Part 4
"Hey babe, how's my angel?" Jiwoo asked
I felt him slide his arm across my waist and pulled me against his chest. I kept quite, i decided that i wouldn't mention anything about the message in his phone.
I pretended to sleep, he still didn't pull away. I started to drift of to sleep.
At some point i was bettween reality and dream land.
I hear Jiwoo and he's talking to someone. I tried to listen carefully, it sounded like a females voice.
"I know and i miss you too...."
That sounded like Jiwoo
"We should go babe i'll just tell him im going as a work trip."
That is so a womans voice!
"Ok then i'll tell her i'm going to visit my family."
After a while i heared Jiwoo say goodbye to whomever he was on the phone with.
I had so many emotions playing through me right now. I don't even know if this is real......
I mean i'm still half a sleep, and to prove my point i drifted off to sleep......
-Time skip-
"Wake up sleeping beauty~"
That voice...... i love everything about it.
I opend my eyes and was welcomed with a beautiful sight.
It was Jiwoo my amazing, loving and loyal boyfriend.
He smiled down at me and i couldn't help but smile back at the man infront of me.
"Can you make food babe while i go and clean?" He asked pouting
I know that face anywhere, he would make that face whenever he was hungery.
"Of course anything for my prince." I said giggling at his cuteness.
He headed to the bathroom while i headed to the kitchen.
I wad finished cooking his favourite, omelet and french toast. When he arrived and sat down at the table waiting.
The first thing i noticed was the suit case.
"Babe where you off to?" I asked while placing the food infront of him.
"Oh i have to head back home because of a family emergency." He said
"Ok.... tell your family i say hi."
I was glad he's going to see his family. It's been a long time since he talked with his family. He is always so busy with work he never has the time to visit them.
When we finished eating and cleaning the plates i got ready to say goodbye to him.
"Goodbye babe i'll miss you so much." Jiwoo said
I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. He turned to me and he gave me a passionate kiss.
I was taken aback, "i lov- take care ok?" He said then left me at the door as he drove off.
I closed the door and headed upstairs in our room. A tear escaped and i started to silently cry by myself.
I know exactly why he's going and that dream......
It wasn't a dream at all.
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