Chapter FIVE
Myungjun woke up with a horrible headache.
However, he wasn't asleep on the floor or couch like he'd normally be after his drinking at the bar.
He was.. tucked away into a bed. What? When the hell did he do that?
Groaning at the pain pulsing through his head, he checked the clock and saw that it was 2:43am.
He sniffed the air, and he was on alert immediately when he could smell an unknown scent.
He got up carefully, and got out his bat, padding down his hallway quietly.
He couldn't hear anything, except his fan spinning.
He walked into the kitchen, seemingly hearing something in there, having his bat at the ready.
Myungjun spun around and the bat collided with something.
On hearing a crackling noise, his stomach dropped and he, quite literally, dropped the bat.
Eunwoo's jaw looked misplaced, and part of his artificial skin was glitching. His light was flashing from orange to red.
"Shit- God, Eunwoo, I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to whack that bat against you. Fuck! Are you okay?" He said, going up to him.
"I-I-I am okay" His voice glitched and cracked, "I-I need to re-restart my system"
"Yeah go for it. Is it bad?" He asked as Eunwoo sat down.
"I will review the damages, but I do not think that emergency repairs will be a necessary action. May I enter repair mode?"
"Fuck yeah, take as long as you need" He said, waving him off, rubbing his eyes, guilt coming from him in waves.
He didn't like the android. He appreciated the fact that he saved him yesterday and chased the guy away, but he didn't seem to have taken a liking to him yet.
But oh, he felt bad for this. The poor guy got slammed with a bat for no reason. And if there's some serious damage, he'll have to spend money on him.
And considering he's a prototype...
He growled at himself, before grabbing the bat and stuffing it into a closet and closing it.
He padded back carefully to see Eunwoo on the couch, eyes closed and the light shining a baby blue, pulsating slightly.
Myungjun grabbed his phone and dialled a number, before pressing call and holding the phone up to his ear.
"Myungjun? Do you know what time it is?"
"Yeah. Look, I need to ask you something. You know stuff about androids and shit, yeah?"
"Yeah? What's the problem?"
"What does.. a blue.. pulsating light mean on their chest" Myungjun asked curiously.
"Repair mode. Light blue or dark blue? Dark blue is serious damage and light blue is minor damage"
"Light blue, thank god"
"What happened?"
"I fucking- hit the damn thing with a bat and half of its face came off. Jaw super misplaced too"
He heard laughing through the phone, and he just gritted his teeth in annoyance.
"Did it anger you?"
"No. I just.. it came up behind me out of nowhere, okay? Anyway, how long will it take for it to repair itself?"
"If it's in the light blue region, max is 2 hours. If the light is pulsating along with that, 30 minutes"
"Thanks, sorry for waking you. Bye"
"No worries. Sleep well"
He hung up and put his phone down, rubbing his tired face.
Should he just leave him here to recover? That would be the most rational thing to do, right?
In the end, he decided to leave him alone. He'd already made the android suffer enough.
He left a note for him and then went to bed again, curling up into the soft blankets and drifting off almost immediately.
Myungjun awoke to his alarm buzzing, making his head hurt again.
He turned it off and started to slowly get out of bed, doing his normal morning routine.
He had been notified that there was a new case to be investigated today, and he scowled at the ending of the email.
-bring the android with you.
Suddenly remembering, he took a glance to the living room, and saw that Eunwoo was still there.
He went up to him and tapped him gently on the cheek.
He jumped back when the android stirred to life.
His skin seemed to have repaired, but his jaw still looked odd.
"Good morning, Mr.Kim. Did you sleep well last night?" Eunwoo asked, jaw moving oddly.
"Yeah.. I di- Eunwoo, your jaw" He said, not being able to resist any much longer.
The android blinked, and on noticing, he grabbed his jaw, and shoved it back into place.
Myungjun winced, but he made no other comment of it.
Eunwoo's light flashed orange.
"We have another case. RE612. Interrogation at Bar.. Rudy's and Sam's"
"Yeah I know, it came in the email. Eunwoo.. what bar did I go to last night?" He asked.
"Rudy's and Sam's"
"Shit. OK, uh. Also, one more question"
"I will do my best to provide an answer"
"Did you.. bring me. To bed? Last night?"
Eunwoo blinked, before he nodded.
"Yes. You were under heavy intoxicants, ethanol. That is not good at all for your diet, Mr.Kim"
Myungjun growled and rolled his eyes.
