Chapter SEVEN
Several days passed with the new partners solving many cases that were too hard to crack for the other departments.
Eunwoo learned a lot about the Captain. He found out that he was allergic to cats (but he still owned one), that he didn't like broccoli, he had beef with his own boss before, and that he was afraid of heights.
Eunwoo had all these facts stored in his memory file, and he made sure not to delete them when he was clearing out cache.
However, no matter how hard he tried, the omega didn't seem to like him at all. Not even a tiny bit.
By this point, he'd usually ponder this when he was alone at his desk.
It was interesting, just simply sitting quietly and scrolling through his memory archive. Trying to figure out why the captain disliked him this much.
It didn't upset him. He couldn't exactly feel sadness, he didn't have it installed into his programme.
He doesn't remember much from before the time he came to the police department.
He only knew that he had a different partner before, and they died in an accident. He was presumably with him when he died, but he doesn't remember it at all.
Maybe his memory needed a restart after the accident. Who knows.
The clock struck 9pm, and Eunwoo noticed that Myungjun wasn't at his desk.
He was meant to be here 30 minutes ago, but he still hadn't stepped foot into the office.
He was about to get up, and look for him, since he had a ton of papers that needed to be filled out before the end of this week.
Myungjun had a thing for procrastinating, so Eunwoo usually encouraged him to get a go on some of the assessments he had to do. At these times, Myungjun usually snapped at him to leave him alone.
But before his instruction panel could load up the text 'Look for Captain Myungjun', His nose picked up a stench of copper - more so, blood.
He noticed a figure stumble in, blood dripping down them and their hood pulled up.
Scanning their face, he could only conclude that it was Myungjun.
He could also smell alcohol coming off of him in waves.
Tilting his head at him, Myungjun looked up and saw him.
"There you are, you plastic fuck.."
He stumbled over to him and fell into his seat, groaning and rubbing his face.
"Are you okay, Captain?"
"Do- Do I look o-okay?"
"My calculations seem negative when I analysed your health. You seem to be injured. You have been injured 20 mi‐"
"Shut. The fuck up. I know." Myungjun snarled, glaring at him.
Eunwoo nodded.
"My apologies. May I ask a question, Captain?"
He nodded again.
"Okay, I will not ask said question."
"God. Eunwoo I was joking. What?"
His light flickered orange.
"What happened?"
Myungjun grumbled something under his breath as he took off his hood.
"Some sick fuck at the bar fucking- uh. Hit me with bottles" He mumbled, picking out glass shards from his skin.
"That is a health emergency! Would you like me to call the medical department?"
"No! Don't call anyone" Myungjun growled.
"It would be beneficial for your hea-"
"I don't give a shit. What do you know about me? All of this happened before you were assigned here, too. It's nothing special."
Eunwoo blinked, light flickering from orange to yellow.
"But it is an emergency. You must be tended to immediately. You appear intoxicated, too."
Myungjun grabbed Eunwoo by the collar of his shirt, and pulled him in.
"Listen here. If I tell you a command, you obey me, you fucking machine. If I could, I'd have long thrown you into the junkyard where all the other fucked up machines go. So, understand?"
"I understand, Captain. It won't happen again."
He let him go, and sat back in his chair, checking over the papers.
"God fucking.." He cursed quietly, picking out a couple more shards, wincing at the pain it caused, while looking for a pen.
Eunwoo passed him a pen, Myungjun snatching it off of him and using it to write something on the papers.
There was a long silence between the two, as both were focused on finishing a task they were assigned to.
The silent stretched as long as 15 minutes, before Myungjun let out a moan of pain, putting his pen down.
"Yes, Captain?"
The omega hesitated a little.
"I.. Uh.. I just wanna say. That uhm. I'm sor- uh.."
The Alpha listened, awaiting the sentence that he was about to say.
"I. Uhm-"
He gave up and gave a heavy huff.
"Can you just. Take me home?"
"Of course, Captain. Are you in pain?"
"Yeah. I wanna go to sleep"
Eunwoo nodded and got up, going over to him and helping him up.
Myungjun held onto him, swaying a little and groaning.
"I will attempt to move as carefully as possible, Captain. If you feel any sort of discomfort during mobility, inform me right away." The android stated, and Myungjun simply nodded.
They moved at a slow pace, finally emerging into the cold street.
It was drizzling slightly, and there was puddles everywhere.
The whole street looked murky and unpleasant, but the small lights made it look a bit more habited.
"I will continue to monitor your blood levels and temperature status if you do not mind, Captain?"
"Yeah.. whatever. But don't fucking stick your fingers into my mouth without warning, got it?"
"Got it."
They walked for 10 minutes, before Eunwoo noticed the drop in temperature in the omegas body.
He seemed to be getting weaker with each step too. The alcohol was finally setting in, and the pain mended in with it.
"I want to die."
"I am afraid you cannot accomplish that want, Mr.Kim."
"Now, that's not up to you to decide.."
His legs weakened for a second, but Eunwoo held him firmly, helping him up again.
"You are tired, Captain. Would you like me to call a taxi?"
"No. We're gonna be.. home.. in. 5 minutes. Just keep walking."
"If that's what you wish."
His temperature seemed to drop even more, and he could feel his body starting to shiver from the cold. Senses weakened because of the pain being experienced.
Eunwoo spotted a bench, and he managed to lead him over to it, sitting him down on it.
