A few weeks went past, and the officers still were trying to solve the mutated Alpha case.
They couldn't get a lead on it. It seemingly disappeared into thin air.
The pack Mr.Bae had talked about had been in the area again, and as much as Eunwoo wanted to go and investigate, he couldn't go without Myungjun.
He wanted to get these missions done, it was what he was programmed to do anyway. It was a little frustrating that they didn't have any solid progress.
Today was a calmer day. Myungjun and Eunwoo had been stuck inside, doing assignments and paperwork. It was a very rainy day, the snow now gone.
It just in general looked very depressing.
"Done. Finally." Myungjun huffed, putting away the heaps of paper into drawers. Eunwoo looked up from his computer, done quite a while back.
"Time to go get drunk."
Eunwoo's light flickered orange.
"You want to visit the bar today, Captain?"
"Yeah, and before you say it's not appropriate for my diet- it's only today. I won't get more tomorrow." He reassured the android, who nodded slowly.
"I understand. Would you like me to accompany you?-"
Myungjun's phone started ringing, giving him a 'hang on' look before picking up.
"How can I help?"
Eunwoo noticed his change of expression almost immediately.
"OK.. yeah okay. Yeah we'll get on it right away. See ya."
He hung up and growled.
"What seems to be the problem, Captain?"
"We need to go to a bar undercover. Apparently there's some hostility in there, and we need to keep an eye on them. Fucking.. there goes my drinking."
"Captain, how about after our mission, we visit a store and you buy any alcoholic drink of your choice?"
Myungjun looked at him.
"You'll let me?"
"I do not make decisions for you. I am out of control, though my dietary suggestions haven't been all that lenient. You may do whatever you wish."
Myungjun nodded.
"Right, okay. Thanks. We'll do just that." He said, a bit better now.
They both got up, and went to get some spare clothes from the washing room, Myungjun digging some out for himself.
"It's a bar, so dress somewhat.. bar fitting? I guess? I don't fucking know." Myungjun grumbled, taking them into a changing room.
"Bar.. fitting?" Eunwoo whispered as he looked, picking out something.
Both of them quickly changed, coming back out after a small while.
Myungjun was out of his uniform. He was wearing a simple black jacket, with a white t-shirt. Black jeans, and black and white sneakers.
He'd probably take off the jacket when they were inside, and he also wore a cap.
Eunwoo was out of his uniform, too. He wore a black button up with just a few buttons unbuttoned, some black jeans and his usual shoes.
"Is this fitting attire?" He asked, and Myungjun nodded.
"Looks good enough. Just try not to flash those little lights when you get excited or some shit, it'll expose us. And they don't let androids into that place anyway so.."
Eunwoo nodded.
They both headed out to the car quickly, Myungjun starting it up and driving to the designated place.
Eunwoo listened to the music on the radio, even humming along to it. Something he yet again, picked up from Myungjun.
"I never got around to asking. But, y'know when I was at the hospital and you came to visit. You showed signs of.. feeling emotion. Can you actually feel emotions, though?"
Eunwoo fell silent for a small while as his software processed everything.
"I.. I can't feel emotions. I can simulate them, but I cannot feel them." He said, very bluntly - he didn't want to say it. He was forced to say it.
"Bullshit, you probably do." Myungjun huffed, pulling up into the parking lot.
"You were very obviously frustrated and upset at the fact that Minhyuk had a bone to pick with you."
"I did not."
"Yeah right. Come on, we're here."
The two got out and went into the bar, the stench of booze and cigarettes evident in the stuffy air.
Myungjun saw Eunwoo turn off the little light at the side of his wrist so it didn't flash.
"Do we just observe?"
"I would assume so, yes."
"Ugh. This is going to be boring as fuck.."
Eunwoo opened his mouth to say something, but a voice from behind caught his attention.
"Hey cutie. Mind if I take you with me?"
He turned around and saw a small beta there, looking quite confident with himself.
Eunwok blinked.
"I don't think that's a good idea, sir."
"Oh, don't play hard to get. Come on darling."
"He's here with me, leave him." Myungjun said, eyebrow raised at the beta.
"What a shame.. maybe some other time."
Eunwoo felt a kiss to his cheek, eyes widening a little.
The beta was gone in a flash.
Myungjun snorted.
"You have a lipstick stain on your cheek."
Eunwoo rubbed it off, looking slightly disgusted.
That just caused him to laugh more.
They just talked for a small while, the atmosphere in the club getting a bit more tense.
And the two noticed it.
"You.. you are coming with me, asshole."
"No, no! Please! Please spare me!"
The two perked up when they heard this, seeing a buff man dragging out a thin woman, who was very obviously on the verge of tears.
"Shit. Come on, we gotta go see what's the matter." Myungjun said, and Eunwoo nodded.
They got up, and followed them out of the club, Myungjun ready to pull out his gun.
They saw her being pulled behind an alley, quickly going after them.
Myungjun's stomach flipped when he saw the man all over her, the woman crying for help.
"Hands up! Get off of her, now!" Myungjun snarled, pulling out his gun and aiming.
The man perked up and saw the gun, backing away from the girl.
"What's the omega gonna do, huh? Shoot me? A little bitch like you wouldn't do that."
"Mind your tone, you're talking to a cop. I'm taking you in."
"Oh, no you ain't. "
The man broke into a sprint and ran.
"Go after him, go!" Myungjun motioned, and Eunwoo nodded, running right after the man.
The chase was intense, he scared some of the passer-by's as he ran, but eventually, he caught up to the man.
He lunged at him and slammed him down to the ground, holding him down firmly.
"Get off of me, you synthetic asshole!"
"Unfortunately, I cannot do so, Sir."
He took out his handcuffs and cuffed him, heaving him up.
"I hope you have enough courage to respond to your crimes in court."
"What fucking crimes?!"
"Oh.. Well, let us think.. ah, yes! Ding Ding Ding, you attempted to assault an innocent human being back there. What classified information." Eunwoo said with sarcasm, dragging him back to Myungjun, who was calming the girl down.
"I have him, Captain."
"Good job, I've called in some backup to take him away. We gotta stay back there for another while though, unless someone else saw me with a gun."
"I am pretty sure they haven't."
"Alright, a relief - oh, there they are."
A black car pulled up, and 2 officers came out, also wearing normal clothes.
They took the assaulter into their car, and drove him away. Presumably to the station.
Meanwhile, they let the girl go, and went back into the bar.
For the rest of the night, it seemed that nothing bad was happening. And once the club was closed down, they immediately left, Eunwoo uncovering his light.
"OK. Now, let's get to the store. Fuck, I need a drink." Myungjun complained, getting into his car while Eunwoo followed.
It was a quick ride, they got to a store. Myungjun grabbed a couple bottles of whatever seemed like the best. They got home, he got drunk. And that was that.
Eunwoo had changed back into his uniform, helping the Captain back into bed, where he passed out, snoring loudly.
He did what he would usually do. Go on the couch, pet Kira for a small while. And then fall into hibernation mode.
But. Something happened.
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