"I don't need a damn robot to tell me how to live my life. If I drink till my liver fails, what's it to you? Scared of cleaning up my body?"
"That is most certainly not my concern, Mr.Kim. I am simply ensuring your life is best lived"
Myungjun raised his eyebrows.
"Dude stop being creepy. You're acting as if I were to die any day now" He said, weirded out by the robots actions and sense of words.
"I am not being creepy, I am being factual, Captain"
"Your facts piss me off, then. Now, shut up, get your robot ass up and let's go, before I get the bat again!" He warned as a joke.
"Coming, Captain"
The two headed out to the car, getting in and driving to the destination of the investigation.
It was raining, yet again, which meant that Myungjun's natural scent would leak through again.
"Have you forgot to put on your fake scent, Captain?"Eunwoo asked, tilting his head at him.
Myungjun blinked, before realising what he meant.
"Yeah, hold on-"
He turned away and quickly sprayed on the fake scent, stuffing the bottle back into his pocket and heading into the bar.
Eunwoo followed on yet again, rain dripping down his hair, face and coat.
"Alright, what have we got here?" Myungjun said, coming into the bar.
"Murder in the bathroom, who would've thought! We have found a couple of evidence if ya wanna take a look" One of the cops there said, pointing to the numbers beside some items.
"OK, is the body still here?"
"Yeah, it's in one of the cubicles. What, wanna take a look?"
The man clicked his pen back into its spot and showed them to the bathroom, but Myungjun stopped him as he was about to step into it.
"You, go look at the evidence in the main hall. If we need you, I'll call. Okay?"
"Understood, Captain."
Eunwoo turned away and went back to the hall where all of the chairs and tables were, the smell of alcohol hanging in the air.
He knelt down to a broken bottle beside the number 5, sniffing the remains of it.
Vermouth. Consumed 12 hours ago. No sign of drugging method. 18% alcohol.
He got back up and went over to another item, with the number 12 beside it.
It was a box, with the outline of what seemed like..
He let his scanner scan the shape of the weapon.
Semi automatic shotgun. Produced in 2017, Sunghwan's estate entertainment.
The shotgun was gone, of course, but there was traces of blood in the box.
It was dry, so he couldn't take a sample even if he wanted to.
He went over to another item, which was a remote.
He scanned the room for a Television, and found one propped up just above a wall of wines and other spirits.
He switched it on, but only static was shown.
A ringing noise came from the TV, but practically nothing else.
He switched it off, and continued to check out a couple more of the evidence, when he heard his name being called.
"Eunwoo! Come 'ere for a second!"
"Coming, Captain!"
He put down the jacket that he was analysing, and headed for the bathroom.
The bathroom was dull and depressing, and the only source of light was a tiny, glazed window over the sinks.
The two men looked up when they heard him approach.
"There he is. Hey, can you.. do that. Thing you did yesterday? Scanning them, inside out or?" Myungjun asked, unsure of how to word the action.
"Of course" He nodded, and went towards the body.
He knelt down and scanned the body.
There was a bullet stuck in the victims heart, and there was traces of Benzodiazepines in the victims blood stream. Xanax, in more detail.
Victim suffered severe anxiety.
His scanner picked up something odd about the victims saliva.
He swiped a finger across the person's tongue and raised it to his mouth, taking a sample of it.
"That is fucking disgusting" The other cop there gagged.
"What on earth-"
"Xanax. Anti-anxiety medication. They consumed it 13 hours ago, their stress levels were heightened a dangerous amount. There is also a bullet in his heart, and with more precisive scanning, I could figure out that it is a shotgun shell" He began, and looked to Myungjun, who gestured for him to continue.
"Analysing the scene in more detail, it looks like all of the action started in the main hall. A fight went down. I am not sure who pulled the shotgun on this man, as I didn't find the weapon in question. There also wasn't any fingerprints on the box"
Myungjun hummed as he tapped his fingers against his chin, thinking.
"Aight. Here, we have an interrogation to do. They caught a witness that patrolled the cameras, and some 4 drunk dudes" He said, leaving the bathroom.
"Hey! Aren't you taking your machine? We don't want it here" The cop complained, casting a weird look to Eunwoo.
Myungjun looked back, raising his eyebrows at the man there, before looking at Eunwoo.
"C'mon, we have an interrogation to do."
"On it, Captain"
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