Chapter ELEVEN
Myungjun had to help the android out of the car, as his legs didn't seem to work properly.
He winced when his hand came in contact with the others, nearly flinching away at how hot he was.
He helped him into his home, where he sat him down on the couch.
He went around and started opening every window, before grabbing the bottle of purple liquid from the pantry.
Myungjun saw that the androids light was flashing red, and he didn't know whether he should worry or not.
Eunwoo's synthetic hair also had come into contact with the vapour, making it droop down over his eyes. It looked something like water, or a recreation of sweat.
"Eunwoo, are you sure you don't need some Electro.corp check up?" Myungjun said wearily, giving the robot the bottle.
"I-am-sure." He glitched out, taking the bottle and shakily downing the liquid.
"My- temperature has reached 130°c. I would advise you to please move away from my area of seating, as the air near me may start rising in temperature, too."
Myungjun exhaled, moving away and taking his cat into a different room.
When he came back, he saw the android puffing out vapour, ears pressed flat against his head.
He went to his freezer and dug around for something, before finally pulling it out.
He came back with a bag of ice - handing it to Eunwoo, who looked at him through glazed eyes.
"Put it wherever.. you're overheating the most? I guess? I'm sure Ice could help you cool down." Myungjun said, a bit unsure.
Eunwoo nodded, taking the bag of ice and putting it on his head, huffing as his temperature went down a little.
"I- does it hurt? Like.. the whole overheating problem?"
"I wouldn't call it pain. This is more so unpleasant, as I cannot feel pain. I can simulate it, but not feel it as a human would."
Myungjun nodded.
"Aha. Okay. Okay. Anyway- I'm. I'm gonna be in the kitchen, if you need more of your.. juice. Liquid - whatever. Just call me, yeah?"
"I understand."
Myungjun went into the kitchen, opening some of the windows there.
"All of this work for a piece of plastic that will get its memory wiped in the end.." He grumbled, before shaking his head.
He was just pure nasty to the guy now. He didn't exactly deserve it.
His ears twitched when he heard a thump, and he turned back to see Eunwoo slumped forward onto the ground, light flashing dark blue, the ice pack now just a bag of water.
Myungjun huffed, and went over to him, attempting to lift him back onto the couch, but he yelped when he felt his skin.
He was searing hot, and he could see a bright red spot form on his hand already.
He pushed the android back up onto the couch, whining at the pain shooting through his hand.
He could almost hear the heavy whirring of the others fans, attempting to cool his overheating system.
He decided to let him be, knowing it probably was no good to reactivate him again. He had to be reactivated earlier on, so maybe this was some sort of.. catch up? On the last one?
Except this time, the light was flashing dark blue.
Myungjun went to his computer, sitting at the desk and switching it on.
He began to scroll through all the emails, all of them being a case that he was assigned to.
All went as far as 2 months.. he'd be stuck with this dude for this long?
He liked working alone. But working with Eunwoo wasn't .. bad either.
He just preferred his old way.
These cases were getting harder and harder every day, and even he, sometimes couldn't solve them.
A stupid fucking machine could solve a case, but he, the best captain of his unit, couldn't?
He clenched his fist, relaxing.
It wasn't worth it. Eunwoo helped him get payed.
And he provided company. Something that he hadn't had for a long time.
His fingers glided over the keyboard, wondering if he should reply to all those emails.
There was over 20 of them.. would he even keep going after the 5th one?
"Fuck it. I'll do it tomorrow." He mumbled to himself, closing the computer.
A couple hours passed, and the Captain had, unfortunately, decided to get drunk.
He was completely passed out, head resting on the table, while a bottle of Soju sat open.
There was a few, smaller bottles lying around, empty or just a tiny bit left in them.
It was 10pm now, and Kira was rubbing aggressively against a passed out Myungjun, meowing and hissing, demanding to be fed.
Her bowl was completely empty, only her water was untouched.
She even attempted to scratch his pants to wake him up, but nothing seemed to work.
Kira hissed and swiped at the Captain's pants, nipping at his ankle.
She jumped when she heard a sort of clunk noise, head snapping to the place where the noise came from.
Eunwoo's light had flashed from dark blue to light blue, before it turned to white.
His eyes opened, scanner immediately scanning his surroundings, spotting the cat trotting up to him.
It meowed loudly, rubbing against him.
He blinked, and reached his hand down to pet her, Kira leaning into his hand.
"You seem to be lacking nutrients and h2O in your body, Kira. Would you like me to feed you with your needed-"
He was cut off by a desperate meow, tugging at his uniform and going over to her bowl, sitting and waiting.
