Part 8
"Hyung stop complaining about your vocals being off~" Jungkok stated
We were in the studio warming up our vocals. We're getting ready to record 'Magic Shop' but im stressing out on how my vocals seems off. I start to panick a bit, this is a habbit whenever im not pleased about my vocals.
My head rolled back as lay my head on the chair.
"Your only saying that so i won't panick kook, but honestly don't you hear that? Im singing on the wrong key sometimes...."
"Jimin-ssi i hear nothing wrong so don't panick, anyways i think we're warmmed up let's take a break." Kookie said as he walked over to the fridge
"Here catch." He threw the bottle at me.
Chugging the bottle of cold refreshing water i headed out the studio to walk around.
The rest of Bangtan said they would be here soon.
While walking thoughts of my girlfriend invaded my mind. Oh how much i miss her! Just thinking about her turns me on.
My phone vibrated in my pocket.
Namjoon: um Jimin u need to see this
He sent a photo of a girl making out with a guy outside a hottel room. Then another picture poped up the same two people hugging at the beach.
Me: what?! Who the hell is that?
I was confused why is Namjoon sending me these pics. Like i dont even know these people!
Namjoon: look closer u might....
My heart hamered agaisnt my chest as i looked closer to the picture. No that can't be who i think it is.....
Me: still don't see :-\
Namjoon: Jimin-ah don't act blind thats ur gf.... she's cheating on u!
Im still not beliving him.
Me: how did u get this?
Namjoon: its all over twitter and K-pop news
I checked my twitter account and there was comments and tags all over....
Wow out of all ppl she cheats on Jimin oppa?
This must be a misunderstanding cause ik they both love each other
I didn't see this comming i mean she is a sweet person! Why would she do this to Jimin oppa!
Ik this would happen! He never has time for her!
Wow harsh on her part but its also Jimins fault
They don't spend time together anymore!
Honestly i found most comments surprising. People were taking different sides of the argument. It was as if hell broke lose on twitter. The pics Namjoon sent me was re-tweeted over a thousand times!
I felt a flood of emotions playing through me. The betrayal and anger that i felt was unreconizable. I wanted to hit something or scream as loud as i can until i can't scream anymore.
That moment i dropped my phone and slid to the ground.
My head was burried between my arms.
"Chim chim?!"
I heard somone yell
"Damnit where the f#ck is he?"
"Namjoon you really had to tell him now? Didn't you?"
"Hey Jin hyung i found him!"
The sound of feet hitting the ground came closer to where i was.
I felt an arm go aroundy shoulder, "Jimin-ah, hyung is here please talk to me...."
Looking up i see Jin hyung hugging me. I hugged him back because his hugs are always comforting.
"H-hyung..... can you p-please take me h-home?"
I mumbled as my head hung low in order to stay calm.
He pulled me up and we headed out the door. We entered in his car and the drive to, i dont know where, was quite.
I didn't notice that we were heading to Bangtans family house.
All i could think about is the questions that were dieing to be answered.
Why me?
Did she not love me?
What did i do wrong?
Was i not enough?!
Hello dear mochi and potatoe readers!
Sorry the updates been really slow. But it's been a hard day yesterday so i just feel like i should release everything out.
1. I dropped out of fencing ill probably do it as a hobby now ...
2. Terrible headaches and i constantly feel like im going to fall or pass out
3. Sleepless nights! (I look like a zombie!)
So ya im fine now im actually a lot better. I found that now i have more time to write and plan for updates. But in August im doing this free credit thing like online school to get a free credit and i dont need to take that class next year. I will be having an update every friday and wednesday during that.
Thank u all again for reading, voting and listening to me.
Remeber guys love myself, love urself!
Take care u all! *heart finggers♡
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