"Hey.. hey- what? Why are we stopping? What's goin' on?" Myungjun suddenly piped up, annoyance lacing his already acidic tone.
"You are cold. Allow me."
He watched the android take off his uniform jacket, casting it over his shoulders.
"Wh- I don't need it. You'll just get soaked, you only have your button up- wait, can you get cold?-"
"No, Captain. I cannot feel coldness. I can, however, cool and heat my system if necessary."
Myungjun mumbled something about 'Androids being so fuckin' perfect' before he got up, Eunwoo offering his shoulder again.
"I will raise the temperature of my body now, Captain. You should heat up in a couple of minutes."
He didn't even say anything by this point, instead he relished in the warmth being provided.
This was so unnecessary, but honestly. It was nice.
"Won't you overheat?" He asked, words slurred a bit now that the alcohol was spreading throughout his entire body.
"No. The temperature outside is cool enough for me to stay at a certain level. And anyways, my system doesn't overheat that easily."
"Wh-What about that time at the bar last week? There was fucking vapour coming from your mouth."
"What about it?"
"You overheated, yeah?"
"Yes. I activated a programme that was very strenuous on my system, which caused me to enter a temperature of 66°c. I had to enter emergency cool down, which drastically lowered the level from said level to 36°c." He explained.
"But I touched you on the face, and you were just a bit warm to the touch.."
"I was able to contain the heat inside, so you wouldn't get burned."
"I see. Okay. Anyway, how close are we..?-"
"2 more minutes, Captain. We're about to arrive at your desired destination that you call 'Home'. "
Myungjun nodded, staying close to the android for heat.
Soon enough, they arrived at the small suburban home.
They just got there in time, as it started to pour rain.
"Fuck- Ah.. I think- think 'm gonna be sick.." Myungjun groaned out.
"I will get you to a bathroom. Do you have your key?"
"Obviously, in- in my pocket.. "
Eunwoo got the keys from his pocket and inserted them into the keyhole, the door swinging open.
He closed the door behind them, and headed for the bathroom, pushing the door open and letting him flee to the toilet.
He looked away as soon as he heard vomiting noises, and he decided that it would be best to leave him alone for now. The Captain was pretty grouchy when drunk.
He looked around the place for a small while, seeing the cat that Myungjun was on about.
It was a ginger cat with blue eyes, and it eyed him with soft eyes.
He went over to it and raised a testing hand, looking at it gently.
It leaned into his hand, and he let his hand travel throughout its fur, light pulsating green.
He took a look at its name tag, and it said, in black, bold letters, Kira.
"What a nice texture.. you do not comprehend abstract concepts, but I will re-enact an action that many humans use, to show affection : a hug."
He embraced the cat, and it simply snuggled into him more, a low purring noise coming from it.
He heard the click of a camera, and he turned around, blinking when the bright light of a camera came again.
He could just make out the outline of Myungjun, who was putting his phone away.
"Sorry, couldn't resist." He laughed weakly, going over to the couch.
"How are you feeling, Captain? I can sense stressed omega. " Eunwoo began, but he was silenced with a glare.
"You do NOT need to point out I'm an omega every single second, Eunwoo."
"It will not happen again."
He mocked him saying that, and Eunwoo moved away from the cat, going towards him.
"I will need to take a sample, Cap-"
"Fuck. The fuck off."
"It is necessary"
"I told you something back at the station, did I not?" Myungjun snapped.
"Yes. But that goes against my main instruction. But you also set me an instruction, which goes against that.."
Myungjun saw the light whirring from orange to yellow, to a quick flicker of red.
If he could read emotions, he'd say the android was pretty confused.
He groaned.
"Fine. But don't shove them down my throat, okay?"
The light spun back to white.
He sat down beside him, and opened his mouth, swiping a finger across his tongue.
"You seem to be low on Vitamin C. Would you like an orange, Captain?" Eunwoo asked.
Myungjun blinked.
"Uh. Yeah, okay."
He got up and went to the fruit basket that he scanned earlier on.
He grabbed the healthiest orange he found, and brought it back to him.
"You are tired. Would you like me to prepare your bed, like I did last time?"
Myungjun looked at him.
"What do you mean last time?"
"When you were intoxicated the last time, a week ago. You passed out and I brought you to bed. When you attacked me with the bat."
The other winced at the memory. He could still remember the chills that he got when he saw the android with a misplaced jaw.
"Ah. Yeah. Okay. Uhm. I mean, go for it. Don't touch any of my other stuff, OK?"
"Got it."
He let the android leave, hearing some shifting around.
Myungjun patted the spot beside him, Kira meowing and jumping up onto the couch, purring and rubbing against him.
His eyelids fluttered, and before he knew it, he was snoring away on the couch, Kira on his lap.
"Captain, I have or-"
He stopped as soon as he saw the figure asleep on the couch.
Going over to him, he patted the cat off of him and slung his arms under him, getting a firm grip on him before lifting him.
He brought him to the room that he assumed as his bedroom, and set him down.
He snapped his eyes to him when a hand grasped his own.
"The.. the fuck are you doin'?" Myungjun mumbled out.
"I am putting you to bed, Captain. Would you like me to leave your territory?"
He cast the sheet over him, awaiting an answer.
"No.. just. Stay in the living room. Hibernate or whatever the fuck you do." Myungjun said, before completely passing out.
Eunwoo did just that. He closed the bedroom door, and went to turn off all the other lights. Before finally settling down on the couch in the living room, setting an alarm for 7am and going into hibernation mode.
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