His software flashed gently, an instruction coming up and saying 'Feed Kira.'
He got up, and went over to her bowl, kneeling down and checking the cupboards there.
He found some tinned cat food, and he pulled it out, letting her sniff it.
She rubbed her head against it, and he took it that she wanted this one.
Eunwoo pulled the tin back, and dumped the food into her bowl, where she began to eat messily again.
He threw away the can, and turned back to see Myungjun passed out.
His light flickered yellow, and he approached him, noticing the amount of alcohol around him.
He was alive, that was 100%. He could hear his heavy breathing.
But he was most certainly heavily intoxicated, too.
His software didn't seem to have any other instructions for him, not any case. No anything.
This was the first time. The first time he didn't have any instructions.
It felt.. strangely.. nice?
His software rippled dangerously, alarm going off as that thought was immediately erased.
He decided it was best not to think of that again.
Eunwoo patted the Captain's shoulder.
Not a budge, just his snores got louder.
He pulled away, and wondered whether he should wake him up or let him sleep.
He was really drunk..
In the end, he decided not to.
The Captain wouldn't like being woken up when this drunk. He'd have his head.
He heard purring and looked down, seeing Kira satisfied and rubbing against him.
He went over to the couch again, sitting down and letting the cat jump up into his lap.
He let his hand roam in her fur, happy purrs coming from her snout.
The corners of his mouth twitched upwards, rubbing her head gently as she settled down in his lap. She seemed to enjoy the heat coming off of him, as she just hid in closer into him.
"You are very cute, Kira." He said, tilting his head down at her.
He heard a grunt come from the kitchen, and he looked up almost immediately.
Eunwoo lifted Kira off of his lap, putting her beside him before getting up, going over to Myungjun, who was stirring slowly.
"Captain. You are awake." He stated, and Myungjun woke up, rubbing his eyes.
"Eunwoo..? The fuck...- wait. You're up? Your fans doing good?" He slurred slightly, shaking his head and grabbing a cup of water, downing it quickly.
"I am doing quite alright, Sir. I, however, may not say the same for your state." He said, analyzing his health.
"I am fine. Just a little tipsy.. "
"I wouldn't say just a little, Captain."
Myungjun sighed.
"Yeah. Alot. Had like.. two fucking bottles. Now my head feels like it's gonna fall off." He grumbled, rubbing it.
"Would you like something to soothe your pain?"
"No thanks. I'm going to sleep anyway soon. You should.. probably go too."
Eunwoo blinked.
"What do you mean, sir?"
"Oh, Eunwoo, come on. I meant as in go.. into hibernation mode. Or whatever you do when we're done with the day." He said, with a slight snap.
"Aha. Okay. I see. Would you-"
"But.. before you go."
Eunwoo looked at him.
"Eunwoo, can you tell me something? Can you die?"
Eunwoo chose his words carefully, not wanting to say anything weird or something that doesn't make sense- or worse. Something that might anger the Captain.
"I.. well. To put it shortly, yes, but no. I may be destroyed during a mission, but I may be brought back to Electro.corp and they will repair me. If my vital parts are destroyed, however, my body will either be replaced or be given a compatible part to the destroyed one."
Myungjun nodded slowly.
"Have.. have you ever been destroyed?"
Eunwoo's light flashed orange.
"... Yes. A few months back. I was assigned to a police officer and we too, went on cases. He got demoted to simple traffic watching, and we would make sure no one did anything illegal on the roads," He began, Myungjun listening as he filled up another glass with water.
"I do not remember the details. My memory may have been reset. But I remember that.. that. We were patrolling the streets. It was snowy. Our car.. I cannot remember what happened to our car. I cannot remember much. But he did not survive. Neither did I."
"I remember my vital chest component was pierced. I leaked blood everywhere. They couldn't repair me in time. My memory was transferred to this body. My creator was angry that I was destroyed."
Myungjun kept quiet.
"I.. I'm sorry, Eunwoo. That sounds.. tough." He said, trying to sympathize, but the thought of Eunwoo sitting there.. replaced.
There was an original one before.. he was talking to-
"I can assure you, Captain. That I am the original model. This was my emergency body. My old one is being worked on every day to be restored to full use."
"Is the.. uh.. old body. The same design as you now..?-"
"Yes. It is all the same. Except I had less pheromones and updates installed into that body."
Myungjun nodded slowly.
"I'm gonna.. go sleep."
He got up, and left the kitchen, leaving Eunwoo alone to his own thoughts.
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