Myungjun sat at his desk, constantly complaining and groaning at the pain in his leg.
"Take a break." Mr.Bae said, coming over to him, in a much more better mood for some reason.
"No. I have cases to solve. I need to get to them." He growled, staring at his computer as he typed.
"Look, I know the death of the damn android is getting to you-"
"It is not! I don't care about him!" Myungjun snapped, looking at him and glaring.
"Hey hey, calm down. Okay, fine. It's not. But anyway, you've been here since yesterday. You've done nothing but do paperwork and solve minor cases in one day. You need to take a break."
"I don't. I took a lunch break 10 minutes ago."
"A 5 minute break isn't gonna do you good!"
"And how the fuck would you know, huh?!"
Mr.Bae sighed, shaking his head.
"You're being assigned a new android-"
"OH HELL FUCKING NO! I don't want another machine to follow me around like a puppy and tell me how to do my job!" Myungjun snarled.
"No! I don't want tin cans as my partner! Tell the android to fuck off, I'm busy and will fuck them up if they come an inch close to me!" Myungjun growled.
Mr.Bae sighed.
"Calm down. You're at work, I don't want this behaviour here. Got it?"
"Yeah yeah.. whatever.. "
Mr.Bae trudged off to his office, leaving Myungjun to deal with his own thoughts.
He got up and went to get some coffee, grumbling about something.
It was so.. empty. Quiet.
Eunwoo would bombard him with today's news if he were alive right now.
It was so unnecessary, but he said it was important to know about what was happening.
He would also be advising him to not drink coffee as it contained caffeine, which was harmful for him - or the cigarettes he had in his pocket.
He couldn't lie. His health had improved with the android around.
He didn't smoke as much, didn't drink as much.
Welp, he didn't care anymore again. He had his after shift drinks to get to soon, and he was craving a cigarette.
He walked back to his desk and drank the coffee, scrolling through all the new cases.
Myungjun rubbed his eyes - he was exhausted.
He drank the rest of his coffee before he got up again, grabbing his coat and clocking out.
He went to the bar, ordering himself a shot and downing it almost immediately.
"You're the cop who cried about a machine yesterday, huh?"
Myungjun looked up and saw an Alpha there, smirking slightly.
"What the fuck are you on?" He said, raising an eyebrow as he ordered another shot.
"The whole city has heard it. Expensive, Prototype android is destroyed in an explosion. Police officer shows sorrow!" The Alpha laughed, looking at his phone.
Myungjun growled lowly.
"Awh, adorable. Imagine caring about a machine."
"Mind your tone, bitchass. You are talking to a cop here." Myungjun snarled, annoyed.
"You're off shift. You do not have your equipment, and you're completely fucked up. Plus, I can smell omega on you-"
The Alpha yelped as a blow was dealt to his face, being hoisted up by the collar.
"I said, mind your tone!" Myungjun snarled, fangs bared.
"You're starting to piss me off! You'd be glad that I don't have my fucking gun on me."
He got off him, downed his drink, and payed.
"You know what's completely fucked up? My taste buds now that you came here. All of a sudden I've lost interest in alcohol." Myungjun hissed, kicking the Alpha out of the way, before leaving the bar.
He was really looking forward to his drinking session - but no. Even that got ruined for him.
He was going home. He had some alcohol at home.. maybe there..
Cursing at the fact he couldn't drive anymore, he pulled his coat closer to himself and started walking towards the direction of his house.
He finally got there, opening his door, stopping in his tracks.
Why was his door open?
He suddenly saw something- or someone - sitting on his couch.
Their eyes fluttered open, and he saw a light flicker.
"Oh. Captain. You've arrived. I am Vernon, model 211-520-76. I am your new android assis-"
The android's light flashed red when he saw Myungjun reach for the bat.
"Captain, please think rationally!-"
"My rationality has flown out of the window the second I saw your dumbass on my couch." Myungjun snarled, raising the bat.
"Please don't!" The Android cried, hiding away.
Myungjun sniffed the air, noticing the android was also an Alpha - but a rather.. shy one.
"Are you a prototype?"
"No- no?"
"Them you're not as expensive to fix, surely." Myungjun mumbled, Vernon yelping and backing away.
Myungjun stopped, sighing and dropping the bat.
"Don't.. fuck anything up. Hibernate or some shit. Don't bother me. Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Don't tell me what to do. And most of all. Fuck off." Myungjun hissed, venom in his tone as he went to his room, slamming the bedroom door shut.
Vernon blinked, light flickering orange as he went to close the door.
