before slumping forward, the women's eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
She quickly went forwards and sighed in frustration.
"What's up?"
"System reached 160°, and he shut down for 20 minutes. We need to work on increasing the amount of heat he can take."
"20 minutes?! I need to get to the crime scene now!" Myungjun stammered, looking a bit annoyed.
The woman hesitated.
"We can reactivate him for an hour.. but 30 minutes in, he's going to overheat and his aggression sensors may overload. You need to careful-"
"It's fine, reactivate him. We'll have an eye on him."
The woman nodded and grabbed some tools from a drawer.
She opened something on Eunwoo's back, and started reconnecting wires.
Eunwoo reactivated, light whirring from blue to a flickering red, before white.
He raised himself from the ground, shaking a slight bit before he seemed normal.
"Are you okay?" Myungjun asked.
"Yes. I am fine." Eunwoo said, feeling a bit more tougher from the pheromones.
Myungjun himself could scent them out, and he was just that little bit more weary.
"Remember. You have 30 minutes to safely navigate around the case before he starts overheating. Now go on."
Myungjun nodded and brought Eunwoo out of the building, snapping at any reporter that got too close to them.
He got in the car and Eunwoo did too, buckling himself in as Myungjun started the car.
"Feeling okay?" He asked.
"Yes. My system and memory are a bit damaged, I will make sure to repair it later."
Myungjun nodded.
"Okay. If you want you can start your repairs until we get there."
"I will do so. Thank you, Captain."
He closed his eyes, and his light went from white to blue.
Myungjun shot one more worried look at him, before shaking it off, putting the location of the site into his GPS and driving there.
They arrived there in less than 5 minutes, tons and tons of cops around, holding guns and wearing heavy armor.
Eunwoo woke to the commotion, light twirling back to white.
"C'mon, let's go. They're waiting for us." Myungjun said, taking out his gun and leaving the car.
Eunwoo got up and left the car too, following the Captain.
He scanned the area, picking up some huge pawprints and slightly smaller ones beside them.
He analysed them and concluded it was an Alpha and a... dead Alpha.
"Here, stay close. We're at the site of the murder." Myungjun said in a hushed tone, gun pointed as he neared the spot.
"Understood, Captain."
They proceeded onwards, the swat teams around them also ready to shoot if needed.
"Don't come any closer."
A growl, unlike any other, was heard as they approached.
Eunwoo activated his pheromones, a new instruction popping up in his software.
'Calm the Alpha.'
"I'm Eunwoo. I have come here to help you." Eunwoo said gently, going closer, but the Alpha snarled, claws outstretched.
"What is your name?" He asked.
"That is none of your business! Let me go!"
"I'm afraid I cannot do so."
"Well then, fuck you!"
Eunwoo quickly scanned his face, getting his details.
Kim Dongwoo, 30 years old, Alpha, criminal offenses - Attempted assault, murder and burglary
"You need to trust me, Dongwoo. We have not come here to hurt you." Eunwoo eased, attempting to come closer, light flashing yellow when he saw the Alpha growl.
He spotted a body beneath the Wolf - it was the Alpha from earlier.
"Don't come any closer. I will make everyone around here kill you if you do!" The Wolf growled, and Eunwoo sensed panic in his tone.
Myungjun kept his gun trained, finger on the trigger and pointed at the Alpha that was cowering away over the dead body.
"That is unnecessary. Dongwoo, I know you are scared. That is a normal, human reaction. But it'll be less scary when you turn yourself in." Eunwoo said, taking one step closer.
"Like hell I'll turn myself in.. I'll be dead before you catch me behind those bars."
Eunwoo felt his software flash, but he ignored it.
"Dongwoo. I will make sure you are not hurt in any way. We will only question you. I will tell them to not put you in any handcuffs, and you can follow them from room to room if you wish. But you need to co-operate. "
Dongwoo seemed to have panicked when Eunwoo stepped closer, and he growled, preparing to lunge at him.
"They're.. they're gonna kill me. They are, aren't they? I know you know that. We aren't welcome here.. Not in this town, anyway.. you don't like how we usually get stronger than normal Alpha's. Yet we're so rare.. there should be less of your kind and more of us. Atleast we don't rule everything by how high our sex drive is.. You fucking Alpha's will see an Omega and go crazy for them. Pathetic." The Alpha spat, and Eunwoo raised an eyebrow.
"I can assure you, that isn't how the town is ruled, Dongwoo. And I will not question you on what you mean at this moment, however."
He took another step closer.
"We haven't come for you because you're different. We came for you because you have murdered an innocent Alpha. You have committed several crimes. You need to learn from your mistakes, like every single human. Including me."
The Alpha laughed.
"You're not a human, dumbass. I know you're a fucking android. Your scent stinks of fakeness. You will never be a human. You will always be a plastic machine!"
Eunwoo's software flashed more violently, his vision turning slightly red as his light whirred from White to yellow.
He reached out his hand.
"Come with me. You will be safe."
Dongwoo snarled and lunged at him, slamming him to the ground.
Roars of shouting broke out, and Myungjun's ears were filled with gunshots and bangs.
He aimed his gun at the Alpha's head, and was about to shoot, before someone knocked him down.
"Oh, no you don't.." The Alpha growled - it wasn't a Cop.
He snarled and kicked it off of him, spinning around and shooting it right in the skull, making it fall onto the ground.
Another Alpha attacked him, but he quickly shifted and sank his teeth into his neck, making it squeal in pain.
Blood pooled in his mouth, the coppery taste making him withdraw just a bit, letting the Alpha be captured by the Police.
More Alpha's started pouncing on him, but he lunged at them and knocked them all to the ground, claws tearing their skin.
His fur was matted with blood, claws unsheated just incase anyone else attempted to attack him.
He whipped around to see the Alpha being attacked by Eunwoo, in an attempt to escape from its jaws.
His wolf form was a silver wolf with blue eyes, and he could've been mistaken for an actual wolf if it weren't for the silver plaque on his thigh.
Eunwoo snarled and slammed him to the ground, holding him down as the cops there tied the aggressive Wolf up.
"Do not resist, or this will be harder for each person here."
The Alpha snapped his jaws, scraping the others cheek, whimpering when he felt electricity on his tongue.
"That was very unnecessary. You may remain silent as you are brought away." Eunwoo said with a slight glitch in his voice, slight vapour rising from his mouth.
The Alpha was brought away, growling and snarling at all the other officers there. Some medics ran towards the dead Alpha, taking out the bag.
Eunwoo measured his temperature- 40°c.
He started cooling his systems, exhaling hot air as he went back to Myungjun, who was getting treated.
"Hey, you did real well-.. are you good?" Myungjun asked, suddenly noticed the vapour.
"My system is overheating due to a failed shut down. I am attempting to cool myself down but my internal fans are running out of energy." He said, voice glitchy.
The medics finally left Myungjun, who quickly got up.
"Do you need to go to Electro.corp?"
"I do not. I can cool off at the station, but I will need my restoration liquid."
"Fuck the station- come on, I have loads of that shit at home. And anyway, Mr.Bae is there. C'mon."
They went to Myungjun's car, where he saw the android progressively get worse.
He pulled the window down for him, and put on his car fans to the max, before quickly driving home.
Who would've thought a robot was this hard to handle?
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