He saw Kira, who hissed at him too, leaving him all alone in the living room.
Vernon went to sit down on the couch, body shuddering as he went into hibernation mode.
Myungjun woke up to a bell ringing, and he swore there was voices talking in the living room.
"Vernon.. you fucking little rat.." He snarled in annoyance, morning already fucked up.
He got up, pulled on some new clothes and went into the living room.
Vernon sat there, the ringing coming from him.
"And what the fuck are you doing?!" He snapped.
Vernon turned it off.
"I was awaiting your presence as we have paperwork to get to, today."
"And you woke me up using a whole ass tornado siren?! Are you dumb?!" He snarled.
Vernon's light flickered orange.
"My sincerest apologies, Captain. It won't happen again."
"You know where you can shove your 'apologies up?' "
Vernon blinked.
"Fuck off."
There was another bell sort of noise - and the two looked to the door.
"Who the hell wants to visit me at.. 7 in the morning." Myungjun grumbled, going over to the door.
His eyes widened when he saw who it was in the door.
Eunwoo was there, attempting to steady his plastic covered hands, trying to bring the skin back.
He noticed the skin on his face was completely fine- which was very odd.
He also looked.. a bit different. His hair was a bit askew, all ruffled and stuff, and his whole appearance wasn't as neat as before.
Eunwoo looked up, light flickering green.
"Captain. I apologise for my destruction yesterday. It wasn't intended, it was merely accidental-"
He stopped when he saw Vernon behind him, observing him with a red light.
Myungjun turned back to see Vernon, amused.
"Captain? May I ask, why is this gentleman here?"
"Sent me a new tin can after you exploded." Myungjun mumbled.
Vernon mistook Myungjun's mumbling as feeling uncomfortable, and he immediately jumped to defending him.
"You might want to leave, Eunwoo. You are clearly out of the job, and may want to go back to Electro.corp." Vernon growled, going to them.
"Hey! Calm your shits, you should be the one at Electro.corp and not him, dumbass!" Myungjun snapped, poking Vernon in the chest.
Eunwoo observed the situation, light flickering orange.
"Surely, I am still your assistant, Captain? I thought we were assigned to all these cases?"
"We were. And we are. Vernon, out."
Vernon's light flickered.
"I cannot do that. That is not in my task module."
"Well you're supposed to listen to me, yeah? And I ordered you to leave! So out!" Myungjun growled.
"I cannot-"
"Captain has requested you leave this instance. Follow his orders, or I will make you follow them." Eunwoo growled lowly, light flickering a dull red.
Vernon's light flashed white.
"I understand. I will leave. I have been assigned a new mission."
Vernon left immediately, Myungjun closing the door when he left.
He turned to look at Eunwoo.
He did feel a bit.. weirded out. He was kind of talking to someone who came back from the dead, but. He's an android?-
"Why does your design look.. less.. tidy?" Myungjun asked, hoping it wasn't weird.
"Oh. This is my original design. Though if you do not find it appealing, I may change to the one you are accustomed to."
"Nonono, it's fine. It's nice. "
"I also have the newest installation programmes in my software, and I have been made more enduring to explosions."
Myungjun winced.
"But that is enough about me and my technical issues. How is your leg, Captain?"
"My leg is.. Well. Looking at it from a medical point of view? Not good. From MY point of view? It is okay."
"And the Alpha that was in here was your newly appointed assistant?"
Eunwoo's light flashed a jade like colour, but it quickly went back to white.
"Yeah. Vernon, I might've been a bit too harsh on him.." Myungjun mumbled, scratching the back of his head.
"He will be okay. He is the 50th Model. I have worked with him before." Eunwoo hummed, light twirling orange.
"50th? He died 50 times?"
"No, he is simply the 50th model in his series. There is another 49 Vernon's, him being the newest model."
Eunwoo saw the discomfort flash across the Captain's face, but he didn't address it.
"OK. Uh. So- do we have any cases we need to get to?"
"Yes. We have 8 pending cases, our main one being the Alpha Wolf with regeneration powers."
"Ah yeah, that one. Any new information on him?" Myungjun asked, going over to his desk and digging out some files.
"Yes. An investigation team has located an infected body of a wolf. The Virus hasn't been examined yet, they would like us to show up at the scene."
Myungjun groaned.
"Is it the same forest as last time?"
Eunwoo's light shone orange.
Myungjun grabbed a new shirt and his coat, taking his car keys.
"Well, let's go. This isn't gonna get solved when we're here."
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